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Releases: dotnet/macios

.NET 7

08 Nov 12:04
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We're excited to announce our .NET 7 SDK release!

Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:

.NET 7.0.100 RC 2 - Xcode 14 (1271)

18 Oct 13:58
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We're excited to announce our second preview release for .NET 7 for iOS and tvOS!

Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:

Known issues:

What's Changed

See for what's changed relative to support for Xcode 14.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: dotnet-7.0.1xx-rc.1-1031...dotnet-7.0.1xx-xcode14-rc.2-1271

.NET 6.0.4xx - Xcode 14 (523)

18 Oct 13:54
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This is a servicing release to the previous major 6.0.4xx release, adding support for iOS 16 and tvOS 16.

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes: .NET release notes for Xcode 14.0


Xcode 14 does not contain updated SDKs for macOS and Mac Catalyst, only iOS and tvOS. This is why this release only contains packages for iOS and tvOS. macOS and Mac Catalyst projects will continue to use earlier packages.

For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

What's Changed

  • [UIKit] Change UITextInput.SelectedTextRange to not be ArgumentSemantic.Copy. Fixes #15677. (#16278)
  • Ensure we restore the temp csproj to compute AOT compiler path. (#16282)
  • [illink] Ensure we replace the dotnet SDK path in the _ExtraTrimmerArgs for remote builds. (#16295)

Full Changelog: dotnet-6.0.4xx-xcode14-517...dotnet-6.0.4xx-xcode14-523

.NET 7.0.100 RC 2 (1186)

18 Oct 13:58
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We're excited to announce our second preview release for .NET 7 for macOS and MacCatalyst!

Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:
Known issues:


Xcode 14 does not contain updated SDKs for macOS and Mac Catalyst, only iOS and tvOS. This is why this release does not support Xcode 14.

For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: dotnet-7.0.1xx-rc.1-1031...dotnet-7.0.1xx-rc.2-1186

.NET 6.0.4xx - Xcode 14 (517)

11 Oct 14:45
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This is a servicing release to the previous major 6.0.4xx release, adding support for iOS 16 and tvOS 16.

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes: .NET release notes for Xcode 14.0


Xcode 14 does not contain updated SDKs for macOS and Mac Catalyst, only iOS and tvOS. This is why this release only contains packages for iOS and tvOS. macOS and Mac Catalyst projects will continue to use earlier packages.

For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

Full Changelog: dotnet-6.0.4xx-455...dotnet-6.0.4xx-xcode14-517


29 Sep 15:44
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This is a service release for our d17-3 release train that includes Xcode 14 support.

 Product Version Package Changelog
Xamarin.iOS xamarin.ios- xamarin-ios-

What's Changed


The API bindings for the following frameworks have been updated

A lot more details that are shared with the .NET release can be found here.

New Contributors

.NET 6.0.4xx (465)

11 Oct 14:51
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This is a servicing release to the previous major 6.0.4xx release for macOS and Mac Catalyst (see .NET 6.0.4xx - Xcode 14 (517) for iOS and tvOS).

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:
Known issues:
Breaking changes:


Xcode 14 does not contain updated SDKs for macOS and Mac Catalyst, only iOS and tvOS. This is why this release does not support Xcode 14.

For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

Full Changelog: dotnet-6.0.4xx-455...dotnet-6.0.4xx-465

.NET 7.0.100 RC 1 (1031)

26 Sep 21:03
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This is a servicing release to the previous 7.0.1xx-rc1 release.

Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:
Known issues:


This release is not compatible with Xcode 14. For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: dotnet-7.0.1xx-rc.1-1029...dotnet-7.0.1xx-rc.1-1031

.NET 7.0.100 RC 1 (1029)

21 Sep 08:58
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We're excited to announce our first preview release for .NET 7!

Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:
Known issues:


This release is not compatible with Xcode 14. For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

What's Changed

Bugs fixed

  • [mtouch] Preserve the xamarin_dyn_* functions when we're handling Objective-C exceptions by unwinding managed code. Fixes #14193. by @rolfbjarne in #14852
  • [msbuild] Copy binding resource files back to Windows. Fixes #13393. by @rolfbjarne in #14702
  • [dotnet] Add support for selecting whether to create P/Invoke wrappers or not. Fixes #4940. by @rolfbjarne in #14961
  • [AppKit] Add NSView.AddToolTip overloads that take NSObjects as owners. Fixes #14996. by @rolfbjarne in #15000
  • [dotnet-linker] Bump default trampoline count when using the interpreter on x64 in .NET. Fixes #14887. by @rolfbjarne in #15025
  • [AppKit] Fix wrong binding for NSToolbarItem.Image in Mac Catalyst. Fixes #15068. by @rolfbjarne in #15075
  • [msbuild] Use the full path to the symbols list file. Fixes #15046. by @rolfbjarne in #15105
  • [CarPlay] Propagate constructors to derived classes. Fixes #15169. by @rolfbjarne in #15179
  • [msbuild] Fix computing the output path for SceneKitAsset items with custom Link metadata. Fixes #15104. by @rolfbjarne in #15186
  • [tools] Make sure to finish the P/Invoke generator output before running the static registrar. Fixes #15190. by @rolfbjarne in #15214
  • [introspection] Fix according to macOS 12.4. Fixes #15229. by @rolfbjarne in #15230
  • [runtime] Fix 'skip_nested_brace' to not read past the string. Fixes #15253. by @rolfbjarne in #15257
  • [SceneKit] Fix SCNMatrix4 in .NET. Fixes #15094. by @rolfbjarne in #15160
  • [dotnet] Fix hang after packing .NET NuGets. Fixes #13355. by @rolfbjarne in #15407
  • [msbuild/tools] Fix path issues in the FilterStaticFrameworks task and ExtractBindingLibraries step. Fixes #15289. by @rolfbjarne in #15321
  • [dotnet] Use an arm64-based .NET local install on arm64 machines. Fixes #15375. by @rolfbjarne in #15389
  • [CoreCLR] Avoid having any internal calls in managed code for CoreCLR. Fixes #15343. by @rolfbjarne in #15358
  • [msbuild] Copy partial app manifests to build server if they exists on Windows. Fixes #15267. by @rolfbjarne in #15328
  • [dotnet] Make it so that 'net6.0-*' TargetFrameworks work when building with .NET 7. Fixes #15672. by @rolfbjarne in #15761
  • Ensure the Hot Restart bundle does not have any entitlements set by @emaf in #15558
  • Fix crash with NSUrl implicit conversion and null by @chamons in #14860
  • Bump mono to get fix for #12416. by @rolfbjarne in #14934
  • Avoid executing _VerifyXcodeVersion when there's no connection to a Mac by @mauroa in #15026
  • [runtime] Handle fatal managed exceptions a bit better in the runtime. by @rolfbjarne in #15029
  • [dotnet] Make sure to not run the linker when we're on a disconnected Windows build. by @rolfbjarne in #15076
  • [AppKit] Add constructors for NSMenuToolbarItem classes by @chamons in #15087
  • [runtime] Skip passing ICU_DAT_FILE_PATH to the runtime if we don't have an ICU data file. by @rolfbjarne in #15085
  • Allow overriding HOME variable in dotnet remote builds by @mauroa in #15171
  • [msbuild] Only sign the prebuilt hotrestart app in CI by @rolfbjarne in #15236
  • [msbuild] Only pass -z to dsymutil when using Xcode 13.2 or earlier. by @rolfbjarne in #15254
  • [ObjCRuntime] Add missing cases for UIntPtr for determining if a type is a built-in type. by @rolfbjarne in #15391
  • [runtime] Adjust exception handling to always return managed exceptions if so requested. by @rolfbjarne in #15432
  • [dotnet] Don't set '_RunAotCompiler' on macOS if 'MtouchInterpreter' is set. by @rolfbjarne in #14874

Performance improvements

  • [appkit] Add missing NullAllowed on NSSavePanel.AllowedFileTypes by @chamons in #15570
  • [corefoundation] Cache kCFNull to avoid native calls by @spouliot in #15146
  • [foundation] Cache parts of NSObject.ConformsToProtocol by @spouliot in #15294
  • [generator] Don't use culture-aware API. by @rolfbjarne in #15392
  • [ObjCRuntime] Specify the string comparison to use when comparing strings in Runtime.IsARM64CallingConvention. by @rolfbjarne in #14840
  • [perf] Cache Runtime.IsUserType results by @spouliot in #15149

Added API

Nullability additions

Read more

.NET 6.0.4xx (454)

21 Sep 08:58
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This is a servicing release to the previous major 6.0.4xx release.

This release consists of the following versions:

Full release notes:
Known issues:
Breaking changes:


This release is not compatible with Xcode 14. For more information about Xcode 14 support, see: #15954.

Breaking changes

  • An Entitlements.plist file is now automatically detected: if there's an Entitlements.plist file in the project folder, we'll automatically detect it and treat it as a file containing entitlements that should be requested during code signing. A consequence is that the presence of this file means that the app bundle will now be signed, which also means that we must find an applicable code signing certificate and provisioning profile during the build, otherwise the build will fail:

    Could not find any available provisioning profiles for on iOS.

    There are a few workarounds:

    1. If the Entitlements.plist file does not contain any entitlements, it can be removed.

    2. The automatic detection can be disabled by setting the EnableDefaultCodesignEntitlements property to false in the project file:


      If the entitlements are still required for release builds for instance, something like this can be used instead:

          <CodesignEntitlements Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">Entitlements.plist</CodesignEntitlements>

What's Changed

  • [ci] Add support to net6.0 for multi-targeting in VS. (#15776)
  • [msbuild] Automatically detect any Entitlements.plist files in the root project in .NET. (#15729 -> #15798)
  • Implement macOS/MacCatalyst Archive and publishing support (#15720 -> #15798)
  • [release/6.0.4xx][msbuild] Take the .NET version into account when computing the illink.dll location. (#15875).

Full Changelog: dotnet-6.0.4xx-447...dotnet-6.0.4xx-454