Releases: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.23 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
The key feature for this release is making SSH nodes work on the Windows operating system, and while at it improve the way they work on Linux. The team mainly focussed on this work, and a lot of effort went into it. We're really happy to have achieved the goal to have it fully working. Next to that some important fixes were done for logging and specifically a regression for the security principal was fixed.
What's Changed
- Making SSH Nodes work both on Linux and Windows based systems by @dmatej in #25291
- Option to prefer env vars when resolving variables in JVM options by @OndroMih in #25382
- Logging - fixes and optimizations by @dmatej in #25368
- Fix principal in Jakarta SecurityContext when using SSO by @OndroMih in #25356
- Fix: Properly unload failed app by @OndroMih in #25386
- Updated TestContainers, fixed imports in some of TCK modules by @dmatej in #25367
- Update minimum Java version in release-notes by @anbusampath in #25388
- Fix links in release guide by @OndroMih in #25371
- Issue #24900 Improve some database test code and README. by @escay in #25357
- Increased timeout to pass tests on GitHub CI too by @dmatej in #25390
- Bump OpenMQ version from 6.5.0 to 6.5.1 by @pzygielo in #25361
- Bump org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.webconsole from 5.0.8 to 5.0.10 in /nucleus/parent by @dependabot in #25372
New Contributors
- @anbusampath made their first contribution in #25388
Full Changelog: 7.0.22...7.0.23
Eclipse GlassFish 8 is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 11 M5 specification under development.
Jakarta EE 11 M5 is the fifth milestone release of Jakarta EE 11. Jakarta EE 11 M5 is functionally complete; all updated APIs for Jakarta EE 11 have been included and all compatible implementations thereof passed their respective TCKs. The next Jakarta EE 11 milestone (likely RC1) will focus only on small fixes and small service releases.
GlassFish 8 M10 incorporates all final APIs from the Jakarta EE 11 release plan, except for the Jakarta Data API. Jakarta Data is supported via an external build-time plug-in at the moment. Work is underway to support Jakarta Data natively in GlassFish.
8.0.0-M10 also incorporates all changes from the 7.0.x branch, and roughly corresponds to 7.0.21.
The following is the full list of Jakarta EE 11 M5 APIs included. All of the updated APIs are final.
API | Implementation | TCK |
jakarta.el-api.version 6.0.0 | Expressly 6.0.0-M2 | jakarta-expression-language-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.annotation-api.version 3.0.0 | ||
jakarta.cdi-api.version 4.1.0 | Weld 6.0.1.Final | jakarta-cdi-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.interceptor-api.version 2.2.0 | Weld 6.0.1.Final | jakarta-cdi-tck-glassfish | 4.0.0 | Jersey 4.0.0-M1 | jakarta-rest-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.servlet-api.version 6.1.0 | (internal in GlassFish 8.0.0-M10) | jakarta-servlet-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.pages-api.version 4.0.0 | WaSP 4.0.0-M2 | jakarta-pages-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.websocket-api.version 2.2.0 | Tyrus 2.2.0 | jakarta-websocket-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.authorization-api.version 3.0.0 | Exousia 3.0.0-M3 | jakarta-authorization-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.authentication-api.version 3.1.0 | Epicyro 3.1.0 | jakarta-authentication-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.persistence-api.version 3.2.0 | EclipseLink 5.0.0-B06 | TCK for EE server not yet available* |
jakarta.validation-api.version 3.1.0 | Hibernate Validator 8.0.1.Final | jakarta-validation-tck-glassfish | 4.0.0 | Soteria 4.0.0 | jakarta-security-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.concurrent-api.version 3.1.0 | Concurro 3.1.0-M5 | jakarta-concurrency-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.faces-api.version 4.1.1 | Mojarra 4.1.2 | jakarta-faces-tck-glassfish |
* EclipseLink outside GF passes
JDK 17 is available for the special JDK 17 build, but this build is only intended for TCK purposes.
For the regular version of GlassFish 8, JDK 21 is required as a minimum and the final version of GlassFish 8 is targeted to certify on JDK 21 for Jakarta EE 11.
In this release GlassFish itself compiles, builds and passes the internal tests executed during a build. The PR verification tests all pass as well.
Being an early access milestone build, this build should obviously only be used for testing.
What's Changed
- Fix CLI031 warning message on executing asadmin ping-connection-pool command by @takahashi024 in #25271
- Suppress internal processing output on executing asadmin create-local-instance by @dmiya3 in #25262
- Disabled automatic rerun of failed TCK tests - should pass on the first attempt. by @dmatej in #25272
- Removed tools.jar references + cdi ant test switched from 1.6/1.8 to 11 by @dmatej in #25281
- Disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 by default by @kaido207 in #25279
- Improve the connection pool lookup messages by @dmiya3 in #25270
- Improve error messages on deploying apps over upload size limit in Admin Console by @dmiya3 in #25284
- Redesign kernel events dispatching facility by @avpinchuk in #25282
- Fix versions of X-Powered-By field for empty "" by @dmiya3 in #25283
- Fix embedded faces init by @arjantijms in #25287
- Remove json-2.0.jar from dependencies by @11rx4f in #25294
- Fix #25288 asadmin delete-log-levels command fails if the --target option is specified by @tnagao7 in #25289
- Bump weld from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4 by @pzygielo in #25296
- Integrate WaSP 4.0.0 by @arjantijms in #25299
- Fixes classloading of the generated classes for the shared EAR libraries by @avpinchuk in #25301
- Fix creating a lot of ephemeral ports when stopping GlassFish. Fix restart on fast machines by @dmatej in #25300
- Fix random 403 responses by @OndroMih in #25290
- Migrate away from deprecated
by @pzygielo in #25306 - JDK 24 changes and merge master by @arjantijms in #25309
- Add OSGI profiles / settings for JDK 24 and 25 by @arjantijms in #25311
- Set totalEntitySizeLimit to larger value by @arjantijms in #25314
- Various updates, specifically to enhance JDK 24 support by @arjantijms in #25317
- Integrate EclipseLink 4.0.5 by @arjantijms in #25318
- Fix typo in pom.xml by @strangelookingnerd in #25319
- Integrate Jersey 3.1.10 by @arjantijms in #25320
- Undeclare glassfish-jul-extension dependency by @pzygielo in #25321
- Added basic develocity setup #25322 by @ribafish in #25324
- Mask secrets in CommandInvokedEvent and Command logger by @OndroMih in #25307
- Update Helidon config to actually work again by @arjantijms in #25325
- Fix restclient by @arjantijms in #25327
- Integrate Weld 6.0.0.Final by @arjantijms in #25328
- Fixed the wrong project id in Jenkinsfile. #25322 by @ribafish in #25326
- Add space before backtick to restore formatting by @pzygielo in #25331
- Revert basic develocity setup by @pzygielo in #25335
- Drop case for specific by @pzygielo in #25332
- Declare glassfish-jul-extension test dependency by @pzygielo in #25339
- Integrate JLine 3.28.0 by @avpinchuk in #25345
- Fix typo in a readme file by @OndroMih in #25350
- Use maven with
in workflow by @pzygielo in #25348 - Integrate JSch 0.2.23 by @avpinchuk in #25352
- Add Add-Opens and Add-Exports to GlassFish static shell. by @OndroMih in #25346
- Integrate JUnit 5.11.4 by @avpinchuk in #25351
- Improve HTTP admin login flow by @avpinchuk in #25354
- Bump Concurrō from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 by @pzygielo in #25347
- AdminMain - don't drop causes from logs by @dmatej in #25355
- Making SSH Nodes work bo...
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.22 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
A smaller release while the OmniFish team is working on perfecting SSH in a separate feature branch. Stil, a few important dependencies have been updated; notably Concurrō (Concurrency), EclipseLink (Persistence) and Jersey (REST). Furthermore, GlassFish has received a few security improvements: the admin flow login was improved by @avpinchuk, and the OmniFish team improved the command logger, which now hides passwords in logged messages.
What's Changed
- Improve HTTP admin login flow by @avpinchuk in #25354
- Mask secrets in CommandInvokedEvent and Command logger by @OndroMih in #25307
- Add Add-Opens and Add-Exports to GlassFish static shell. by @OndroMih in #25346
- Use maven with
in workflow by @pzygielo in #25348 - Integrate JUnit 5.11.4 by @avpinchuk in #25351
- AdminMain - don't drop causes from logs by @dmatej in #25355
- Fix typo in pom.xml by @strangelookingnerd in #25319
- Undeclare glassfish-jul-extension dependency by @pzygielo in #25321
- Fixed the wrong project id in Jenkinsfile. #25322 by @ribafish in #25326
- Drop case for specific by @pzygielo in #25332
- Declare glassfish-jul-extension test dependency by @pzygielo in #25339
- Fix typo in a readme file by @OndroMih in #25350
- Integrate Concurrō from 3.0.1 by @pzygielo in #25347
- Integrate EclipseLink 4.0.5 by @arjantijms in #25318
- Integrate Jersey 3.1.10 by @arjantijms in #25320
- Integrate JSch 0.2.23 by @avpinchuk in #25352
- Integrate JLine 3.28.0 by @avpinchuk in #25345
New Contributors
- @strangelookingnerd made their first contribution in #25319
- @ribafish made their first contribution in #25324
Full Changelog: 7.0.21...7.0.22
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.21 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
This release was all about hunting down a few nasty bugs reported by GlassFish users: restart hanging on fast machines (including ephemeral ports appearing when stopping GlassFish), random 403 responses for authenticated sessions and Faces that was failing to initialize on GlassFish embedded. We're proud to announce that after a lot of research and a lot of work, we were able to squash them all. A special thanks to our users for reporting these and helping us to narrow them down!
- Disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 by default by @kaido207 in #25279
- Improve the connection pool lookup messages by @dmiya3 in #25270
- Improve error messages on deploying apps over upload size limit in Admin Console by @dmiya3 in #25284
- Suppress internal processing output on executing asadmin create-local-instance by @dmiya3 in #25262
- Fix creating a lot of ephemeral ports when stopping GlassFish. Fix restart on fast machines by @dmatej in #25300
- Fix random 403 responses by @OndroMih in #25290
- Fix embedded faces init by @arjantijms in #25287
- Fix versions of X-Powered-By field for empty "" by @dmiya3 in #25283
- Fix #25288 asadmin delete-log-levels command fails if the --target option is specified by @tnagao7 in #25289
- Fixes classloading of the generated classes for the shared EAR libraries by @avpinchuk in #25301
- Fix CLI031 warning message on executing asadmin ping-connection-pool command by @takahashi024 in #25271
- Redesign kernel events dispatching facility by @avpinchuk in #25282
- Disabled automatic rerun of failed TCK tests - should pass on the first attempt. by @dmatej in #25272
- Removed tools.jar references + cdi ant test switched from 1.6/1.8 to 11 by @dmatej in #25281
- Remove json-2.0.jar from dependencies by @11rx4f in #25294
- Bump weld from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4. Fixes fileleak in application undeploy by @pzygielo in #25296
New Contributors
- @takahashi024 made their first contribution in #25271
Full Changelog: 7.0.20...7.0.21
Eclipse GlassFish 8 is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 11 M4 specification under development.
Jakarta EE 11 M4 is the fourth milestone release of Jakarta EE 11. Jakarta EE 11 M4 is functionally complete; all updated APIs for Jakarta EE 11 have been included and all compatible implementations thereof passed their respective TCKs. The next Jakarta EE 11 milestone (likely RC1) will focus only on small fixes and small service releases.
GlassFish 8 M9 incorporates all final APIs from the Jakarta EE 11 release plan, except for the Jakarta Data API. Jakarta Data is supported via an external build-time plug-in at the moment. Work is underway to support Jakarta Data natively in GlassFish.
Specifically new in GlassFish 8 M9 is support for @Inject
of Jakarta Persistence artefacts like the EntityManager
. Unlike other APIs in Jakarta EE, Jakarta Persistence delegated this to the platform specification.
8.0.0-M9 also incorporates all changes from the 7.0.x branch, and roughly corresponds to 7.0.20.
The following is the full list of Jakarta EE 11 M4 APIs included. All of the updated APIs are final.
API | Implementation | TCK |
jakarta.el-api.version 6.0.0 | Expressly 6.0.0-M2 | jakarta-expression-language-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.annotation-api.version 3.0.0 | ||
jakarta.cdi-api.version 4.1.0 | Weld 6.0.0.Beta4 | jakarta-cdi-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.interceptor-api.version 2.2.0 | Weld 6.0.0.Beta4 | jakarta-cdi-tck-glassfish | 4.0.0 | Jersey 4.0.0-M1 | jakarta-rest-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.servlet-api.version 6.1.0 | (internal in GlassFish 8.0.0-M7) | jakarta-servlet-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.pages-api.version 4.0.0 | WaSP 4.0.0-M2 | jakarta-pages-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.websocket-api.version 2.2.0 | Tyrus 2.2.0 | jakarta-websocket-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.authorization-api.version 3.0.0 | Exousia 3.0.0-M3 | jakarta-authorization-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.authentication-api.version 3.1.0 | Epicyro 3.1.0 | jakarta-authentication-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.persistence-api.version 3.2.0 | EclipseLink 5.0.0-B03 | TCK for EE server not yet available* |
jakarta.validation-api.version 3.1.0 | Hibernate Validator 8.0.1.Final | jakarta-validation-tck-glassfish | 4.0.0 | Soteria 4.0.0 | jakarta-security-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.concurrent-api.version 3.1.0 | Concurro 3.1.0-M4 | jakarta-concurrency-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.faces-api.version 4.1.1 | Mojarra 4.1.2 | jakarta-faces-tck-glassfish |
* EclipseLink outside GF passes
JDK 17 is available for the special JDK 17 build, but this build is only intended for TCK purposes.
For the regular version of GlassFish 8, JDK 21 is required as a minimum and the final version of GlassFish 8 is targeted to certify on JDK 21 for Jakarta EE 11.
In this release GlassFish itself compiles, builds and passes the internal tests executed during a build. The PR verification tests all pass as well.
Being an early access milestone build, this build should obviously only be used for testing.
What's Changed
- Integrate JLine 3.27.1 by @avpinchuk in #25194
- Issue #24900 add a few unit tests for ManagedConnectionImpl and ConnectionHolder to understand associateConnection logic by @escay in #25176
- Updated domain.xml file management + CI for windows by @dmatej in #25205
- Cherrypick Inject EntityManager changes from 8.0-JDK17 by @arjantijms in #25213
- Fix #25214 Services are not initialized in a concurrent way at GlassFish startup by @tnagao7 in #25215
- Fix #25216 Redirection does not work after session timeout in Admin Console by @tnagao7 in #25217
- Fix #25220 The number of Logging pump threads grows infinitely by @kaido207 in #25221
- Fix target argument in create-jms-resource by @OndroMih in #25223
- Integrate Jackson 2.18.1 by @arjantijms in #25224
- Fixed checkstyle in naming tests by @dmatej in #25229
- Integrate Commons IO 2.18.0 by @arjantijms in #25230
- Fixes and cleanup around IMQ startup and shutdown by @dmatej in #25227
- Fixed RarHandler - non-absolute URL to File conversion by @dmatej in #25226
- Fixed processing of usesCallerIdentity and runAs by @dmatej in #25228
- Update various maven plugins and associated test dependencies by @arjantijms in #25231
- Integrate jsch 0.2.21 by @arjantijms in #25232
- Integrate commons lang3 3.17.0 by @arjantijms in #25233
- Integrate XMLsec 4.0.3 by @arjantijms in #25235
- Integrate Felix Webconsole 5.0.8 by @arjantijms in #25234
- Integrate ASM 9.7.1 by @arjantijms in #25236
- Integrate woodstox 7.1.0 by @arjantijms in #25237
- Integrate Nimbus-JOSE-JWT 9.47 by @arjantijms in #25239
- Integrate JNA 5.15.0 by @arjantijms in #25238
- Integrate Commons Codec 1.17.1 by @arjantijms in #25240
- Update build / test plugins, and ignore EE 11 versions by @arjantijms in #25241
- EntityManagerFactoryWrapper quick cleanup by @dmatej in #25252
- Update build tools by @arjantijms in #25253
- Fix #25258 No message defined on setting invalid pool name of JDBC resource by @dmiya3 in #25259
- Fix TCK failure for EJB32 tests by @arjantijms in #25256
- Support injecting entity manager factory, and some utils from it by @arjantijms in #25267
- Fix a typo of the WebappClassLoader delegation settings by @dmiya3 in #25257
- Fix #25260 Deprecated settings in Admin Console by @dmiya3 in #25261
Full Changelog: 8.0.0-M8...8.0.0-M9
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.20 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
While working on GlassFish 7.1.0 and GlassFish 8, we didn't leave the stable 7.0.x series in the dark. In this release we updated a lot of our dependencies to their latest versions and did a large amount of testing to ensure everything worked as required. We also improved stability again by squashing a number of outstanding bugs.
- Fix #25214 Services are not initialized in a concurrent way at GlassFish startup by @tnagao7 in #25215
- Fix #25216 Redirection does not work after session timeout in Admin Console by @tnagao7 in #25217
- Fix #25220 The number of Logging pump threads grows infinitely by @kaido207 in #25221
- Fix target argument in create-jms-resource by @OndroMih in #25223
- Fix and cleanup around IMQ startup and shutdown by @dmatej in #25227
- Fix RarHandler - non-absolute URL to File conversion by @dmatej in #25226
- Fix processing of usesCallerIdentity and runAs by @dmatej in #25228
- Fix #25258 No message defined on setting invalid pool name of JDBC resource by @dmiya3 in #25259
- Update domain.xml file management + CI for windows by @dmatej in #25205
- Update various maven plugins and associated test dependencies by @arjantijms in #25231
- Update build / test plugins, and ignore EE 11 versions by @arjantijms in #25241
- Update build tools by @arjantijms in #25253
- Add some more exclusions for EE 11 dependencies by @arjantijms in #25246
- Fixed checkstyle in naming tests by @dmatej in #25229
- EntityManagerFactoryWrapper quick cleanup by @dmatej in #25252
- Integrate Jakarta Tags API 3.0.2 by @arjantijms in #25249
- Integrate Jakarta XML Web Services API 4.0.2 by @arjantijms in #25250
- Integrate Jakarta Concurrency API 3.0.4 by @arjantijms in #25248
- Integrate OpenMQ 6.5.0 by @arjantijms in #25251
- Integrate Jersey 3.1.9 by @arjantijms in #25242
- Integrate Mojarra 4.0.9 by @arjantijms in #25244
- Integrate Weld 5.1.3 by @arjantijms in #25245
- Integrate Helidon Config 3.2.11 and update API to 3.1 by @arjantijms in #25247
- Integrate jsch 0.2.21 by @arjantijms in #25232
- Integrate Felix Webconsole 5.0.8 by @arjantijms in #25234
- Integrate Nimbus-JOSE-JWT 9.47 by @arjantijms in #25239
- Integrate XMLsec 4.0.3 by @arjantijms in #25235
- Integrate woodstox 7.1.0 by @arjantijms in #25237
- Integrate Jackson 2.18.1 by @arjantijms in #25224
- Integrate JNA 5.15.0 by @arjantijms in #25238
- Integrate Commons lang3 3.17.0 by @arjantijms in #25233
- Integrate Commons Codec 1.17.1 by @arjantijms in #25240
- Integrate Commons IO 2.18.0 by @arjantijms in #25230
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 7.0.19...7.0.20
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.19 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
This release is mostly just maintenance. It contains some updates, some code cleanup, few very important bug fixes and few new features to make your life easier.
New Features
- GJULE - Easier default configuration by @dmatej in #25173
- Enhance start-db command - initdb and suspend by @arjantijms in #25161
- CLI Environment - more useful log file by @dmatej in #25180
- Fixed default-web.xml by @dmatej in #25179
- Force generating XJC code with specific language by @Thihup in #25185
- IntelliJ plugin fix: bring back the previous constructor to avoid a breaking change by @OndroMih in #25189
- Smaller cleanups by @dmatej in #25172
- Added parameter for "terse" to Asadmin used in tests by @dmatej in #25171
- Xbootclasspath removed from templates by @dmatej in #25175
- GlassFish Launchers - code cleanup by @dmatej in #25181
- Issue #24900 add a few unit tests for ManagedConnectionImpl and ConnectionHolder to understand associateConnection logic by @escay in #25176
- Updated logging-annotation-processor with JPMS. by @dmatej in #25182
- Integrate JLine 3.27.1 by @avpinchuk in #25194
- Integrate Helidon MicroProfile Config 3.2.10 by @avpinchuk in #25195
Full Changelog: 7.0.18...7.0.19
Eclipse GlassFish 8 is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 11 M4 specification under development.
Jakarta EE 11 M4 is the fourth milestone release of Jakarta EE 11. Jakarta EE 11 M4 is functionally complete; all updated APIs for Jakarta EE 11 have been included and all compatible implementations thereof passed their respective TCKs. The next Jakarta EE 11 milestone (likely RC1) will focus only on small fixes and small service releases.
GlassFish 8 M8 incorporates all final APIs from the Jakarta EE 11 release plan, except for the Jakarta Data API. Jakarta Data is supported via an external build-time plug-in at the moment. Work is underway to support Jakarta Data natively in GlassFish.
8.0.0-M8 also incorporates all changes from the 7.0.x branch.
The following is the full list of Jakarta EE 11 M4 APIs included. All of the updated APIs are final.
API | Implementation | TCK |
jakarta.el-api.version 6.0.0 | Expressly 6.0.0-M2 | jakarta-expression-language-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.annotation-api.version 3.0.0 | ||
jakarta.cdi-api.version 4.1.0 | Weld 6.0.0.Beta4 | jakarta-cdi-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.interceptor-api.version 2.2.0 | Weld 6.0.0.Beta4 | jakarta-cdi-tck-glassfish | 4.0.0 | Jersey 4.0.0-M1 | jakarta-rest-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.servlet-api.version 6.1.0 | (internal in GlassFish 8.0.0-M7) | jakarta-servlet-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.pages-api.version 4.0.0 | WaSP 4.0.0-M2 | jakarta-pages-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.websocket-api.version 2.2.0 | Tyrus 2.2.0 | jakarta-websocket-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.authorization-api.version 3.0.0 | Exousia 3.0.0-M3 | jakarta-authorization-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.authentication-api.version 3.1.0 | Epicyro 3.1.0 | jakarta-authentication-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.persistence-api.version 3.2.0 | EclipseLink 5.0.0-B03 | TCK for EE server not yet available* |
jakarta.validation-api.version 3.1.0 | Hibernate Validator 8.0.1.Final | jakarta-validation-tck-glassfish | 4.0.0 | Soteria 4.0.0 | jakarta-security-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.concurrent-api.version 3.1.0 | Concurro 3.1.0-M4 | jakarta-concurrency-tck-glassfish |
jakarta.faces-api.version 4.1.1 | Mojarra 4.1.2 | jakarta-faces-tck-glassfish |
* EclipseLink outside GF passes
JDK 17 is available for the special JDK 17 build, but this build is only intended for TCK purposes.
For the regular version of GlassFish 8, JDK 21 is required as a minimum and the final version of GlassFish 8 is targeted to certify on JDK 21 for Jakarta EE 11.
In this release GlassFish itself compiles, builds and passes the internal tests executed during a build. The PR verification tests all pass as well.
Being an early access milestone build, this build should obviously only be used for testing.
What's Changed
- Validate the structure in all submodules (especially version ids) by @dmatej in #25073
- Integrate yasson 3.0.4 by @senivam in #25074
- Update Jakarta Validation TCK to 3.1.1 by @arjantijms in #25077
- Fixed dependencies for Servlet TCK by @dmatej in #25082
- Add profiles to Faces TCK to run subsets by @arjantijms in #25081
- Fixes remote JNDI lookup by @avpinchuk in #25076
- Fix styling of the command logger button in Admin Console in Chrome by @OndroMih in #25080
- Enabled checkstyle rules for imports by @dmatej in #25083
- Fixes #25085 - Use HTTPS in Oracle links of the documentation by @Thihup in #25087
- Experimental support of JDK23 and 22 for GlassFish 7 by @dmatej in #25092
- Removed abandoned docker image build by @dmatej in #25093
- Upgraded command-security-maven-plugin to 1.0.18 by @dmatej in #25094
- Document GlassFish API in the Application Development guide by @OndroMih in #25090
- Using release instead of source+target, removing ldapbp module by @dmatej in #25096
- Syncing with master by @dmatej in #25095
- Removed security tests depending on SecurityManager by @dmatej in #25098
- Add missing license header by @OndroMih in #25101
- Apply proc:none/proc:only for test compile too. by @arjantijms in #25102
- Replace none/only testcompile with full in a profile for JDK 23 by @arjantijms in #25103
- Integrate PFL 5.0.0 by @arjantijms in #25105
- Faster autodeploy at startup - do not wait before first autodeployment scan by @OndroMih in #25079
- Integrate Mojarra 4.1.2 and WaSP-M2 by @arjantijms in #25108
- Improvements and fixes in the SQL trace listener functionality by @OndroMih in #25088
- Remove security manager usage from several additional packages by @arjantijms in #25111
- Integrate Tags (JSTL) API 3.0.2 by @arjantijms in #25112
- Fix for a ClassCastException when a filter over a WebSocket endpoint wraps the request by @OndroMih in #25107
- FindBugs is dead - removed from the project. by @dmatej in #25116
- Spotted bugs in tests by @dmatej in #25115
- GJULE - fixed dependency on system default charset by @dmatej in #25114
- Refactored SharedSecureRandom by @dmatej in #25113
- NetUtils revisited by @dmatej in #25117
- Deleted GFBase64* implementations from pre-JDK8 times by @dmatej in #25118
- Fixes CVE-2024-9329: Setting local Name and Port for /managment/* URI by @luiseufrasio in #25106
- Fixes service creation on Solaris operating system by @avpinchuk in #25120
- The common-util: Fixed dependencies on default charset by @dmatej in #25119
- Fixed EJB business interface annotation processing by @avpinchuk in #25122
- Add guidance for security issues and vulnerability to the issue template by @hs536 in #25125
- Hide "Trying to get this manpage" messages for asadmin --help by @OndroMih in #25135
- Remove unknown plugin parameter by @pzygielo in #25137
- Fixes the
asadmin commands by @avpinchuk in #25138 - Refactoring around the
module by @dmatej in #25134 - The XFS file system doesn't return size of the directory content by @dmatej in #25142
- Fixed masking passwords in a map used for logging in admingui + added warning to documentation by @dmatej in #25144
- Abandoned MD5 to SHA-256 used for caching command models by @dmatej in #25148
- Fixed insecure ...
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.18 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
This release is all about an exciting new feature that allows running GlassFish Embedded from the command line using java -jar glassfish-embedded.jar
. It supports configuration via command line arguments and/or config files in the current directory, such as setting the HTTP port, deploying applications passed as arguments and running arbitrary AsAdmin commands at boot. More information about this and demo video is in this pull request. The GlassFish Docker image 7.0.18 supports running applications with GlassFish Embedded natively too.
Aside of that we did a large amount of maintenance for the internal modules nucleus-admin
and glassfish
, and fixed various issues that were reported by users.
New Features
- Runnable Glassfish Embedded by @OndroMih in #25146
- Dynamically update classloader after adding a library with the add-library command by @OndroMih in #25153
- Show port number/range in failure message by @scottmarlow in #25158
- Hide "Trying to get this manpage" messages for asadmin --help by @OndroMih in #25135
- Fixed the
asadmin commands by @avpinchuk in #25138 - The XFS file system doesn't return size of the directory content by @dmatej in #25142
- Fixed masking passwords in a map used for logging in admingui + added warning to documentation by @dmatej in #25144
- Abandoned MD5 to SHA-256 used for caching command models by @dmatej in #25148
- Fixed insecure XML processing - all XSDs and DTD have to be local by @dmatej in #25147
- Fix exception if GF Embedded config file is set without schema by @OndroMih in #25151
- Fix fallback to basic file attributes if sun.nio.fs cannot be used by @OndroMih in #25160
- Remove unknown plugin parameter by @pzygielo in #25137
- Refactoring around the
module by @dmatej in #25134 - SpotBugs based cleanup in nucleus-admin and surroundings by @dmatej in #25149
- Part 1,2,3,4 for issue #24900 Document and rename some ResourceHandle fields. by @escay in #25155
- Add guidance for security issues and vulnerability to the issue template by @hs536 in #25125
- Fix small issue in workflow, mention checkstyle add links to the pull request workflow and the jenkins url. by @escay in #25136
Full Changelog: 7.0.17...7.0.18
Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.17 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
In this summer 2024 release of GlassFish we did a lot of maintenance in which we will continue in future releases. We fixed several security issues and the build now passes also in Java 23. We welcome feedback - if you notice that something doesn't work as expected, feel free to create an issue or even better create your own pull request after signing the ECA.
New Features
- Fixes CVE-2024-9329: Setting local Name and Port for /managment/* URI by @luiseufrasio in #25106
- Fixes remote JNDI lookup by @avpinchuk in #25076
- Fixes service creation on Solaris operating system by @avpinchuk in #25120
- Fix styling of the command logger button in Admin Console in Chrome by @OndroMih in #25080
- Faster autodeploy at startup - do not wait before first autodeployment scan by @OndroMih in #25079
- Improvements and fixes in the SQL trace listener functionality by @OndroMih in #25088
- Fix for a ClassCastException when a filter over a WebSocket endpoint wraps the request by @OndroMih in #25107
- Spotted bugs in tests by @dmatej in #25115
- GJULE - fixed dependency on system default charset by @dmatej in #25114
- The common-util: Fixed dependencies on default charset by @dmatej in #25119
- Fixed EJB business interface annotation processing by @avpinchuk in #25122
- Integrate yasson 3.0.4 by @senivam in #25074
- Upgraded command-security-maven-plugin to 1.0.18 by @dmatej in #25094
- Remove unused property by @pzygielo in #25063
- Validate the structure in all submodules (especially version ids) by @dmatej in #25073
- Enabled checkstyle rules for imports by @dmatej in #25083
- Removed abandoned docker image build by @dmatej in #25093
- Using release instead of source+target, removing ldapbp module by @dmatej in #25096
- Apply proc:none/proc:only for test compile too. by @arjantijms in #25102
- Replace none/only testcompile with full in a profile for JDK 23 by @arjantijms in #25103
- FindBugs is dead - removed from the project. by @dmatej in #25116
- Refactored SharedSecureRandom by @dmatej in #25113
- NetUtils revisited by @dmatej in #25117
- Deleted GFBase64* implementations from pre-JDK8 times by @dmatej in #25118
- Website update: Docker and IDE docs, contacts by @OndroMih in #25084
- Fixes #25085 - Use HTTPS in Oracle links of the documentation by @Thihup in #25087
- Document GlassFish API in the Application Development guide by @OndroMih in #25090
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 7.0.16...7.0.17