Releases: dotnet/macios
.NET 9.0.1xx Preview 4 (9523)
We're excited to announce our fourth preview release for .NET 9!
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question. For MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), visit:
This release consists of the following versions:
- iOS: 17.2.9523-net9-p4
- tvOS: 17.2.9523-net9-p4
- Mac Catalyst: 17.2.9523-net9-p4
- macOS: 14.2.9523-net9-p4
Full release notes: .NET 9 release notes
Known issues: Known issues in .NET 9
What's Changed
- [AppKit] Create a better binding for [NSEvent eventWithGCEvent:]. by @rolfbjarne in #20362
- [AppKit] Provide an NSEvent.GetCGEventObject method. by @rolfbjarne in #20423
- [AudioToolbox] Add correct trimmer annotations for AudioQueue.GetProperty. by @rolfbjarne in #20363
- [AVFoundation] Fix delegate signature for AVAudioSourceNode callbacks. by @rolfbjarne in #20357
- [bgen] Generate xml documentation for the generated ClassHandle property. by @rolfbjarne in #20425
- [bgen] Generate xml documentation for the generated constructors every NSObject subclass gets. by @rolfbjarne in #20436
- [bgen] Provide correct initialization for AudioBuffers. by @rolfbjarne in #20356
- [CGEvent] Use CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent2 instead of CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent. Fixes #13121. by @rolfbjarne in #20361
- [CoreGraphics] Bind CGEventPostToPid. by @rolfbjarne in #20365
- [CoreGraphics] Bind CGEventSetIntegerValueField and CGEventSetDoubleValueField. Fixes #12650. by @rolfbjarne in #20424
- [CoreGraphics] Bind CGEventTapCreateForPid and misc other improvements. by @rolfbjarne in #20404
- [CoreGraphics] Most of CoreGraphics is available in all versions of Mac Catalyst, so mark as such. by @rolfbjarne in #20369
- [CoreMedia] Make the remaining P/Invokes in have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20360
- [CoreMidi] Remove unused delegates. by @rolfbjarne in #20378
- [CoreServices] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20408
- [CoreText] Make P/Invokes in CTFont have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20418
- [CoreText] Make P/Invokes in CTFontDescriptor, CTFramesetter and CTParagraphStyle have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20426
- [CoreText] Make P/Invokes in CTFontManager have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20464
- [CoreText] Make P/Invokes in CTRunDelegate have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20461
- [CoreWlan] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20465
- [docs] Bring back documentation updates from the documentation repository. by @rolfbjarne in #20453
- [docs] Stop using the term 'Xamarin'. by @rolfbjarne in #20451
- [dotnet] Add support for linking with Swift system libraries. Fixes #18848. by @rolfbjarne in #20463
- [dotnet] Automatically link with the Security framework. Fixes #20406. by @rolfbjarne in #20413
- [dotnet] Compute _SdkIsSimulator and the trimmer configuration earlier in the build. by @rolfbjarne in #20431
- [dotnet] Compute relative paths using absolute paths. by @rolfbjarne in #20374
- [dotnet] Embrace trimming. by @rolfbjarne in #20354
- [dotnet] Fix dependencies for Microsoft..Sdk.DefaultItems.props. by @rolfbjarne in #20478
- [GameController] Bind GCVirtualControllerConfiguration.Hidden. Fixes #20389. by @rolfbjarne in #20401
- [GameplayKit] Remove the bindings for GKHybridStrategist. by @rolfbjarne in #20468
- [msbuild] Add more diagnostic output to FindItemWithLogicalName. by @rolfbjarne in #20376
- [msbuild] Use the fully resolved path when computing the relative path for the LogicalName property. Fixes #20330. by @rolfbjarne in #20364
- [ObjCRuntime] Fix string comparison to be ordinal. by @rolfbjarne in #20377
- [src] Fix making all warnings errors. by @rolfbjarne in #20422
- [src] Remove EventArgs attribute on a category method. by @rolfbjarne in #20346
- [src] Stop generating CGPoint, CGRect and CGSize from a t4 file. by @rolfbjarne in #20432
- [SystemConfiguration] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20370
- Apple Privacy Manifest doc updates by @mcumming in #20391
Full Changelog: dotnet-9.0.1xx-preview3-9433...dotnet-9.0.1xx-preview4-9523
.NET 9.0.1xx Preview 3 (9433)
We're excited to announce our third preview release for .NET 9!
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question. For MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), visit:
This release consists of the following versions:
- iOS: 17.2.9433-net9-p3
- tvOS: 17.2.9433-net9-p3
- Mac Catalyst: 17.2.9433-net9-p3
- macOS: 14.2.9433-net9-p3
Full release notes: .NET 9 release notes
Known issues: Known issues in .NET 9
What's Changed
- [Accessibility] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20124
- [AddressBook] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20145
- [AudioUnit] Make P/Invokes in AudioComponent.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20146
- [AVFoundation] Obsolete AVSpeechSynthesizer.WriteUtteranceAsync. Fixes #20338. by @rolfbjarne in #20339
- [AVKit] Add bindings for AVCaptureEventInteraction by @rpendleton in #20296
- [bgen] Add support for copying xml documentation for enums fields. by @rolfbjarne in #20323
- [Compression] Add missing enum members. Fixes #20319. by @rolfbjarne in #20332
- [CoreFoundation] Fix CFWriteStream.DoGetProperty to actually get the property. by @rolfbjarne in #20158
- [CoreFoundation] Make P/Invokes in CFMessagePort have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20160
- [CoreFoundation] Make P/Invokes in CFNetwork have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20161
- [CoreFoundation] Make P/Invokes in CFSocket have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20162
- [CoreFoundation] Make P/Invokes in CFStream have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20163
- [CoreFoundation] Make remaining P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20166
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGColorSpace have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20202
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGContext have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20207
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGEvent have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20211
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGFunction have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20220
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGImage have blittable signatures. (#20229) by @rolfbjarne in #20237
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGImage have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20229
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGPDFArray have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20258
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGPDFDictionary have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20274
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGPDFDocument have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20283
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGPDFObject have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20286
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGPDFScanner have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20304
- [CoreGraphics] Make P/Invokes in CGRect/CGPoint/CGSize have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20246
- [CoreGraphics] Make the remaining P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20310
- [CoreMedia] Make the P/Invokes in CMBlockBuffer have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20318
- [CoreMedia] Make the P/Invokes in CMBufferQueue have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20355
- [CoreMedia] Make the P/Invokes in CMFormatDescription have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20329
- [CoreMedia] Make the P/Invokes in CMSampleBuffer have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20334
- [CoreMedia] Make the P/Invokes in CMSync have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20340
- [DeviceDiscoveryExtension] Added bindings for DeviceDiscoveryExtension. by @rolfbjarne in #20272
- [DeviceDiscoveryUI] Added bindings for DeviceDiscoveryUI. by @rolfbjarne in #20271
- [dotnet-linker] Add ProcessExportedFields to the list of steps we execute. Fixes #20061. by @rolfbjarne in #20066
- [dotnet] add sourcelink support by @haritha-mohan in #20054
- [dotnet] Disable support for custom runtime hosting. by @rolfbjarne in #20128
- [dotnet] Fix sourcelink test failure by @haritha-mohan in #20205
- [dotnet] Multi target with Xcode 15.0 by @rolfbjarne in #20155
- [dotnet] Rename packs to contain target framework. by @rolfbjarne in #19765
- [dotnet] Show a better error when using a .NET framework version we don't support yet. by @rolfbjarne in #20255
- [dotnet] Show a better error when using a .NET framework version we don't support. by @rolfbjarne in #20142
- [Foundation] Always call the completion handler in a few callbacks in NSUrlSessionHandler. by @rolfbjarne in #20326
- [Foundation] Don't dispose the CancellationTokenSource in NSUrlSessionHandler's InflightData. Fixes #11799. by @rolfbjarne in #20328
- [Foundation] Don't leak exceptions in WrappedNSInputStream.Read. by @rolfbjarne in #20131
- [Foundation] Fix hack in NSUrlSessionHandler to avoid a deadlock. by @rolfbjarne in #20327
- [Foundation] Suppress trimmer warnings for certain Blocks members. by @rolfbjarne in #20267
- [Foundation] Suppress trimmer warnings for NSObject.CreateNSObject. by @rolfbjarne in #20254
- [Foundation] Suppress trimmer warnings for NSObject.DynamicConformsToProtocol members. by @rolfbjarne in #20333
- [generator] Add support for XML documentation in the API definitions. Fixes #17397. by @rolfbjarne in #20253
- [MediaAccessibility] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20120
- [ModelIO] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20153
- [msbuild] Add a check for actually having anything to AOTCompile. by @rolfbjarne in #20206
- [msbuild] Adjust error message when we can't find Xcode to not talk about VS. Fixes #19818. by @rolfbjarne in #20306
- [msbuild] Copy extracted files from the DecompressXpcServices target back to Windows. by @rolfbjarne in #20219
- [msbuild] Detect problems with long paths, and try to show a bit more helpful information. Fixes #20053. by @rolfbjarne in #20298
- [msbuild] Disable stripping symbols by default for Debug builds by @haritha-mohan in #20308
- [msbuild] Don't create output files for files we already copy in CreateBindingResourcePackage. by @rolfbjarne in #20221
- [msbuild] Enable nullability in WriteItemsToFile and fix any issues. by @rolfbjarne in #20099
- [msbuild] Make the GetFileSystemEntries task actually cancellable. by @rolfbjarne in #20209
- [msbuild] Make the level of parallelism configurable in all tasks that call Parallel.ForEach. Fixes #20210. by @rolfbjarne in #20256
- [msbuild] Make the level of parallelism in the codesign task configureable. by @rolfbjarne in #20242
- [msbuild] Move all tasks from Xamarin.[iOS|Mac].Tasks into Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks. by @rolfbjarne ...
.NET 8.0.1xxx (8053)
This is a servicing release to the previous .NET 8 release.
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:
This release consists of the following versions:
🚨 This release requires Xcode 15.1 or Xcode 15.2.
Starting with .NET 8.0.300, Xcode 15.3 and Xcode 15.4 should work fine. More information can be found here: #20257
Full release notes:
Full Changelog: dotnet-8.0.1xx-xcode15.1-8043...dotnet-8.0.1xx-xcode15.1-8053
.NET 7.0.3xx (7142)
This is a servicing release to the previous 7.0.3xx service release.
This release consists of the following versions:
These builds are supported using both Xcode 14.3 and Xcode 15.1 / Xcode 15.2
What's Changed
- [release/7.0.3xx] Update dependencies from dotnet/installer by @dotnet-maestro in #20266
Full Changelog: dotnet-7.0.3xx-7141...dotnet-7.0.3xx-7142
.NET 9.0.1xx Preview 2 (9244)
We're excited to announce our second preview release for .NET 9!
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question. For MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), visit:
This release consists of the following versions:
- iOS: 17.2.9244-net9-p2
- tvOS: 17.2.9244-net9-p2
- Mac Catalyst: 17.2.9244-net9-p2
- macOS: 14.2.9244-net9-p2
Full release notes: .NET 9 release notes
Known issues: Known issues in .NET 9
What's Changed
- [Accelerate] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19991
- [AppKit] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19987
- [AudioToolbox] Fix computing array size. by @rolfbjarne in #19952
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioConverter.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19848
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioFile.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19936
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioFileGlobalInfo.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19906
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioFormat.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19954
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioQueue.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19933
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioSession.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19834
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioToolbox.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19840
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in MusicSequence.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19839
- [AudioToolbox] Sprinkle DynamicallyAccessedMembers attributes to fix ILC trimmer warnings. by @rolfbjarne in #19913
- [AudioUnit] Make P/Invokes in ExtAudioFile.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19995
- [CFNetwork] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20037
- [Compression] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19996
- [CoreAnimation] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19997
- [CoreFoundation] Make P/Invokes in CFBundle and CFDictionary have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20060
- [CoreLocation] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20001
- [CoreText] Add NotNullWhen to help MAUI with null errors. by @mandel-macaque in #20050
- [Foundation] Create a strong dictionary for NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributeKey. by @rolfbjarne in #19824
- [HealthKit] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20005
- [MapKit] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20006
- [MediaPlayer] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20012
- [Metal] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20009
- [MetalPerformanceShaders] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20014
- [mmp] Add PreserveSmartEnumConversionsSubStep to the linker sub steps. Fixes #19712. by @rolfbjarne in #19836
- [MobileCoreServices] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20015
- [monotouch-test] Ignore the MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MnistTest test, it fails randomly. by @rolfbjarne in #20033
- [msbuild] Correctly add custom entitlements to the archived entitlements. by @rolfbjarne in #19920
- [msbuild] Disable certain .NET behaviors we don't need when doing stuff on a remote Mac. by @rolfbjarne in #19961
- [msbuild] Don't try to bundle the BouncyCastle.Crypto library anymore. by @rolfbjarne in #20044
- [msbuild] Enable nullability and improve error reporting in the PackLibraryResources task. by @rolfbjarne in #19998
- [msbuild] Enable nullability for ArTool and AcTool. by @rolfbjarne in #20010
- [msbuild] Enable nullability in the CollectBundleResources task. by @rolfbjarne in #19992
- [msbuild] Fix item name confusion - the texture atlas item group is called AtlasTexture, not TextureAtlas. by @rolfbjarne in #19994
- [msbuild] Fix WriteAssetPackManifest class name and abstractability after recent changes. by @rolfbjarne in #19978
- [msbuild] Merge the Archive[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19949
- [msbuild] Merge the BTouch[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19951
- [msbuild] Merge the CreateBindingResourcePackage[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19975
- [msbuild] Merge the DetectSdkLocations[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19977
- [msbuild] Merge the ReadItemsFromFile[Task] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19875
- [msbuild] Merge the ResolveNativeWatchApp[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19879
- [msbuild] Merge the ScnTool[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19880
- [msbuild] Merge the SmartCopy[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19904
- [msbuild] Merge the SpotlightIndexer[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19893
- [msbuild] Merge the SymbolStrip[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19894
- [msbuild] Merge the Task[Base] classes overriding Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core tasks. by @rolfbjarne in #19956
- [msbuild] Merge the TextureAtlas[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19895
- [msbuild] Merge the UnpackLibraryResources[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19905
- [msbuild] Merge the ValidateAppBundle[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19907
- [msbuild] Merge the WriteAppManifest[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19921
- [msbuild] Merge the WriteAssetPackManifest[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19928
- [msbuild] Merge the WriteItemsToFile[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19931
- [msbuild] Merge the Zip[TaskBase] classes. by @rolfbjarne in #19932
- [msbuild] Pass /p:RestoreConfigFile to 'dotnet build' in addition to 'dotnet restore'. by @rolfbjarne in #20008
- [msbuild] Process custom entitlements as if they came from an Entitlements.plist file. by @rolfbjarne in #19942
- [msbuild] Remove SimpleAssemblyResolver - it's not used. by @rolfbjarne in #20016
- [msbuild] Remove usage of GitInfo in Xamarin.Messaging.Build. by @rolfbjarne in #19935
- [msbuild] Rename numerous files to match their task name. by @rolfbjarne in #20013
- [msbuild] Take the CustomEntitlements item group into account in DetectSigningIdentity. by @rolfbjarne in #19919
- [msbuild] Use exact version of XVS' packages. by @rolfbjarne in #20043
- [net9.0] [tests] Add a test to verify that we can build .NET 8 apps. by @rolfbjarne in #19897
- [net9.0] Bump min iOS and tvOS version to 12.2. by @rolfbjarne in #19953
- [VideoToolbox] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #20019
- Avoid passing null to TaskRunner.FixReferencedItems by @mauroa in
.NET 8.0.1xxx (8043)
This is a servicing release to the previous .NET 8 release.
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:
This release consists of the following versions:
🚨 This release requires Xcode 15.1 or Xcode 15.2.
Full release notes:
Full Changelog: dotnet-8.0.1xx-xcode15.1-8022...dotnet-8.0.1xx-xcode15.1-8043
.NET 7.0.3xx (7141)
This is a servicing release to the previous 7.0.3xx service release.
This release consists of the following versions:
These builds are supported using both Xcode 14.3 and Xcode 15.1 / Xcode 15.2
What's Changed
- Avoid passing null to TaskRunner.FixReferencedItems by @vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 in #20023
Full Changelog: dotnet-7.0.3xx-7133...dotnet-7.0.3xx-7141
.NET 9.0.1xx Preview 1 (9088)
We're excited to announce our first preview release for .NET 9!
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question. For MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), visit:
This release consists of the following versions:
- iOS: 17.2.9088-net9-p1
- tvOS: 17.2.9088-net9-p1
- Mac Catalyst: 17.2.9088-net9-p1
- macOS: 14.2.9088-net9-p1
Full release notes: .NET 9 release notes
Known issues: Known issues in .NET 9
What's Changed
API improvements / fixes / additions
- [AppKit/UIKit] Adjust a few availability attributes in NS[Mutable]ParagraphStyle. Fixes #19209. by @rolfbjarne in #19211
- [AppKit] Add support for Xcode 15. by @mandel-macaque in #19119
- [AppKit] Fix binding for NSFontDescriptor.Create. Fixes #19659. by @rolfbjarne in #19663
- [AppKit] Implement the NSUserInterfaceItemSearching protocol. Fixes #19649. by @rolfbjarne in #19662
- [AppKit] Make NSGraphics.NSBestDepth P/Invoke blittable. by @rolfbjarne in #19614
- [AppKit] Remove [NSImage imageWithSymbolName:bundle:variableValue:] from Mac Catalyst. by @rolfbjarne in #19320
- [AppKit] Update the NSBezelStyle enum according to latest headers. Fixes #19555. by @rolfbjarne in #19556
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioFileStream.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19835
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in AudioServices.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19841
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in MusicPlayer.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19694
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in MusicTrack.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19678
- [AudioToolbox] Make P/Invokes in SystemSound.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19677
- [AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration] Add missing constructors to AEAssessmentApplication. Fixes #19133. by @rolfbjarne in #19180
- [CoreBluetooth] Fix a typo in CBPeripheralDelegate.DiscoveredService for XAMCORE_5_0. by @rolfbjarne in #19582
- [CoreMidi] Add CoreMidi enums to Watch so that we can have them for avfoundation. by @mandel-macaque in #19580
- [CoreMidi] Add support for tvOS. by @mandel-macaque in #19529
- [CoreMidi] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19706
- [CoreMidi] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19724
- [CoreMidi] Obsolete the MidiPacket.Bytes property. by @rolfbjarne in #19705
- [CoreText] Fix a few nullability issues in CTFontDescriptor. by @rolfbjarne in #19439
- [CoreText] Implement CTFontDescriptor.MatchFontDescriptors. Fixes #19397. by @rolfbjarne in #19399
- [Foundation] Add support for Xcode 15 beta 7. by @mandel-macaque in #19007
- [Foundation] Bind a few missing notifications. Fixes #19837. by @rolfbjarne in #19846
- [Foundation] Create a strong dictionary for NSAttributedStringDocumentReadingOptionKey. by @rolfbjarne in #19667
- [Foundation] Fix a few issues with NSUrlConnection.SendSynchronousRequest. by @rolfbjarne in #19458
- [Foundation] Improve visibility of NSObject members in intellisense by @haritha-mohan in #19106
- [Foundation] Make P/Invokes in NSDecimal.cs have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19702
- [Foundation] NSArray.FromNSObjects will never return null objects. Fixes #19622. by @rolfbjarne in #19627
- [GameKit] Add support for Xcode 15 by @haritha-mohan in #19285
- [ImageIO] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19701
- [InputMethodKit] Remove existing code for InputMethodKit. by @rolfbjarne in #19462
- [LocalAuthentication] Make path have the correct case by @rolfbjarne in #19465
- [Metal] Add support for Xcode15. by @mandel-macaque in #19379
- [MetalFX] Add the framework (which was added in Xcode 14) and add xcode 15 support. by @mandel-macaque in #19107
- [MetalKit] Add support for Xcode 15. by @mandel-macaque in #19274
- [ModelIO] Include MDLMaterial.cs in the build. by @rolfbjarne in #19464
- [NerabyInteraction] Add support for xcode 15. by @mandel-macaque in #19273
- [Network] Add support for Xcode 15. by @mandel-macaque in #19418
- [ObjCRuntime] Cache a few expensive and frequent operations in Class. Fixes #19079. by @rolfbjarne in #19086
- [ObjCRuntime] Throw a more descriptive InvalidCastException when failing to create an instance of the appropriate type in Runtime.CreateNSObject. by @rolfbjarne in #19629
- [PassKit] Add support Xcode15 Beta 7 by @tj-devel709 in #19139
- [PassKit] Fix the intro tests for PassKit on macOS. by @mandel-macaque in #19760
- [Speech] Fix wrong added API in macOS. by @mandel-macaque in #19759
- [Storekit] Add support for xcode 15. by @mandel-macaque in #19309
- [UIKit] Add missing attrs for catalyst. by @mandel-macaque in #19355
- [UIKit] Add support for Xcode 15. by @mandel-macaque in #19120
- [UIKit] Adjust availability attributes for UIButtonConfiguration.[Sub]TitleLineBreakMode. Fixes ##19377. by @rolfbjarne in #19384
- [UIKit] Fix a few nullability issues by @rolfbjarne in #19688
- [UIKit] Fix broken UITrait bindings. Fixes #19410. by @rolfbjarne in #19411
- [UIKit] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19725
- [UIKit] Make P/Invokes related to UIAccessibility have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19698
- [UIKit] Store the delegate in a local variable in the UIContextMenuInteraction. by @rolfbjarne in #19386
- [Vision] Add support for Xcode 15 by @haritha-mohan in #19099
- [Vision] Make P/Invokes have blittable signatures. by @rolfbjarne in #19703
- [Vision] Update Xcode 15 support by @haritha-mohan in #19412
- [WebKit] Add missing notification attrs. by @mandel-macaque in #19275
- [WebKit] Add support for Xcode 15 by @haritha-mohan in #19237
- Fix sending MidiPacket when MidiPacket has been created using a point… by @jamesdlow in #18981
Misc bug fixes / improvements
- [bgen] Adjust logic to handle protocol-backed events. by @rolfbjarne in #19689
- [bgen] Fix assembly comparison. Fixes #19612. by @rolfbjarne in #19619
- [bgen] Fix generated code to be nullability correct. by @rolfbjarne in #19655
- [bgen] Fix logic to handle protocol-backed events. by @rolfbjarne in #19707
- [Generator] == on a type those a reference equals check. by @mandel-macaque in #19756
- [Generator] Add BindingTouchConfig to BindingTouch by @dustin-wojciechowski in #19485
- [Generator] Allow to have a way to attach to the generator. by @mandel-macaque in #19565
- [Generator] Clean the AttributeManager from deps and fix a bug in the errors. by @mandel-macaque in https://...
.NET 8.0.1xxx (8022)
This is a servicing release to the previous .NET 8 release.
Note: these are the base SDKs that add support for the platforms in question, for MAUI (which is built on top of our SDKs), go here instead:
This release consists of the following versions:
🚨 This release requires Xcode 15.1 or Xcode 15.2.
Full release notes:
What's Changed
- Avoid passing null to TaskRunner.FixReferencedItems by @rolfbjarne in #19885
- [dotnet] Fix typo causing universal builds to not keep any symbols when stripped. Fixes #19860. by @rolfbjarne in #19924
- [msbuild] Take the CustomEntitlements item group into account in DetectSigningIdentity. by @vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 in #19930
- [msbuild] Correctly add custom entitlements to the archived entitlements. by @vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 in #19943
- [msbuild] Process custom entitlements as if they came from an Entitlements.plist file. by @vs-mobiletools-engineering-service2 in #19955
Full Changelog: dotnet-8.0.1xx-xcode15.1-8004...dotnet-8.0.1xx-xcode15.1-8022
.NET 7.0.3xx (7133)
This is a servicing release to the previous 7.0.3xx service release.
This release consists of the following versions:
These builds are supported using both Xcode 14.3 and Xcode 15.
What's Changed
- [release/7.0.3xx] Update dependencies from dotnet/installer by @dotnet-maestro in #19770
- [release/7.0.3xx] Update dependencies from dotnet/installer by @dotnet-maestro in #19811
- [release/7.0.3xx] [tests] Fix certificate tests after Apple started blocking the Thawte certificate. by @rolfbjarne in #19800
- [release/7.0.3xx] Update dependencies from dotnet/installer by @dotnet-maestro in #19853
Full Changelog: dotnet-7.0.3xx-xcode14.3-7129...dotnet-7.0.3xx-7133