is a Python library for rapidly reading binary and ASCII
STL files. It wraps a nanobind interface to the fast STL
library provided by libstl. Thanks
The main advantage of stl-reader
over other STL reading libraries is
its performance. It is particularly well-suited for large files, mainly
due to its efficient use of hashing when merging points. This results in
a 5-35x speedup over VTK for files containing between 4,000 and
9,000,000 points.
See the benchmarks below for more details.
The recommended way to install stl-reader
is via PyPI:
pip install stl-reader
You can also clone the repository and install it from source:
git clone
cd stl-reader
pip install .
Load in the vertices and indices of a STL file directly as a NumPy array:
>>> import stl_reader
>>> vertices, indices ="example.stl")
>>> vertices
array([[-0.01671113, 0.5450843 , -0.8382146 ],
[ 0.01671113, 0.5450843 , -0.8382146 ],
[ 0. , 0.52573115, -0.8506509 ],
[ 0.5952229 , -0.57455426, 0.56178033],
[ 0.56178033, -0.5952229 , 0.57455426],
[ 0.57455426, -0.56178033, 0.5952229 ]], dtype=float32)
>>> indices
array([[ 0, 1, 2],
[ 1, 3, 4],
[ 4, 5, 2],
[9005998, 9005988, 9005999],
[9005999, 9005996, 9005995],
[9005998, 9005999, 9005995]], dtype=uint32)
In this example, vertices
is a 2D NumPy array where each row
represents a vertex and the three columns represent the X, Y, and Z
coordinates, respectively. indices
is a 1D NumPy array representing
the triangles from the STL file.
Alternatively, you can load in the STL file as a PyVista PolyData:
>>> import stl_reader
>>> mesh = stl_reader.read_as_mesh('example.stl')
>>> mesh
PolyData (0x7f43063ec700)
N Cells: 1280000
N Points: 641601
N Strips: 0
X Bounds: -5.000e-01, 5.000e-01
Y Bounds: -5.000e-01, 5.000e-01
Z Bounds: -5.551e-17, 5.551e-17
N Arrays: 0
The main reason behind writing yet another STL file reader for Python is to leverage the performant libstl library.
Here are some timings from reading in a 1,000,000 point binary STL file:
Library | Time (seconds) |
stl-reader | 0.174 |
numpy-stl | 0.201 (see note) |
PyVista (VTK) | 1.663 |
meshio | 4.451 |
Note numpy-stl
does not merge duplicate vertices.
Here's an additional benchmark comparing VTK with stl-reader
import numpy as np
import time
import pyvista as pv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import stl_reader
times = []
filename = 'tmp.stl'
for res in range(50, 800, 50):
mesh = pv.Plane(i_resolution=res, j_resolution=res).triangulate().subdivide(2)
tstart = time.time()
out_pv =
vtk_time = time.time() - tstart
tstart = time.time()
out_stl =
stl_reader_time = time.time() - tstart
times.append([mesh.n_points, vtk_time, stl_reader_time])
times = np.array(times)
plt.title('STL load time')
plt.plot(times[:, 0], times[:, 1], label='VTK')
plt.plot(times[:, 0], times[:, 2], label='stl_reader')
plt.xlabel('Number of Points')
plt.ylabel('Time to Load (seconds)')
plt.title('STL load time (Log-Log)')
plt.loglog(times[:, 0], times[:, 1], label='VTK')
plt.loglog(times[:, 0], times[:, 2], label='stl_reader')
plt.xlabel('Number of Points')
plt.ylabel('Time to Load (seconds)')
The stl-reader also supports ASCII files and is around 2.4 times faster than VTK at reading ASCII files.
import time
import stl_reader
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
# create and save a ASCII file
n = 1000
mesh = pv.Plane(i_resolution=n, j_resolution=n).triangulate()"/tmp/tmp-ascii.stl", binary=False)
# stl reader
tstart = time.time()
mesh = stl_reader.read_as_mesh("/tmp/tmp-ascii.stl")
print("stl-reader ", time.time() - tstart)
tstart = time.time()
pv_mesh ="/tmp/tmp-ascii.stl")
print("pyvista reader", time.time() - tstart)
# verify meshes are identical
assert np.allclose(mesh.points, pv_mesh.points)
# approximate time to read in the 1M point file:
# stl-reader 0.80303955078125
# pyvista reader 1.916085958480835
This project relies on libstl for reading in and merging the vertices of a STL file. Wherever code is reused, the original MIT License is mentioned.
The work in this repository is also licensed under the MIT License.
If you are having issues, please feel free to raise an Issue.