Junior Software Engineer
- Istanbul
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehmet-%C3%B6zdemir-6243931b8/
Java socket programlama ile server ve client'in haberlesmesi.
Spring boot application for notification system
Bu projede; ASP.NET CORE teknolojisiyle CRUD işlemlerinin yapılabileceğim bir Web API ve bu Web API’dan verileri alarak görselleştirme yapacağım bir web sitesi geliştirdim. Projemi DDD mimarisiyle …
In this project, I use "IdentityUser","IdentityRole" "Asynchronous Programming", "Unit Of Work", "Generic Repository" and "AutoMapper" within Asp.NetCore and Domain-Driven-Design/DDD.
In this repository, you can find some stored procedures, triggers, views and t-sql examples with both their explanations and implementations.
Bu Projemde Asp.Net'de SingalR kullanarak kullanılcılar arası anlık olarak mesajlaşma sağlayabiliyoruz.
Bu projede; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası tarafından açıklanan döviz kurlarını, XML ile çekerek .NetCore/MVC ile geliştirdiğim sayfamda gösterdim ve eş zamanı olarak Db'ye kaydettim.
In this project, My goal is creating Student/Lesson Programme.It's name is School Project.I used EntityFrameworkCore and for Student Management System.In addition to that , Sql for database, core i…
In this project,I created a client and request for web api.Then ı get some article data with response.Lastly,thanks to ajax,ı get some data about tesla from API.
This project like a Social Media (Twitter) project.In this project,I used Domain Driven Design (DDD) and micro services architecture,Unit of Work and MVC pattern,dotnetcore technologies.Users can r…
semihhakkioglu / boot-mon
Forked from emrealkan/boot-monBoot Mon is a lightweight monitoring web application for Spring Boot applications. You can monitor Spring Boot Actuator Metrics real time.
configuration files for spring cloud config server
Building microservice sample with spring cloud and netflix oss.
semihhakkioglu / iyzipay-node
Forked from iyzico/iyzipay-nodeiyzipay api node.js client
semihhakkioglu / iyzipay-java
Forked from iyzico/iyzipay-javaiyzipay api java client
In this project , I created api for my CMS project.I used asp .net core web api and swagger.Thanks to api, I can get categories and CRUD operation with swagger.Lastly,ı used jwt authentication,ı cr…