In other words, Redis Slack Bot Interface. Helps you interact with Redis over Slack.
This bot is specifically designed to be deployed as AWS Lambda Function.
There are 3 steps to have this Bot working:
1 - Create Docker Image
2 - Create AWS Lambda Function
3 - Create Slack App
Learn how to complete these step from here.
From anywhere in Slack, run redis-cli commands without specifying host, port, and password.
/redis-sbi <redis-command>
/redis-sbi PING
/redis-sbi INFO
/redis-sbi SET test-key test-value
/redis-sbi GET test-key
/redis-sbi --scan --pattern test*
/redis-sbi DEL test-key
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.