Write Solana on-chain programs in Zig!
If you want a more complete program example, please see the
which also provides tests and a CLI.
Here are some other packages to help with developing Solana programs with Zig:
Requires a Solana-compatible Zig compiler, which can be built with solana-zig-bootstrap.
It's also possible to download an appropriate compiler for your system from the GitHub Releases.
You can run the convenience script in this repo to download the compiler to
./solana-zig/zig build test
- Add this package to your project:
zig fetch --save https://github.com/joncinque/solana-program-sdk-zig/archive/refs/tags/v0.15.1.tar.gz
- (Optional) if you want to generate a keypair during building, you'll also need to install base58 and clap:
zig fetch --save https://github.com/joncinque/base58-zig/archive/refs/tags/v0.13.3.tar.gz
zig fetch --save https://github.com/Hejsil/zig-clap/archive/refs/tags/0.9.1.tar.gz
- In your build.zig, add the modules that you want one by one, or use the
helpers in
const std = @import("std");
const solana = @import("solana-program-sdk");
const base58 = @import("base58");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) !void {
// Choose the on-chain target (bpf, sbf v1, sbf v2, etc)
// Many targets exist in the package, including `bpf_target`,
// `sbf_target`, and `sbfv2_target`.
// See `build.zig` for more info.
const target = b.resolveTargetQuery(solana.sbf_target);
// Choose the optimization. `.ReleaseFast` gives optimized CU usage
const optimize = .ReleaseFast;
// Define your program as a shared library
const program = b.addSharedLibrary(.{
.name = "program_name",
// Give the root of your program, where the entrypoint is defined
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
.optimize = optimize,
.target = target,
// Use the `buildProgram` helper to create the solana-sdk module, and link
// the program properly.
const solana_mod = solana.buildProgram(b, program, target, optimize);
// Install the program artifact
// Optional: to generate a keypair in `zig-out/lib`, be sure to run this too:
base58.generateProgramKeypair(b, program);
// Optional, but if you define unit tests in your program files, you can run
// them with `zig build test` with this step included
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
lib_unit_tests.root_module.addImport("solana-program-sdk", solana_mod);
const run_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(lib_unit_tests);
- Setup
const solana = @import("solana-program-sdk");
export fn entrypoint(_: [*]u8) callconv(.C) u64 {
solana.print("Hello world!", .{});
return 0;
- Download the solana-zig compiler using the script in this repository:
$ ./install-solana-zig.sh
- Build and deploy your program on Solana devnet:
$ ./solana-zig/zig build --summary all
Program ID: FHGeakPPYgDWomQT6Embr4mVW5DSoygX6TaxQXdgwDYU
$ solana airdrop -ud 1
Requesting airdrop of 1 SOL
Signature: 52rgcLosCjRySoQq5MQLpoKg4JacCdidPNXPWbJhTE1LJR2uzFgp93Q7Dq1hQrcyc6nwrNrieoN54GpyNe8H4j3T
882.4039166 SOL
$ solana program deploy -ud zig-out/lib/program_name.so
Program Id: FHGeakPPYgDWomQT6Embr4mVW5DSoygX6TaxQXdgwDYU
And that's it!
The helpers in build.zig contain various Solana targets. Here are their analogues to the Rust build tools:
->cargo build-sbf
->cargo build-sbf --arch sbfv2
- Deprecated
->cargo build-bpf
The unit tests require the solana-zig compiler as mentioned in the prerequisites.
You can run all unit tests for the library with:
./solana-zig/zig build test --summary all
There are also integration tests that build programs and run against the Agave
runtime using the
You can run these tests using the test.sh
cd program-test/
These tests require a Rust compiler along with the solana-zig compiler, as
mentioned in the prerequisites. Be sure to run ./install-solana-zig.sh