- Add this repository as a submodule to your project:
git submodule init
git submodule add https://github.com/lithdew/solana-zig.git sol
git submodule update --init --recursive
- In build.zig:
const std = @import("std");
const sol = @import("sol/build.zig");
// Assume 'step' is a *std.build.LibExeObjStep, and 'sol/' is the directory in
// which this repository is located within your project.
const sol_pkgs = sol.Packages("sol/");
inline for (@typeInfo(sol_pkgs).Struct.decls) |field| {
step.addPackage(@field(sol_pkgs, field.name));
- Setup build.zig:
const std = @import("std");
const sol = @import("sol/build.zig");
const sol_pkgs = sol.Packages("sol/");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) !void {
const program = b.addSharedLibrary("helloworld", "main.zig", .unversioned);
inline for (@typeInfo(sol_pkgs).Struct.decls) |field| {
program.addPackage(@field(sol_pkgs, field.name));
try sol.linkSolanaProgram(b, program);
try sol.generateProgramKeypair(b, program);
- Setup main.zig:
const sol = @import("sol");
export fn entrypoint(_: [*]u8) callconv(.C) u64 {
sol.print("Hello world!", .{});
return 0;
- Build and deploy your program on Solana devnet:
$ zig build
Program ID: FHGeakPPYgDWomQT6Embr4mVW5DSoygX6TaxQXdgwDYU
$ solana airdrop -ud 1
Requesting airdrop of 1 SOL
Signature: 52rgcLosCjRySoQq5MQLpoKg4JacCdidPNXPWbJhTE1LJR2uzFgp93Q7Dq1hQrcyc6nwrNrieoN54GpyNe8H4j3T
882.4039166 SOL
$ solana program deploy -ud zig-out/lib/libhelloworld.so
Program Id: FHGeakPPYgDWomQT6Embr4mVW5DSoygX6TaxQXdgwDYU