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Releases: jokob-sk/NetAlertX

v25.3.1 - 📚 New Docs portal, OMADA plugin and more MQTT attributes

28 Feb 23:27
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Release Highlights 🚀

This release introduces a new OMADA (OMDSDNOPENAPI) plugin, contributed by @xfilo, as well as a revamped docs portal with improved search and navigation for a better user experience.

🔍 The MQTT plugin now sends additional attributes to Home Assistant’s device tracker object, enabling more detailed filtering of your devices.

To mitigate Docker Hub pull limits, container images will now also be available on the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR).

In other news, the Discord community has grown to nearly 100 members! 💙

Read on below for all the details included in this release!

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🏘️ Community

  • Almost 100 Discord members 🥳
  • @im-redactd created a OPNsense script to generate a dnsmasq compatible leases file for the DHCPLSS plugin 🆕

📚Docs updates


  • A new OMDSDNOPENAPI plugin by @xfilo 🆕
  • Easier filtering and listing in Home Assistant as MQTT now sends more device attributes into the app #999
  • The NTFY plugin supports now token authentication ✨

🖼 UI

  • Removal of some unnecessary default values from device dropdowns ✨
  • More control over new device names to keep or remove . (dots) in names #1002

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

  • Fix spelling mistake in unifi plugin by @Peter-Maguire in #996
  • New plugin: Omada SDN import using OpenAPI (OMDSDNOPENAPI) by @xfilo in #1005
  • OMDSDNOPENAPI - Run command change due to plugin folder rename by @xfilo in #1006
  • OMDSDNOPENAPI - Fixed example in, improved logging and code logic by @xfilo in #1007
  • OMDSDNOPENAPI - Refactored data collection into a class, improved code clarity with comments by @xfilo in #1008

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v25.2.8...v25.3.1

v25.2.8 - 🔽 Device filters and easier permission management

08 Feb 00:32
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Hi there 👋

You can now configure Device filters on the main Devices listing screen with the UI_columns_filters setting. The app should also now reload a bit faster after you update devices and the app.log should contain more info for debugging when needed.

From the community @EinKantHolz helped figure out how to import DHCP leases files from Asus routers in a new guide, @labmonkey improved the ASUSWRT plugin and @vladaurosh helped with the Alpine upgrade and permissions setup, so you can specify PUID and PGID via docker compose variables.

One bigger change is the removal of the UNDIS plugin as there's now a simple way how to add devices manually and an accompanying ICMP plugin.

Have a look at what's more available in this release below. 🙂


🏘️ Community

  • @cvc90 fixed reverse proxy issues 🙏✨
  • @vladaurosh helped adding custom PUID and PGID variables and more 🙏✨

📚Docs updates


  • A new UI_columns_filters setting so you can easily narrow down the devices list #953 🆕


  • UNDIS removal as covered by other functionality (manual device creation, ICMP plugin) ❌
  • ASUSWRT now supports custom ports - by @labmonkey 🙏✨

🖼 UI

  • New filters on the devices screen #953🆕
  • CRON format schedule validation check in Settings 🆕
  • IP address sorting in the Network screen was not working as expected #983

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • LOADED_PLUGINS docker compose variable #975 🆕
  • PUID and PGID docker compose variables #939 #974 🆕
  • Re-base to Alpine 3.21 with cleanup of the Dockerfile certificate management by @vladaurosh #968🙏✨
  • Support for regex validation in settings via the base64Regex property in elementOptions 🆕
  • API refresh between plugin execution to minimize Loading times on the devices page after editing a device #923

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

  • Using busybox crond instead of dcron, starting it with s6 by @vladaurosh in #966
  • [ASUSWRT] Added router port to configurtation by @labmonkey in #970
  • Changed the "absolute URL" target to "relative URL" in common.js by @cvc90 in #976
  • Adding option to set user ID and GID by @vladaurosh in #980
  • Update default PUID and PGID, and update documentation by @vladaurosh in #981

Full Changelog: v24.1.19...v25.2.8

v25.1.19 - 🧪Experimental Home Assistant addon and AsusWRT import

19 Jan 12:16
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Hey 👋

(re-release due to wrong tag)

This release brings you a new ASUSWRT Plugin to import devices from Asus routers by @labmonkey 🙏 Additionally, me and @alexbelgium have been working on enabling the installation of NetAlertX via a Home Assistant addon. This release contains fixes that will allow for ingress support (displaying the UI of NetAlertX) in Home Assistant. You can now also export your settings via the Maintenance section and there's more details displayed in the Plugins MAC columns.

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🏘️ Community


  • A new setting UI_TOPOLOGY_ORDER to change the order of devices in the Network view by the port number #949


  • A new ASUSWRT Plugin to import devices from Asus routers by @labmonkey 🙏🆕

🖼 UI

  • More information in MAC columns in plugins #951
  • Export and Import of the app.conf file via UI in Maintenance 🆕

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v25.1.8...v24.1.19

v25.1.8 - ⚙️ Custom Device Properties and OpenWRT support

08 Jan 00:57
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Happy new year! 🥳

Did you ever want to add some info to a device but none of the fields seemed right? 🤔 This release enables custom device properties where you can add any number of fields to a device. There are some predefined actions you can use and I might add things in the future as feedback trickles in. Read more about Custom Device Properties.

We also got a late Christmas present from @vaga9938 who developed the LUCIRPC plugin to import devices from OpenWRT 🎁

The release also contains some other minor improvements and fixes, so please check the full list of improvements below.


📚Docs updates


  • New ICMP_IN_REGEX to include IPs to the ICMP (ping) scan to speed up the scan cycles 🆕


  • OpenWRT import via the LUCIRPC plugin by @vaga9938 🙏🆕
  • A new WOL plugin to automate Wake-On-Lan calls for down devices 🆕
  • ICMP didn't manage device online status #934
  • More robust FREEBOX device parsing to prevent errors #927
  • Custom names from Mikrotik fix in MKSCAN + cleanups by @kpolszewski 🙏✨

🖼 UI

  • A fix for archived devices still being displayed in the My devices listing #920
  • Network Site changed to dropdown for easier population #930
  • Displaying of the Sync Node field in the device details #931

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • You can now store custom properties on devices 🆕
  • Installation didn't create /app/log/plugins if /app/log was mounted #921

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

  • Restore manual naming of static leases using comments for MKSCAN + cleanups by @kpolszewski in #940

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v24.12.23...v25.1.8

v24.12.23 - 🎁New FREEBOX, IPNEIGH, ICMP plugins and better performance

22 Dec 23:41
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This release contains a lot of changes, hopefully for the better 🙂

On the performance improvements, the app can now handle displaying 3000+ devices as I moved to server-side data retrieval (GraphQL - new application port needs to be made available). More work will be necessary to make the whole app performant, but I'll wait for feedback first. If you are interested in improving the performance further, especially by reducing Disk IO, go through the updated Performance improvements documentation - big thanks to @ingoratsdorf for the help here. There is also a new setting to disable Plugin discovery, if you want to speed up the saving and start time further.

On the usability side, I did lots of refactoring on the Devices details page to make the maintenance of it easier and the UI a bit more unified. There is now a better support of Remote network scanning, by using ICMP or NMAPDEV plugins. Read the remote networks docs for details. You can now also create new devices manually if you then for example want to scan them with the ICMP plugin or if you want to add undiscoverable devices with more details (I'll probably remove the UNDIS undiscoverables plugin as a result - reach out if you have feedback!).

There have been some amazing contributions from the community from @KayJay7, @Lucide, @Leicas, Antoine Weill--Duflos (plugins work), @ingoratsdorf (docs, testing), @ytorres (bare-metal install improvements), Максим Горпиніч (full Ukrainian translation), Anton Garcias, Sylvain Pichon, @Atalanttore, @MacVille, @YoSafeguard, @stan0ne, @mapi68, @gallegonovato, @GitSpoon (translation work)

🙏 thanks everyone - I wouldn't be able to maintain all of this just by myself 🙏

There have been lot's of other changes, so check the details below, especially when it comes to log and API file locations or if you have custom integrations relying on old DB column names.


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❗ Known issues:

  • Events and Presence pages are still unoptimized

💔 Breaking changes

Sometimes I have to introduce breaking changes

  • Devices table column name changes to support access via GraphQL - might interfere with your existing integrations
  • If jumping to this version from an older version (3 + months older) please run v24.10.31 before upgrading to this version
  • If running multiple NetAlertX instances on the same URL, make sure GRAPHQL_PORT is unique across all instances
  • If using PRO font awesome icons the location has changed from /app/front/lib/AdminLTE/bower_components/font-awesome to /app/front/lib/font-awesome

🏘️ Community

  • This project received some amazing support from the community in this release, @KayJay7, @Lucide, @Leicas creating and fixing plugins 🙏

📚Docs updates


  • The SYNC_api_token is used in the GraphQL server and renamed to API_TOKEN and moved to the General section ⚠
  • A new NMAPDEV_FAKE_MAC setting to generate MAC addresses from IPs 🆕
  • A new DISCOVER_PLUGINS setting to speed up app loading time 🆕


  • New FREEBOX device import plugin by @KayJay7 and @Lucide #799 🙏 🆕
  • New IPNEIGH plugin for device scans by the amazing @KayJay7 🙏 🆕
  • Fixes to the Omada OMDSDN plugin by the great @Leicas 🙏 should be fixing #825 #882
  • New ICMP plugin for device status checks #723 #891 🆕
  • SMTP: Missing Date filed in email caused issues with some SMTP providers #885
  • The PHOLUS plugin was removed as the functionality is replaced by AVAHISCAN, NBTSCAN and NSLOOKUP

🖼 UI

  • Manually create dummy devices with all details #891 🆕
  • Better Offline/Online status resolution in the Devices listing page preventing Online + Grey background statuses ✨
  • Wake-on-LAN (WOL) moved to the Tools tab ✨
  • Copy details from device moved to the Tools tab ✨
  • Rebuild and refactoring of the Device edit screen ✨
  • Removal of the "Scan device" attribute as it wasn't used anywhere ✨

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • Bare-metal installation improvements by @ytorres 🙏✨
  • GraphQL server added to improve application performance 🆕
  • Integer names were causing backed restarts #874
  • Rewrite of the Devices page to support 3000+ devices ✨
  • Vendor names were not automatically updated #889
  • Hopefully better wal database file management to keep the file size in check✨
  • Move of the API folder from /app/front/api to /app/api
  • Move of the LOGS folder from /app/front/log to /app/log
  • Move of the last_results.log from the plugins folders to /app/front/log/plugins/last_result.PLUGPREF.log
  • SYNC_api_token renamed to API_TOKEN and moved to the General section ⚠

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

Previous releases:

Target release frequency:

  • Monthly

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v24.10.31...v24.12.23

v24.10.31 - 🔌 Better Plugins UI and Auto deletion of Offline devices

31 Oct 04:54
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In this release @johnwang16 helped solve a couple of issues, for example he fixed an issue where the presence would be empty for always-on devices 🙏 Another contributor, @richtj999 helped write up a use case for the Sync Hub. Thanks guys and everyone else that contributed, like the always speedy translation team @mapi68 , @realgooseman , @GitSpoon , @YoSafeguard , @wial88 , @ytorres ... Also @Stationary-1 helped me to debug a couple of issues, including 2 related to the INTRNSPD plugin, so it's more robust in reporting your internet speeds.

Other improvements include adding a Source Plugin column, so that you see which plugin detected the device, a rebuild of the Plugins view with data tables so you can filter, sort and some other quality of life improvements, such disabling Alert Events on a Device won't prevent New Device notifications or a new setting HRS_TO_KEEP_OFFDEV to delete offline devices after a certain time. Check out more details below.

Thanks everyone for the help!


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💔 Breaking changes

Sometimes I have to introduce breaking changes

  • If you used "UI_dark_mode":"True" in your docker-compose.yml you need to replace it with "UI_theme":"Dark" and you might need to rebuild your container.

📚Docs updates


  • A new setting HRS_TO_KEEP_OFFDEV to delete offline devices after a certain time #865 🆕
  • Sync: Generate token/key buttons as they are also used for Homepage authentication #838 🆕


  • The INTRNSPD plugin didn't display values over 100 and was frequently failing #854
  • The ROGUEDHCP plugin didn't allow for custom timeout configuration #851
  • The UNFINMP plugin may have imported devices with incorrect MAC addresses causing restarts #848

🖼 UI

  • Auto dark theme selection ( UI_dark_mode -> UI_theme) depending on system settings by @johnwang16 🙏🆕
  • Rebuild the Plugins section with data tables allowing for filtering, sorting 🆕
  • Preventing infinite recursion on the Network diagram #857
  • Clickable IPs in the devices listing table #856 🆕
  • Colors explanation in the presence page 🆕
  • Custom values didn't show up in the Location dropdown #862
  • @cvc90 fixed an issue causing problems with reverse proxies on the Notifications page ✨

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • Empty presence of always on devices fixed by @johnwang16 🙏#814
  • A new Source Plugin column on the Devices tables so you can quickly see where the device was discovered 🆕
  • Disabling Alert Events on a Device won't prevent New Device notifications #262

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

  • Changed the "absolute URL" target to "relative URL" in userNotifications.php for viewing reports by @cvc90 in #837
  • Fix network tree offline color for SVG icons by @johnwang16 in #850
  • Allow auto light/dark mode matching user OS setting by @johnwang16 in #853
  • Add events for imported devs by @johnwang16 in #855

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v24.10.12...v24.10.31

v24.10.12 - Better name discovery, MQTT and UI improvements ✨

12 Oct 01:07
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Hey everyone 👋

This release contains stability improvements, bug fixes and a couple of new features. There is a new plugin for better device name resolution (AVAHISCAN) that helps getting more accurate device names especially for Apple devices. Thanks @stanelie for testing and the patience 🙂

Contributors helped me make the MQTT plugin better to support EMQX and to display time values in the Home Assistant attributes better. Thanks to @ingoratsdorf , @NightMean , @Jozko568 🙏

There are a couple of UI improvements in the Settings section on mobile, easier selection of Plugins, separately showing offline and down devices in the presence chart.

I've updated a few docs and also written up how to improve the performance on how to keep the app chugging along without issues 🚂

As always, thanks to everyone helping with translations (@ytorres, @Noschvie, @mapi68, @YoSafeguard, @gallegonovato), answering discussions (@leiweibau, @FlyingToto), testing (@corasaniti) and contributing (@RincewindX) in any way! 💪

Make sure you refresh your browser cache (usually shift + reload button) - and click the 🔄 refresh button in the top right corner.

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🏘️ Community

  • Big thanks to @corasaniti for testing the dev branch 🙏

📚Docs updates


  • MQTT_topic_root allowing to specify a custom topic, e.g. netalertx instead of the default system-sensors
  • NEWDEV_ignored_IPs and NEWDEV_ignored_MACs where not applied on new device discovery #836


  • AVAHISCAN for mDNS device name lookup to retrieve better names especially for Apple devices #815 🆕
  • MQTT improvements to support EMQX by @ingoratsdorf
  • MQTT improvements by @NightMean and @Jozko568, such as better diacritics support ✨
  • UNIFIMP didn't handle new devices correctly if a port value was passed to the app #833
  • UNIFIMP is now normalizing strings so that diacritics are normalized and not skipped caméra -> camera
  • MIKROTIK didn't pass IPs correctly, so they were missing in the devices tables #835

🖼 UI

  • CSV export didn't handle quotes and new lines in the comments field #808
  • Presence over time chart shows Down devices separately from Offline devices #816 🆕
  • Settings Mobile UI improvements to show description in pop-up and full-width input area ✨
  • Gradual replacement of the click+select setting component with a drop-down and pill component 🆕
  • Removal of DB backup functionality (usually handled externally) in the Maintenance section for easier code maintenance ✨
🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

Previous releases:

Target release frequency:

  • Monthly

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v24.9.26...v24.10.12

v24.9.26 - Auto-Clearing of the 🆕 NEW Device flag, Settings and Sync hub improvements

25 Sep 22:53
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This release introduces a handy new feature with the CLEAR_NEW_FLAG setting, which automatically unflags devices as "NEW" after a set amount of time following detection. This should streamline device management by reducing the manual effort needed to track device statuses. Alongside this, there are various plugin and UI improvements, ensuring smoother operation and an overall better user experience. As always, make sure to refresh your browser cache, and a big thanks to the contributors for their hard work, be it by contributing in discussions, with code, or translations!





🏘️ Community

📚Docs updates


  • A new CLEAR_NEW_FLAG setting to auto-un-flag the devices as NEW after a predetermined time after detection #795 🆕
  • Display of an overlay for Settings overridden via a docker-compose variable so that users are not confused where the values are coming from 🆕


  • SYNC plugin improvements allowing you to PULL data from nodes #788
  • The SETPWD plugin wasn't saving the password in the correct format #793
  • UNDIS plugin wasn't generating a fake MAC address preventing these devices to be used in the Network tree map #807

🖼 UI

  • Icon preview for the NEWDEV_dev_Icon setting #789 🆕
  • Cleanup of some invalid icon values that displayed incorrectly in the Icons dropdown #802
  • Misc UI fixes by @ingoratsdorf

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • Better support for reverse proxies by @alnviana 🆕
  • New Settings capabilities to define onChange events and customParams HTML attributes 🆕
  • New span Setting UI component 🆕
  • Sanitizing input values to prevent errors on single-quotes ' in device text fields #805

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v24.9.12...v24.9.26

v24.9.12 - 📣Native Telegram, Mikrotik support, Discord server, Settings set via ENV variables 🧪

11 Sep 21:28
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This release is packed with amazing features, improvements, and contributions from our fantastic community. A special shoutout to everyone who helped test, refine, and push the boundaries of what we’re building together. Your feedback and dedication make every release better, and I couldn’t do it without you. I hope you enjoy these updates! 🎉

🏘️ Community

  • A special thanks to @corasaniti to help me deliver you a less buggy release by testing the dev branch 🙏✨
  • A new discord server 🆕


  • Cleanup of list item manipulation buttons to improve the UI ✨
  • Experimental docker-compose override support with ENV variables #687 🧪🆕


  • A native Telegram publisher by @doctorixx 🙏 🆕
  • The UNIFI plugin now auto-generates the network topology map and passes the device type 🆕
  • A new MIKROTIK MTSCAN plugin by amazing @lookflying and @elraro🙏 🆕
  • Improvements to the OMADA SDN plugin by @FlyingToto
  • SSL support for the MQTT plugin by @adebrouvier
  • Fix for MQTT device tracker adding quotes to payload and Protocol selection, which can be v3 or v5 by @ingoratsdorf 🙏 ✨

🖼 UI

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • Bare metal installation fixes #753
  • Some icons and device types are auto-assigned vendor information when a device is discovered 🆕
  • 4 More Helper Values that can be used to pass data from plugins to the Core app 🆕
  • The HRS_TO_KEEP_NEWDEV setting wasn't applied correctly causing new devices to be always deleted #777

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress



v24.7.18 - TP-Link Omada Support🧪, NetBIOS scan, MQTT📡, UI Enhancements 🚀

18 Jul 08:35
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Hey everyone 👋

FlyingToto created an amazing new experimental TP-Link Omada plugin 🧪, enabling auto-network topology creation 🌐. Additional highlights include a granular NEWDEV_NAME_CLEANUP_REGEX setting 🔍, cache expiration improvements ⏲️, and the ability to specify devices sent to MQTT 📡.

UI updates improve device status visibility 🟢🔴, add some customization to tiles 🧩, and sortable columns 📊 in the Network view.

Core updates add new fields for network tree generation 🌳, plugin transformers 🔧, and settings page refactoring 🛠️. Refresh your browser cache 🔄 after upgrade.

If you are developer, check out the new 15-minute plugin development video 🎥

Watch the video

🎥Watch the video

Make sure you refresh your browser cache (usually shift + reload button) - and click the 🔄 refresh button in the top right corner.


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💔 Breaking changes

Sometimes I have to introduce breaking changes

  • Removed NEWDEV_LESS_NAME_CLEANUP and replaced with a more granular NEWDEV_NAME_CLEANUP_REGEX setting

📚Docs updates


  • Cache expiration improvements #698 (✨)
  • A new NEWDEV_NAME_CLEANUP_REGEX setting so you can specify how newly discovered device names are handled #725 (🆕)
  • A MQTT_DEVICES_SQL setting if you want to specify which devices are sent to MQTT #732 (🆕)


  • (Experimental🧪) OMADA TP-Link import support including auto-network topology creation by @FlyingToto #708 (🆕)
  • The MQTT / Home Assitant integration provides a device_tracker sensor with attributes #703 (🆕)
  • Some default Plugins couldn't be unloaded #726 (✨)
  • Better pfSense / SNMP support with better docs #718 (✨)

🖼 UI

  • The device status now shows colors and icons, so even visually impaired users can easily distinguish statuses #706 (🆕)
  • You can now select which tiles in the Devices section are shown (+ All, Offline tiles added) #705 (🆕)
  • Sortable columns in the Network page #713 (🆕)
  • Improved Search filtering (✨)
  • Improved Maintenance -> Logs section (🆕)
  • Paste to import CSV in Maintenance (🆕)

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • New Fields in the CurrentScan table to support the Network tree generation from plugins (🆕)
  • Plugin transformers, such as base64 encoding, can be applied to arrays (🆕)
  • Settings page refactoring (✨)
  • Ability to specify the execution order of plugins with the "execution_order" : "Layer_0" property in config.json (🆕)

Other Info

🆕 - New features ✨ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v24.6.8...v24.7.18