This is a python package which controlls DJI toy drone 'Tello'. The major portion of the source code was ported from the driver of GOBOT project. For original golang version and protocol in detail, please refer their blog post at
You can install stable version from PyPI.
$ pip install tellopy
Or install from the source code.
$ git clone
$ cd TelloPy
$ python bdist_wheel
$ pip install dist/tellopy-*.dev*.whl --upgrade
Please see the API docstring.
$ python
>>> import tellopy
>>> help(tellopy)
Help on package tellopy:
You can find basic usage of this package in example code in the examples folder.
This example let Tello take off. Tello will land automatically after a few seconds.
$ python -m tellopy.examples.simple_takeoff
Filter and display the realtime video stream from Tello.
$ pip install av
$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip install image
$ python -m tellopy.examples.video_effect
You can use PS3/PS4/XONE joystick to controll Tello. (see my video
$ pip install av
$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip install image
$ pip install pygame
$ python -m tellopy.examples.joystick_and_video
You can find a hand_motion controller for the Tello in this project:, and controll your tello using hand movements!
This interfaces with the drone through openCV and generates frames from the video stream for computer vision applications. It comes with a tracker that will detect a color in the scene and follow it: