DJI Tello controller using hand gestures python app
Tested on ubuntu 19.10
git clone
cd HalloPy
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker build --network=host --tag hallopy:1.3 .
(make sure you have docker installed.)
(Make sure you're connected to the TELLO wifi)
xhost + && docker run --rm -it --net=host --ipc=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --privileged -v /dev/video0:/dev/video0 --name hallopy hallopy:1.3
For flags explanation: running docker with gui
- ubuntu 19.10
- python 3.7
Dependency libraries installation:
- pip install av==6.1.2
- pip install opencv-python
From directory /HalloPy/
python ./hallopy/
Make sure you have all dependency libraries. for great openCV installation tutorial refer to:
Turn on Tello drone and connect to it's wifi
- there's no yet, so in order to run this project, open the project in an IDE and run:
Application usage:
press 'b' - to detect palm ( depend on the environment lights, a Thresh Hold slider tuning may be needed) center the detected palm at the center of the detection_frame FOR 5 seconds pressing b again will reset calibration.
After center-circle become GREEN (meaning we are now calibrated):
press 't' - to take off ( a 3 second hold-up, until drone is in the air) after landing - if program is calibrated, press t again to take-off press 'c' - to toggle drone's control between key-board and detected-palm toggling back to keyboard will force drone to hover in the same place press 'l' - to land ( at any time) press 'x' - to adjust background' threshold - for thicker palm recognition press 'z' - to adjust background' threshold - for thinner palm recognition press 'esc' to exit program ( only after drone landed)
Video explaining hands movements for controlling the drone can be found here, and here
OpenCV - for the greatest computer Vision library in this world ( and others)
tellopy repo - for making a super friendly drone api
Adrian and his crew at - for the best How-to's tutorials and email support.
Izane for his FingerDetection -