What's Changed
- feat(stripe): Pre-authorize payment before creating subscription by @julienbourdeau in #3262
- chore(logs): Improve logging to json by @jdenquin in #3272
- feat(data): Add mrrs plans resolver by @rsempe in #3293
- fix(logs): Parse AJ logs in json by @jdenquin in #3301
- feat(preauth): Prepare Stripe Authorization for recent versions by @julienbourdeau in #3303
- feat(netsuite): enforce customer external id to be NetSuite EntityId by @sarkissianraffi in #3286
- chore(logs): Add level to json by @jdenquin in #3304
- fix: make json parsing more resilient by @lovrocolic in #3298
- feat(payment-receipts): Add pdf templates by @ivannovosad in #3248
- fix(invoice-preview): Add charge duration to boundaries during preview generation by @floganz in #3305
- feat(payment-receipts): Add services to create payment receipt and generate pdf by @ivannovosad in #3255
- feat(data): Add usages invoiced resolver by @rsempe in #3306
- feat(payment-receipts): Add mailer for payment receipts by @ivannovosad in #3264
- feat(payment-receipts): Add GraphQL mutation and type by @ivannovosad in #3289
- Misc: migrate invoice_errors to error_details by @annvelents in #3211
- chore(config): Improve the RSA Keys configuration by @jdenquin in #3309
- misc(wallet): Reduce number of queries to flag refresh by @vincent-pochet in #3311
- fix(dunning): adapt refund logic with dunning by @lovrocolic in #3308
- chore(deps): bump rack from 2.2.11 to 2.2.13 by @dependabot in #3314
- Feat(multi-entities): add services to update billing_entity by @annvelents in #3251
- chore(validation): Refactor Expiration Date Validation to Use Centralized Validator by @brunomiguelpinto in #3312
- Fix: overdue invoices should not include invoices not ready to be paid by @annvelents in #3315
Full Changelog: v1.22.1...v1.23.0