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bug: Overwriting default mappings win.input.keys doesn't work correctly #554

4 tasks done
dpetka2001 opened this issue Jan 16, 2025 · 15 comments · Fixed by #424
4 tasks done

bug: Overwriting default mappings win.input.keys doesn't work correctly #554

dpetka2001 opened this issue Jan 16, 2025 · 15 comments · Fixed by #424
bug Something isn't working


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dpetka2001 commented Jan 16, 2025

Did you check docs and existing issues?

  • I have read all the snacks.nvim docs
  • I have updated the plugin to the latest version before submitting this issue
  • I have searched the existing issues of snacks.nvim
  • I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue

Neovim version (nvim -v)

NVIM v0.11.0-dev-1569+g92d3bf101d

Operating system/version

Linux Mint 21.3

Describe the bug

I'm trying to create a custom picker using the following

function M.snacks_picker()
  return {
    layout = {
      preview = false,
    win = {
      input = {
        keys = {
          ["<c-s>"] = { "live_grep", mode = { "i", "n" } },
          ["<M-r>"] = { "oldfiles", mode = { "i", "n" } },
    finder = function()
      local items = {
          _select_key = "/home/your_username/.config/nvim",
          idx = 1,
          score = 1000,
          text = "/home/your_username/.config/nvim",
      return items
    format = "text",
    actions = {
      confirm = function(picker, item)
        Snacks.picker.files({ cwd = item.file })
      live_grep = function(picker, item)
        Snacks.picker.pick("grep", { cwd = item.file })
      oldfiles = function(_, item)
        Snacks.picker.recent({ cwd = item.file })

and calling this with `:lua Snacks.picker(Util.snacks.snacks_picker()). Replace this with wherever you save the code snippet above.

When using the custom picker for the first time it works as expected when I press <c-s> and launches the grep picker and the help menu shows

But afterwards, when I launch the custom picker for the second time, pressing <c-s> doesn't do anything and the help menu shows this

It looks like the win.input.keys are getting merged awkwardly? Because it shows the rhs of my custom mapping as the lhs for the default mapping. I also tried <c-g> and it behaves the same. However, I tried <CR> and that behaves correctly. No idea why.

If I did something wrong in the way I tried to implement this, feel free to close this and give me a hint as to how I should do it correctly.

Also if I try to launch the grep picker from the confirm action it works correctly, because it's bound to <CR> by default. But if I use another keymap for the confirm action like <c-g> I observe the same behavior.

PS: I also want to note that I also tried setting the mapping as <C-s> (capital c for the Control modifier) and in that case the mapping is not always taking effect. Sometimes it's taking effect and works as expected even when I invoke my custom picker for a second time and other times the default mapping takes effect. I have to restart Neovim inbetween until my personal mapping takes effect. I believe in this case they get parsed as 2 different mappings (<c-s> is the default one) and somewhere along the way they get converted to the same mapping and it depends on which got parsed later that will overwrite the previous one. That is just my guess anyway.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Save the above code snippet somewhere.
  2. Invoke the custom picker with :lua Snacks.picker(custom_module_where_you_saved())
  3. Press <c-s> and see the grep picker launch correctly
  4. Use the same command from step 2 to invoke the custom picker again
  5. Press <c-s> and see nothing happens. Press ? from normal mode in the custom picker to show the help menu and notice that the mapping is weird now.

Expected Behavior

Should be able to overwrite default mappings in my custom picker without problems.


vim.env.LAZY_STDPATH = ".repro"
load(vim.fn.system("curl -s"))()

  spec = {
    { "folke/snacks.nvim", opts = {} },
    -- add any other plugins here
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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

Thank you for the detailed bug report. Looking into it right now.

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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

Should be fixed now.
I had to re-implement vim.tbl_deep_extend (already had the code for lazy.nvim)

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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

Btw, you don't need to close the previous picker when launching a new one.
That prevents flickering:

  layout = {
    preview = false,
  win = {
    input = {
      keys = {
        ["<C-s>"] = { "live_grep", mode = { "i", "n" } },
        ["<M-r>"] = { "oldfiles", mode = { "i", "n" } },
  finder = function()
    local items = {
        _select_key = "/home/your_username/.config/nvim",
        idx = 1,
        score = 1000,
        text = "/home/your_username/.config/nvim",
    return items
  format = "text",
  actions = {
    confirm = function(picker, item)
      Snacks.picker.files({ cwd = item.file })
    live_grep = function(picker, item)
      Snacks.picker.pick("grep", { cwd = item.file })
    oldfiles = function(_, item)
      Snacks.picker.recent({ cwd = item.file })

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I just pulled to test this out and am getting an error because of the following

    opts = {
      picker = {
        config = function(opts, _)
          vim.list_extend(opts.sources.lsp_symbols.filter.lua, { "Object" })

"Error executing lua /home/jrn23/.config/LazyVimDev/lua/plugins/snacks.lua:9: attempt to index field 'filter' (a nil value)". Is the merging in the config function for a snacks broken because of this?

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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

That isn't set anywhere in lazyvim? So that could not have worked before either.

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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

You're confusing the defaults in the snacks plugin vs options set by lazyvim.
lazy.nvim only sees and can merge/extend options set by lazyvim.
It doesn't know about the defaults inside the snacks plugin.

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I'm talking about this.

If you want to customize options for a plugin after they have been resolved, you can use the config function:

  gitbrowse = {
    config = function(opts, defaults)
      table.insert(opts.remote_patterns, { "my", "custom pattern" })

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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

Right. That seems to work for me. What is the rest of your config?

Also what does a dd or similar show of the opts when config is ran?

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I did this as per your comment here and it did work until prior to the commit about vim.tbl_deep_extend.

    dev = true,
    ---@type snacks.plugins.Config
    opts = {
      picker = {
        config = function(opts, _)
          vim.list_extend(opts.sources.lsp_symbols.filter.lua, { "Object" })
        formatters = {
          file = {
            filename_first = true,
        sources = {
          lsp_symbols = {
            layout = {
              preview = "main",
              preset = "ivy",
      input = {},
      scope = {
        keys = {
          textobject = {
            aL = {
              min_size = 1, -- allow single line scopes
              linewise = true,
              edge = true, -- include the edge
              treesitter = { enabled = false },
              desc = "linewise scope with edge",
            iL = {
              min_size = 1, -- allow single line scopes
              linewise = true,
              edge = false, -- include the edge
              treesitter = { enabled = false },
              desc = "linewise scope with edge",
      scroll = {
        animate = {
          duration = { step = 20, total = 250 },
          easing = "inQuad",
      indent = {
        -- indent = {
        --   only_scope = true,
        -- },
        -- chunk = {
        --   enabled = true,
        -- },
        scope = {
          -- underline = true,
          -- treesitter = {
          --   enabled = false,
          -- },
      styles = {
        input = {
          keys = {
            i_ctrl_c = { "<C-c>", "stopinsert", mode = "i" },
        lazygit = {
          height = 0,
          width = 0,
        notification = {
          wo = { winblend = 0 },
        notification_history = {
          width = 0.8,
          height = 0.8,
          wo = {
            statuscolumn = "",
            signcolumn = "no",
            numberwidth = 3,
        terminal = {
          keys = {
            term_normal = {
                return "<C-\\><C-n>"
              mode = "t",
              expr = true,
              desc = "Double escape to normal mode",
      notifier = {
        margin = {
          top = 1,
      lazygit = {
        config = {
          os = {
            edit = '[ -z "$NVIM" ] && (nvim -- {{filename}}) || (nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote-send "q" && nvim --server "$NVIM" --remote {{filename}})',
      dashboard = {
        sections = {
            section = "terminal",
            cmd = "figlet -f ~/.config/LazyVimDev/ansi_shadow.flf -ct 'LAZYVIM' | lolcat -F 0.3 -t -p 100 -f",
            -- cmd = "cat ~/.config/LazyVimDev/header.txt",
            height = 6,
            padding = 1,
            -- random = 10,
          { icon = "", title = "Keymaps", section = "keys", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
          { icon = "", title = "Recent Files", section = "recent_files", indent = 2, padding = 1, width = 60 },
          { icon = "", title = "Projects", section = "projects", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
          { section = "startup" },
      scratch = {
        win_by_ft = {
          lua = {
            keys = {
              ["clear"] = {
                  vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.buf, 0, -1, false, { "" })
                desc = "Empty buffer",
    keys = {
          Snacks.profiler.pick({ filter = { def_plugin = vim.fn.input("Filter by plugin: ") } })
        desc = "Profiler Filter by Plugin",
        desc = "Select Scratch Buffer",

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dpetka2001 commented Jan 16, 2025

I put dd(opts) in this gist here so as to not further pollute the issue with large pastes.

So how was it appended to the list if it can't index filter which says is a nil value?

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But I can see in the gist with dd(opts) that "Object" was added to lsp_symbols.filter.lua, so I don't really get why that error shows. If I comment out the whole config then lsp_symbols.filter.lua don't contain "Object".

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folke commented Jan 16, 2025

Can you check again?

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Just pulled and can confirm no error with the config.

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Also thank you a lot for your fix about this issue. Can also confirm about no more problems with the keybindings in custom picker. And thanks for your advice about not needing to close the picker. That's how I initially had it as well when I was using a different keybinding. But when I tried to overwrite the defaults and saw this weird behavior, I thought maybe it could be because the picker wasn't correctly closed, so I wanted to be as pedantic as I could with giving reproduction steps in this issue.

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Btw, you don't need to close the previous picker when launching a new one. That prevents flickering:

We were looking at this example of yours 😄

-- List all available sources
M.pickers = {
finder = "meta_pickers",
format = "text",
confirm = function(picker, item)
if item then

folke pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jan 19, 2025
🤖 I have created a release *beep* *boop*


### Features

* **picker.actions:** added support for action options. Fixes
* **picker.buffers:** del buffer with ctrl+x
* **picker.buffers:** delete buffers with dd
* **picker.commands:** added builtin commands. Fixes
* **picker.frecency:** cleanup old entries from sqlite3 database
* **picker.git:** added `git_diff` picker for diff hunks
* **picker.git:** git diff/show can now use native or neovim for
preview. defaults to neovim. Closes
[#500](#500). Closes
[#494](#494). Closes
[#491](#491). Closes
* **picker.git:** stage/unstage files in git status with `&lt;tab&gt;`
* **picker.grep:** added `ft` (rg's `type`) and `regex` (rg's
`--fixed-strings`) options
* **picker.list:** added debug option to show scores
* **picker.list:** added select_all action mapped to ctrl+a
* **picker.list:** better way of highlighting field patterns
* **picker.list:** make `conceallevel` configurable. Fixes
* **picker.lsp:** added `lsp_workspace_symbols`. Supports live search.
Closes [#473](#473)
* **picker.matcher:** added opts.matcher.sort_empty and
* **picker.matcher:** better scoring algorithm based on fzf. Closes
[#512](#512). Fixes
* **picker.matcher:** integrate custom item scores
* **picker.matcher:** moved length tiebreak to sorter instead
* **picker.recent:** include open files in recent files. Closes
* **picker.score:** prioritize matches in filenames
* **** better frecency bonus
* **picker.sort:** default sorter can now sort by len of a field
* **picker.sources:** lines just sorts by score/idx. Smart sorts on
* **picker:** add qflist_all action to send all even when already sel…
* **picker:** add some source aliases like the Telescope / FzfLua names
* **picker:** added `{preview}` and `{flags}` title placeholders. Closes
[#557](#557), Closes
* **picker:** added `git_branches` picker. Closes
* **picker:** added `inspect` action mapped to `&lt;c-i&gt;`. Useful to
see what search fields are available on an item.
* **picker:** added `smart` picker
* **picker:** added exclude option for files and grep. Closes
* **picker:** added jump options jumplist(true for all), reuse_win &
tagstack (true for lsp). Closes
[#589](#589). Closes
* **picker:** added preliminary support for combining finder results.
More info coming soon
* **picker:** added spelling picker. Closes
* **picker:** added support for live args for `grep` and `files`. Closes
* **picker:** added toggle/flag/action for `follow`. Closes
* **picker:** allow disabling file icons
* **picker:** allow setting a custom `opts.title`. Fixes
* **picker:** custom icon for unselected entries
* **picker:** restore cursor / topline on resume
* **pickers.format:** added `opts.picker.formatters.file.filename_first`
* **picker:** use an sqlite3 database for frecency data when available
* **scroll:** faster animations for scroll repeats after delay.
(replaces spamming handling)
* **snacks:** added `snacks.picker`
* **toggle:** allow toggling global options. Fixes
* **win:** warn on duplicate keymaps that differ in case. See

### Bug Fixes

* **animate:** never animate stopped animations
* **bigfile:** check existence of NoMatchParen before executing
* **config:** better vim.tbl_deep_extend that prevents issues with
list-like tables. Fixes
* **config:** dont exclude metatables
* **grep:** explicitely set `--no-hidden` because of the git filter
* **indent:** dont redraw when list/shiftwidth/listchars change.
Triggered way too often. Fixes
[#613](#613). Closes
* **input:** bring back `&lt;c-w&gt;`. Fixes
[#426](#426). Closes
* **layout:** allow root with relative=cursor. Closes
* **layout:** don't trigger events during re-layout on resize. Fixes
* **layout:** open/update windows in order of the layout to make sure
offsets are correct
* **layout:** use eventignore when updating windows that are already
visible to fix issues with synatx. Fixes
* **lsp:** use treesitter highlights for LSP locations
* **notifier:** content width. Fixes
* **picker.actions:** added hack to make folds work. Fixes
* **picker.actions:** close existing empty buffer if it's the current
* **picker.actions:** full path for qflist and loclist actions
* **picker.actions:** only delete empty buffer if it's not displayed in
a window. Fixes [#566](#566)
* **picker.actions:** return action result. Fixes
[#612]( See
* **picker.colorscheme:** nil check. Fixes
* **picker.config:** allow merging list-like layouts with table layout
* **picker.config:** better config merging and tests
* **picker.config:** normalize keys before merging so you can override
`&lt;c-s&gt;` with `<C-S>`
* **picker.db:** remove tests
* **picker.diagnostics:** sort on empty pattern. Fixes
* **picker.files:** ignore errors since it's not possible to know if the
error isbecause of an incomplete pattern. Fixes
* **picker.format:** filename
* **picker.format:** use forward slashes for paths. Closes
* **picker.git:** git log file/line for a file not in cwd. Fixes
* **picker.git:** git_file and git_line should only show diffs including
the file. Fixes [#522](#522)
* **picker.git:** use Snacks.git.get_root instead vim.fs.root for
backward compatibility
* **picker.highlight:** properly deal with multiline treesitter captures
* **picker.input:** don't set prompt interrupt, but use a `&lt;c-c&gt;`
mapping instead that can be changed
* **picker.input:** leave insert mode when closing and before executing
confirm. Fixes [#543](#543)
* **picker.input:** statuscolumn on resize / re-layout. Fixes
* **picker.input:** strip newllines from pattern (mainly due to pasting
in the input box)
* **picker.input:** use `Snacks.util.wo` instead of `vim.wo`. Fixes
* **picker.list:** disable folds
* **picker.list:** include `search` filter for highlighting items (live
search). See [#474](
* **picker.list:** newlines in text. Fixes
[#607](#607). Closes
* **picker.list:** possible issue with window options being set in the
wrong window
* **picker.list:** scores debug
* **picker.lsp:** added support for single location result
* **picker.matcher:** initialize matcher with pattern from opts. Fixes
* **picker.matcher:** inverse scores
* **picker.minheap:** clear sorted on minheap clear. Fixes
* **picker.preview:** don't show line numbers for preview commands
* **picker.preview:** pattern to detect binary files was incorrect
* **picker.preview:** scratch buffer filetype. Fixes
* **picker.proc:** correct offset for carriage returns. Fixes
* **picker.qf:** better quickfix item list. Fixes
* **** allow main to be current. Fixes
* **picker.util:** cleanup func for key-value store (frecency)
* **picker:** add alias for `oldfiles`
* **picker:** add keymaps for preview scratch buffers
* **picker:** always stopinsert, even when picker is already closed.
Should not be needed, but some plugins misbehave. See
* **picker:** better buffer edit. Fixes
* **picker:** better normkey. Fixes
* **picker:** changed inspect mapping to `&lt;a-d&gt;` since not all
terminal differentiate between `<a-i>` and `<tab>`
* **picker:** correctly normalize path after fnamemodify
* **picker:** deepcopy before config merging. Fixes
* **picker:** don't throttle preview if it's the first item we're
* **picker:** dont fast path matcher when finder items have scores
* **picker:** format: one too many spaces for default icon in results …
* **picker:** picker:items() should return filtered items, not finder
items. Closes [#481](#481)
* **picker:** potential issue with preview winhl being set on the main
* **picker:** preview / lsp / diagnostics positions were wrong; Should
all be (1-0) indexed. Fixes
* **picker:** properly handle `opts.layout` being a string. Fixes
* **picker:** select_and_prev should use list_up instead of list_down
* **picker:** set correct cwd for git status picker
* **picker:** show all files in git status
* **scope:** make sure to parse the ts tree. Fixes
* **scratch:** autowrite right buffer. Fixes
* **scroll:** don't animate for new changedtick. Fixes
* **scroll:** don't animate when recording or executing macros
* **statuscolumn:** return "" when no signs and no numbers are needed.
Closes [#570](#570).
* **util:** normkey
* **win:** clear syntax when setting filetype
* **win:** correctly deal with initial text containing newlines. Fixes
* **win:** duplicate keymap should take mode into account. Closes
* **win:** exclude cursor from redraw. Fixes
* **win:** fix relative=cursor again
* **win:** relative=cursor. Closes
[#427](#427). Closes
* **win:** special handling of `&lt;C-J&gt;`. Closes
[#565](#565). Closes
* **win:** win position with border offsets. Closes
[#413](#413). Fixes
* **words:** added support for new name of the namespace used for lsp
references. Fixes

### Performance Improvements

* **notifier:** skip processing during search. See
* **picker.matcher:** fast path when we already found a perfect match
* **picker.matcher:** only use filename_bonus for items that have a file
* **picker.matcher:** yield every 1ms to prevent ui locking in large
* **picker.util:** cache path calculation
* **picker:** dont use prompt buffer callbacks
* **picker:** matcher optims

This PR was generated with [Release
Please]( See

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