A categorized community-driven collection of high-quality awesome Unity assets, projects, and resources.
Free assets and resources are prioritized over paid when possible.
Suggestions and contributions are always welcome!
Make sure to read the contribution guidelines for more information before submitting a pull request.
- Motivation
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- Legend
- Categories
- 2D
- Vector Graphics
- AI
- Machine Learning
- Audio
- Animation
- Tweening
- Augmented Reality
- Virtual Reality
- Mixed Reality
- Computer Vision & Tracking
- Speech Recognition
- Camera
- Physics
- Character Controllers
- Input
- Monetization
- Services
- Internationalization & Localization (I18n & L10n)
- Networking
- Scripting
- Rendering & Post-Processing
- UI
- Procedural Generation
- Terrain
- NavMesh
- Textures
- Importers & Exporters
- Databases
- VCS (Version Control Systems)
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Testing
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- Asset Management
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- Miscellaneuous
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- To be done
There is always a posibility that this repository becomes outdated, mostly because new packages from the asset store and repositories appear in the future. This is because of the nature of technology and this can be avoided, so in order to keep this project as updated as possible with what other users know, please create a new issue to include or remove what you think is necessary.
Another point is the categorization of the resources provided here. Since some of them can be included in different categories at the same time a cross reference will be created in the form of a hashtag to notify you (the visitor) that maybe you need to look in a different place of this repository or in another external site to find more info.
Finally, you need to know that this is not the only repository on Github that gathers Unity related repositories. This is just another, trying to get the best of all the existing content out there for Unity developers. So please, be grateful with all the other developers that put effort collecting their respective lists of resources, by visiting their repositories (they will be listed below).
I hope all of you find this helpful. Let's get on with the contents.
Free resource: ๐
Paid resource: ๐ฐ
Interesting resource: ๐
(UNMAINTAINED) - The repository hasn't been updated for a long time.
(DEPRECATED) - Another solution or package has been released that does the same and it's more recent.
(ARCHIVED) - The repository is read only for learning purposes.
(#[CATEGORY]) - Where [CATEGORY] represents a category of the document. Means that the resource is related with another category too. Any resource can contain many category tags.
- 2D Rope System - Scripts for creating any type of 2D ropes in the editor or during runtime. ๐ฐ
- 2D Toolkit - An efficient & flexible 2D sprite, collider set-up, text, tilemap and UI system. ๐ฐ
- Ferr2D Terrain Tool - Quickly create handcrafted 2D landscapes and levels. ๐ฐ
- Pixel Camera 2D - A simple pixel perfect camera with scaling options for 2D Games.
- Spine - A skeletal animation editor with a Unity library. ๐ฐ
- Tiled2Unity - Export Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity.
- Unity2D TMX - A small library to import and render tilemap in Unity2D, only support TMX file format.
- Unity Anima2D - Advanced skeletal animation editor with support for both per-object and skinned mesh animation with an integrated in-editor skinning tool.
- UnityTiled - An importer for Tiled maps.
- 2D Tech Demos - Tech Demos for Unity 2D Features.
- SpriteDicing - Unity extension for reusing sprite texture areas.
- PixelSpriteGenerator-Unity - A port of the PixelSpriteGenerator to C# for use with the Unity3D game engine.
- Unity ECS Instanced Sprite Renderer - An example of a simple performant sprite renderer using Unity's new ECS system.
- FogSprites - Modification of Unity's sprite shaders supporting Fog.
- HermodToolkit - A set of 2D tools for Unity.(#2D)
- Unity2D-Components - A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
- 2DTileMapLevelEditor - 2D Tile Map Level Editor for Unity.
- DataRenderer2D - Make mesh like line, polygon, etc in Unity3D.
- Cat2DAnimation - 2D Animation Tool.
- Live2D with Unity - Import Live2D and read mtn file In Unity3D.
- UnityBitmapDrawing - Bitmap Drawing API extension methods for Unity 3D's Texture2D class.
- Futile - A super simple Unity 2D framework.
- BulletPatternEditorUnity - Easily create shoot em up bullet patterns.
- PolyMesh - Create 2D shapes in an instant with the PolyMesh editor.
- 2D Demos - 2D Experimental Preview Demo projects.
- SpriteMaker - Tool for making sprites in Unity.
- Unity3DPolylineEditor - 2D Polyline Editor for Unity3D.
- DoomStyleAnimatedBillboard - Animated billboard with multiple view angles.
- Unity Sprite Cutter - Simple solution for cutting sprites in runtime.
- PixelSpriteGenerator Unity - A port of the PixelSpriteGenerator to C# for use with the Unity3D game engine.
- ST2U TileProperties - SuperTiled2Unity Example of Retrieving Custom Properties from Tiles.
- PixelRenderUnity3D - PixelRender is a complete system for realtime rendering of 3D scenes as 2D pixel art in Unity3D.
- OnionRingUnity - Auto 9 slice sprite generator.
- 2D_IsoTilemaps - This is an example Unity project focused on 2D Isometric Tilemaps and 2D Pixel Perfect Rendering.
- Vector Graphics Samples - SVG and Vector Graphics Sample Project.
- NanoSVG CSharp - NanoSVG for C#.
- UnitySVG - SVG renderer for Unity3D.
- Pathfinding - Find paths in Unity Tilemaps with A* Search.
- Unity Movement AI - A Unity library for common movement AI.
- A* Pathfinding Project - Lightning fast pathfinding with heavily optimized algorithms and a large feature set.
- A* Sharp - A small, easy to understand C# implementation of the A Star pathfinding algorithm for 2D grid based applications.
- Astar Pathfinding - 2D pathfinding for Unity.
- UnityAStarNavigation - An A* navigation system for Unity using burst compiled jobs for performance.
- Apex Path - Apex Path handles dynamic pathfinding including local avoidance steering and dynamic obstacles. ๐ฐ
- Crystal AI - Crystal is a fast, scalable and extensible utility based AI framework for C# and Unity.
- Behaviac - Is a framework of the game AI development, and it also can be used as a rapid game prototype design tool. behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task network(BT, FSM, HTN).
- TsiU AIToolkit CSharp - AI Toolkit for Unity.
- EpPathFinding.cs - A jump point search algorithm for grid based games in C#.
- EpPathFinding3D.cs - A 3D jump point search algorithm for cube based games in C#.
- GOAP - Goal Oriented Action Planning AI in Unity.
- Unity Movement AI - A library of common movement AI scripts known as Steering Behaviors. You can use these scripts to help your NPCs move around your game.
- Openpath - Open source pathfinding for Unity.
- Unity Path Finding - Shortest path finding with Dijkstra's algorithm for Unity.
- NPBehave - Event Driven Behavior Trees for Unity 3D.
- Fluid Behavior Tree - A pure code behavior tree micro-framework built for Unity3D projects. Granting developers the power to dictate their GUI presentation.
- Unity3D Finite State Machine
- A Star Pathfinding for Unity - A Star Pathfinder, 3 axis, multithreaded for Unity.
- A* Pathfinding Project Pro - Lightning fast pathfinding for Unity3D. ๐ฐ
- A* Pathfinding for Platformers - How to Adapt A* Pathfinding to a 2D Grid-Based Platformer.
- Unity Neural Network - Simple neural network implemented in C# for Unity3D.
- GameAI Movement - Movement Algorithms for NPCs developed with the Unity Engine for the Artificial Intelligence for Games class @ IST.
- Knowledge Representation - Small Unity project showcasing AI responding to changes in the game world.
- Unity AI - AI Behavior Tree Framework.
- AI Companion - Created in Unity 5 for the purposes of learning AI techniques. Features behaviour trees and A* pathfinding.
- LanguageProject - Summer 2018 Project: Semantics and Emergent NPC Behavior.
- OSMTrafficSim - TrafficSim using Unity ECS.
- OpenPath - Open source pathfinding for Unity.
- EvolutionSimulation01 - Evolutionary simulation where agents age, reproduce, and eat each other.
- Path - Pathfinding library for the Unity engine.
- AirSim - Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research.
- Ngx - Neural network based visual generator and mixer.
- Unity Formation Movement - Formation movement for Unity3D using standard Navmesh or A* Pathfinding. (#NAVMESH)
- BT Framework - A behavior tree framework that can be used to create game AI.
- Unity CogBot - NPC AI framework for the popular Unity 3D game engine.
- Gridworld - An 3D enviroment for testing AIs powered by Unity3D.
- Unity BehaviourTree
- Artificial Intelligence - Artificial intelligence in Unity using graphs and the pathfinding RTA* algorithm.
- Unity3D Machine Learning Toolkit - Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit.
- PPOL - A crowd simulator based on Unity's ML Agents and using PPO Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.
- UnityTensorflowKeras - Unity In Editor Deep Learning Tools. Using KerasSharp, TensorflowSharp, Unity MLAgent. In-Editor training and no python needed.
- Unity Reinforcement Learning - Reinforcement Learning project based on genetic algorithms.
- Unity TensorRT - Unity + TensorRT integration.
- TFClassify Unity - An example of using Tensorflow with Unity for image classification and object detection.
- Pix2Pix - Real-time pix2pix implementation with Unity.
- ML Game - Experiments with Unity and Pix2Pix.
- Angry AI - Unity Machine Learning Battle Robots.
- Unity Neural Network Tanks AI - A simple tank battle game but it's controlled by Neural Network.
- ML Explorer Drone - Unity Machine Learning Controlled Explorer Drone.
- Unity ML Environments - This repository features game simulations as machine learning environments to experiment with deep learning approaches such as deep reinforcement learning inside of Unity.
- Obstacle Tower Challenge - Starter Kit for the Unity Obstacle Tower challenge.
- Obstacle Tower Environment - A procedurally generated environment consisting of multiple floors to be solved by a learning agent. It is designed to test learning agents abilities in computer vision, locomotion skills, high-level planning, and generalization.
- Reaktion
- Unity-NodeSynthesizer - Nose-Based Synthesizer on UnityEditor.
- Unity-Synth-Experiments - A set of simple generative synth scripts for Unity written in C# (OnAudioFilterRead).
- Videolab - Toolkit for designing midi-controlled video content.
- Resonance-audio-unity-sdk - Resonance Audio SDK for Unity.
- MusicEngine - Make music synced game with Unity.
- G Audio - 2D Audio Framework for Unity.
- UnityWav - WAV utility for saving and loading wav files in Unity.
- UnityOSC - Open Sound Control (OSC) for Unity.
- UnityOSC - Open Sound Control (OSC) C# classes interface for the Unity3d game engine.
- Rhythmify - A Rhythm Syncing Implementation for Unity.
- Algorithmic-beat-mapping-unity - Real-time and Preprocessed Audio Analysis for Onset Detection (Beat Mapping) Using Spectral Flux.
- UniBpmAnalyzer - BPM analyzer for Unity.
- Spotify4Unity - Set of UI tools and scripts for integrating Spotify into your Unity game/app!
- CSharpSynthForUnity - Ported CSharpSynth Project from codeplex to work in Unity.
- UniMic - A wrapper for Unity's Microphone class.
- Low Latency_Sound_for_Unity Android
- USFXR - A C# library used to generate and play game-like procedural audio effects inside Unity.
- Audio Toolkit - A complete, easy-to-use, and performance optimized framework to play and manage music and sound effects in Unity. Both ๐ฐ and ๐
- Unity Beat Detection - Musical beat detection and audio spectrum analysis for use with the Unity game engine.
- LibPdIntegration - A libpd wrapper for Unity. See Pure Data
- NAudio Unity - Port of NAudio to the Mono subset used by Unity3D.
- Unity3D-SoundManager - Simple but decent sound manager for Unity3D, with AudioSource pooling, 3D positioning support and completion callback.
- UniIosAudioService - Unity iOS plugin JUST playing iOS system sound. (#PLUGINS)
- KlakLasp - An extension for the Klak Wiring system to create audio reactive behaviors.
- AudioRecorder - Audio recorder component for Unity.
- UnityAbletonLink - An Ableton Link plugin for Unity. (#PLUGINS)
- NIMA - Raster animation tool (no vector) for Unity and other game engines.
- SpriteAnimation - A Unity-based sprite animator for simple and advanced animation setups.
- AI4Animation - Character Animation in Unity 3D using Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
- Boner2D - Free Open Source 2D Animation Tools for Unity.
- PuppetTest - An experiment in procedural dance animation.
- EasyMotionRecorder
- DragonBonesCSharp - DragonBones C# Runtime.
- Unity Runtime Animation Recorder - Record animations in Unity runtime. Can save to .anim, maya, or FBX ASCII format.
- UnityChanSpringBone - UnityChan Sping Bone System for lightweight secondary animations.
- LeanTween - An efficient animation engine for Unity. Asset Store Link.
- UnitySpritesAndBones - Unity 3D addon for skeletal sprite animations.
- AnimeRx - Rx Tween Animation Library for Unity.
- Unity Animator Helpers - A micro-framework for changing Unity 3D's Animator parameters with ScriptableObject(s). Designed to make going from custom scripts to Animator parameters easy. Works with 2D or 3D projects.
- SpritedowAnimator - A plugin to do simple sprite animations avoiding the big and tedious Unity's Mechanim system. (#2D)
- UnityGpuInstancedAnimation - Unity animation object with gpu instancing.
- UnityGpuInstancing - GPU Instancing + Boids + Animation Texture Baker.
- Unity Animation Instancing
- FACSvatar - An Open Source Modular Framework From Face to FACS Based Avatar Animation (Unity3D / Blender).
- UrMotion - Flexible motion engine for non time-based animation in Unity.
- AnimationImporter - Aseprite Animation Importer for Unity. (#2D)
- StopMotion Unity - A simple StopMotion effect for Unity.
- AnimatorPreviewSyncParticle - Unity animator preview sync particle. (#PARTICLE-SYSTEMS)
- CMUMocap - Unity humanoid animations converted from the Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture Database.
- UnityQuillFBXAnim - Making using Quill FBX animations with Unity easier.
- MotionMatching - Road to next-gen animation.
- AnimVRUnityToolkit - Bring your AnimVR creations into Unity.
- DOTween - Tween any numeric property or field (including Vectors, Rectangles, etc.), plus some non-numeric ones (like strings). This is the follow-up to HOTween. Github link here.
- GoKit - An open source, lightweight tween library aimed at making tweening objects dead simple.
- iTween - A simple, and easy to use animation system.
- iTween Expansion - An expansion of Bob Berkebile's Unity 3D tweening plugin.
- XTween - Tweener for Unity.
- PlasticTween - Tween Library for Unity3D (ECS+JOBS).
- ReMotion - Hyper Fast Reactive Tween Engine for Unity.
- ECS-Tween - Simple Unity tweening system using ECS that works with GameObjects!
- AutoMotion - A simple yet powerful set of functions for creating smooth motion, tweens, and bouncy effects.
- ZestKit - Tween library for Unity. The best of GoKit and GoKitLite combined in an easy to use API.
- GoKit - Lightweight tween library for Unity.
- Coroutween - A shitty tweening library for Unity. Only made for the pun, don't actually use it.
- Uween - Lightweight tween library for Unity.
- Vuforia - Augmented Reality SDK with image and object recognition, smart terrain and extended tracking features.
- iOSUnityVuforiaGuide - Integration of Unity + Vuforia into native iOS application.
- ARToolKit - Augmented Reality SDK that includes libraries, utilities, and examples. (Redirects to DAQRI website.)
- ARunity5 - ARToolKit for Unity v5.x.
- ARCore Unity SDK - ARCore SDK for Unity.
- ARFoundation Samples - Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation.
- Facial AR Remote - A tool that allows you to capture blendshape animations directly from your iPhone X into Unity 3d by use of an app on your phone.
- ArucoUnity - Bring augmented reality to Unity by tracking Aruco markers in real time.
- UnityARFaceDeformation - AR Face Deformation with Unity ARKit Plugin.
- UnityARKitFaceGestures - An example repository created to demonstrate how to track gestures with ARKit and Unity3D.
- Location-Based-Markerless-Augmented-Reality - Markerless Augmented Reality based on location made with Unity and Kudan AR SDK.
- Tango Examples Unity - Project Tango UnitySDK Example Projects (#DEPRECATED).
- AR Unity - Augmented Reality in Unity. Uses ALVAR and OpenCV.
- MagicLeapFramework Unity - Unity helper classes and examples to accelerate prototyping for Magic Leap.
- Magic Leap Dev Resources - Magic Leap Developer Resources for the Lumin SDK and Magic Leap One.
- Vuforia Runtime Dataset Sample - A sample unity project for loading datasets in vuforia at runtime.
- VRTK (Virtual Reality Toolkit) - A productive VR Toolkit for rapidly building VR solutions in Unity3d. ๐
- VRTK Unity Core - A set of design patterns for rapidly building VR solutions in Unity3D.
- VRTK_MouseGrab - VRTK SDK sample.
- VRTK_MyCongif - A perosonal configuration for VRTK plugin to work on unity 2018.
- NewtonVR - A virtual reality interaction system for unity based on physics.
- OVRLay - An easy-to-use toolkit for developing OpenVR Overlays with Unity Engine.
- MoonMotion - Free and open source toolkit for VR locomotion.
- The Lab Renderer - The Lab Renderer (VR Essentials).
- WorldShare - Virtual World Sharing Across Platforms.
- VRTeleportationTourTemplate - Template project for VR tour applications.
- VR Template - Unity project template for VR project, will be using for XR Workshop.
- VR Spectator Sample - Sample project for understanding how to VR Spectate in Unity.
- Mesh Maker VR - Mesh Maker VR.
- CreateThis VR UI - User Interface system for Mesh Maker VR.
- YVTuber - YVTuber(Yume VTuber System) is Unity project for VTuber(Virtual YouTuber).
- XLand - Live2D VTuber(Virtual YouTuber) App with extensible node graph editor.
- TBUTT-VR - A lightweight multiplatform interface for making VR games in Unity.
- VketBoothValidator
- NoloUnity - Motion tracking system for virtual/augmented reality. See NOLO driver for Windows. More info.
- VRBow - Virtual Reality Bow and arrow demo made in unity.
- Unity VR IK Mecanim - VR IK using native Unity Mecanim IK.
- VR180MeshProjection - VR180 Mesh Projection Box Parser.
- VRMSpringBone-Optimize - (#ANIMATION)
- UniVRM - Unity package that can import and export VRM format. See also LoadVRM
- DesktopMascot4VRM
- User Reporting VR - A VR Unity project that uses the User Reporting feature of Unity Cloud Diagnostics.
- Unity Chemical Engine - A VR Chemical Reaction & Experiments Simulation Application Developed by Unity3D.
- LilyRender360 - Lily Render 360 is a tool for rendering a Unity scene into stitch-free equirectangular images.
- UnityVR Interaction - Any VR (Virtual Reality) headset can work.
- CWVRGUI - Simple toolkit for interacting with the Unity GUI system via a hand controller in VR. (#UI)
- 360 Video Heatmaps - Heatmaps for 360 Video.
- Useful Scripts for VR Development - Collection of scripts to help virtual reality application development.
- VMagicMirror - VRM based avatar software for Windows with minimal devices. See also VMagicMirrorConfig.
- Vive Input Utility for Unity - A toolkit that helps developing/prototyping VR apps.
- uViveTrackerWithoutHMD
- UnityViveTrackerExample - Example of using the Vive trackers to control a character and record it to a generic animation. (#ANIMATION)
- Portals VR - Using HTC's Unity Plugin on Sterio Rendering to create a "bigger on the inside" effect in VR. Using Doctor Who's Tardis as an example.
- ViveTrackedDevice - Completely open-source, reverse-engineered implementation of a tracked device for the SteamVR virtual reality system.
- VR Speech Sandbox Vive - A sample application that demonstrates how to integrate voice commands and speech recognition into a virtual reality experience.
- Oculus Rift DK2 Extend Preview - OculusRift DK2 Unity Editor PreviewScript.
- RiftGesture - Oculus Rift gesture detection.
- DH OculusVR Models - 3D models decimated for use in VR experience by Oculus.
- VR Speech Sandbox Rift - Oculus Rift's version of VR Speech Sandbox Vive.
- SteamVR Unity Toolkit - A collection of useful scripts and prefabs for building SteamVR titles in Unity 5. See it on the Asset Store.
- SteamVR Unity Toolkit - Predecessor of @thestonefox's VRTK, organized as submodule.
- SteamVR Unity Plugin - Steam VR plugin for Unity.
- SteamVR Enabler - A tool to enable or disable the SteamVR runtime.
- PictureWindow - Allows the user (outside of HMD) to view into the virtual world by turning the display into a window.
- Google VR SDK - Scripts and prefabs to help with the development of Google Daydream and Cardboard apps for Android and iOS. (https://developers.google.com/vr/unity)
- Daydream Renderer for Unity - A set of scripts and shaders designed to allow for high quality real-time rendering on the Daydream platform targeting 60fps.
- NatCam VR Cardboard - A Google Cardboard VR project using the rear camera preview. Powered by NatCam 1.2.
- VR Speech Sandbox Carboard - Google Carboard's version of VR Speech Sandbox Vive.
- GearVR Leap Unity - Workaround in Unity to use Leap Motion Controller with Gear VR (or any other headset that doesn't support it).
- VR Chat - Lets you create, publish, and explore virtual worlds with other people from around the world.
- Pumkins Avatar Tools - A tool to speed up setting up VRChat avatars in Unity.
- VRChat Counter - A simple counter in VRChat that is network-friendly.
- VRCUnityStuffs - Collection of Unity shaders, scripts and prefabs oriented for usage in VRChat.
- VRMConverterForVRChat
- Microsoft Hololens 2 - Second generation mixed reality device developed by Microsoft. See its guides.
- Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit - Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit.
- Azure Spatial Anchors Samples - Azure Spatial Anchors is a managed cloud service and platform that enables multi-user, spatially aware mixed reality and augmented reality (MR/AR) apps for HoloLens, iOS devices with ARKit, and Android devices with ARCore.
- Ong Sharing Drag n Drop - Ong's Drag and Drop Sharing Solution.
- XRTK (Mixed Reality Toolkit) - The Mixed Reality Framework's core interface contracts, services, and utilities.
- Visual Profiler Unity) - The VisualProfiler provides a drop in, single file, solution for viewing your Windows Mixed Reality Unity application's frame rate and memory usage.
- Unity Cognitive Services Demos - Examples of using Microsoft's Cognitive Services in Unity for HoloLens.
- Mixed Reality Design Labs Unity - Mixed Reality Design Labs share experimental samples, explorations and learning from Windows Mixed Reality Design group.
- Editor XR - Author XR in XR.
- XR Components - Generic components for use with XR.
- UnityLIB XR Interaction - A library for Unity3D which enables someone to create an XR application for any XR headset and controllers through one unified set of abstractions and one single library.
- Unity XR Grab And Climb - This Unity project is a very simple XR interactions example that implements grabbing and climbing using Unity's multiplatform APIs.
- MR Lighting Tools Unity - A Unity library and MRTK extension for estimating and replicating the current environment's lighting on Mixed Reality devices.
- MRHand - Script for handling Input for MR devices through native Unity code.
- Avatar Spec - A standardized spec for avatars for a multitude of interpreters made for different platforms (JavaScript, Unity, Unreal Engine etc.), so that avatars can be created once and work everywhere.
- Looking Glass - A universal holographic display for 3D creators. (#VIRTUAL-REALITY) (#AUGMENTED-REALITY)
- LKGVR180Player - VR180 Player by the (Looking Glass)[https://lookingglassfactory.com/].
- Azure Kinect - A developer kit and PC peripheral with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) sensors for sophisticated computer vision and speech models. See its specs.
- K4Wv2UnityBridge - A Kinect v2 bridge for Unity notes: 1. currently 64-bit, so plays but does not run in editor 2. curently hd color stream only.
- Leap Motion - A computer hardware sensor device that supports hand and finger motions as input, analogous to a mouse, but requires no hand contact or touching.
- Leap Motion Core Assets - Unity Assets for Leap Motion v2 Skeletal Tracking.
- Project North Star - The open-source files comprising Leap Motion's Project North Star AR Headset. See the blog post here.
- Myo - A gesture control armband developed by Thalmic Labs. See link.
- Intel Realsense Hand Toolkit for Unity - Intel Realsense Toolkit for Hand tracking and Gestural Recognition on Unity3D.
- ZED SKD Unity Plugin - ZED SDK Unity plugin.
- UnityCloudVision - Google Cloud Vision API client for Unity.
- TensorFlowUnity ObjectDetection - Object detection test project with Tensorflow and Unity.
- KinectSDK Unity3D Interface Plugin - This is a wrapper that allows the user to access Microsoft's Kinect SDK v.1.7 data from inside the free Unity3D game engine.
- Kinect-VFX-Graph - Use Kinect's depth feed with Unity's VFX Graph. (#SHADERS)
- Deepdive - Rigid body tracking with HTC Vive trackers. (#VIRTUAL-REALITY)
- Rsvfx - Visual effects by Keijiro using Intel Realsense camera.
- Dkvfx - An example that shows how to use recorded Depthkit footage with Unity VFX Graph.
- Project Gesture - Project Prague Code Samples.
- Yolo Unity - YOLO Object Detection for Unity (Windows).
- Alturos.Yolo - C# Yolo Darknet Wrapper (real-time object detection).
- Unity SpeechWithLUIS - Sample Unity project used to demonstrate the integration of Speech Recognition and Language Understanding using the new Microsoft Speech Service (Preview) and LUIS from Microsoft Cognitive Services.
- Unity MS SpeechSDK - Sample Unity project used to demonstrate Speech Recognition using the new Microsoft Speech Service (Preview) via WebSockets.
- Cinemachine - Smart camera tools for passionate creators.
- Unity Cinemachine - A few helpful starter Unity Cinemachine scripts.
- Pixel Perfect Retro Camera - Pixel perfect retro camera system for Unity.
- Unity Pixel Camera - A resolution independent pixel perfect camera for Unity.
- DeadSimple Pixel-Perfect Camera - An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.
- UnityEquiCam - Realtime 360ยฐ ( equirectangular ) panorama Camera for Unity.
- Game Eye 2D - A component based orthographic camera extension for unity that tracks 2D environments.
- DeadSimple Pixel Perfect Camera - An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity.
- UFPS - Provides camera, controllers, and other effects for use in FPS games. ๐ฐ
- Physical Camera - Unity Component that can describes a physical camera's attributes. (#Physics)
- Unity Camera Follow 2D - Script to make 2d camera follow players in an interesting way.
- Unity CameraSizeToVelocity2D - Simple script to change the cameras size depending on the velocity of the target.
- CameraLib4U - A third person camera system for Unity using Chase Camera.
- Unity First Person View - An asset that allows you to have a First Person Perspective where first person objects do not clip through the environment, have a separate field of view from the environment and can receive shadows from the environment.
- GyroCam - Quasi-AR with gyroscopic input.
- Unity3D PerlinCameraShake - Perlin noise based camera shake MonoBehaviour script for Unity3D, ready to attach to a Camera. Uses a coroutine-based execution that exits after the job is done. Should be relatively performant.
- Unity Jobs View Frustum Culling - A simple collection of jobs used for view frustum culling
- UnityCameraShake - Generates pseudo-random camera shake using Perlin noise.
- UnitySceneCameraController - Control a camera or any other object like SceneView camera.
- BulletSharpUnity3D - A fork of the BulletSharp project to make the Bullet Physics Engine usable from C# code in Unity3D.
- GPU Physics Unity - Through this configuration, no per voxel data is transferred between the GPU and the CPU at runtime.
- Jello Physics - 2D Soft Body Physics for Unity.
- ECSPhysics - A physics engine made with Unity ECS.
- UnityPhysics2D - Examples of various Unity 2D Physics components and features.
- HedgePhysics - A open source 3D Sonic engine made in Unity.
- Jitter Physics for Unity - An abandoned attempt to integate Jitter Physics engine into Unity.
- BEPU Physics for Unity ECS - Translation in progress of BEPU Physics library v1 to Unity's ECS and Job System.
- Randomation Vehicle Physics - Vehicle physics system for the Unity engine.
- ArcadeCarPhysics - Arcade Car Physics - Vehicle Simulation for Unity3D.
- Arcade Car Physics - Unity package for cars using wheel colliders.
- Unity Burst_Shape Matching - Parallelised 2D deformable bodies using the C# Job system, Unity's Burst compiler and GPU instancing.
- Unity3D PhysicsGun - Unity3D sample implementation of a Half-life 2 / Garry's mod/ Gmod Physics Gun.
- 2D Deformable Body in Unity - A 2D Deformable body simulation in Unity using FEM. (#2D)
- Clothing System 3D - Asset for Unity 3D to allows character customization.
- GPU Cloth Simulation - GPU Mass-Spring Simulation Cloth in Unity.
- OpenRelativity - An open source framework to add the effects of traveling at relativistic speeds to visualizations or games.
- Fusion - Unity Physics on GPU.
- Qu3e Sharp - Lightweight and Simple 3D Open Source Physics Engine ported to C#.
- UnityNativeCollision - SAT Collision in C# for Unity3D Burst Compiler. Another user has it too.
- Unity Bullet Hell - An extremely efficient projectile generator for unity.
- UnityMathReference - Math reference for games and more. All visualized in Unity3D.
- Custom 2D Colliders - A set of custom 2D colliders for Unity. (#2D)
- Custom Primitive Colliders - Custom primitive colliders for Unity.
- Unity3D QuadTree Collision Detection - QuadTree and Collision Detection Systems for Unity3D.
- Unity3D QuadTree Collision Detection
- DynamicRagdoll - Runtime customizable ragdolls in Unity. With transitions to and from animated states.
- Quickfracture - A unity destruction effect.
- Cable Component - Unity cable component implementation similar to the Unreal Engine one based on verlet integration.
- StandardizeBows - Standardize Bows is a Unity ( C# ) project that is created in order to setup bow models that will simulate the physics of a bow without having any animation or animator component.
- Unity Fluid Simulation 2D - Using extended camera to render particles then metalball processing with shader.
- PBD Fluid in Unity - A PBD fluid in unity running on the GPU.
- UnityFluidDynamics - This code is translated from the code provided in Jos Stam's GDC2003 paper.
- 2DFluidSim - Port 2D fluid simulation to Unity. (#2D)
- UnityFluidExperiments - Collection of Fluid Simulation Experiments in Unity.
- Warthog - WheelCollider driven fun little vehicle like Halo's Warthog.
- Unity Earthquake Simulation - Earthquake simulation using real earthquake data from textassets in unity.
- Standard Assets Characters - Unity Standard Asset Controllers.
- CharacterController2D - A 2D controller that behaves very similarly to Unity's CharacterController component.
- PlatformerRails - Character Controller for 2.5D Platformer on Unity.
- SuperCharacterController - Unity custom character controller.
- 2DCharacterControllerTutorial - Source code for 2D Character Controller tutorial for Unity. (#Tutorial)
- Unity 2D Platformer Controller - A customizable 2D platformer motor that handles mechanics such as double jumps, wall jumps, and corner grabs. Includes a player controlled prefab that can be dropped into any scene for immediate support.
- Unity3D ThirdPersonController - Unity3d Third Person Controller.
- NaughtyCharacter - Third Person Controller for Unity.
- Advanced Rigidbody FirstPerson Controller - Rigidbody Based FirstPerson Controller.
- UNet Controller - A Character Controller based controller for Unity's new Networking system. (#NETWORKING)
- SuperCharacterController - Unity custom character controller. (#ARCHIVED)
- TouchUIWatcher - Unity GameView Touch UI Watcher.
- TouchScript - Complete multi-touch solution for Unity: iOS, Android, Windows, TUIO.
- Unity Steer - Steering, obstacle avoidance and path following behaviors for the Unity Game Engine. See the examples.
- TouchKit - Gestures and input handling made sane for Unity.
- InControl - An input manager for Unity that tames the cross-platform controller beast.(Discontinued)
- InputBinder - Bind game inputs to methods via code or using the inspector to add event driven input handling to your project.
- MouseFlight - War Thunder style mouse flight controls for aircraft.
- FreelancerFlightExample - Spaceship flight in a similar style to Freelancer.
- InputSystem - An efficient and versatile input system for Unity.
- InputManager - Custom InputManager for Unity.
- Unity Wiimote - An easy to use interface between Unity3D / C# and a Wii Remote controller.
- UnityMobileInput - Unity mobile Input plugin for iOS and Android (Unity UI compatible).
- Virtual Joystick Unity - Virtual Joystick for Mobile Devices with Unity3D.
- UnityRawInput - Windows Raw Input wrapper for Unity game engine.
- Unity Ads - Unity Ads is a video ad network with quick and seamless integration using regular and opt-in ads.
- Unity3D Store - Unity in-app purchase & virtual economy library. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for game design, economy modeling and faster development.
- AdMob Unity Plugin - An extension for Unity3d to place AdMob banners in your Android games. (#PLUGINS)
- Unity3D LevelUp - Unity3D F2P game progression library - worlds, levels, missions, scores, records and more. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for game design, economy modeling and faster development.
- Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin - Official Unity Plugin for the Google Mobile Ads SDK
- OpenIAB - Open In-App Billing for Google Play, SlideMe, Amazon Store, Nokia Store, Samsung Apps, Yandex.Store, Appland, Aptoide, AppMall and Fortumo.
- DeltaDNA Unity SDK - Add support for deltaDNA's platform and smartads mediation to your Unity games.
- Vungle Unity Plugin - Vungle's Unity Plugin. Monetization SDK. (#MONETIZATION)
- Unity Analytics - Provides a dashboard with metrics to help track active players, sessions, retention, and revenue.
- Flurry Unity3D - Flurry iOS and Android plugin for Unity 3D. (Analytics)
- Simple Firebase Unity - Firebase Realtime-Database's REST API Wrapper for Unity in C#.
- Azure Services For Unity - Accessing Azure services (App Service, Table Storage, CosmosDB with Table API, Event Hubs) from a Unity game.
- Build & Release Unity Games with Azure DevOps - Tutorial on how to build Unity games with Azure DevOps.
- MapsSDK Unity - This repository contains samples, documentation, and supporting scripts for Maps SDK, a Microsoft Garage project.
- [Devtodev] (https://github.com/devtodev-analytics/unity-sdk) - A full-cycle analytics solution for game developers.
- Language - An easy-to-use localization solution for Unity3D.
- PolyglotUnity - A Polyglot Localization plugin for Unity3d that translates games to many languages.
- GameToolkit Localization - Asset localization system for Unity.
- Unity_CSV_Localization - Simple system for using localization values (language translations) from a CSV file in a Unity project.
- UnityLocalizationManager - Localization system to manage multiple languages including date time, currencies, and other informations that change depending on current language.
- Diplomata Unity - A Unity multi language dialogues content management system and editor extension inspired by Twine, like Fungus and Yarn, but is not node based.
- Localization Tool (RTL/LTR) - An easy-to-use alphabet and language extendible localization solution for Unity3D. Including Left-to-Right and Right-To-Left writing support for different alphabets.
- SpatialOS GDK for Unity - Scalable game server framework with clustering support and client libraries for iOS, Android, Unity and others through the C SDK. (Terms of Service discussion alert!)
- Pitaya - Scalable game server framework with clustering support and client libraries for iOS, Android, Unity and others through the C SDK.
- MLAPI - A game networking framework built for the Unity Engine to abstract game networking concepts.
- MLAPI.Relay Documentation - This is the repository for the MLAPI.Relay, a UNET Relay. This is where documentation and issues can be found and reported.
- Barebones Master Server - Master Server framework for Unity.
- SmartFoxServer 2X - A comprehensive SDK for rapidly developing multiplayer games and applications with Adobe Flash/Flex/Air, Unity, HTML5, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Android, Java, Windows 8, C++ and more.
- Mirror - A community replacement for Unity's abandoned UNET Networking System.
- Insight - Simple message server for Mirror.
- Forge Networking Remastered - In short, Forge Networking is a free and open source multiplayer game (multi-user) networking system that has a very good integration with the Unity game engine.
- Photon Bolt - Build networked games without having to know the details of networking or write any complex networking code. ๐ฐ
- Photon Unity Networking - Plug and play cloud networking that also works for local hosting. Free for up to 20 concurrent users.
- Xavier - A networking solution for Unity based on Telepathy.
- Nakama - Build social and realtime games with an open-source distributed server.
- Nakama Unity - Unity client for Nakama server.
- Facepunch.Steamworks - Another fucking C# Steamworks implementation.
- Facepunch.Steamworks.Unity - Tests for Facepunch.Steamworks in Unity3D.
- SteamNetworking - Steamworks for Unity using the Facepunch.Steamworks API.
- MagicOnion - Unified Realtime/API Engine for .NET Core and Unity.
- Colyseus - Multiplayer Game Server for Node.js. Demo with Unity3D
- MateriaGame DarkRift2 Tutorial - DarkRift2 Tutorial. See more.
- EmbeddedFPSExample - An example on how to create a FPS game with Darkrift 2.
- DarkriftSerializationExtensions - A small collection of useful extension methods for Darkrift2.
- LiteNetLibManager DarkRift2 - DarkRift2 transport layer for LiteNetLibManager project.
- Barebones Masterserver - Master Server framework for Unity.
- SpeedDate - SpeedDate Masterserver: Connecting Players.
- IonNetworking - A dedicated server setup for Unity.
- Best HTTP/2 - A HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 implementation that supports almost all Unity mobile and standalone platforms. ๐ฐ
- Networker - A simple to use TCP and UDP networking library for .NET. Compatible with Unity.
- Hazel Networking - A low level networking library for C# providing connection orientated, message based communication via TCP, UDP and RUDP.
- MassiveNet - Unity3D UDP networking library focused on high-CCU, multi-server architecture.
- ENet CSharp - Reliable UDP networking library extended for the .NET environment.
- ENetListener - This listener allows you to send UDP and RUDP messages thus changing the SendMode. Reliable to use RUDP instead of TCP which has many advantages over TCP.
- SocketIoClientDotNet - Socket.IO Client Library for .NET.
- UnitySocketIO - Socket.io client for Unity.
- UnityHTTP - A TCP client-based HTTP library for Unity.
- LiteNetLib - Lite and reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET.
- LiteNetLibManager - Higher level implementation for LiteNetLib.
- Pomelo Unity Client - A client for Pomelo distributed game server in Node.js.
- HiSocket - It is a lightweight socket solution, you can used it in Unity3D or C# project.
- BenchmarkNet - Benchmark for testing the reliable UDP networking solutions.
- Unet HLAPI Manager - The simple network manager based on Unity's NetworkManager without players, scenes stuffs focus on network messages callback handles. Intenly made for multiple server purposes.
- Firestorm - Makeshift Cloud Firestore C# API that works with Unity via REST API. Contains only basic functions.
- Unity Timeline Sync - Synchronize multiple Unity Timeline via UDP.
- Chanquo - Golang-channel partial implementation for Unity.
- Dissonance - Unity Voice Chat Asset.
- UniP2P - Unity P2P Network Library.
- RestClient - Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also supports Callbacks!
- RESTClient - REST Client for Unity with JSON and XML parsing. (Features JSON helper to handle nested arrays and deserializing abstract types).
- Restifizer Unity3D - Restifizer SDK for Unity3d. A way to significantly simplify creation of full-functional RESTful services, using MongoDB as a database.
- UnityOpenApi - Unity friendly RESTful API client generator.
- UnityWebSocket - Web Socket client for Unity.
- Websocket Sharp - A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server.
- AirPeer - A WebRTC based networking plugin for Unity.
- WebRTC Unity Plugin - Cross-platform Webrtc support for Unity apps. (#PLUGINS)
- P2P.NET - (Formerly UnityP2P) Peer to peer networking in Unity using WebRTC and a free Heroku server for signaling.
- JWT for Unity - JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET 3.5+ (Public Domain).
- Unity Multiplayer Packages - Unity multiplayer packages and samples.
- Basic Multiplayer Unity - Fast-Paced UDP Client-Server implementation.
- Gambetta_Networked Demo - Fast-Paced Multiplayer: Sample Code and Live Demo - Gabriel Gambetta's Multiplayer Network Demo in Unity C# as Networked using Lidgren Network.
- UnityUnetMovement - This repository contains Unity3D UNET based server-authoritative movement script with client-side prediction and reconciliation.
- Unity UNET Authoritative Networking - A simple implementation of authoritative movement on top of UNET. (#DEPRECATED)
- NATPunchthroughClient - An example implementation of NAT Punchthrough combined with Unity's UNet HLAPI.
- Unity Physics CSP - Basic implementation of client-side prediction in Unity, so real networking happens, all network traffic is simulated in a single Unity instance.
- uTextureSendReceive - Unity network texture sender and receiver for video and frame streaming.
- UnityReplaySystem - Project demonstrating how to use input logging to create a replay system, where the replay is viewed by replaying the inputs with a deterministic fixed timestep.
- CppUnityTCPClientServer - Test project Unity client, C++ (with boost) server (TCP).
- Local Multiplayer UI - A unity project made for navigating the UI for a local multiplayer game. Contains a custom input module made for 4 controllers using X_input/direct input.
- Unity Teddy - Teddy algorithm implementation in Unity.
- Hull Delaunay Voronoi - Hull, Delaunay and Voronoi algorithms in Unity.
- csDelaunayUnity - GC free (non alloc) voronoi diagram for Unity.
- LinHowe GameAlgorithm - Based on Unity to simply implement algorithms commonly used in game program development.
- LinHowe GameAlgorithm - Port of Javascript Voronoi by Raymond Hill to Unity. Also, an attempt at dynamic mesh fractures.
- Unity Metaballs 2D - Implementation of 2D Metaballs with marching squares in Unity. (#2D)
- Metaball Sample - Metaball sample.
- Catmull Rom Splines - Catmull-Rom spline implementation in Unity.
- Marching Cubes On The GPU - A implementation of the marching cubes algorithm on the GPU in Unity.
- PathFindingStudy - A study of different Graph Search(Pathfinding) techniques in unity, includes: Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra Search, Greedy-Best-Frist Search, A*. (#AI)
- Advanced Algorithms - 100+ algorithms & data structures generically implemented in C#.
- Unity Delaunay - A Delaunay/Voronoi library for Unity, and a simple destruction effect. (#LIBRARIES)
- UnityOctree - A dynamic, loose octree implementation for Unity written in C#.
- UnityOctree - Same as the previous resource.
- ECS Octree - ECS based octree.
- DynamicObjectTracking - A multithreaded implementation of Nition's Octree for Unity allowing for discriminatory object tracking with large numbers of moving objects.
- Ring Buffer - This is a very simple implementation of a RingBuffer, without any excessive API and without thread safety. It presumes usage of value-type elements.
- CellularGrowth - GPU-based cellular growth simulation in Unity.
- Unity Line Segments Intersection - Line segments intersection for Unity.
- Boids - An implementation of the Boids algorithm (Reynolds, C. W. (1987) Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model) for Unity.
- IK Solvers - Basic IK Experiments.
- SimpleIKSolver
- CCD - CCD Inverse Kinematics Implemented by Unity3D.
- Dithering Unity3D - Dithering algorithms for Unity3D.
- NaughtyAttributes - Attribute Extensions for Unity.
- Unity3D ComponentAttribute - An attribute that let's you auto-load components.
- AssetPathAttribute - AssetPathAttribute is a Unity attribute used in Unity to allow you to have drag and drop asset references in the inspector but really use string paths for serialization.
- Unity3D-ExecutionOrderAttribute - An attribute that sets a script's execution order.
- Unity Built In Attributes - A list of built in Unity Attributes.
- SerializedParameter_Unity - Persist data between play mode sessions attribute.
- UnityGetComponentAutoInjector - Unity GetComponent Auto Injector.
- UnityNonNull - [NonNull] attribute to fields and classes in Unity.
- UnityCompactFieldAttribute - Lets each property label have their own width, to prevent the labels from getting cut off.
- SetProperty - A PropertyAttribute/PropertyDrawer combination that allows for properties in Unity.
- Entitas (Official) - Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity.
- BovineLabs Entities - A collection of extensions, systems and jobs for Unity ECS.
- Entitas Lite - Entitas-Lite is a No-CodeGenerator branch of Entitas, and also a fast & easy ECS framework for C#/Unity.
- ECS Unity - The Entity Component System framework for Unity. Ease the pain of decoupling data from behaviors.
- Entitas - C# Entity Component System with optional integration to Unity game engine.
- Svelto.ECS - C# Lightweight Data Oriented Entity Component System Framework. See legacy attemps here and here. Also Svelto.SignalChain. Also has a debugger.
- NanoECS - C#-Unity ECS framework.
- ECSTest - Some small tests for Unity ECS.
- URSA - Integrated ECS framework for Unity.
- JECSu - Just another ECS for unity.
- ECS - An entity component system framework that uses generics to achieve composition without having the need to write new code in the entity class.
- ECS and DoD In Unity - Entity Component Systems & Data Oriented Design In Unity.
- ECS FAQ - Frequently asked questions about ECS.
- StrangeIoC - Strange is a super-lightweight and highly extensible Inversion-of-Control (IoC) framework, written specifically for C# and Unity.
- Zenject - Dependency Injection Framework for Unity3D. Other fork can be found here.
- OpenFramework - A Lightweight framework for unity with dependency injection.
- Unity Container - A full featured, extensible dependency injection container.
- Adic - Lightweight dependency injection container for Unity.
- UniRx (Reactive Extensions for Unity) - A reimplementation of the .NET Reactive Extensions. Rx cures the "asynchronous blues" without async/await.
- UniRx.Async UPM) - neuecc's UniRx.Async UPM pullable version.
- ECSRx - A reactive take on the ECS pattern for .NET game developers.
- ECSRx.unity - A simple framework for unity using the ECS paradigm but with UniRx for fully reactive systems.
- uMVVM - A simple Unity MVVM framework.
- Unity3D Foundation - Unity3d Databinding, MVVM, Tasks, Localization. (#DEPRECATED). See Foundation Light.
- Foundation Light - Light Weight Architecture Library.
- uFrame Complete - All in one repo, includes: Kernel, Designer, Architect, MVVM, ECS. See more here.
- Loxodon Framework - Unity3D MVVM Loxodon Framework Databinding Localization UGUI.
- QFramework - Your first K.I.S.S Unity 3D Framework.
- SmartData - A designer-friendly, editor-driven Unity3D framework for connecting data and events.
- Fungus - An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games.
- GameFramework - This is literally a game framework, based on Unity game engine. It encapsulates commonly used game modules during development, and, to a large degree, standardises the process, enhances the development speed and ensures the product quality.
- GameFramework - A free framework for Unity that will help drastically increase the development speed and feature set of your games.
- UnityGameFramework Template - A common Unity template Project base on UnityGameFramework.
- Autoya - Thin framework for Unity.
- Unity Framework - An application framework for C# Unity3D game projects.
- uFrame - Create maintainable games faster, better, more stable, and consistent than ever before. ๐ฐ
- CatLib - CatLib Component-Based Framework.
- Unidux - Redux Architecture for Unity.
- Imperial Studio Libraries - Contains a modern framework for game projects.
- Actors Unity3d Framework - Ease the pain of decoupling data from behaviors in Unity.
- UXF - Framework for human behaviour experiments in Unity.
- Weaver - Weaver is a code weaving framework built right into Unity Engine. Based heavily off of Fody.
- MOBA_CSharp_Unity - Framework for MOBA games. The server does not depend on Unity. Run on Linux.
- EasyMOBA - MOBA game template for Unity.
- RPGCore - RPGCore is a framework for producing RPG games and mechanics in Unity.
- UniversalUnityHooks - A framework designed to hook into and modify methods in unity games via dlls.
- ScriptableObject Architecture - Makes using Scriptable Objects as a fundamental part of your architecture in Unity super easy. (#PATTERNS)
- UDBase - Module-based game template for Unity. Modules in UDBase are called Controllers, their implementation can be replaced without changing your project source code.
- Voxelmetric - An efficient voxel framework for Unity3D. Legacy code is here.
- ColaFrameWork
- Lockstep Framework - A framework designed for games that need lockstep simulations. It includes a deterministic 2D physics engine, pathfinding, behavior system, and more. LSF is integrated with Unity.
- Akka.Unity.Sample - Akka.Net 1.3.0 Running in Unity3D.
- SpacePuppy Unity Framework 3.0 - A framework of various tools to facilitate making games in Unity 2017.
- Unity Design Patterns - All Gang of Four Design Patterns written in Unity C# with many examples. And some Game Programming Patterns written in Unity C#.
- unity-design-patterns - Examples of programming design patterns in Unity C#.
- Disruptor Unity3D - Basic implementation of Disruptor for Unity3d.
- Unity Singleton - A sample project explaining the usage of singleton object to hold global game state.
- yaSingleton - A singleton pattern implementation for Unity3d. Based on ScriptableObjects instead of the conventional MonoBehaviour approach.
- UnitySingleton - The best way to implement singleton pattern in Unity.
- Factory - Factory for object creation and dependency injection. Works with normal C# apps or under Unity3D.
- Design Patterns in Unity Example - Most of Derek Banas Video Tutorial Series on Design Patterns to C# in Unity translated.
- Signals - A simple, easy to implement, editor-driven signal/event system for Unity. See author's repositories.
- Message Bus Pattern - A Unity pattern to avoid object coupling.
- Unity Game Programming Patterns - Game Programming Pattern Examples in Unity3D.
- Unity Singleton MonoBehavior - An implementation of Singleton pattern for Unity MonoBehaviours.
- Prototype - Prototype component pattern for Unity.
- Unity QuickPool - Simple pooling toolkit for Unity game engine.
- RecyclerKit - Object pool manager for Unity.
- ObjectPool - Instead of creating and destroying new objects all the time, this script reduces garbage by pooling instances, allowing you to seemingly create hundreds of new objects while only actually using a recycled few.
- Unity Object Pool - An elegant object pool and manager implementation for Unity.
- UnityPooling - An optimized approach object pooling.
- Unity3D Prefab Pool - Simple Prefab Pool for Unity3D.
- Starfall Pool Manager - Gameobject pool manager that Starfall Production use while making game.
- UnityObjectPooler - Simple object pool for Unity.
- QuickPool - Simple pooling toolkit for Unity game engine.
- Unity Pooler - Object pooler for GameObjects and regular C# classes.
- Runtime-Extendible Object Pooler Unity - Runtime-Extendible object pooler for gameobjects .
- Lean Pool - Free lightweight asset manages prefab spawning, despawning, recycling, and much more!
- JsonUtility - Utility functions for working with JSON data.
- JSON.NET for Unity3D - Forked Newtonsoft.Json to support Unity3D.
- ZeroFormatter - Fastest C# Serializer and Infinitely Fast Deserializer for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.
- UTF8Json - Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin)
- FullSerializer - A robust JSON serialization framework that just works with support for all major Unity export platforms.
- Odin Serializer - Fast, robust, powerful and extendible .NET serializer built for Unity.
- Msgpack Sharp - A lightweight, high performance MessagePack framework for the CLR that works in constrained environments like AOT under Unity and Xamarin.
- Msgpack Unity3D - MessagePack and JSON serializer for Unity3D.
- Msgpack CLI - MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure.
- MessagePack CSharp - Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin).
- MessagePackGridView - MessagePack Data Viewer built on MessagePack Csharp and Unity TreeView.
- Protobuf3 for Unity - Google Protocol Buffers runtime library version 3 for Unity (targeting .NET 3.5).
- Protobuf net - Protocol Buffers library for idiomatic .NET.
- Sproto Csharp - A pure C# implementation of sproto.
- Sproto Unity - A demo show how to use sproto-Csharp in Unity.
- Unity Serializer NG - Resurrection of the discontinued Unity Serializer by Mike Talbot from WhyDoIDoIt.com (Unity 5).
- OpenFile - Open source serialization for Unity.
- Protobuf Unity - Automatic .proto files compilation in Unity project to C# as you edit them.
- JSONObject - The JSONObject class/library for Unity.
- TinyJSON - TinyJSON is a simple JSON library for C# that strives for ease of use.
- JSONFX for Unity3D
- BitpackingTools - Bitpacking/serialization libraries used interally for Unity Store NetworkSyncTransform and TransformCrusher Assets.
- Knight Windjson - A Json Parser used in Unity3D engine.
- Unity Interface Reference - A serializable class that holds the reference to an interface.
- UberLogger - Replacement logging framework for Unity, with a new editor and in-game console.
- Common.Logging.Unity3D - Common Logging (A portable logging abstraction for .NET) for Unity3D.
- NLog Unity3D - Advanced .NET and Silverlight Logging.
- log4net.unity - Some log4net helper classes and UnityEngine.Debug appender for Unity.
- Consolation - In-game debug console that displays output from 'Debug.Log'.
- Command Terminal - Unity Command Terminal: In-Game Console.
- Lunar Unity Console - High-performance Unity iOS/Android logger built with native platform UI.
- SDConsole - An in-game developer console for Unity.
- UnityConsole - Easy-to-use developer console for Unity 5.
- UnityIngameDebugConsole - A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity.
- Unity3D Console - Quake-style console plugin for Unity3d.
- UnityREPL - C# REPL tool for Unity3D built on Miguel's tool.
- Command Terminal - Unity Command Terminal: In-Game Console.
- Net Peeweek Console - An interactive runtime console for unity available as package.
- CUDLR - Console for Unity Debugging and Logging Remotely. (#DEPRECATED)
- TTConsole - The Best Debuger & Runtime Console For Unity3D.
- Unity File Debug - Enhanced debug logging for Unity, with JSON/CSV export and HTML viewer.
- Unity Logs Viewer - Using this tool you can easily check your editor console logs inside the game itself! No need to go back to the project and do any tests to track the problems!
- Bugsnag Unity - Automatic error reporting for Unity games.
- Instabug - Bug Reporting and In-App Chat for Unity Games. See more.
- Graphy - The ultimate, easy to use, feature packed FPS counter, stats monitor and debugger for your Unity project.
- kPortals - A pre-calculated Portal visibility system for Unity.
- UnityHeapDump - Tool to dump memory to text files for inspection.
- RuntimeUnityEditor - In-game inspector and debugging tools for applications made with Unity3D game engine.
- Unity RuntimeCodeExecuter - A simple program that uses NET 2.0 library to execute any code in runtime. Specifically oriented for usage in Unity.
- HiLog Unity - HiDebug, the extensions of Unity's debug plugin.
- UnitySystemVisualizer - Unity ECS's system visualizer.
- Unity3D Runtime Debug Draw - Single file debuging DrawLine/DrawText/etc that works in both Scene/Game view, also works in built PC/mobile builds.
- REX Diagnostics - Unity extension that enables expression evaluation at runtime to facilitate testing and debugging.
- upm.MemoryInfoPlugin-for-Unity - A set of tools for Unity to allow handling memory info for Android and iOS.
- com.bovinelabs.analyzers - Package to add Roslyn Analyzers to Unity projects.
- UnityDebugDrawer - Draw debug handles and other GUI elements in the scene view from anywhere in your code base.
- UnityDebugAutoRemove - Auto remove debug.log lines with this simple replacer unless it's a development build.
- CODA - Burst Compiler Static Code Analysis.
- DebugPlus - Unity asset to draw all built-in gizmos in the Unity Debug way.
- Apkd.UnityDemystifier - Improved stack trace display for Unity.
- UnityGendarmerie - Simple hooks for using Gendarme from inside the Unity editor.
- Uni Debug Menu - Customizable debug menu for games.
- CoroutineChain - Unity3D, Coroutine, scripting.
- Unity Routines - Replacement for Unity coroutines that supports hierarchical routines and pooling.
- UnityAsyncRoutines - An extremely lightweight Unity library for creating and managing asynchronous coroutines for easy, straight-forward multi-threading and parallellism.
- UnityMainThreadDispatcher - A simple, thread-safe way of executing actions (Such as UI manipulations) on the Unity Main Thread.
- UnityMainThreadDispatcher - Fork of previous UnityMainThreadDispatcher.
- Asyncoroutine - Asyncoroutine is a unity asset that allows you to use Coroutine and async/await together.
- TeaTime - A fast & simple queue for timed callbacks, focused on solving common coroutines patterns in Unity games.
- OneShotCoroutine - A plug 'n' play solution to run coroutines of inactive gameObjects.
- Awesome Dotnet - Awesome list for .NET related resources. ๐
- NativeCollections - Native Collection Types for Unity.
- Unity Native Array - Passing C# array to a native plug-in.
- C# Sharp Promise - Promises library for C# for management of asynchronous operations.
- Unity Resource Checker - Editor utility for unity to help check resources in the current scene (including active textures, their sizes, materials, meshes and which objects are using them).
- UnityNativeScripting - Unity Scripting in C++.
- Unity Mathematics - A prototype of a C# math library providing vector types and math functions with a shader like syntax.
- Vector3D - Double precision Vector Libraries for Unity3D.
- 3DMath - Unity C# 3D Math methods library.
- LINQ to GameObject for Unity - Traverse GameObject Hierarchy by LINQ.
- Unity3D Async Await Util - A bunch of code to make using async-await easier in Unity3D.
- UnityComponent - Unity Resource Component.
- Unity.Library.eppz - Collection of libraries for Unity.
- UnityBezierSolution - A bezier spline solution for Unity 3D with some utility functions (like travelling the spline with constant speed/time).
- UnityEngineAnalyzer - Roslyn Analyzer for Unity3D.
- UnityTimer - Powerful and convenient library for running actions after a delay in Unity3D.
- UniGif - GIF image decoder for Unity.
- UnityMeshSimplifier - Mesh simplification for Unity.
- UnityMeshSimplifier - Mesh simplification for Unity.
- EzySlice - An open source mesh slicer framework for Unity3D Game Engine. Written in C#.
- MeshDecimator - A mesh decimation library for .NET and Unity.
- CosineGradient - Cosine gradient generator for Unity.
- PerfAssist - Various performance-related components for Unity development.
- A Terrible Kingdom - Scripting the Timeline for games in creative ways.
- Wave Function Collapse - Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics.
- Unity Wave Function Collapse - Fork of WaveFunctionCollapse.
- Fluent State Machine - Fluent API for creating state machines in C#.
- Easy Save 2 - A fast and simple way to save and load data on all major platforms supported by Unity. ๐ฐ
- Mad Level Manager - Provides a level manager, level selector, and progress save/load tools to make it easy to transition between levels and make level selection screens. ๐ฐ
- UniStorm - A customizable dynamic day and night weather system that creates realistic storms and weather. ๐ฐ
- GreenMambaStealth - An advanced stealth system for Unity that detects how well-lit a character is, allowing characters to hide in dynamic shadows.
- Pedometer API - Pedometer is a native pedometer API for Unity Engine.
- Signals - A typesafe, lightweight messaging lib for Unity.
- Coop Design - A prototype for runtime cooperative level designing in Unity 3D.
- Hydrogen CSharp - A prototype for runtime cooperative level designing in Unity 3D.
- Skill System
- SharpZipLib - A Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.
- K4os.Compression.LZ4 - LZ4/LH4HC compression for .NET Standard 1.6/2.0 (formerly known as lz4net).
- SSH.NET - SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism.
- SharpSSH - SharpSSH is a pure .NET implementation of the SSH2 client protocol suite.
- edtFTPnet/Free - Free .NET FTP library.
- netftp - .NET FTP Client.
- JWT - JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET 3.5+
- FluentValidation.Net35 - A small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules.
- NPOI - Library to interact with Microsoft Office.
- YamlDotNet - YamlDotNet is a .NET library for YAML.
- Unity3D Script Library - A Script Library of Unity3D.
- OpenStash - Open source inventory framework for Unity.
- OpenConvo - Open source conversation framework for Unity.
- UnityBarcodeScanner - Simple Unity Barcode Scanner.
- PerlinNoise - 1D/2D/3D Perlin noise function for Unity.
- LibNoise.Unity - Coherent noise library for Unity, a port of LibNoise.
- UnityRandom - Random library in C# for Unity3D.
- BulletMLLib - A Unity version of the open source C# library used to read BulletML XML files. See BulletMLLib.
- Unity Voxelizer - Utility library to voxelize meshes in Unity.
- Klak - Creative coding library for Unity.
- Archiver Unity - Compress and decompress files and folders in Unity3D.
- Excel4Unity - Excel for Unity. Provides both read and write with .xls and .xlsx.
- LiteCSV - A lightweight csv table parser in C# mainly for unity but also use in .NET.
- BurstImageProcessing - Fast parallel image processing on the CPU, using Unity C# jobs and Burst compilation (Experimental).
- Curl Unity - This is a C# wrapper for Unity to use libcurl with http2/openssl enabled.
- WolfboyDispatcher - Small messaging system for Unity.
- Glader.Essentials - Essential development libraries for C#/.NET and Unity3D.
- Unity CoC - CoC is a convention over configuration library for Unity that helps to set a common folder convention in a Unity project.
- Unity Atoms - Tiny modular pieces utilizing the power of Scriptable Objects.
- ScriptFinder - A Unity editor extension to find script references within your project in seconds.
- SwissArmyLib - Collection of helpful utilities we use in our Unity projects.
- UniVersionManager - Simple Version Getter for Unity, it can be used for iOS, Android and unity editor platform. It can also get build version.
- UniClipboard - Simple clipboard plugin for Unity.
- SceneHistory Unity - Open scenes quickly from a custom history of scenes. Supports scene addition.
- Scene View Bookmarks - Editor extension to bookmark and later recall scene views.
- Unity Mulligan Renamer - Mulligan Renamer tool for the Unity Editor allows for quick and safe renaming of many assets and gameobjects at once.
- UnitySizeExplorer - Visualize how much space each asset in your Unity game takes and quickly optimize your game's file size.
- SnazzyGrid - Makes it easy to manage positions of assets in the scene with easy to use snapping tools and many more features to improve the scene creation workflow. ๐ฐ
- UniMerge - Editor extension for merging scenes and prefabs, also integrates with VCS. ๐ฐ
- UnityIconCustomizer
- UnityMemoryMappedFile
- AutoIconBuilder
- uShaderTemplate - Unity editor extension to generate shaders from template files. (#SHADERS)
- Projeny - A project and package manager for Unity.
- Presentation - No need to switch to Power Point anymore.
- EdNotes - Attach notes to objects in Unity.
- NDocumentation - A documentation window for Unity Editor that displays rich text pages.
- SaveGameFree - A free and simple but powerful solution for saving and loading game data in Unity.
- ColorBands - Unity 3D's Gradient is a handy data type but comes with some limitations.
- Swatchr - A color palette management system for Unity.
- ColorPalette - Light version of the ColorPalettes Asset for Unity.
- CropTexture - Crop and resize texture in Unity editor!
- AssetAuditor - Tools to control the asset import settings in a Unity project.
- ScriptFinder - A Unity editor extension to find script references within your project in seconds.
- UnityPreviewGenerator - Generates preview textures for sprites, icons of Unity models.
- ClassTypeReference for Unity - A class which provides serializable references to System.Type of classes with an accompanying custom property drawer which allows class selection from drop-down.
- Settings Unity - Settings utility for Unity3D.
- PNGCS - Complete PNG encoding and decoding for Unity.
- Clock - A completly accurate timer with performance tracking for multiplayer game servers.
- UnityIO - An easy to use API that allows you to manipulate files inside of Unity without the headache of using AssetDatabase.
- VariableAssets - Variable assets for Unity3D.
- AutoSaveScene - Unity editor helper for auto saving scene & minimizing lost work.
- EnumDispatcher - ECS backed C# enums as Flux/Redumox action in Unity.
- UnityHelpers - A collection of random scripts related to Unity.
- UndoPro - UndoPro is a command-based undo system integrated into Unity's default system. This allows devs to use actions for their undo/redo operations without forcing the user into a new undo-workflow!
- Ink Unity Integration - Unity integration for the open source ink narrative scripting language.
- Unity Auth Manager - An example of using a Javascript Web Token (JWT) based authentication system for an app built with Unity.
- Deform - A fully-featured deformer system for Unity.
- Gamekit3D
- EasingCore - Simple easing implementation for Unity.
- Unity SemVer - A SemVer 2.0.0 implementation for Unity.
- MasterUnityHandles - Unity custom handles examples.
- Unity Mesh Triangulator - A modified version of alexmuab's unity-mesh-triangulator.
- Unity Rulers - A ruler editor to measure distances between game objects in the Scene view.
- Unity Game Loader - A loading system to load in assets across frames.
- SaveManager - A simple, yet powerful binary serializer for persisting game data in Unity.
- NativeSDF - A simple, yet powerful binary serializer for persisting game data in Unity.
- UnityResourceMgr
- UnityHexGrid - A hex grid generation tool, for use in Unity.
- Unity3DRuntimeTransformGizmo - A runtime transform gizmo similar to unitys editor so you can translate (move, rotate, scale) objects at runtime.
- FastGizmosUnity - Set of gizmos utilities for Unity.
- Gizmos - Used for drawing runtime gizmos in builds and editor (Unity3D).
- Unity SimpleUsefulGizmos - Additional Gizmos showing information on your scene view like colored colliders, rotation indicator lines.
- Bezier3D - Unity3D: Simple core bezier functionality featuring interpolation and orientation.
- UniSpline - A Unity tool for creating curves.
- RageSpline - Scalable Vector Graphics creation and drawing component for Unity.
- Bezier Curves In Unity - Bezier curve code.
- String_format - An enhancement to the String.Format library that allows for named place holders.
- FastString - Alternative to StringBuilder class for Unity games, with minimal memory allocation and faster performance.
- Better Defines - An easy and elegant way to manage your preprocessor directives in Unity3D.
- UnityDefineManager - Easily manage global defines in Unity.
- INI Parser - Read/Write an INI file the easy way!
- UnityIniFiles - A very naive implementation to import .ini configuration files into Unity.
- DTCommandPalette - Command palette for Unity - run methods, open scenes, and more!
- Unity3D Quick Search - A Command Palette for Unity.
- Merino - A narrative design tool that lets you write Yarn scripts inside the Unity Editor.
- Dialogue - Node based dialogue system.
- Cradle - Formerly UnityTwine, is a plugin for Unity that powers the storytelling side of a game.
- Moments - A quick GIF replay recorder for Unity.
- FFmpegOut - Video capture plugin for Unity with FFmpeg.
- FrameCapture - A simple frame-by-frame capture tool for Unity to record perfectly smooth, supersampled replays or cinematics.
- FrameCapturer - Export framebuffer, GBuffer or any RenderTextures from Unity to file. supported format: png, exr, gif, webm, mp4.
- GenericFrameRecorder
- UnityEveryplaySaveToLocal - A helper script to save captured Everyplay videos to local file system on Android & iOS.
- FrameDump - A small utility for exporting image sequence from Unity.
- Select GUI Capture Sample - This is sample for capturing that can ignore specific GUI elements. (#UI)
- Unity VR Video Recording Test - Test project to record VR sessions. (#VIRTUAL-REALITY)
- AsyncCaptureTest - Non-blocking screen capture example with asynchronous GPU readback.
- UnityCapture - Streams Unity rendered output to other Windows applications as virtual capture device.
- Unity Inmediate Color Picker - Color picker for Unity in immediate GUI mode.
- HSV Color Picker Unity - HSV color picker using Unity UI.
- UnityColorPicker - A standalone color picker asset for Unity.
- CUI Color_Picker - Color Picker for Unity UI in a single script/prefab.
- CircularColorPickerUnity - Just a shader and a script for a circular color picker.
- Unity Color Wheel - Color Picker Element for the newer Unity GUI System.
- VR Color Picker - Raycast to Color Pick. (#VIRTUAL-REALITY)
- MyBox - MyBox is a set of attributes, tools and extensions for Unity.
- Unity Utilities - A collection of Unity3D scripts I've been sharing between projects.
- unity-cj-lib - Utility library for Unity.
- Unity Utils - Different help scripts for Unity engine.
- Demilib - A library of various utilities and tools for Unity (alpha).
- Unityassets - Assorted unity assets and utilities.
- UnityLibrary - Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity.
- E7Unity - Common Unity resources Exceed7 Experiments uses in projects.
- HelpfulScripts - A collection of random, useful scripts.
- Unity Utils - Small usefull scripts, tips.
- Graph Visualizer - Visualizer for your Playable graphs.
- Doors Plus Lite - A basic door script for the Unity3D game engine.
- AutoLOD - Automatic LOD generation + scene optimization.
- MathUtilities - A collection of some of the neat math and physics tricks that I've collected over the last few years.
- Wooga Lambda CSharp - Functional primitives for Unity3D.
- UnityDeeplinks - A set of tools for Unity to allow handling deeplink activation from within Unity scripts.
- DTValidator - Tool for validating objects (eg. GameObjects, ScriptableObjects, etc) in the Unity Editor.
- Unity.Library.eppz.Lines - Lightweight OpenGL line rendering for Unity. Like Debug.DrawLine in Game view.
- KDTree - Fast KDTree for Unity, with thread-safe querying.
- GameViewSizeChanger - Unity GameView Changer.
- Unity Safe Area Canvas - An asset for adjusting the size automatically and preview in Editor.
- EncodeToTGA - Texture2D.EncodeToTGA (Unity)
- PickleBuilder - A Steam enabled multi-platform build tool for Unity.
- Unity ScriptableObjects Game Events - Receive Update callback(s) from anywhere and in any order in Unity!
- UnityOrderedUpdate - Based on a great talk by Ryan Hipple, here is my improved version of his Game Event system for Unity.
- UnityWireframeRenderer - Get a beautiful cross-platform wireframe renderer for your meshes with one click.
- NatShare API - NatShare is a native sharing API for Unity Engine.
- Unity GoogleData - See Unity-QuickSheet.
- GoogleSheetsUnity - Get data from your private Google Sheets to Unity! (Read-only).
- Unity Free Flight - A Unity Package to provide bird-like flight to Unity Game Objects.
- Unity EventBinder - User Interface Event decoupler.
- Unity BitmapFontImporter - An Unity editor extension for bitmap font.
- xNode BehaviourTree - Some log4net helper classes and UnityEngine.Debug appender for Unity.
- MVPScriptGenerator4Unity - MVP Script Generator for Unity Editor.
- CAD in Unity - Loading CAD into Unity 3D applications.
- Spine Runtimes - Collection of Spine runtimes including with Unity3d version.
- InGameReplay - Allow you to record the transform of any objects to replay it.
- MMD for Unity - MikuMikuDance for Unity.
- SerializableCallback - UnityEvent and System.Func had a child.
- Unity3D Extensions - Extension and utility methods for the Unity game engine.
- EZ Item Editor - A game data editor for unity that provides a simple solution to entering, maintaining, and consuming game data.
- CSharpatron - Automatically convert scripts from UnityScript to C# without breaking existing game objects. ๐ฐ
- Unity Plane Mesh Splitter - A simple script which let's you split any mesh into smaller chunks.
- Mesh Voxelization - Mesh voxelization in Unity.
- GPUMatrixMultiplicationTest - GPU matrix multiplication in Unity.
- Unity Simple SRT - A super simple SRT subtitle parser.
- Mesh Combine Wizard - Running the wizard will combine all the meshes on the chosen gameObject and its children that share the same material.
- CubemapToEquirectangular - Cubemap to equirectangular format converters for Unity3D.
- CloudNoiseGen - A static utility class for Unity which handles generating and loading periodic, cloud-like (perlin-worley) 3D noise textures on the GPU.
- AceArcadeMissiles - Arcade style missile code, effect, and sound pack.
- GunTurrets - Starting point for turrets that can be mounted on arbitrarily rotating things.
- UnityInstancedHealthBars - Example projects using instancing in Unity to render enemy health bars in 1 draw call.
- UnityBurstFunctions - Pattern and helpers for writing Unity Burst jobs as generic Functions/Actions.
- Inventory - A Diablo 2-style inventory system for Unity3D.
- Piranha - A simple tool to make rigidbodies swarm a mesh in Unity.
- SmoothingTest - Critically damped spring smoothing.
- Grapple Effect - An example of a simple grapple effect in Unity.
- LinkedListUpdateManager - A simple script to manage updates for Unity.
- Unity Tools - Scripting Toolkit Github's Page.
- Unity Tools - Unity Tools Github's Page.
- Unity Toolbag - Collection of miscellaneous open source scripts and helpers for Unity 5.0.
- Leopotam Group Library Unity - Tools library for unity 3d game engine: animator graph helpers, serialization (json), localization, event routing (eventbus, ui actions), embedded scripting, uGui xml markup, threading, tweening, in-memory protection and other helpers.
- U3D - Cross-platform Unity3D tools.
- UnitySimplePatchTool - Unity port of SimplePatchTool library to add patching support to standalone Unity applications.
- TextMeshProReplacer - Unity port of SimplePatchTool library to add patching support to standalone Unity applications.
- CantysToolbox - Set of tools for any Unity projects.
- Unity Development Tools - A collection of several tools and code snippets to improve development speed and best practices in the "Unity" game engine.
- ToolsCollection - Official Unity Tools shared by its developers.
- ModTool - Mod support for Unity.
- UnityStudio - Unity Studio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets from Unity games and apps. (#ASSET-STORE)
- Bitstrap - BitStrap is BitCake's collection of Unity tools that improve our workflow.
- uDllExporter - Tool to build DLLs in Unity.
- UPAToolkit - A free Pixel Art Toolkit for the Unity Engine.
- IL Repack - Open-source alternative to ILMerge.
- Xcodeapi - This is an Xcode Manipulation module maintained by the Unity mobile team.
- iOS Native Code Samples - These are native code samples for iOS maintained by the Unity iOS team.
- XUPorter - Add files and frameworks to your Xcode project after it is generated by Unity 3D.
- Xcodeproj - Create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby.
- Mod-pbxproj - A python module to manipulate XCode projects.
- AssetForge - Easily create simple assets in seconds. ๐ฐ
- UnityPSDLayoutTool - A tool used to import a Photoshop Documents (.psd files) into the Unity Game Engine.
- Psd2UnityImporter - An advanced PSD importer tool for Unity.
- GSLS Optimizer - GLSL optimizer based on Mesa's GLSL compiler. Used in Unity for mobile shader optimization. (#SHADERS)
- Memory Profiler - Unity 5.3a4 has a new very lowlevel memory profiler API. It can tell you which objects got blamed for how much C++ memory allocations.
- Uni Simple Profiler
- Support for Unity Memory Profiler - Extension for the existing Unity memory profiler project.
- DekosTools - Tools to make work easier on Unity3D.
- PPTech Build Tools - Build Tools for Unity 3D that we use for Braveland game.
- Prime31 Unity AddOns - Mostly defunct. Features were added and components broken out in the 'Kit' repositories.
- PrefabPainter - Tool for conveniently adding huge amounts of prefabs.
- Unity Finder - Node.js module for finding all Unity installations on Windows and Mac computers.
- Unity3D Tools - Unity3D common useful tools.
- Quick Play Tool - Unity3D editor tool to speed up scene switching and playtesting when you are working with multiple scenes.
- Cyber Dogs Toolbox - A default asset used to help in the development of games using C# in Unity.
- UnityCommon - Assortment of commonly re-used tools and code for my Unity projects.
- BlendShapeBuilder - Tweak vertices and generate blend shapes in Unity.
- Ferr Tools - Different tools for common tasks in Unity (Terrain, Vertex painter, Level Design...)
- FerrCommon - Common code for the Ferr tools.
- LayerManager - A simple tool for reordering, merging and modifying unity layers. Updates game objects, components and assets to match.
- RectTransformEditor - Custom RectTransform Editor.
- BGC Tools - A collection of useful Unity Tools and scripts developed at the UC Riverside Brain Game Center.
- Unity3DTiles - A 3D Tiles implementation in Unity.
- BlendShapeBuilder - Tweak vertices and generate blend shapes in Unity.
- AbilityDesigner - A plugin which gives you a dynamic, extendable and user friendly tool for the creation of abilities in games.
- Unity Android Notifications - Unity3D Plugin for Android local notifications with example project.
- UnityShowAndroidStatusBar - Show Android status bar for applications built with Unity 5.3 and later.
- Permission Plugin for Unity - A set of tools for Unity to allow handling Permission for Android and iOS.
- Google SignIn Plugin for Unity - A set of tools for Unity to allow handling Google Sign-in for Android and iOS.
- Memory Info Plugin for Unity - A set of tools for Unity to allow handling memory info for Android and iOS.
- System Volume Plugin for Unity - A set of tools for Unity to allow handling system volume for Android and iOS.
- Unity JAR Resolver - Unity plugin which resolves Android & iOS dependencies and performs version management.
- Unity Native Sharing - A Unity plugin to open native sharing dialogs on iOS and Android, primarily for sharing screenshots.
- Unity Native Toolkit - Native iOS & Android functionality in Unity.
- UniAndroidVibration - Unity Android plugin JUST execute device vibration.
- iVidCapPro - iVidCapPro is a plugin that enables Unity, to capture video and audio from your Unity iOS application.
- CO2 - Android plugin generator for Unity.
- Unity Webview - A plugin for Unity 5 that overlays WebView components on Unity view. It works on Android, iOS, Unity Web Player, and OS X (Windows is not supported for now).
- iOS Unity5 - How to integrate Unity with an Native iOS Application using Swift.
- iMessageStickerUnity - An iMessage Sticker plugin for Unity3d that adds a Sticker extension target to an xCode project created by Unity3D.
- Peuck - Android utilities for Unity.
- Unity Webview Integration - Plugin to use webview in your Unity application.
- UnityNativeShare - A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS.
- UniLocalNotification - Simple Local Notification Plugins for Unity.
- Google Play Games - Google Play Games plugin for Unity.
- Facebook SDK for Unity - The Facebook SDK for Unity.
- Twity - (Previously: twitter-for-unity) Twitter API Client for Unity C#.
- Unity3D Profile - Unity3D plugin for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. The social module of SOOMLA - free2play mobile game framework for iOS and Android.
- Firebase Unity - Integration for Unity with Firebase.
- Steamworks-Platform - Unity interface ISocialPlatform implementation with Steamworks.NET.
- Steamworks.NET - Steamworks wrapper for Unity.
- Mapbox Unity SDK - Mapbox Unity SDK.
- IndoorAtlas Unity Plugin - IndoorAtlas plugin for Unity.
- USD Unity SDK - Integration of Pixar's Universal Scene Description into Unity. (#Augmented Reality)
- Vimeo Unity SDK - Easily stream your Vimeo videos into Unity or record and publish out to Vimeo.
- IBM Watson SDK for Unity - Unity SDK to use the IBM Watson services.
- Unity Flurry SDK - Unity plugin for Flurry SDK.
- Flurry Unity Plugin - The Flurry Library for Unity3D. support Android and iOS.
- Google Analytics Plugin for Unity - Google Analytics plugin for the Unity game creation system.
- GetSocial Unity SDK - This is the demo application for GetSocial SDK.
- Reign Unity Plugin - This Reign API is a cross-platform, unified API for the Unity game engine.
- Reign Unity Plugin v4 - Unity 4.x version of the Reign plugins.
- Unity Wakatime - WakaTime plugin for Unity.
- Line SDK Unity - Provides a modern way of implementing LINE APIs in Unity games, for iOS and Android.
- Mastodon Unity
- PlayFab Unity SDK - Unity C# SDKs for PlayFab. See also its extensions.
- UnityPlugin - Unity Plugin for integrating mod.io - a modding API for game developers.
- UnityJS - Unity3D C# / JavaScript Bridge.
- Unity Python - Python plugin for Unity3D.
- Unity Swift - Native plugin to write native code in Swift for Unity.
- UnityRustPlugin - An example showing how to write a Unity native plugin in Rust.
- NLua - NLua is the bind between Lua world and the .NET world.
- Moonsharp - An interpreter for the Lua language, written entirely in C# for the .NET, Mono, Xamarin and Unity3D platforms, including handy remote debugger facilities.
- slua - Fastest lua binding via static code generating for Unity3D and mono.
- uLua
- xLua - xLua is a hot-fix solution plugin for Unity3D, it supports android, ios, windows, osx, etc. (Recommended)
- UniLua - A pure C# implementation of Lua 5.2 focus on compatibility with Unity3D.
- KopiLuaInterface - LuaInterface adapted to work with KopiLua.
- ExportLuaUI
- LuaProfiler For Unity - Profiler for Lua inside of Unity.
- Entitas Lua - Entitas ECS implementation in Lua.
- MobileLegend - Use toLua Framework to create client on Unity.
- ShaderLabVS - ShaderlabVS is a Visual Studio plugin for Unity Shaderlab programming.
- NewtonUnityPlugin - A managed plugin for Unity 3D that allows you to use the Newton Dynamics physics engine.
- Openpose Unity_Plugin - OpenPose's Unity Plugin for Unity users.
- MeshSync - Live link plugin for Unity. supported tools: Maya, Maya LT, 3ds Max, Motion Builder, Blender, Metasequoia.
- VoxHands - Humanoid Finger Controller Plugin for Unity.
- Atlas Unity - This plugin provides tasks to run unity batchmode commands in gradle. It runs and reports unity unit-tests and is able to export .unitypackage files.
- Unity Shell - Write and execute code in an intuitive "shell" with autocompletion, for the Unity Editor.
- Unity3D Jenkins Plugin - Jenkins Unity3d plugin. (#CONTINUOUS-INTEGRATION)
- Unity3D_MQTT - MQTT protocol running on Unity3D.
- 2D Light of Sight Unity - A plugin for creating 2D lighting & shadows, and line of sight effects in Unity3D.
- GPU Noise For Unity - A Unity plugin for generating noise on the GPU for use in the editor.
- UnityCam - Unity3D Virtual webcam plugin, streams unity viewport contents to other applications as virtual camera.
- mrayGStreamerUnity - GStreamer Integration with Unity using a Native plugin.
- KlakSpout - Spout plugin for Unity.
- KlakNDI - NewTek NDIโข plugin for Unity.
- Klinker - An experimental implementation of Blackmagic DeckLink plugin for Unity.
- KlakHap - HAP video player plugin for Unity.
- KlakSyphon - Syphon plugin for Unity.
- ChromaPack - A lossy texture compression plugin for Unity.
- VoxBlend - BlendShape Controller Plugin for Unity.
- BepInEx - Unity game patcher and plugin framework.
- UnityElevatorCompiler - A plugin that plays elevator music while Unity compiles your code. ๐
- myS7ProSimLib - Imported S7PROSimLib type library. To connect unity3D with Siemens PLCSim using COM Interop.
- UnityOptixPlugin - An example of a Unity plugin that allows you to leverage the power of NVIDIA Optix.
- RegionCapture - Plugin for Unity 2017 (for mobile and desktop app's).
- EffekseerForUnity - This is the Effekseer's runtime plugin for Unity.
- AssetGraph - Visual Workflow Automation Tool for Unity.
- Playmaker - Quickly make gameplay prototypes, A.I. behaviors, animation graphs, interactive objects, and more using finite state machines. ๐ฐ
- Bolt - Brings complete visual scripting to Unity, empowering artists, designers and programmers to create gameplay mechanics and interactive systems without writing a single line of code. (:moneybag: with Free edition)
- Constellation - Constellation is a visual scripting language for unity that gives you the tools of a programmer without having to write a single line of code.
- Artimech - Open source visual scripting system for Unity.
- Naphier Gists - Useful gists for Unity3D.
- BetterDefines.cs - Better Defines for Unity3D.
- DownloadManager.cs - Download manager for Unity.
- CameraExtensions.cs - A better way of manipulating the culling mask.
- ShowToastUnityAndroid.cs - Shows toast on Android.
- FBSucks.cs - Share image with text on android (works with FB).
- GetSocialDeepLinkingActivity.java - This activity is created because we cannot get Activity.onNewIntent callback in Unity when the app is running in background.
- VSCode Unity Code Snippets - All snippets for Unity3D development.
- Unity Snippets - Unity3D snippets for differents IDEs.
- Visual Studio (Windows) - Official supported IDE for Unity in Windows platform. Mac version here.
- Jetbrains' Rider - Jetbrains alternative to Visual Studio.
- Visual Studio Code - Cross platform IDE built with web technologies.
- MonoDevelop - MonoDevelop editor. Initially the default editor for Unity. Now is deprecated.
- Consulo - Consulo editor.
- Unity VS Toolbox - Included in this project is a VS toolbox for most of the Monobehaviour events listed in order of execution. You'll also find a bunch of templates that can be installed so they will show up in the Add Item context menu.
- Unity C# 5.0 and 6.0 Integration - This is a hack that replaces Unity's C# compiler with the latest Roslyn, which lets you write scripts in Unity using C# 7.3.
- VSCode Unity Debug Support - Unity debugging support for VS Code.
- VSCode Unity Integration - Unity Visual Studio Code Integration.
- Unity Tools - A Visual Studio Code Extension to provide some tools for Unity development.
- Resharper Unity - A proxy App to be able to open Unity 5 C# classes using the new Project Rider from Jetbrains, in Mac OS X.
- ProjectRider Unity - IntelliJ Project Rider integration for Unity.
- RiderProxy - Unity support for both ReSharper and Rider.
- Unity3DVim - Unity Vim Editor Integration for Linux.
- ShaderGraph - Unity ShaderGraph project.
- ShaderGraph Example Library - A library of Shaders created using Unity's Shader Graph.
- ShaderGraph Examples (Keijiro) - Simple examples of Unity shader graphs.
- ShaderGraph Examples - ShaderGraph Examples for Unity 2018.1.
- Shader Graph Nodes - Custom Nodes for Unity Shader Graph.
- SG HDRP Lit - Shadergraph version of the HDRP/Lit shader.
- SRPBatcherBenchmark - Various benchmark scenes for SRP batcher (both LWRP & HDRP).
- UnityLWRPEssentials - Unity Lightweight Render Pipeline with a variety of shader examples built in Shader Graph.
- ShaderForge - A node-based shader editor giving you the artistic freedom of shader creation, with no need to code. (Was ๐ฐ but now is open source and not maintained). Asset Store Link
- ShaderLabLab - A system using T4 Templates to generate Unity ShaderLab code in the Editor.
- Graphics Test Framework - The UTR based Graphics Test Framework.
- Ocean_Community_Next_Gen - Next gen iteration of the unity community ocean shader.
- Ceto - Ocean system for Unity.
- Ocean_Mobile with Boat Physics
- Crest Ocean Render - An advanced ocean system implemented in Unity3D.
- Phillips Ocean - A ocean using Phillips spectrum in Unity.
- WaveShaderDemo
- Unity 2D Water - Simple water in Unity for 2D platform games.
- Water2D Unity - A simple shader + example of a water surface with reflection in 2D.
- Unity Water Shader2D - A 2D water shader for Unity.
- Water Shader - Procedural water shader for general use. (#PROCEDURAL-GENERATION)
- waterShaderUnity - Playing with creating a water shader using Gerstner waves.
- Unity Surface Water Shader - A water surface shader for Unity.
- Lowpoly Water Shader - Low poly water with edge/shore blend. Similar to the awesome water in Monument Valley.
- Unity Wave Propagation Water Ripple - Water ripple shader for Unity.
- UnityHDRPSimpleWater - Simple water shader prepared with ShaderGraph in Unity 2018.3.6.
- DynamicRipples - Dynamic ripple rendering and water surface compositing for Unity 3D.
- ToonWaterShader - Renders and animates toon-style waves from a noise texture and generates shoreline foam based off the depth buffer.
- SurrealGrassShader - PBR Grass Geometry shader for Unity.
- KvantGrass - Animating grass shader for Unity.
- UnityTerrainGrass - Drop-in replacement terrain grass shaders for Unity.
- GrassBending - A replacement for Unity's terrain grass shader with alpha blended rendering and touch bending effect. (#TERRAIN)
- UnityHDRPTerrainDetailGrass - A very simple detail shader for the new Terrain engine 2018.3+.
- DeepSnowFootprint - A unity shader solution to generate footprint on thick snow surfaces.
- Unity Frosted Glass - Frosted glass material made in Unity.
- Cracked Ice Shader - Cracked Ice material tutorial. (#TUTORIALS)
- JourneySand - An Unity project to reproduce the sand rendering in Journey's style.
- UnityToonShader - Source code for Toon Shader tutorial for Unity. Has specular, rim lighting, and can cast and receive shadows.
- ToonShading - A collection of "Toon" shaders for Unity based on a stepped PBR approximation.
- LiliumToonGraph - LWRP ShaderGraph Toon Shader.
- UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project - UTS2-AC - UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project / v.2.0.4+ - different vrchat support and lighting manipulation and style.
- UnityChanToonShaderVer2_EmissiveScroll - UnityChanToonShaderVer2 with EmissiveScroll.
- Xiexes Unity Shaders - A re-write and restructure of XSToon.
- MToon - Toon Shader with Unity Global Illumination.
- Wind Waker Shader - Cel Shading of two thresholds with a blur/gradient between them for Unity.
- PSX Retroshader - Shader that "emulates" the rendering style of PS1.
- RetroTVFX - A small collection of shaders for a range of authentic old TV effects (Composite, S-Video, RF, etc).
- Unity VHS Glitch - Glitched VHS post-processing shader for Unity3D.
- RetroSuite3D - Some image effects and shaders to achieve a retro look in Unity.
- Unity Glitch - Glitch post-processing shader for Unity3D.
- Unity Realtime Planar Mirror - Powerful, deeply optimized real-time planar mirror in Unity.
- Projection Examples Using Mirrors - This is a simple example of how projectors interact with mirrors.
- Mirror - A mirror script.
- HologramShader - Test of an hologram material made in Unity.
- Unity HologramShield - An hologram shield shader for Unity.
- ReinhardtLike Shield ShaderForge - A shader made to emulate Reinhardt shield effect using ShaderForge on Unity3D.
- HoloShield - Highly customizable sci-fi shield / force field shader for Unity3D.
- Unity Wireframe - General purpose wireframe shaders for use in Unity.
- The Amazing Wireframe Shader ๐ฐ
- BarabaraShader - Global Outline - Unity (3D/UI/Sprites) full-screen masked outline shader.
- UltimateOutline - The easiest way to achieve outlines in Unity.
- UnityOutlineShader - Source code for Outline Shader tutorial for Unity. Detects edges in a scene using the depth and normals buffers.
- Globaloutline - Source code for Outline Shader tutorial for Unity. Detects edges in a scene using the depth and normals buffers.
- SphereDissolve - Customizable procedural spherical dissolve shader for Unity3D, for all your customizable procedural spherical dissolve needs!
- Unity3D Dissolve Shader - A shader and example scene for a shader which is able to create objects starting from a world position outwards.
- VerticalDissolve - Procedural vertical dissolve shader. Highly customizable. Tweak edge color, noisiness & waviness, rim light, emission scrolling and more.
- Kamakura Shaders - Kamakura Shaders is a collection of shaders and components focusing on Non-Photorealistic Rendering for Unity with a bunch of features and adjustable parameters in a user-friendly interface.
- Unity Sound Shader Test - Audio synthesis test using shader on Unity. (#Audio)
- Unity3D Liquidy Surface Shader - An audio reactive shader in Unity3D (#Audio)
- Unity Hair Shader - A hair shader for Unity 5 originally built for the sine.space virtual world.
- NVIDIAHairWorksIntegration - NVIDIA Hair Works Integration for Unity.
- Stanford Bunny Fur With Unity - Using the Geometry Shader to generate fur on GPU.
- Marschner Hair Unity - Implement Marschner Shading Model In Unity.
- StandardTriplanar - Unity's standard shader with triplanar mapping.
- Unity InteriorMapping - Interior mapping shader for Unity with a sample scene.
- CarPaint - Material for the Unity Standard Assets Car.
- Unity Standard Shader Mobile - Mobile optimised shader for Unity 3D.
- Dota2 Shader for Unity - Dota2 Shader for Unity Engine.
- StandardGeometryShader - An example of a geometry shader with Unity's standard lighting model support.
- Procedural Stochastic Texturing - Modified Unity Standard shader implementing Procedural Stochastic Texturing.
- NoiseBall - Mesh deforming shader example (Unity).
- NoiseBall2 - A small example of procedural modeling with compute shaders.
- NoiseBall3 - A Unity example that shows how to use the new implementation of DrawProcedural.
- Unity Compute Shader Test - Unity Compute Shader Realtime Ray Tracing.
- [Unity Metaballs](https://github.com/ya7gisa0/Unity Metaballs "") - Metaball shader example.
- AnisotropicStandardShader - A modified version of Unity's Standard Shader using an Anisotropic GGX BRDF.
- Unity Dithered Transparency Shader - Unity material and shader for applying clipped, dithered transparency.
- Rimlight - Customizable rimlight shader for Unity that includes pulsation and noise scrolling.
- BloodFx - Procedural blood stain shader.
- SquashAndStretch - A Unity 2018.10b12 project where I am experimenting with a squash and stretch shader.
- Hatching Shader
- UnitySpriteShaders - An Uber Shader for rendering Sprites in Unity.
- Splatoonity - Splatoon like painting in Unity3D.
- uCurvedScreen - Curved-screen shader aseet for Unity.
- Unity CommandBuffer Refraction - Blurred Refraction shaders created with Amplify Shader Editor using Command Buffers. Cool for glass looking materials, works without Amplify Shader Editor too.
- uRaymarching - Raymarching Shader Generator in Unity.
- Unity Marching Cubes GPU - GPU ComputeShader implementation of Marching Cubes algorithm.
- Unity3DCrossSectionShader - CG shader for unity3D to create a cross section through meshes.
- CrossFadingLod - Cross-fading LOD shader example.
- Unity NextGenSprites
- Unity Texture Curve - Example showing how to bake an AnimatedCurve into a Texture and use it in a shader.
- VR Time Shaders - Utility shaders to implement time-related stuffs in VRChat.
- TexturePanner - This repository hosts a shader for Unity3D whose main goal is to facilitate the creation of neon-like signs, conveyor belts and basically whatever based on scrolling textures.
- VilarVRC - Vilar's Shaders for VRChat.
- Dual Quaternion Skinning for Unity
- UnityGPUNoise - A set of shaders to help perform various Noise functions on the GPU.
- Pixel Render Unity3D - PixelRender is a complete system for realtime rendering of 3D scenes as 2D pixel art in Unity3D. (#2D) (#EFFECTS) (#UTILITIES)
- ShadowDrawer - Shadow matte shader for Unity.
- Flow Map Shader - Flow Map Shader for Unity3D. Used with Sprites.
- CurveTexture - Easily encode arbitrary curves into textures and apply them to materials or global shader properties.
- QuadWarp - QuadWarp sample code for Unity.
- Unity3D Lightning Shader - Procedural Lightning Shader for Unity3D.
- Unity HDRP SpeedTree Materials - Material replacements for getting SpeedTree models to work on HDRP Terrain. Highly experimental.
- Noise Texture Particles - Shader for Unity particles that use noise textures as inputs to create different patterns.
- Analytical Normals 3D
- UnityComputeShaderTest - Compute shader example.
- OpaqueActiveCamo - Unity 3D project showing opaque active camouflage rendering technique.
- Zagara - A tiny softrendering engine based on Unity3D. See more.
- HSVA Unity - A Hue Saturation Value adjustment shader for Unity. Useful for making lots of character colors.
- Unity3D Plane Clipping - Plane clipping shaders for Unity3D 5. Extends the Standard shader.
- ExtendStandard - Extended Unity's Standard PBR shader.
- UIRays - An example of a simple UI rays shader.
- SSS Unity - Sub Surface Scattering Approximation Shader for Unity 3D.
- Lux - Open source physically based shader framework for Unity.
- Awesome Unity Shader - About cool Unity3D Shaders.
- ShurikenPlus - A collection of custom shaders for Unity particle system (Shuriken).
- Fun Frag Shaders - Fun fragment shaders you can use in Unity.
- Cubeds Unity Shaders - A compilation of custom shaders for Unity3D.
- Arktoon Shaders - Alternative Unity shaders made by synqark.
- Neitri Unity Shaders - A compilation of shaders for Unity3D and VRChat.
- Syns Unity Shaders - A set of fun/useful shaders for use in VRChat and Unity itself.
- Okano's Unity Shaders - Big mishmash of reworked, original, and mixed shaders.
- Unity Shaders - Shader demo - More than 300 examples.
- Unity Shaders - Unity project about reseach on shaders and particle system.
- Unity Visualizations - Collection of shaders and visual effects created for Unity 3D.
- Unity Shader Sketches - Sketches made with ShaderLab in Unity.
- ShaderProject - A container for all sorts of handy shaders.
- Unity3D CG Programming - Various shaders.
- Shaders - A collection of shaders written in CG/ShaderLab for Unity.
- Shaders for Unity - Some shaders for unity,such as Post processing, brdf, rendering and so on.
- ConfigurableShaders - Unity Shader enum references.
- foo.md - Controlling fixed function states from materials/scripts in Unity. By aras-p.
- hlsl2glslfork - HLSL to GLSL language translator based on ATI's HLSL2GLSL. Used in Unity.
- Voxel Performance - High performance voxel landscape functions for Unity 5.3+ using compute and geometry shaders.
- UnitySkyboxShaders - Custom skybox shaders.
- CloudSkybox - Skybox shader with volumetric clouds.
- UnitySkyboxShaders - Custom skybox shaders.
- Swarm - An example of use of compute shaders and procedural instancing.
- Skybox - Free skybox from the Asset Store.
- LSky Dynamic Skydome Unity - Dynamic skydome for Unity3D.
- LSky Dynamic Skydome Unity (Another) - Dynamic skydome for Unity3D.
- Celeste Sky Core Unity - Dynamic Sky for Unity.
- CloudSkybox - Skybox shader with volumetric clouds.
- DarkAndStormy - Overcast clouds with crazy colors skybox shader for Unity3D.
- LSky Unity - Dynamic Skydome for unity (built in render).
- Scriptable Render Pipeline - Designed to give artists and developers the tools they need to create modern, high-fidelity graphics in Unity.
- Unity MPipeline Framework - A convenient programming framework for Scriptable Rendering Pipeline.
- Testbed HDRP - Testbed project for Unity HDRP (High Definition Render Pipeline).
- LookingGlassRenderPipeline - Sample of LookingGlassRenderPipeline.
- Post-Processing Stack - Components for camera and other effects.
- Skinner - Special Effects with Skinned Mesh in Unity.
- SkinnedMeshCombiner - A Skinned Mesh Combiner that doesn't require actual skinned meshes as inputs.
- KinoBokeh - Depth of field effect for Unity
- Kinoglitch - Video glitch effects for Unity.
- KinoContour - Contour line filter for Unity.
- Page curl effect for Unity3D - Page curl effect for Unity3D Github Page
- Outline Effect - Outline Image Effect for Unity.
- Outline Effect (fork) - Outline Image Effect for Unity.
- Outline Effect but its faster - A fork of Outline Effect with improved performance.
- Unity 5 Effects - Effect storage space for Unity 5.
- KinoFringe - Chromatic aberration image effect for Unity.
- OIT_Lab - Order-independent Transparent in Unity.
- Unity Dither4444 - AssetPostProcessor for making high-quality 16-bit color textures in Unity.
- Super Blur - Screen and UI gaussian blur for Unity.
- RainDropEffect - RainDropEffect for the Unity Asset Store.
- LensRain - A screen-space lens rain effect using Unity's V2 Post-processing framework.
- SSMS - Screen space multiple scattering for Unity.
- KinoFog - Global fog effect for Unity.
- KinoMotion - Motion blur post-processing effect for Unity.
- Sprite Glow - A sprite glow effect for Unity game engine.
- Temporal - Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing for Unity 5.0+.
- Firefly - Unity ECS example for special effects.
- DepthInverseProjection - An example showing how to inverse-project depth samples into the view/world space in Unity.
- Fragments - Fragment mesh objects for particle effects in Unity.
- UnityPCSS - Nvidia's PCSS soft shadow algorithm implemented in Unity.
- SMAA - A highly customizable implementation of Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing for Unity.
- uSMAA - SMAA implementation for Unity.
- IMP - Billboard imposter baking for Unity.
- PotentiallyVisibleSetPlugin
- CP_SSSSS - Naive screen-space subsurface scattering solution for Unity 5.
- Unity Signed Distance Field Shadow - Signed Distance Field Shadow in Unity.
- Bloom Effect Unity - Bloom Effect Implementation.
- Unity ProjectionSpray v2
- Unity Screen Space Reflection - Clearly Screen Space Reflection!
- kDecals - A forward projector Decal system for Unity.
- SkinnedDecals - A simple un-optimized skinned decal system for Unity.
- ComputeStochasticReflections - Compute Stochastic Screen Space Reflections for unity post processing.
- NoiseRings - NoiseRings is a noisy emanating ring effect for Unity adapted with permission from the VR music video experience Chorus.
- UnityEffects - A collection of video game effects recreated in Unity.
- Unity BOTW Screenspace Rain - A study of screenspace rain impacts in Breath of the Wild.
- Helicopter Effect
- Facepunch.Highlight - Mesh outline effect.
- FoW_Shadow_Map - An example project of how to do fog of war in Unity 3D.
- MeshEffectForTextMeshPro - Mesh effect components for TextMeshPro in Unity.
- uHomography - Homography Transformation Image Effect for Unity.
- FastPostProcessing - A small and fast post processing stack (only one pass) targeting mobile and mobile VR for Unity. (#VIRTUAL REALITY)
- Heatwave - A simple post-processing effect for the Unity game engine which renders small-scale distortions.
- CameraProjector - Project the image captured by the camera onto the object. (#CAMERA)
- ProjectionMapping Unity - Simple Projection-Mapping tool for Unity (WIP).
- RDSystem - Reaction-diffusion system with CustomRenderTexture.
- HDRP ReactionDiffusionSystem - Reaction diffusion system using HDRP and custom render textures.
- Unity Voxel - Mesh voxelization for Unity.
- UnityWaveEquation
- Deform Prototype - My second attempt at a framework for deforming meshes in the editor and at runtime in Unity. (Not in development)
- Static Blured Screen - Non-realtime (=static) screen blur for Unity. Easy to use background for dialogs. (#CAMERA)
- KinoObscurance - Screen Space Ambient Obscurance image effect for Unity.
- UnityEffects - A collection of free to use effects for Unity3D.
- OneStepEffects - You can add beautiful image effects by one step.
- KinoBloom - Bloom effect for Unity.
- Perfect Spheres - A system for rendering spheres cheaply and accurately.
- A Crack In The Slab - An exploration to recreate an effect from Dishonored 2 in Unity.
- SonarFx - Sonar effect for Unity.
- DistortionImageEffect - An image effect based distortion/heat effect that doesn't use grab pass.
- kode80SSR - An open source screen space reflections implementation for Unity3D 5.
- Cinematic Image Effects - Unity official cinematic image effects for your camera.
- PcxEffects
- ViewportPerspective - Camera image effect for adjusting the viewport perspective using four corner handles. (#CAMERA)
- Unity Ground Truth Ambient Occlusison - A physically based screen space ambient occulsion post processing effect.
- Volumetric Clouds - Volumetric clouds in Unity.
- Shader Effects - Unity shader effects.
- Glow - Unity ShaderGraph effect test.
- EdgeDetect-PostProcessingUnity - Unity legacy Edge Detect image effect ported to Post Processing Stack v2.
- StaticBluredScreen - Non-realtime (=static) screen blur for Unity. Easy to use background for dialogs.
- Koch's Fractals - Koch Fractals Demo for Unity.
- SDF Gen Unity - A signed distance function generator running inside Unity.
- SDFr - A signed distance field baker for Unity
- MeshToSDF - Convert a mesh to an SDF for the Visual Effect Graph in realtime.
- UnitySlitScan - Simple time-displacement filter (slit-scan) on Unity.
- Crystal Caustics - Approximated crystal caustics effect in real-time.
- Smrvfx - An example that shows how to pass data from a skinned mesh renderer to a visual effect graph.
- SE Natural Bloom Dirty Lens - (Legacy) post-processing effect for Unity.
- Colorgrade - Color Grading for Unity.
- Unity PostProV2 User LUT And Z Grading - Z-Based Color Grading and Separate User LUT for Unity's "Post-Processing Stack V2".
- PixelVision - Pixel effect + LUT for Unity 2017.
- KvantSpray - Object instancing/particle animation system for Unity.
- KvantWall - GPU accelerated object array animator for Unity. (#ANIMATION)
- Voxelman - Unity ECS + C# Job System example.
- GPU Particles - A GPU Particle System for Unity.
- KvantWig - Non-realistic hair simulation in Unity.
- ParticleEffectForUGUI - This plugin provide a component to render particle effect for uGUI in Unity 2018.2+. The particle rendering is maskable and sortable, without Camera, RenderTexture or Canvas.
- ShinyEffectForUGUI - Shiny effect of uGUI, which does not need mask or normal map.
- KvantStream - A simple GPU particle system for Unity.
- GPU Particles - A GPU Particle System for Unity.
- CurlNoiseParticleSystem - Particle system using Curl Noise for Unity.
- HoudiniEngineForUnity_deprecated - Houdini Engine for Unity (Deprecated).
- FluvioFX - Fluid dynamics for Unity's VFX graph.
- Effekseer - A tool editing particle effects.
- Unity Mesh Triangulator - Explode into triangles any mesh you want!
- OffScreenParticleRendering - Off Screen Particle Rendering system for Unity.
- UnityParticleGalaxyGPGPU - A galaxy particle system running on the GPU, made with Unity.
- AnimationParticleSystem Unity - A simple example of usage of Animated-Mesh-Surface-Position-Texture-Generator, SurfaceSamplerUnity, ParticleSystem VertexStreams and CustomData.
- UnityParticleSystemPreview - Unity ParticleSystem Preview.
- Unity Particle Scaler - Convenient Editor Window to scale Unity's Shuriken Particle System. (#EXTENSIBILITY)
- ParticleCloudVRC - Interactable shader-based particle system for VRChat/Unity. (#SHADERS) (#VIRTUAL-REALITY)
- GPUTrail - Trails with ComputeShader implementtaion for Unity.
- GPUPTrail
- TrailBoids - Just tried making boids with particle trails.
- KvantSwarm - Flowing line renderer for Unity.
- OutLine Geometry - VFX using Outline And Geometry.
- LaspVfx - Audio reactive Unity VFX with LASP.
- ParticleFeatures_2018.3 - A project of examples of new Particle Features in Unity 2018.3.
- VoxToVFX - Import a MagicaVoxel project to Unity using the new VFX Graph.
- Aura - Volumetric Lighting for Unity.
- SEGI - A fully-dynamic voxel-based global illumination system for Unity with Single Pass, Instanced & Forward/Deferred Rendering.
- Lightmap Switching Tool - Tool that allows switching different baked lightmap sets on a unity scene at runtime.
- Light Probe Populator - Automatic Unity Light Probe Generation.
- Volumetric Lights - Volumetric Lights for Unity.
- LightShafts - A light shafts (volumetric shadows) effect for Unity.
- Vapor - Volumetric Fog for Unity.
- AtmosphericScattering - Atmospheric Scattering for Unity.
- Unity Volumetric Fog - Volumetric fog implementation in Unity.
- Unity Volumetric Light - A powerful volumetric light plugin based on post-processing in Unity3D.
- Unity Volume Sampler - Mesh volume sampler with voxelizer & 3D poisson disk sampling for Unity.
- Unity Volume Rendering - Volume rendering by object space raymarching for Unity.
- DFVolume - Distance-field volume generator for Unity.
- Unity Volumetric Fog - Volumetric fog implementation in Unity.
- LiveScan3D-Hololens - A Unity application for receiving and rendering point clouds on Hololens and other devices. (#MIXED REALITY)
- Simple Light Probe Placer - It is simple tool for Unity3d and it help you easily place Light Probes in your scene.
- LightProbesPlacement - Unity project showing how to use the custom Package LightProbesVolumes for placing lightprobes automatically.
- VolumetricLinesUnity - Source of the Volumetric Lines Asset from Unity's Asset Store.
- ProbePolisher - Light probe editor for Unity.
- LightProbeUtility - Applying light probes to a mesh drawn with Graphics.DrawMesh.
- Pcx - Point cloud importer & renderer for Unity.
- PointCloudUnity - Point cloud loader.
- SpriteLightKit - Blended lighting system for Unity that works with standard Sprites. (#2D)
- ContactShadows - Experimental implementation of contact shadows for Unity.
- Shadow Volumes Toolkit - Dynamic, pixel-perfect shadows based on the Shadow Volume algorithm. (#ARCHIVED)
- Unity Deferred Lighting Model - Optimized lighting processing shaders for deferred rendering path.
- Unity Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion - A physically based screen space ambient occulsion post processing effect.
- Unity SRP VXGI - Voxel-based Global Illumination using Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline.
- ShadowVolume - Shadow Volume for Static-Scene-Object of Unity.
- Brunetons Improved Atmospheric Scattering - Unity port of Brunetons improved atmospheric scattering.
- PointCloudLoader - A Point Cloud loading utility for Unity.
- PlannarShadowForUnity - Planar Shadow is very cheap and useful for mobile games.
- CascadedShadowMapping
- Cornell Box Photon Mapping - Used photon mapping to render photo realistic cornell box.
- RRLS - Realistic real-time light simulation for Unity game engine.
- uRaymarching Examples - Examples using uRaymarching.
- Unity Raymarching Collision - Raymarching x Rigidbody interaction example.
- Unity Raytracer - This project demonstrates ray tracing in Unity, which is a real time rendering engine.
- Unity Compute Shader Ray Tracing Practice - Raytracing shader tutorial for Unity.
- unity Experimental DXR - Experimental Direct X Raytracing in Unity.
- Raymarching On Unity 5 - Raymarcher in Unity 5.
- Ray Marching - Experimenting with using ray marching to render signed distance functions in Unity.
- VoxelWorld - Training Unity on a Voxel World.
- VoxelMeshGenerator - Unity3D C# project that generates a voxel 3D mesh using the greedy mesh technique.
- Warfest Voxel Unity - A voxel game prototype made with Unity.
- Unity UI Extensions - An extension project for the new Unity UI system (uGUI).
- CandyCoded - Custom Unity Components that are delightful.
- UnityCodes - Unity UI controls.
- UIElementsExamples - Unity project containing examples to use UIElements in the Editor.
- Unity_UI_Samples
- Rec-Ex - Unity3D Rect Extensions.
- UnityUI StarMap - Elite Dangerous star viewer using the Unity UI System.
- MiniMap - Unity3D minimap (radar) system (Asset Store link - https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/33729).
- uGUI Hypertext - Hypertext for uGUI.
- uGUI LinkImageText - Unity uGUI Text support insert link and image.
- UnityTMProFontCustomizedCreater - Custom TextMeshPro Font creator.
- Text Mesh Pro - An alternative to render text in uGUI by using the distance field technique, which allows crisp fonts at any scale. This was recently purchased by Unity and will be integrated into the engine in the future. (FREE)
- Typogenic - Signed-distance field text rendering for Unity.
- UnityStbEasyFont - A port of stb_easy_font.h to Unity/C#.
- UI Shapes Kit - Procedural shapes for Unity UI.
- Shapes2D - Make simple art assets quickly in Unity.
- ShapeRenderer
- Unity UI Polygon - Polygon renderer for the new Unity UI.
- AtlasImage - AtlasImage is a graphic component use SpriteAtlas for uGUI. In addition, add useful sprite selector and border editor to the inspector.
- Unity2017AutoCreateSpriteAtlas
- LoopScrollRect - UGUI ScrollRect reusing cells, to improve performance, loading time and draw calls.
- EnhancedScrollView - Cool 3d scoll view for Unity(NGUI 3D UGUI support).
- List View Framework - The List View Framework is a set of core classes which can be used as-is or extended to create dynamic, scrollable lists in Unity applications.
- InfinityScroll - These scripts will make your UnityGUI ScrollRects scroll infinitely.
- uGUI Super Scrollview Example - Sample project that summarizes usage examples of "UGUI Super ScrollView".
- FancyScrollView - A scrollview component that can implement highly flexible animation.
- UnityDynamicScrollRect - An optimized approach to lists with dozens of elements and a Pooling system.
- UnityDynamicScrollView - Dynamic scrollView based on UGUI.
- Unity Scrolly - A Touch/Drag scroll list implementation using Unity GUI (4.6+).
- ReuseScroller - Reuse cell for uGUI ScrollView.
- Variable Infinite Scroll - Variable infinite scroll in Unity UI.
- Unity PagingView - PagingView for Unity.
- Unity Autocomplete Search Field - Search field with Autocomplete, a simple Unity Editor UI component.
- UChart - Data chart/data graph for Unity.
- Scatterplot_Standalone - 3D scatterplot in Unity.
- RadialProgressBar - Customizable radial progress bar shader for Unity3D. Allows you to set arc range, minimum and maximum colors, textures, radius, and a few more things. Create HP Bars, Speedometers, rank progress, etc!
- uGUI Animated Progressbar - A progress bar with animation of uGUI.
- Simple Color Picker - Free color picker from the Asset Store.
- UnityStandaloneFileBrowser - A native file browser for Unity standalone platforms.
- UnitySimpleFileBrowser - A uGUI based runtime file browser for Unity3D (draggable and resizable).
- UnityAndroidVRARBrowser - In-Game browser for Unity projects built on Android (Oculus, maybe GearVR). (#VIRTUAL-REALITY)
- SoftMaskForUGUI - Soft masking for uGUI elements in Unity.
- UnmaskForUGUI - Reverse mask for uGUI element in Unity.
- UISoftMask - Soft mask based on UGUI.
- GuideMask
- NotchSolution - A set of tools to fight with notched/cutout phones for Unity uGUI.
- iPhoneX Overlay - Unity Editor utility which masks the game view with the shape of an iPhone X.
- UnityIPhoneXSupport - Support iPhoneX by changing the drawing area of Unity.
- iPhoneXSafeAreaDrawer
- UnityAndroidNotchSupport - Support for Android Notch (Cutout) in Unity 2017.4 and earlier.
- UnityRuntimeSceneGizmo - Interactable runtime scene gizmo for uGUI.
- Slayout - UI layout and animation component for Unity.
- Unity Card UI - Card style UI elements for Unity.
- Unity VariableTileLayout - UI Extensions for tile layout like Pinterest.
- DragDropComponents - DragDrop components based on UGUI.
- Looader - Loading screen solution for Unity engine.
- ScreenManager - Flexible way to manage screens with transitions for Unity.
- Unity Pause Menu - This is an open source Unity pause menu created for the game New Horizons, and it's completely free because of how a pause menu is a core component of a game, while the unity asset store was lacking in such an asset (until this was released on the asset store).
- UnityMenuSystem - Menu System for Unity.
- uGUI Window Menu - Simple uGUI menu.
- Unity Template - A simple unity UI/Menu template.
- UIEffect - An effect component for uGUI element in Unity. Let's decorate your UI with effects.
- Beautiful Text Outline for Unity UI - Beautiful text outline for Unity UI.
- Unity3DBookPageCurl - Page curl effect for Unity3D using native UI tools.
- uGUI Effect Tool - Vertex color UI Effect for Unity UI (uGUI).
- MirrorReflectionEffectForUGUI - A simple mirror reflection effect for a uGUI without reflection probes or shaders.
- BluredUGUI - Blured uGUI background sample.
- Unity UI - Official repository for UI system used in Unity.
- NGUI - A powerful UI system and event notification framework. ๐ฐ
- FairyGUI Unity - A flexible UI framework for Unity.
- OpenUi - Make your game UI in minutes!
- OpenGUI - Open source GUI framework for Unity.
- UIElementsX - UIElementsX (UIEX) is the missing high level API for unity's new UI system.
- Xamarin.Forms.Unity - Xamarin.Forms for Unity (Platform implementation for Unity Game Engine).
- FlexibleUI Unity - A Unity System to Implement Multiple GUI Themes.
- Automatic UI Anchoring For Unity3D
- Unity3d.UI.Windows - Unity 3D UI (uGUI) Windows Extensions.
- UGUI Editor - Unity UGUI editor tools to improve the efficiency of UI development.
- Unity AlignTools - Align Tools is just perfect Unity asset plugin to align gui object.
- uGUI Tween Tool - Unity 4.6.x and Unity5.x uGUI Tween tools.
- Baum2 - Psd to Unity UI (uGUI).
- TMP RectVisualizer - The size of Text and TextMesh Pro can be visualized on game screen.
- Unity Sprite Cutter - Simple solution for cutting sprites in runtime.
- Pixel Sprite Generator Unity - A port of the PixelSpriteGenerator to C# for use with the Unity3D game engine.
- uGUI Script Creator - Create GUIs by scripting.
- uGUI Guidelines -uGUI guidelines.
- MaterialUI - A UI kit for Unity that follows Google's official material design guidelines.
- Unity Themes - Provides the Unity Editor with adjustable, hot-swappable GUI themes across all elements.
- Ultimate HUD Skins - Stylish HUD layouts for Unity engine.
- Modern UI Pack - Modern UI Pack for Unity engine.
- Lomenui - Stylish UI package for Unity engine.
- Unity LoMenu - Stylish UI package for Unity engine.
- Imgui Unity - Integration dear imgui to Unity.
- Unity UITest - Unity UI Test Automation Framework.
- RuntimeUnitTestToolkit - CLI/GUI Frontend of Unity Test Runner to test on any platform.
- RandomFixtureKit - CLI/GUI Frontend of Unity Test Runner to test on any platform.
- Moq Unitypackage - A unitypackaged mirror of Moq, for use in Unity3D.
- Procedural Toolkit - Procedural generation library for Unity.
- Houdini Engine For Unity - Houdini Engine for Unity.
- Wavefunctioncollapse - Walk through an infinite, procedurally generated city
- InfiniteIslandsGenerator Unity - Infinite islands generation.
- Tangram Unity - A library of tools for using OpenStreetMap data in the Unity3D game engine.
- PVTUT (Procedural Virtual Texture with Unity Terrain)
- RoadArchitect - Road Architect for Unity.
- RoadBuilder - Easy-to-build realistic roads in Unity. Foundation of any simcity game.
- DungeonGenerator - A dungeon generator for Unity.
- Procedural Cave Generator - Unity scripts that procedurally generate ready-to-use cave meshes.
- Procedural Cave Generator - Source code for Sebastian Lague's Procedural Cavern Generation tutorial series.
- Unity3D Dungeon Generator - A procedural dungeon generator for Unity3d.
- ProceduralTerrain - Procedural voxel terrain generation in Unity.
- Unity Procedural Tree - Procedural tree builder for Unity.
- ProceduralMotionTrack - Simple procedural motion with Unity Timeline.
- Procedural Landmass Generation - Procedural Landmass Generation in Unity.
- VoronoiMapGen - A Voronoi Based Map Generator for Unity.
- Unity Procedural - Spline based mesh generation.
- QuadSphere - Unity QuadSphere with Level of Detail subdivision.
- UnityCurvedMeshGenerator - Procedural mesh generation tutorial with cubic Bezier curves.
- PixelArtGen - A pixel art generator on a Unity custom inspector.
- Procedural Terrain Generator - Procedural terrain generator for the Unity 3D engine. (#Terrain)
- TownGenerator - Medieval Town Generator for Unity.
- Alchemy Circles Generator - A simple procedural generator of alchemy circles.
- Unity Procedural Flower - Procedural flower generator for Unity.
- Graphmesh - A graph-based solution for procedural mesh inside the Unity editor.
- Rant - Robust text engine for procedural generation and postprocessing. (#POST-PROCESSING)
- ProceduralMesh - Simple procedural mesh generation for the Unity game engine.
- Procedural Shapes for Unity - A set of procedural shapes for Unity.
- IcoSphereCreator - Create Ico Sphere Mesh Tool for Unity.
- Shapes - Hand-drawn meshes and vector shapes for Processing and Unity, and a few handpicked colors.
- Unity.ProceduralContentGeneration Terrain - (#TERRAIN)
- Procedural Level Generator Unity - Unity plugin from procedural dungeon generation.
- LSystemsInUnity - L-System is a rewriting system used mainly to model the development of plants. L-Systems in Unity enables you to rapidly create plants in your Unity games.
- TerrainToolSamples - New Terrain Tools and Brush Assets for the Unity Terrain system.
- Microsplat - A modular free terrain shading system focused on performance and ease of use. MicroSplat is described as a replacement shader system for Unity Terrains.
- Terrain Topology Algorithms - Terrain topology algorithms in Unity.
- Unity DryadeErosion - A toolbox for procedural generation, dedicated to Unity. (#Procedural)
- Interactive Erosion - A toolbox for procedural generation, dedicated to Unity. (#Procedural)
- Unity Interactive Erosion - Interactive erosion in Unity.
- Terrain Tool Customized - This is our own custom Version of Unity Technologies "Terrain Tool Samples".
- PathPaintTool - A free and open source path painter tool for painting paths on terrain in Unity.
- Thalatta - An open source terrain generation suite.
- TerrainGeneration - Terrain generation based on nature of river flow.
- Lowpoly Terrain Editor - Free Low Poly terrain editor for Unity.
- VegetationStudioProExtensions - Custom tools for use with Vegetation Studio Pro.
- Hydraulic Erosion - Simulating erosion to try make procedural terrains look a little more natural.
- Worldsmith - Worldsmith Community Build.
- Terrain Stamps - Stamps for the Unity Terrain Stamp Tool.
- StampToolExtended - Extended version of the Unity Terrain Stamp Tool.
- KvantLattice - A GPU accelerated fractal terrain renderer for Unity.
- ST2U2DNavMeshImporter - Provides a custom importer to automatically setting up 2D Navmeshes (Using NavMeshSurface2DBaker) when importing "Tiled" tilemaps through SuperTiled2Unity.
- NavMeshSurface2DBaker - Provides functionality to bake 2D colliders into NavMeshSurface components.
- NavMeshPlus - Unity NavMesh 2D Pathfinding.
- Unity ECS NavMesh - A demo implementation of Unity Entity Component System with NavMesh.
- Navigator - This project provides unity scripts to export navmesh data into tile cache files that can be used directly by recastnavigation.
- NavMeshPainter
- VertexPaint - Unity 5.3 Vertex Painter.
- NormalPainter - Vertex normal editor for Unity.
- InkPainter - Texture-Paint on Unity.
- Texture Array Unity - A small tool for creating texture arrays in Unity. (#UTILITIES)
- Unity Texture Packer - Utility to combine color channels from different textures into a single output.
- WaveformProvider - Provide a texture to simulate waves with Unity.
- PVRTexTool Wrapper - PVRTexTool wrapper for Unity3D.
- Animation Texture Baker - Bake Legacy Animations into Textures. Targeting ECS. (#ANIMATION)
- AudioTexture - Generate Unity Texture2D from AudioClip. (#AUDIO)
- CurveTexture - Easily encode arbitrary curves into textures and apply them to materials or global shader properties.
- UVPreview - Preview your UV islands in inspector window for your textures.
- VertexAnimator
- 8 Free Substances (Free) - 8 configurable procedural textures.
- CC0 Textures - Free PBR textures.
- PIXYZ - Prepare, optimize and import CAD models into your Unity3D application. ๐ฐ
- AsImpL - Asynchronous Importer and run-time Loader for Unity.
- FbxExporter - Export meshes to .fbx or .obj from Unity.
- FBXImporterExporterForUnity_20150901 - FBX Importer & Exporter for Unity ฮฒ Trial Version 2015/09/01.
- ColladaExporter - Collada exporter for Unity3D.
- Unity glTF Exporter - Unity editor wizard that exports to glTF Format.
- Unity OBJ Loader - Runtime .OBJ file loader for Unity3D.
- UnityGLTF - Runtime glTF Loader for Unity3D. (Official from Khronos Group).
- UniGLTF - glTF 2.0 importer and exporter for Unity 5.6 or later.
- Unity VMF Loader - Import maps created in Valve Hammer Editor to Unity.
- Unity Source Tools - Plugin to import resources from the Source engine in Unity3D.
- Unity Source Tools - Plugin to import resources from the Source engine in Unity3D. (#REVIEW)
- Alembic For Unity - Alembic importer and exporter plugin for Unity.
- Unity PSD Importer - Advanced PSD importer for Unity3D. (#DEPRECATED)
- Unity Excel Importer Maker - Import excel files into Unity.
- Stunts Unity - A tiny Unity project to import assets from the original Stunts game.
- SuperPrefabReplacement - An example of replacing Tiled objects with prefabs, automatically, during import into Unity.
- ExportSceneToObj - Export Unity3D scene ( objects and terrain ) or fbx to .obj file.
- Unity Custom Terrain Tool - Height/angle based painting
- SQLite4Unity3D - SQLite made easy for Unity3d.
- USqlite - Sqlite for Unity.
- SQLiteUnityKit - Framework to connect with a SQLite database from Unity for iOS, Android, MAC , Windows.
- SqlCipher4Unity3D - SqlCipher made easy for Unity3d.
- CastleDB Unity Importer
- GitHub for Unity - The new GitHub for Unity extension brings the GitHub workflow and more to Unity, providing support for large files with Git LFS and file locking. (#VCS) (#PLUGIN)
- Gitgud - A simple unity-based git client with a focus on extendability.
- UpmGitExtension - Git extension for Unity Package Manager (UPM).
- NuGetForUnity - A NuGet Package Manager for Unity.
- GitLab - GitLab
- VersionControlPlugins - Perforce plugin for Unity. (Moved to Bitbucket).
- Unity SVN Checker - Server-side svn hooks to help version control with Unity3D.
- Docker Unity3D - This docker image runs in a terminal so you don't have access to the UI. This docker image is intended to run unity commands with the command line. You can use it for running tests and creating builds.
- Unity3D CI Example - Additional remote of Unity3D CI example project for Travis and CircleCI on Github.
- Unity3D Travis CI - A simple example of how to build and deploy a Unity3D package on Travis CI and GitHub Releases.
- Unity Remote Android iOS and tvOS - View playmode on final devices. See more.
- Unity Test Tools - Unity Editor Test Tools. See legacy here.
- Test Framework Training - Training project for Unity testing.
- Airtest - UI Test Automation Framework for Games and Apps. Uses computer vision.
- Lunar Unity Assert - An improved wrapper over UnityEngine.Assertions.
- GamesTestAutomationExample - The collecting ideas on how to do Test Automation in Games.
- Unity3D Rainbow Folders - This asset allows you to set custom icons for any folder in unity project browser.
- Unity Dark Theme Patch - Patch that switches Unity theme from light to dark.
- UnityDarkSkin - Switching layout skin in Unity Editor (white => dark, white => dark).
- UnityLauncher - Unity Version Launcher.
- Node Editor Framework - A flexible and modular Node Editor Framework for creating node based displays and editors in Unity.
- xNode - Basic editor extension functionality to get a node editor up and running.
- qAI - A xNode based tool for designing AI Graphs like Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines in Unity.
- UnityNodeEditorBase - Lets you view and edit node graphs inside Unity.
- Node Inspector - Unity graph editor extension.
- GTLogicGraph - A generic graph made off the UIElement GraphView built into Unity.
- Simple Graph Editor - An editor extension for Unity that allows making directional graphs quickly.
- ReorderableInspector - Automatic reorderable lists for Unity game engine components.
- Reorderable Inspector - Automatic reorderable lists for Unity game engine components.
- Reorderable List Editor Field for Unity - Reorderable List Editor Field for Unity.
- Reorderable List Example - Example project for UnityEditorInternal.ReorderableList in Unity 4.5.
- Unity Runtime Inspector - Runtime Inspector and Hierarchy solution for Unity for debugging and runtime editing purposes.
- ExtendedTransformEditor - A clutterless custom Transform editor for Unity.
- ExtendedTransformEditor - A clutterless custom Transform editor for Unity.
- Inspector Foldout Group - Group variables in Unity 3d inspector with style!
- Unity3D Property Enabled Inspector - This project aims to allow C# properties to be fully supported for in-editor inspection.
- Unity Reorderable List - Extended version of the Reorderable List in Unity.
- Stackable Decorator - Stackable decorator for property drawer of Unity.
- UnityExtensions.ArrayDrawer - ArrayDrawer is a base class like PropertyDrawer, but for arrays and lists.
- Property Drawer Collection
- Chest Of Property Drawers - A collection of small reusable Unity3D property drawers.
- Reflected Inspector - Reflected Inspector is a system for Unity that works very much like Serialized Properties but works with non-Unity types and can serialize the values.
- UnityExtensions.InspectInline - Enables you to inspect and edit object references, and easily embed such objects as subassets.
- EditorButton - Turn your Unity methods into buttons just by adding an attribute.
- EasyButtons - Add buttons to your inspector in Unity super easily with this simple attribute.
- Enum Flags - Handle enum as bit flag in Inspector.
- Unity Define Inspector - A Unity inspector panel to quickly add and remove a set of custom Scripting Define Symbols.
- Unity Readme - Add a Readme / tutorial to the inspector tab of your Unity project.
- Stickies - Simple in-editor notes for Unity3D.
- Unity ColourLovers Importer - Unity editor tool to load colours and palettes directly from COLOURlovers.com.
- Gradient Editor
- Render Queue - Render Queue Unity Extension.
- Pongpector - Play a pong on a Unity custom inspector. (#GAMES)
- Unity QuickSheet - Enables you to use spreadsheet file data within Unity editor.
- UnityMarkdeepViewer - Editor scripts allowing to display Markdown, markdeep and HMTL directly inside the Unity Editor.
- UnityDebugger - Lite tool helping check runtime status of unity application in Editor.
- ReferenceVisualizerUnity3D - An Editor Window that lets you see and edit all references of your Scene Objects.
- ShaderInspector - Hide parameters in Unity Shader Inspector Window. (#SHADERS)
- EditorGenerator - A tool that generates custom editors in Unity.
- ToDoManager - Simple tool for managing todo's in your code.
- UnityPickers - Value selection controls for Unity game engine editor.
- Unitasks - Very simple task organizer for Unity3D editor.
- Unity Docky - Docky is a custom Unity editor tool to help automate documentation creation and updating.
- Curve Editor
- TimelineParticleControl - An example of controlling particle system from timeline.
- UnityTimelineEvents - Adds ability to execute arbitrary code, with int, bool, float, string and enum values, at both runtime and edit time, from Unity timelines.
- AudioPreviewTrack - Instant audio playback (scrubbing) in preview mode of Unity Timeline editor.
- TimeFlowShiki - Unity Editor Timeline GUI skeleton.
- Animator_Timeline - Timeline Editor for Unity. (#ANIMATION)
- TimelineEvent - Modify timeline through events.
- UnityTimelordBlender - Timelord is a demo for custom blending of Unity3D Timelines.
- Timeline MessageMarker - Timeline Message markers.
- UnityTimelineConditions - Experimental port of Animator conditions interface to Timeline events.
- Tidy Up - Neat little tool! to help you keep your Unity projects organised by throwing assets in their designated folders.
- Script Templates for Unity - A little window which automatically generates C# source code stubs for Unity.
- T4 Templates Unity3D - T4 Text Template Processor for Unity3D.
- Unity File Extension - Shows file extension in 1 column project window.
- Unity Symlink Utility - A small extension that adds a menu item to add folders as symlinks in Unity.
- TextMeshPro Button Extension - Add new context menu "UI/TextMeshPro - Button". To create button with TextMeshPro instead of Unity UI Text. (#UI)
- UnitySceneViewFovControl - Unity Editor Extension which enables controlling Scene View's FoV.
- BezierCanvas - Adobe Illustrator's pen tool style bezier editor on Unity.
- BGCurve - Bezier spline editor for Unity 5.3.
- ProBuilder - 3D Prototyping tool buyed by Unity. See Procore.
- Prototype - Uses the core of ProBuilder, enabling you to build entire game levels (or objects) with speed and simplicity.
- SabreCSG - A set of Constructive Solid Geometry level design tools for building complex levels quickly inside Unity.
- Chisel.Prototype - Work in progress prototype for the Chisel Level Editor, for Unity.
- UnityTile3D - Simple 3D Tile Editor.
- HexTiles - Unity Hex Tile Editor.
- Editor2D - Tile based level editor for Unity
- Game View Maximizer - Maximizes the game view window with a Shortcut. See related.
- In-Game Editor UI - Unity3D in-game UI, which shows at runtime a Hierarchy and an Inspector like the built-in Editor.
- Unity IMGUI TreeView - Simple Tree View implementation for IMGUI (Editor GUI) in Unity.
- Unity Visual Behavior Tree - Reactive Visual Scripting Behavior Tree Tool for Unity 2018.x+.
- Node Level Editor - Unity3d Editor tools to create rooms quickly.
- Unity Editor Texel Density - Texel density editor for Unity.
- Texture3DPreview for Unity - This package enables interactive previews of Texture3D assets in Unity's Inspector window.
- StyleBrowser - A browser editor window to view all Unity built in styles.
- Charon Unity3D - Charon Game Data Editor Plug-in for Unity3D. Charon is a software for managing game's data. It is used for creating data structure, editing data and accessing this data in the code.
- Bona Data Editor - Unity plugin editor for easier manipulation of assets of certain types. (#ATTRIBUTES)
- WebViewHook - Exposed UnityEditor WebView API.
- UnityMeshCounter - Shows counters for mesh data.
- Unity Editor Icons - Unity version: 2018.3.0f2 Icons what can load using EditorGUIUtility.IconContent.
- Unity Editor Spotlight - MacOS-like Spotlight file search in Unity.
- UniOmni - Global search for Unity.
- Selection History Navigator - Unity editor extension to navigate between object selections.
- UnityExtensions.SelectionHistory - Adds navigation menu items in Unity Editor: "Edit/Selection/Back", "Edit/Selection/Forward".
- Shortcuter - Shortcut utility for Unity. (#SHORTCUTS)
- SearchTools - Search Tools In Unity.
- Unity3D Extended Event - A UnityEvent replacement.
- Unity Events - A code focused strongly typed event system with global system and per GameObject system.
- Unity Editor Coroutines - Coroutines for Editor scripts, just like regular coroutines.
- ScriptableObjectEvent
- BetterEvents - A replacement for UnityEvents that are: better.
- Vexe Framework (VFW) - An editor extension that offers much more advance editor extensibility features than what comes out of the box with Unity.
- BitStrap - A set of useful tools that will let you quickly bootstrap a new Unity project.
- NGTools - Unity Editor Extensions and Tools by Napland Games.
- Unex - Unity3D, extended. Includes hotkeys, C# extensions, utilities and more.
- Asset Usage Finder - Editor extension for finding references of assets inside project and all scene files. ๐ฐ
- Unity Asset Usage Detector - Find usages of the selected asset(s) and/or Object(s) in your Unity project, i.e. list the objects that refer to them.
- Missing References Unity - A Unity editor extension for finding missing object references.
- DT Compile Time Tracker - Unity editor extension which tracks compile time.
- Unity3D Automatron - An automation tool for Unity3D.
- CaptureGroup - A editor tool used to take screenshots for documentation.
- Screen Shooter - A simple tool for creating screenshots at any resolution within the Unity Editor.
- UniDLL - Editor window to create DLLs from C# code in Unity. (#Utilities)
- UnityAndroidIl2cppPatchDemo
- Hobbyistcoder.Editor.Utilities - Useful editor extensions and utilities for Unity3D.
- Unity In-Editor Screen Shooter - A basic tool for capturing screenshot in Unity at desired resolution.
- Vue Unity WebGL - A Vue.js component for Unity3D.
- React Unity WebGL - React Unity WebGL provides an easy solution for embedding Unity WebGL builds in your React application, with two-way communication between your React and Unity application with advanced API's.
- Better WebGL Template - A better default template for Unity WebGL.
- Unity WebGL Utilities - Some helpful utilities for Unity WebGL games.
- UnityStreamingMovieTexture - A movie texture extension for Unity that adds support for WebGL.
- Unity3D Globe - Unity3D Implementation for Chrome Experiment WebGL Globe.
- Giacomelli.Unity.EditorToolbox - Unity3d editor tools to make life easier for game developers.
- Unity Editor Junkie - Editor scripts to make working with the Unity Editor better
- Unity Editor Snippets - Collection of different editor things that help with productivity.
- Unity Editor Helper - An organized bunch of scripts to make editor scripting in Unity easier.
- Unity Editor LINQ Extensions - Extensions set for Unity Editor that allows traverse hierarchy of GameObject, Components, Assets and their properties.
- UnityExtensions MeshIntersection - Perform a raycast against one or more meshes.
- Unity Asset Store - Official asset store for unity.
- Unity Package Manager 2018.3+
- Unity Packman - A tiny package dependency manager for Unity, powered by Github.
- UniGet - The package manager for Unity3D.
- Unity Package Unpacker (UPU)
- Paket.Unity3D - An extension for the Paket dependency manager that enables the integration of NuGet dependencies into Unity3D projects.
- Package Exporter - Easily export a folder of scripts and assets as a local Unity 2018 package for use with the new Package Manager.
- UnityPackageTemplate - A template for creating Unity packages.
- UnityPacker - Create unitypackages without unity, from command line.
- AssetMessenger - Unofficial Issuetracker for the Unity Asset Store.
- RotateMe - A tutorial for "How to develop a package for UnityPackageManager".
- Unitypackage Extractor - Extract a .unitypackage.
- Unity Package Tools - A set of developer tools to make it easier to create and distribute packages for the native Unity Package Manager.
- Tool UnityAssetCleaner - UnityAssetCleaner will remove unused assets, script and shader in your game and projects.
- AssetBundleManager - An asset bundle manager for Unity.
- KEngine - A Unity3D asset bundle framework with LGPL license.
- AssetBundleManager - Unity AssetBundle Manager.
- Asset Auditing Tools - A set of Editor tools to audit project assets and correct errors.
- AssetStudio - AssetStudio is an independent tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets.
- UnityPack - Python deserialization library for Unity3D Asset format.
- AssetBundlePatch
- UABE - Unity Assets Bundle Extractor.
- UnityAssetCleaner
- UtinyRipper - Tool for ripping assets from Engine resource files.
- AssetBundleChecker
- XAsset
- Zcode AssetBundlePacker - Create, build and manage Asset Bundles packages. Supports version control and more.
- Asset Bundle Analyzer - This tool extracts useful information from Unity asset bundles and stores the information in an SQLite database.
- ABSystem
- Publisher-Extension-for-Unity3D - Access your Unity3D publisher information in a click.
- Asset Store Support Window - A support window template for publishers of the Unity Asset Store.
- Unity Asset Promotion Guidelines - Unity Asset Store Package Promotion Guidelines.
- ASInstaller - Unity Asset Store Package Installer.
- UAS Issue Tracker - Unofficial Issuetracker for the Unity Asset Store.
- Harmony - A library for patching, replacing and decorating .NET and Mono methods during runtime
- dnSpy - A library for patching, replacing and decorating .NET and Mono methods during runtime.
- MonoMod - A general purpose .NET assembly modding "basework", powered by cecil.
- PartialityLauncher - The launcher for Partiality.
- Unity Version Manager - Tool that just manipulates a link to the current unity version. Unity already provides a similar tool (Unity Hub).
- Incremental Compiler - Incremental Compiler Github's Page
- Unity3D.IncrementalCompiler - Unity3D Incremental C# Compiler using Roslyn.
- Il2CppDumper - Get types, methods, fields and so on from Unity Il2Cpp binary file.
- ILSpy - .NET Decompiler.
- dotPeek - Jetbrains decompiler.
- Unity Metadata Loader - This project will load strings and method/class names in global-metadata.dat to IDA.
- ConditionalCompilationUtility - Automatically add defines upon the detection of predicate classes.
- FontainebleauDemo - Fontainebleau demo (#PHOTOGRAMMETRY)
- UnityPlayground - A collection of simple scripts to create 2D physics game, intended for giving workshops to a young audience.
- KenneyNL - Tools, free assets and more.
- Fellow Oak Dicom - Fellow Oak DICOM for .NET, .NET Core, Universal Windows, Android, iOS, Mono and Unity.
- UnityWorker - (#DEPRECATED)
- uDesktopDuplication - Desktop Duplication API implementation for Unity (only for Windows 8/10).
- UnityAssets - ?
- SuperScience - Gems of Unity Labs for our user-base.
- Unity WaterBuoyancy - Water Buoyancy Simulation for Unity.
- Performance Benchmark Reporter - The Unity Performance Benchmark tool enables partners and developers to establish benchmark samples and measurements using the Performance Testing package, then use these benchmark values to compare subsequent performance test results in an html output utilizing graphical visualizations.
- UnEngine - A clone of the UnityEngine.dll so you can write and test scripts outside of Unity.
- Ardity - Assets for integrating Arduino and Unity (or Unity and any hardware that communicates over a COM port).
- Wrmhl - Super fast communication beetwen Unity3D and Arduino. Create Interactive experiences in a minute.
- Unity Arduino Examples - Unity and Arduino example projects.
- Delft Toolkit v2 - Tool for Designing Smart Collaborative Things.
- UnitySerialPort - Script to work with serial port in Unity. Optimized to work with TSV, CSV or other character delimited values.
- URDF Loaders - URDF Loaders for Unity and THREE.js with example ATHLETE URDF Files.
- 3D Y86 - A 3D Y86 simulator with tangible processors, light trails and halos, powered by Unity-3D.
- Braccio IK Unity - Braccio robotic arm simulator with IK (inverse kinematics) and controller via Serial in Unity.
- Mesh Streamer - A general purpose system for streaming mesh data into Unity.
- Concordia Module
- DotLiquid - A templating system ported to the .NET framework from Rubyโs Liquid Markup.
- Schemy - A lightweight embeddable Scheme-like interpreter for configuration.
- Flunity - Main idea is make it possible to use Adobe Flash for creating visual content for Unity games.
- Unity Matrix Order - Minimal project to outline matrix application in Unity.
- ThreeDScans - Scanned statue models from the Three D Scans project, optimized for real-time rendering use.
- Environment - Environmental Assets for Unity Prototyping.
- Unicorn - A custom made Unicorn Horn with optional rainbow particle effects.
- PeppersGhostStage - Perppers Ghost stage model.
- UnitySamples
- Hw18 Infinity ECS - Unity Hackweek 2018 project.
- AnotherThreadECS - A demo made with ECS.
- Laser Eye Surgery - A game made with Unity in 48 hours for Global Game Jam, using the Tobii EyeX Eye Tracker.
- Unity Visual Effects Graph Practice - Project data of my artwork "Demographics of Israel: Data Sculpture".
- Unity Graphics Demo - This is a project demonstrating the capabilities of the Unity 3D engine. Everything is taken from all over the place. Links to the original owners are provided.
- ChemistryEngine - Chemistry Engine for Unity.
- Eflatun.ReflectiveECS - A proof of concept for a reflection-based ECS system for C#.
- Unity3D Experiments - A unity project containing several subprojects with experiments. They have been stuffed into one project to easily share resources across experiments.
- Unity3D.CharacterCreator - A character creator project utilising DynamoDB for character configuration storage.
- Pepper's Cone Unity - Pepper's Cone with Unity.
- Sample AfterEffectsToUnity - Example of exporting after effects animations to Unity.
- Galaxia Runtime - Galaxy generator for Unity 3D, with Custom Particle Distributors, DirectX 11 Particles and Highly customization, curve driven Generation.
- Galaxia Editor - The editor scripts for Galaxia.
- UnityHDROutputPlugin - Unity HDR Display Output plugin for Windows 10.
- GodofWar AxeThrow - Recreating the Axe Throw mechanic from God of War.
- MiraikomachiUnity - Anime character for Unity.
- ECS Phyllotaxis - Learning ECS - 100k Cubes in Phyllotaxis pattern.
- CustomWorldBootstrap
- UnitySamples
- Unity 3D Lessons
- SimpleIncremental - A simple Unity project that introduces many of Unity's cooler advanced concepts.
- Physarum - This project implements the algorithm presented in the paper "Characteristics of Pattern Formation and Evolution in Approximations of Physarum Transport Networks" by Jeff Jones.
- Libmmd for Unity - A library for loading mikumikudance files at runtime in Unity 3D.
- Editor Tips - Tips in gif form showing a few ways to use the editor more efficiently.
- Unity Tips - Short videos showing some handy tips when using Unity.
- Devdog UnityTips Compilation - Tweets gathered by Devdog with tips and tricks posted by developers.
- #UnityTips - Hashtag used in Twitter to post Unity related tips.
- Unity Official Tips & Tricks Videos - Video sessions recorded by Unity developers with tips and tricks for Unity.
- 50 Unity Tips - A collection of 50 tips for Unity (focusing on Mobile) ranging from editor tools to serialization to UI shortcuts.
- Unity 2018 By Example (Second Edition)
- Unity Game Development in 24 Hours
- Unity in Action: Multiplatform Game Development in C# with Unity 5
- Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 5.x
- Unity 5.x By Example
- Unity AI Game Programming
- Mastering Unity 2D Game Development
- Unity 5.x Shaders and Effects Cookbook
- Unity UI Cookbook
- Unity 5.x Cookbook
- Catlike Coding - Tutorials designed for learning the C# scripting side of Unity.
- Jackson Dunstan
- Keijiro Takahashi ๐ฅ
- Unity3D Official Blog - News and deep insights involving Unity development.
- Alan Zucconi's Blog - Shaders and maths. Well explained and very interesting.
- Unity Gems Wordpress - Unity3D tutorials.
- Unity3D
- Unity3D LatAm
- Brackeys
- Infallible Code
- Sebastian Lague
- quill18creates
- N3K EN
- Jesse Etzler
- Burg Zerg Arcade
- Sharp Accent
- inScope Studios
- Makin' Stuff Look Good
- Shaders Laboratory
- Unite Asia 2019 Deck (Keijiro) - Presentation deck for my talk at Unite 2019 Shanghai.
- Game Programming Patterns - Lots of great game development patterns useful when making games with or without Unity.
- UnityGraphicsProgramming - UnityGraphicsProgramming vol.1.
- 2D Splatter Effects Using the Stencil Buffer - Using the stencil buffer in Unity to draw splatter effects on surfaces. This could be used for paint or blood splatter.
- A Gentle Introduction to Shaders in Unity3D - This series of posts will introduce you to shader coding, and is oriented to developers with little to no knowledge about shaders.
- Unity Dev Basic Geometry Shaders - An introduction to Geometry Shaders.
- Amitโs Game Programming Information - An great collection of general purpose game programming content.
- Fixing Gaps Between Sprites - A short tutorial about removing the small gaps that sometimes appear between adjacent sprites.
- Modern GUI Development in Unity 4.6 - A video tutorial providing an in-depth explanation of Unity's new UI system.
- Official Video Tutorials - The official tutorials for scripting, animation, audio, and almost anything Unity related.
- Ray Wenderlich's Tutorials - Beginner and mid-level tutorials focused on learning Unity features or creating small example games.
- Unity in HoloLens - Official tutorials from Microsoft for creating Microsoft HoloLens applications.
- Unity Virtual Reality - Unity's official documentation on developing virtual reality applications.
- Character Customization Tutorial - This is the finished project of part 4 of the tutorial series for using blendshapes for character customization in Unity3D.
- Roll A-Ball ECS Style - Recreation of Unity Roll-A-Ball tutorial using Entity Component System.
- Unity Shader Tutorials - Full project and code for all of my shader tutorials.
- Unity3D Shaders Learning - ust learning Unity3D shaders here.
- Shader Graph Tutorials - Project files for our tutorials on using Shader Graph in Unity.
- UnityVJShaderSlide20181108
- Learning-Unity-ECS
- UnityGraphicsProgramming Vol.2 - Unity Graphics Programming vol.2
- ShaderGraphExample
- Introduction to Shaders by Alan Zucconi - Alan Zucconi's blog post introducing Unity shaders.
- Resources for Writing Shaders in Unity - For the UNITE Boston 2015 talk titled Writing Shaders: YOU can do it!
- Unity Character Customization - A character customization demo for Unity.
- Complete Unity 2018 Game Development - Explore techniques to build 2D/3D applications using real-world examples.
- UnityShaderCheatsheet - Collection of Unity shader copypastas and gotchas.
- Simple ECS - An example using the core features of the Entity Component System (ECS) for Unity, inspired by Roll-a-ball.
- Unity Projection Mapping Tutorial - Projection Mapping tutorial.
- Unity Android Plugin Example - A simple example of an Android specific plugin for Unity3D.
- SurvivalShooterECS - A port of Unity's official Survival Shooter tutorial to the Entity Component System.
- ClassicToHybrid - A look into how to implement Hybrid ECS in a classic Unity Project.
- PrefabWorkflows SpiderRobots - Demo Project showing the new Prefab Workflows: Prefab Mode, Editing and Nesting!
- Marching Cubes
- Good Coding Practices in Unity - Trello board with good coding practices in Unity.
- Reddit's Unity Best Practices - Reddit's thread with best practices collected by Unity developers.
- Unity Good Practices - Github repository with Unity best practices.
- Gamasutra's 50 Tips & Best Practices - Gamasutra article with 50 tips and best practices.
- Unity3D Official Best Practices - Unity's official page for best practices.
- Unity Styl eGuide - The Ramen Unity Style Guide: For file structure, naming conventions and other things.
- Unity Editor Hotkeys - Unity manual's page with editor hotkeys.
- Simple Editor Shortcuts Tools Collection - This is a small collection of simple tools to help in scene editing workflows.
- Raywenderlich.com Unity Cheatsheet - Cheatsheet with some common problems when developing with Unity.
- Cheatografy Cheatsheet - Hotkeys for Unity editor.
- UniteBerlin - Repository for my Unite Berlin talk - Become a Speed Demon: Being faster at everything you do in Unity.
- Unity3D Github Page
- Unity3D Github Page.
- Unity3D C# Reference - Unity C# reference source code.
- Unity3D Script Reference - Unity scripting reference.
- UnityReleaseNotes - Unity Release Notes. To be used with Github search.
- Unity Roadmap - Unity Feature Roadmap.
- Microsoft HLSL Reference - HLSL language reference for shaders.
- NVIDIA CG Reference - NVIDIA's computer graphics reference for shaders.
- Unity Graphics Reference - Unity Feature Roadmap.
- Job System Cookbook - Examples of using the C# Job System in Unity 2018.
- Unity Editor Manual - Unity editor unofficial manual written in Japanese.
- Awesome Unity - Awesome list repository for Unity. (Already integrated in the repository)
- Awesome Unity Free - A community driven list of useful Unity Game Engine 'FREE' packages, libraries and others. (Note: Resources are already integrated into this repository).
- Awesome Unity3D - A categorized collection of awesome opensource unity3d repos.
- Unity Script Collection - A maintained collection of useful & free unity scripts / library's / plugins and extensions.
- Unity3d Open Source - Useful Unity repositories sorted by topics.
- Unity Script Collection - A maintained collection of useful & free unity scripts / library's / plugins and extensions.
- Awesome Unity Wiki - The wiki of this repository.
- Text Mesh Pro - Text rendering with Signed distance fields. Better than default text component. (FREE)
- Odin Inspector & Serializer - Serializes your data so you can see it how you want in your editor window. (PAID)
- Gaia - Procedural terrain generator. (PAID)
- Amplify Shader Editor - Shader Graph Editor. Competes against Unity Official Shadergraph. (PAID) ...
- AngryBots2 - An example Unity Project, developed by Unity Technologies, used to demonstrate several features.
- BoatAttack - Demo Project using the Lightweight Render Pipeline from Unity3D.
- Hogwarts - Hogwarts (Harry Potter) open sandbox game made in Unity.
- Unitystation - Remake of the simulator Space Station 13.
- SanAndreasUnity - We're porting GTA: San Andreas to Unity!
- MafiaUnity - Open-source Mafia game framework.
- GuitarHeroUnity - Guitar Hero fan game made in Unity.
- UnityTetris - Tetris clone written in C# and using Unity engine to render.
- Nodulus - A complete puzzle game with a clever twist. Play it online.
- Phaserbeak - Fasecst-paced, local-multiplayer party game. Controls are simple to pick-up, but hard to master and every round features a different mechanic.
- Pacman - A Pacman clone with original AI made using Unity.
- Minesweeper - Tile based Minesweeper game with highschores made in Unity.
- Colorus - Coloring book game for Web/iOS made with Unity.
- FPS Sample Project - A first person multiplayer shooter example project in Unity.
- PokemonUnity - A framework to build Pokรฉmon RPG games. Uses Unity 2017.41f1.
- TheItch - The Itch is a 2D platformer developed with Unity C# about using your heartrate to overcome obstacles.
- RedRunner - Awesome Platformer Game.
- SpaceShooterECS - The ECS project originally developed with Intel for GDC 2018.
- Fighting-Survival - The ECS project originally developed with Intel for GDC 2018.
- MachineLearningRoguelike - A small Roguelike game that uses Machine Learning to power its entities. (#MACHINE LEARNING)
- SLGanim
- FinalAudition - A complete remake of 2005 demo "Final Audition" by Plastic. After 12 years remade in Unity and now available in VR.
- EntitasGard - ECS driven implementation of an RTS.
- ProjectRPG - RPG made in Unity.
- Ganga RTS - Ganga RTS is an open-source multiplayer-player medieval-fantasy 3D RTS (obviously) based on an Unity engine and inspired by classic RTS.
- RTS Project - Real Time Strategy Game made in Unity.
- UnityBust-a-Move - Bust-a-Move clone written in C# and using Unity engine to render.
- Dungeon Escape
- Survival Shooter Multiplayer Unity3D Files - Cute web based multiplayer shooter game made with Unity3D.
- Project Skylines - Procedural retro 3d game for the GitHub Gameoff 2017 .
- Deer - A low-poly digital game about family and finding himself.
- Virus Alpha - Game made in Unity for the needs of university classes in the group of four.
- Fruit Ninja Replica - Source code for a Fruit Ninja replica created during a Twitch Livestream.
- Cut the Rope Replica - Source code for a Cut the Rope replica created during a Twitch Livestream.
- CatBox MultiPlayerAR - A Multiplayer AR Game Based on the Unity, Vuforia and Node.js -- Marker Based Pokemon Go Style Game. (#AUGMENTED-REALITY)
- AR BasketballMachine - An AR- Vuforia Project about the basketball machine. Shoot method include swap screen, Voice Command. (#AUGMENTED-REALITY)
- Sudoku Unity - A sudoku game built using the Unity framework and written in C#.
- ECS2048 - 2048 like game using Unity's ECS.
- 2048 - Building the 2048 game in Unity in C# and Visual Studio.
- Sugar Warrior - A game created for the first Brackeys Game Jam!
- UnityTD - Tower Defense Game with online Multiplayer.
- BrightSouls - An indie "Dark Souls" clone in Unity with Adaptive Game Technology.
- Combat Cars - A multiplayer racing game made in Unity.
- Bright Souls - An indie "Dark Souls" clone in Unity with Adaptive Game Technology.
- I Just Want to Play Minigolf - Open Source Procedural VR Minigolf.
- Hydrogen Bomb Test Dummy - Lighthearted Physics-Based Survival.
- Morgan Travels Through Time - A game series about a child from 2019 who accidentally ends up in 1672 as they followed the neighbor's kid. Morgan needs to find their way back to their own time.
- Race Game - 3D Race Game on Unity.
- FantasyTrip - Mobile 2D platform game created with Unity and C#.
- Voice Controlled Unity Game - Repository containing the source code and development of a gesture based unity game using speech recognition.
- HoloMagnet3 - Science (Physics) education app for HoloLens.
- RPG - RPG Game, Developed in Unity3D.
- /r/Unity3D - Reddit forum focused in 3D Unity projects.
- /r/Unity2D - Reddit forum focused in 2D Unity projects.
- Unity Forum - Unity3D Official Forum.
- Unitylist - Search for everything.
- Armedunity - Shooter focused forum.
- Unity Connect - Unity official's marketplace for work showcase, job hunting and contact with other developers.
- Unity User Groups - Unity user groups around the globe. Find yours.
- Unity Community - Home for Unity Community Utilities (Snippets, Scripts, Shaders, Projects, ...). Everyone is free to post.
- Keijiro Takahashi Twitter / Github
- Andy Touch Twitter - Builds feature demos at @Unity3d Technologies. Tweets about Shaders, Game Technology, Art and more.
- Mike Geig Twitter - Global Head of Evangelism Content.
- Adam Myhill Twitter - Creator of Cinemachine.
- Ciro Continisio Twitter - Tech Evangelist. Unity, graphics, design and game jams.
- Jonathan Chambers Twitter - Developer at Unity3D. IL2CPP and Mono.
- Unity3D Twitter - Unity Official Account on Twitter. Blog posts, tips, developers retweets.
- Alan Zucconi Twitter - Tutorials, shaders and math theory well explained.
- Andy Duboc Twitter / Github - Cool effects and particle systems.
- Sebastian Lague Twitter - Unity and Blender game development tutorials.
- Minionsart Twitter - Artist/Shaderwitch/Programmer. Weekly tutorials on 3D/Unity.
- Linden Reid Twitter - Tech artists at Blizzard. Shares shader tutorials.
- Jeppe Zapp Github - Unity tools and utilities.
- Mix & Jam Github - Unity video tutorials on Youtube.
- Takashi Sakai Github - Unity tools and effects.
๐โโ๏ธ @agarcialeon - Creator
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Thanks to all the contributors, this wouldn't be possible without you!
See Code of Conduct.
See the state of the project in the kanban board.