This package its log4net wrapper and UnityEngine.Debug appender for Unity.
.NET Framework 4.6 is used. Minimal unity supported version is 2021.3.45f
This project was tested only on platforms available to the author (Windows, Android, WebGL), but we expect that plugin must work fine on other plaforms, supported by Unity.
Projects author does not guarantee log4net or third-party Appenders working properly, as some platforms are limited in their abilities, and could not be supporting some .net functions. Also this package use custom patched log4net.dll (3.0.4) for work with Unity il2cpp and AOT platforms.
- Download the latest release at link.
- Unpack files into your Unity project.
- Make sure that log4uni.editor.dll is set up to be used only in the editor.
You can use this tool as package via git link ssh://[email protected]:HolyShovelSoft/log4uni.git#upm
. About installation packages from git you can read in this manual.
You can install it with OpenUPM CLI with code
openupm add com.holyshovelsoft.opensource.log4uni
About installation and using OpenUPM CLI you can read here.
The second installation method is scoped registries. You need add registry
with name OpenUPM for scope com.holyshovelsoft.opensource
UnityDefaultLogAppender is an Appender for log4net, which integrates log4net loggers with Unity logger (for both runtime and editor). This plugin also replaces default Unity ILogHandler with a handler which sends all Debug.Log standard calls into log4net and lets you control default logging method with configurations. All standard calls will be interpreted as log4net loggers with a name "Unity".
After installation all that's required is to use old methods in the code:
//In this case common ILog instance will be used
Debug.Log("Debug message");
Or to use loggers as indended by log4net =)
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger("MyLogger");
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyType));
//and after it use this instances for logs
if (Log.IsInfoEnabled)
Log.Info("Info message");
//or for .net 4.6 and higher you can use extention methods
Log.Info()?.Call("Info message");
Thats it, you are great, you are already using log4net! =)
But what about configurations and what we love log4net for? There are several ways to configure log4net in this plugin. The easiest is to place log4net configuration file( the only addition requirment is that log4net node must be root) in the following places (in the checking order):
- Into the folder Application.persistentDataPath. Valid configuration files are
- log4net.editor.xml, log4net.editor.config or log4net.editor.txt for editor configuration.
- log4net.runtime.xml, log4net.runtime.config or log4net.runtime.txt for runtime build configuration.
- log4net.xml, log4net.config or log4net.txt for both (editor and runtime build).
- Into the folder Application.dataPath. Valid configuration files are
- log4net.editor.xml, log4net.editor.config or log4net.editor.txt for editor configuration.
- log4net.runtime.xml, log4net.runtime.config or log4net.runtime.txt for runtime build configuration.
- log4net.xml, log4net.config or log4net.txt for both (editor and runtime build).
- Into any Resources folder within the project. Files placed in subfolders not supported. Its must be any TextAsset. Valid asset names are:
- log4net.editor for editor configuration.
- log4net.runtime for runtime build configuration.
- log4net for both (editor and runtime build).
In case none of the following configuration acquisition methods doesn't find a valid configuration, default configuration will be used. In particular:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appender name="unityConsole" type="log4net.Unity.UnityDefaultLogAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="[%thread][%level][%logger] %message"/>
<level value="INFO"/>
<appender-ref ref="unityConsole"/>
When any of the files if updated when working in editor, log4net reconfiguration will be called. In build file updating is not tracked, only the state at launch is considered.
This configuration can also be saved to file using Unity command Tools/log4net/Make Default Config.
But what if we need to configure log4net with code, and not by updating configuration file, or to use complex conditions for selecting configuration? In this case you can use the following interface to customize configuration process:
public interface IConfigurator
int Order { get; }
event Action OnChange;
void TryConfigure();
To understand this interface, we need to understand how configuration works in this plugin. When launching editor (and when recompiling) or during the build running the following operations occur:
- Reset of existing log4net configuration.
- Collect of all information about IConfigurator interface implementations.
- Filling in the list of all found configuratiors according to the following rules:
- Classes (not nested), not inhereted from UnityEngine.Object, that have constructor without parameters (or without declared constructors) and not marked with a [ExcludeFromSearch] attribute, are instantiated automatically and are placed in the common configurators list.
- Objects inherited from ScriptableObject and placed in Resources are also placed in the common configurators list.
- Default configurators added to the list (with the highest possible Order value).
- Resulting list is sorted from the lowest Order value to highest.
- Every configurator in the list is calling a method TryConfigure one by one. If after calling that method log4net is configurated, then list iterating is stopped.
Besides this you can also use following methods to add or delete configurators:
Calling these methods causes reconfiguration, as well as triggering OnChange event in any configurator added to the list.
Imprtant If you need to use logging inside configurator, use UnityDefaultLogHandler.DefaultUnityLogger. This is necessary because during configurators work, log4net is not configured and all logs will go into the void. UnityDefaultLogHandler.DefaultUnityLogger is a fallback to a standard Unity logging system.
public class SimpleXMLConfigurator : IConfigurator
public int Order { get; }
public event Action OnChange;
private string xml;
public SimpleXMLConfigurator(int order, string xml)
Order = order;
this.xml = xml;
public void TryConfigure()
var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
public class SimpleCodeConfigurator : IConfigurator
public int Order { get; }
public event Action OnChange;
public SimpleCodeConfigurator(int order)
Order = order;
public void TryConfigure()
var hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository();
var patternLayout = new PatternLayout();
patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "[%thread][%level][%logger] %message";
var appender = new UnityDefaultLogAppender();
appender.Layout = patternLayout;
hierarchy.Root.Level = Level.Info;
hierarchy.Configured = true;