Changelog is no longer maintained. See Turf Github releases
- Move to @types/geojson package instead of declaring our own. Typescript consumers of Turf will need to import from @types/geojson. (#2158)
- Move distribution JS to target ES2017 (#2237)
- Please change to using named exports instead of default exports from the various packages
Correct the conversion factor for degrees (#2177)@turf/helpers
polygon() will now throw if the first and last coordinates are not the same (#2173)@turf/helpers
Separate AreaUnits into its own type (#2393)@turf/area
Fix earth radius to use WGS84 median earth radius (#2166)@turf/turf
Remove re-exports for turf 4.x compatability (#2183)@turf/rectangle-grid
Fix correctness for large areas (#2106)- `@turf/square-grid Fix correctness for large areas (#2106)
Accept FeatureCollection for multiple inputs (#2247)@turf/difference
Accept FeatureCollection for multiple inputs (#2247)@turf/intersect
Accept FeatureCollection for multiple inputs (#2247)@turf/buffer
Add undefined return for when the geometry is invalid (#2613)
Move to sweepline-intersections library for performance (#1896)- `@turf/buffer Reduce bundle size by moving from turf-jsts to @turf/jsts (#2217)
Add option for precision (#2231)@turf/boolean-point-in-polygon
Move to point-in-polygon-hao library for performance and correctness (#1893)@turf/line-intersect
Move to sweepline-intersections library for performance (#2033)@turf/boolean-contains
Add multipolygon support (#2338)@turf/nearest-point
Add unit option (#2415)@turf/voronoi
Retain properties from points (#1450)
Options argument is now actually optional (#2149)@turf/polygon-smooth
Fix crashes with polygons containing multiple holes (#2323)@turf/line-arc
Ensure all points are generated when the first and last points are the same (#2142)@turf/clone
Fix cloning of features with null geometries (#2316)@turf/dissolve
Now correctly depends on @turf/flatten (#2345)@turf/clean-coords
Allow 3 coordinate closed LineStrings (#2178)@turf/helpers
Add alternate spellings for Units: millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres (#2168)@turf/ellipse
Add pivot and angle options to typescript (#2174)@turf/quadrat-analysis
Fix test flake (#2182)@turf/bbox
Use input bbox instead of computing it (#2171)@turf/transform-scale
Removes invalid bbox when scaling (#2171)@turf/invariant
getCoord now shallow clones its result to prevent accidental mutations (#2167)@turf/line-overlap
Identify multiple overlaps on a single segment (#2134)@turf/transform-scale
Fix factor to allow only numbers >= 0 (#2169)@turf/voronoi
Make options optional (#2195)@turf/boolean-within
Fix multipoint checks (#2216)@turf/points-within-polygon
Fix dropped properties on MultiPoint results (#2227)@turf/random
Throws error on invalid bbox inputs (#2172)@turf/boolean-parallel
Lines with 180 degree angle between them are also considered parallel (#2475)@turf/unkink-polygon
Fix a maximum call stack size exceeded error with very large polygons (#2504)@turf/line-arc
Number of arc segments generated wasn't related to steps value passed in (#2524)@turf/boolean-equal
Replace geojson-equality with new implementation (#2531)@turf/boolean-overlap
Replace geojson-equality with new implementation (#2531)@turf/boolean-within
Now correctly checks that the final point is contained (#2599)
Improve documentation (#2153) -
Add license for arc.js (#2175) -
Document OpenGIS Simple Feature Spec requirement (#2184) -
Now has more useful Typescript inference (#2239) -
Improve docs (#2213) -
Clean up Typescript types (#2188) -
Clean up a typo (#2293) -
Clean up typescript types (#2296) -
Add boolean-touches to docs (#2431) -
Improve docs (#2412) -
Remove Bower references (#2146)
Fix typo in README (#2313)
Lots of cleanup for CONTRIBUTING, README, and RELEASING (#2186)
Fix docs generation (#2279)
Add a link to turf_dart (#2286)
- `@turf/turf Add booleanIntersects typescript export (#2157)
- `@turf/turf Add booleanTouches export (#2170)
- `@turf/turf Add booleanConcave export (#2265)
Clean up internals for less object churn (#2561)- `@turf/helpers Make isObject a little more accurate (#2176)
- Migrate from geojsonhint to @placemark/check-geojson (#2571)
- Add custom types entry point to exports, required by Typescript for node16, nodenext and bundler module resolution strategies (#2400, #2452)
- types.ts tests are now run in strict mode (#2363)
- Uses tslib now for smaller bundles (#2165)
- Remove object-assign dependency from all packages (#2241)
- Lots of dependencies have been upgraded
Add MultiPoint support (PR #2137 - Author @twelch)
Complete rewrite of the dissolve module to resolve many bugs (PR #2110 - Author @rowanwins) -
Complete rewrite of the mask module to resolve many bugs (PR #2130 - Author @rowanwins) -
Add missing dependency to (PR #2094 - Author @rycgar)
Improve clarity (PR #2133 - Author @patrickbrett)
- Enable TS Strict Mode (PR #2126 - Author @mfedderly)
Added anepislon
option to help in floating point comparison. (PR #2051 - Author @okcoker)
Fixed a bug where the offset distance equal to the length of the line (PR #2030 - Author @EricPKerr) -
Fixed the conversion ratio for converting meters to yards and vice-versa (PR #2046 - Author @anotherhale) -
Fixed a missing TS type import (PR #2044 - Author @Seairth) -
`@turf/bezier-spline Fix a bug ensuring the spline result reaches the end of the input (PR #2090 - Author @the-nemz)
) Improve documentation for angle parameter (PR #2016 - Author @pasieronen) -
Fix an invalid anchor (PR #2071 - Author @GraxMonzo) -
Enhance distance doco so supported inputs are clearer (PR #2032 - Author @rowanwins)
Replace deprecated topojson dependency (PR #2037 - Author @elliots) -
Work towards enabling TS Strict Mode (PR #2053 - Author @mfedderly)
(PR #2004 - Author r0b0t3d) (PR #2011 - Author mfedderly)
(PR #2007 - Author rowanwins)
After a bit of hiatus, TurfJS is resuming releases.
- ES Modules available for all packages
- Tree shaking should significantly reduce import size of @turf/turf
- Better support for ESM modules (PR #1942 - Author @diachedelic)
- Clean-up of test and benchmark running to make publishing easier
- Enforce styling using Prettier
- Enable ESLint and get rid of unused variables
- Upgrade rollup for more correct javascript module builds
- Only include ES5 code
Determines if two features touch but do not intersect
Checks if the geometry is a valid according to the OGC Simple Feature Specification
Performs a quadrat analysis on a set of points
Creates a grid of rectangles from a bounding box
Typescript types for the options parameter have been fixed (PR #1424 - Author @stevage)
Typescript types around the Feature's Properties will now be preserved. (PR #1761 - Author @rugheid)
Typescript types for the 'reverse' option are now correct. Previously it was misnamed as 'reversed'. (PR #1786 - Author @jonnycornwell)
No longer publishes an .mjs file.
No longer publishes an .mjs file.
Add MultiPolygon support. (PR #1996 - Author bryceroney)
Don't visit first point twice when calculating centroid (PR #1894 - Author @rowanwins) -
Better handling of negative distances (PR #1895 - Author @rowanwins) -
Use polygon-clipping library to fix correctness issues (PR #1916 - Authors @mbullington, @ngottlieb) -
Change default number of steps to 8, and actually support the steps option (PR #1931 - Author stevenchanin) -
Fix projection issues that produce undersized buffers at non-equatorial latitudes (PR #1956 - Author dyakovlev) -
Add runtime checks to point() method, fixing an API break (PR #1964)
Better performance for MultiPoint geometries (PR #1910 - Author @mfedderly) -
Add hectares to convertArea (PR #1943 - Author @DanielJDufour) -
Update Typescript types to support MultiLineString input (PR #1928 - Author kronick)
Clarify inputs (PR #1885 - Author @raphael-leger) -
Clarify properties option example (PR #1888 - Author @chris-catignani)
no longer modifies its input unless the mutate option is true (PR #1879 - Author @MortenBirk) -
remove Number.prototype.modulo override (PR #1978)
- TurfJS now supports ES Modules (Related PR's)
- Optional parameters are now defined as an
Takes a FeatureCollection of points, and a bounding box, and returns a FeatureCollection of Voronoi polygons. (PR #1043 - Author @stevage)
Returns the shortest path from start to end without colliding with any feature in obstacles (PR #956 - Author @stebogit)
Boolean-Parallel returns True if each segment of line1
is parallel to the correspondent segment of line2
(PR #941 - Author @stebogit)
Takes a {@link Point} and a {@link LineString} and calculates the closest Point on the (Multi)LineString. (PR #939 - Author @stebogit)
testing & addedflattenEach
instead of usingflatten
. (PR #889) -
Add multi-geomtry support to
(PR #1078) -
method to provide properties, id and bbox (PR #1010)
earth radius variable (PR #1012) -
bug (PR #1058) -
bug when the number of segments is integer (PR #1046) -
methods in@turf/meta
to ensure something is returned (PR #968)
- Optional parameters are now defined as an
var from = [-75.343, 39.984];
var to = [-75.534, 39.123];
var units = 'miles';
var distance = turf.distance(from, to, units);
var from = [-75.343, 39.984];
var to = [-75.534, 39.123];
var options = {units: 'miles'};
var distance = turf.distance(from, to, options);
- Reworked
PR #994 - Deprecate
Issue #887 - Reworked Grid modules
PR #1029 - Renamed Modules/Methods
#860 (comment) -
#860 (comment) -
Issue #661 -
#858 (comment) -
#858 (comment) -
#860 (comment) -
- toMercator: Converts a WGS84 GeoJSON object into Mercator (EPSG:900913) projection
- toWgs84: Converts a Mercator (EPSG:900913) GeoJSON object into WGS84 projection
(PR #927 - Author @stebogit)
Returns the minimum distance between a {@link Point} and a {@link LineString}, being the distance from a line the minimum distance between the point and any segment of the LineString
(PR #925 - Author @stebogit)
Boolean-within returns true if the first geometry is completely within the second geometry. The interiors of both geometries must intersect and, the interior and boundary of the primary (geometry a) must not intersect the exterior of the secondary (geometry b). Boolean-within returns the exact opposite result of the @turf/boolean-contains
(PR #924 - Author @rowanwins)
- Updates
testing & addedflattenEach
instead of usingflatten
. (PR #889) @turf/concave
refactoring, replacing@turf/union
to increase speed and added support tonull
geometries (PR #907 - Contributor @stebogit @DenisCarriere)- Adds doc note on
about "Edges must be correctly noded" (PR #898 - Contributor @stebogit @NickCis) - Adds support to foreign Members to
(PR #904 - Contributor @DenisCarriere) - Extends support of any
(PR #903 - Contributor @DenisCarriere @stebogit) - Adds new
function and improves type checking for few@turf/helpers
methods (PR #920 - Contributor @DenisCarriere @stebogit) - Adds throw errors to invalid
(PR #922 - Contributor @DenisCarriere)
- Fixes
point intersection handling, adding sanity-checks the lineclip output (PR #886) - Fixes
endpoint case handling applying@turf/truncate
(PR #892 and #855 - Contributor @stebogit) - Fixes
throwing "uncaught exception", adding@turf/truncate
to inputs and returningFeature<null>
if no geometry (PR #890 - Contributor @stebogit @vicvolk) - Fixes
not properly cloning the last ring vertex (PR #897 - Contributor @stebogit @DenisCarriere) - Fixes
incorrect behaviour where a poly was completely contained within another poly (PR #908 - Contributor @rowanwins) - Fixes
process pending on particular geometries, applying@turf/clean-coords
to input. (PR #903 - Contributor @stebogit @DenisCarriere) - Fixes
properties not being translated with@turf/clone
(PR #909 - Contributor @DenisCarriere) - Fixes
incorrect output when checking two polygons (PR #923 - Contributor @rowanwins @DenisCarriere)
Removes redundant coordinates from any GeoJSON Geometry. (PR #875 - Author @stebogit)@turf/interpolate
Takes a set of points and estimates their 'property' values on a grid using the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method.. (PR #832 - Author @stebogit)@turf/clusters-dbscan
Takes a set of Points and partition them into clusters according to DBSCAN's data clustering algorithm. (PR #812 and #851 - Author @DenisCarriere)special mention to this incredibly instructive and fun interactive map by @DenisCarriere 😎👏
, andclusterReduce
functions. (PR #847 - Author @DenisCarriere)@turf/boolean-point-on-line
Returns true if a point is on a line. Accepts a optional parameter to ignore the start and end vertices of the linestring. (PR #858 - Author @rowanwins)@turf/boolean-overlap
Takes two features and returns true or false whether or not they overlap, i.e. whether any pair of edges on the two polygons intersect. If there are any edge intersections, the polygons overlap. (PR #856 and #868 - Author @stebogit @tcql)@turf/boolean-equal
Determine whether two geometries of the same type have identical X,Y coordinate values. (PR #869 - Author @stebogit @tcql)
- Sets
param default totrue
(PR #836 - Contributor @stebogit) - Adds
support for@turf/point-on-line
(PR #838 - Contributor @stebogit) - Renames
, plus adds deprecated warning message to@turf/[email protected]
(See Issue #845) - Changes output type of
(See Issue #850 - Contributor @DenisCarriere) - Adds
functions to@turf/meta
(See Issue #850 - Contributor @DenisCarriere) - Adds tests and linting on JSDoc in TurfJS core from
; see Issue #859 (PR #857 + #864 + #870 - Contributor @DenisCarriere @stebogit) - Introduces
Geometry support across TurfJS modules (See Issue #853) (PR #866 - Contributor @DenisCarriere) - Includes feature(Sub)Index in
(@turf/meta) 🎉 (PR #872 - Contributor @DenisCarriere) - Adds
params plusgeometry
method to@turf/helpers
(PR #877 - Contributor @DenisCarriere)
- Applies
input to avoid approximation errors. Fixed #852 (PR #855) - Fixes
error (See Issue #837) (PR #865 - Contributor @thiagoxvo) - Fixes
script error onLICENSE
file creation (See Issue #861) (commit df6986e) - Fixes
error oncommonProperties
(See Issue #831) (commit 1663f07)
Takes a set of points and partition them into clusters using the k-means clustering algorithm. (PR #787 - Author @stebogit ) -
Boolean-disjoint returns (TRUE) if the intersection of the two geometries is an empty set. (PR #805 - Author @rowanwins) -
Boolean-contains returns True if the second geometry is completely contained by the first geometry. The interiors of both geometries must intersect and, the interior and boundary of the secondary (geometry b) must not intersect the exterior of the primary (geometry a). Boolean-contains returns the exact opposite result of the@turf/boolean-within
. (PR #797 - Author @rowanwins) -
Boolean-Crosses returns True if the intersection results in a geometry whose dimension is one less than the maximum dimension of the two source geometries and the intersection set is interior to both source geometries. Boolean-Crosses returns t (TRUE) for only multipoint/polygon, multipoint/linestring, linestring/linestring, linestring/polygon, and linestring/multipolygon comparisons. (PR #796 - Author @rowanwins) -
Takes a ring and return true or false whether or not the ring is clockwise or counter-clockwise. (PR #789 - Authors @morganherlocker @stebogit) -
Prevents GeoJSON coordinates from being mutated, similar toJSON.parse(JSON.stringify(geojson))
. Only cloning the coordinates can be 3x-20x faster than the parse + stringify approach. (PR #824 - Author @DenisCarriere)
Converts a area to the requested unit. (PR #821 - Author @wnordmann)- Adds mask option to
(PR #791) - New @turf/isolines based on MarchingSquares.js (PR #781)
- Use ES6 modules / Add module.js to @turf/turf (PR #793)
- Create-new-module script (PR #823)
- Buffer - Drop circle buffer operation (PR #786)
- Fixes
bad property name #774 (PR #800) - Fix for @turf/polygon-tangents - Resolves #785 (PR #792)
Adds a new lineOffset module as per this issue. Basically takes an input line and returns a new line offset by the distance. (PR #729 - Author @rowanwins)@turf/polygonize
Polygonizes (Multi)LineString(s) into Polygons. Implementation of GEOSPolygonize function (geos::operation::polygonize::Polygonizer). (PR #767 - Author @NickCis)@turf/transform-rotate
Rotates any geojson Feature or Geometry of a specified angle, around its centroid or a given pivot point; all rotations follow the right-hand rule. (Issue #747 - Author @stebogit)@turf/transform-translate
Moves any geojson Feature or Geometry of a specified distance along a Rhumb Line on the provided direction angle. (Issue #747 - Author @stebogit)@turf/transform-scale
Scale a GeoJSON from a given point by a factor of scaling (ex: factor=2 would make the GeoJSON 200% larger). If a FeatureCollection is provided, the origin point will be calculated based on each individual Feature. (Issue #747 - Author @stebogit)
- Support z-coordinate as input for
(PR #772) - Adds properties parameter to
(PR #769) - Include Yarn.lock for all modules & Lerna uses Yarn (Issue #704, #765, PR #766)
- Use
at root which enables code coverage reports (Issue #328 & PR #762) - Support z-coordinate as input for
(PR #754) - Add core tests - file management & package.json rules (PR #749 & #756)
- Website is back up and running (Issue #777)
issue at 180th meridian (Issue #770 & PR #771)- Getting too large numbers for Longitude (Issue #758 & PR #763)
- Throw error if FeatureCollection not array #751 (PR #760)
- Change default param coordinates to 3 @turf/truncate (PR #757)
- along returns a point that is not found by
(Issue #691) - Fix location of intersect point for
. (PR #750) - Handle empty geometries as undefined
(PR #746)
- Rhumb Line Modules (#728)
Finds the tangents of a (Multi)Polygon from a Point. (#708)@turf/rewind
Rewind LineString or Polygon outer ringclockwisecounter-clockwise and inner ringscounterclockwiseclockwise (#700 & #66)@turf/isobands
- Takes a grid FeatureCollection of Point features with z-values and an array of value breaks and generates filled contour isobands. (#619)
- New function convertDistance to
(#732) - Add ignoreBoundary param
(#706) - Add flattenEach/flattenReduce to
. (#712 & #692) - New Feature
(#720) - Adds
(#715) - ⭐️ New Add FeatureCollection & GeometryCollection support to
- Fix
translate properties (#717) - Apply equidistance
to polygons (#660 & #718) - Fix jsts empty (Multi)Polygon error
(#725) - Support Geometry Objects & Collection (#710)
- New Reverse winding - Polygon CCW & Polygon CW
(#741) - ⭐️ New Fix Feature GeometryCollection to
(#739) - ⭐️ New Re-enable negative
- Add mutate param to
- Add Geometry & GeometryCollection support to
performance increase- Add properties param to
- Added
method to turf-helpers
- Fix
points in high latitudes - lineIntersect returns the same point several times
incorrect if z-elevation is present
- added centered param to point-grid (PR: #650)
- Single
helpers, invariant & meta (Commit:
- Turf.invariant fails on string value as coordinate (PR: #643)
- Handle precision=0 turf-truncate (PR: #641)
- Added
to Turf core library from@turf/helpers
. (Commit: - Removed process.hrtime in
(issue: mclaeysb/simplepolygon#5)
Typescript definitions index.d.ts
added to all the packages.
Fix turf-line-slice bug with vertical linestrings.
This is a big change in Turf! 3.0.0 is a release that targets the development cycle of Turf, letting us work on it more and release more often.
Turf 3.x and forward is a monorepo project. We publish lots of little modules as usual, but there's one repo - turfjs/turf - that contains all the code and the issues for the Turf source code. We use lerna to link these packages together and make sure they work.
Why? We already had internal turf modules, like turf-meta
, and development
was harder and harder - we had a bunch of custom scripts to do releases and
tests, and these were just written for Turf. Lerna is from the very popular
and very well-maintained babel project, and it
works really well, and reduces maintainer sadness.
Turf grew a bunch of modules that weren't totally necessary, or were expressing only a line or two of JavaScript. We want to make things easier, but these modules didn't make code more expressive and they hid complexity where it didn't need to be hidden. Turf 3.x focuses on the core functionalities we need, making sure they're tested and performant.
turf-erase has been renamed turf-difference to make its name more similar to the equivalents in other libraries.
Removed modules: merge, sum, min, max, average, median, variance, deviation, filter, remove, jenks, quantile. See the upgrade guide below for replacements.
Upgrading from v2
If you were using turf-merge
turf-merge repeatedly called turf-union on an array of polygons. Here's how to implement the same thing without the special module
var clone = require('clone');
var union = require('turf-union');
function merge(polygons) {
var merged = clone(polygons.features[0]), features = polygons.features;
for (var i = 0, len = features.length; i < len; i++) {
var poly = features[i];
if (poly.geometry) merged = union(merged, poly);
return merged;
An alternative method that merges pairs of features recursively. With large numbers and similar complexity of input geometries this can speed up run time by factor 10. Choose depending on your use case.
var union = require('turf-union');
function mergeBin(polygons) {
var features = polygons.features;
do {
var merged = [], len = features.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len-1; i += 2) {
merged.push(turf.union(features[i], features[i+1]));
if (len % 2 !== 0) {
features = merged;
} while(features.length > 1);
return features[0];
If you were using turf-sum, min, max, average, median, variance, deviation
The turf-collect
method provides the core of these statistical methods
and lets you bring your own statistical library, like simple-statistics
, or others.
For example, here's how to find the median of matched values with simple-statistics. Finding other statistics, like variance, mean, and so on simply use other methods from the statistics library.
var ss = require('simple-statistics');
var turf = require('@turf/turf');
var poly1 = turf.polygon([[[0,0],[10,0],[10,10],[0,10],[0,0]]]);
var poly2 = turf.polygon([[[10,0],[20,10],[20,20],[20,0],[10,0]]]);
var polyFC = turf.featureCollection([poly1, poly2]);
var pt1 = turf.point([5,5], {population: 200});
var pt2 = turf.point([1,3], {population: 600});
var pt3 = turf.point([14,2], {population: 100});
var pt4 = turf.point([13,1], {population: 200});
var pt5 = turf.point([19,7], {population: 300});
var ptFC = turf.featureCollection([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5]);
// collects values from matching points into an array called 'values'
var collected = turf.collect(polyFC, ptFC, 'population', 'values');
// finds the median of those values.
collected.features.forEach(function (feature) { = ss.median(;
console.log(JSON.stringify(collected, null, 2));
If you were using turf-filter, turf-remove
These modules were thin wrappers around native JavaScript methods: use Array.filter instead:
var filteredFeatures = features.filter(function(feature) {
return > 10;
If you were using turf-jenks, turf-quantile
Use to get values, and then bring your own statistical calculation, like simple-statistics or science.js.
var values = {
If you were using turf-extent
turf-extent's name was changed to turf-bbox. It is functionally the same.
turf.bbox(poly) // [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
- turf-grid renamed turf-point-grid (turf.grid => turf.pointGrid)
- turf-hex renamed turf-hex-grid (turf.hex => turf.hexGrid)
- turf-hex-grid now has a required
parameter - remove turf-isobands; use turf-isolines instead
- added turf-square-grid (turf.squareGrid)
- added turf-triangle-grid (turf.triangleGrid)
- constrain turf-point-grid to the bbox
- update all module dependencies to master
- add support for features in turf.intersection
- fix issues with turf.polygon coordinate wrapping inconsistencies
- add
parameter to turf.concave
- harmonize turf-tin dependency tree
- fixes bug in turf-along
- added turf-line-slice for segmenting LineStrings with Points
- turf-point-on-line for calculating the closest Point from a Point to a LineString
- tin ~7x faster
- Fix mutability issues with
: data passed to Turf should never be changed in place. - added turf-line-distance for geodesic measuring of LineStrings
- added turf-along for calculating a the location of a Point x distance along a LineString
- added turf-area for calculating the area of a given feature