The foam tool is an automated mesh simplification framework for generating spherical approximations of robot geometries directly from Universal Robot Description Format (URDF) specifications. Foam outputs a procesed URDF file with all the collision geometries replaced with spherical primitives. Spherized meshes can reduce the computational load of modeling robots, have better support across simulators, and fix mesh defects while maintaining an accurate approximation of the source model.
Foam can either be installed natively on linux/wsl or through a dockerized container. We recommend using the dockerized build for cleaner dependency management and resource utilization monitoring.
Navigate to the Docker quickstart for detailed instructions.
Foam is supported on Linux/WSL with python3.11 and cmake 3.29. Output visualization can be run on Windows/MacOS natively using spherized files.
git clone --recursive
cd foam
cmake -Bbuild -GNinja .
cmake --build build/
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the scripts
python <mesh>
: Generates and outputs a JSON file in scripts directory given a mesh input file.Specify
with the path to the mesh file that will be spherized.Optionally specify spherization algorithm using
--method <spherization algorithm>
. Uses medial algorithm for spherization by default. Available algorithms includemedial
, andoctree
.Optionally specify arguments such as
--depth <depth>
and--branch <branching factor>
to control sphere generation process. Full list of spherization arguments for different methods can be found at mlund/spheretree on GitHub.Optionally specify
--manifold-leaves <leaves>
to control mesh correction on invalid meshes.Valid mesh formats include
, and.OBJ
. -
python <urdf>
: Generates and outputs a JSON file in scripts directory given a URDF input file.Specify
with the path to the urdf file that will be spherized.Optionally specify spherization algorithm using
--method <spherization algorithm>
. Uses medial algorithm for spherization by default. Available algorithms includemedial
, andoctree
.Optionally specify arguments such as
--depth <depth>
and--branch <branching factor>
to control sphere generation process. Full list of spherization arguments for different methods can be found at mlund/spheretree on GitHub.Optionally specify
--manifold-leaves <leaves>
to control mesh correction on invalid meshes.Takes urdfs as input rather than mesh formats.
python <mesh> <spheres>
: Visualizes spheres and mesh.Specify
with the path to the original mesh file.Optionally specify
to visualize the spherized approximation on top of the original mesh.Optionally specify
--depth <depth>
for the sphere level to visualize.
Third-party dependencies are stored in the ./external
Compiled script binaries are copied into the foam/external
Manifold is used to ensure mesh data format and convert a triangle mesh .obj
file into a manifold .obj
file. Manifolding creates a continuous surface without gaps to avoid dynamics and collision issues. ManifoldPlus performs the same functionality with an advanced algorithm. Manifold code is included as a compiled submodule. ManifoldPlus code is included as a submodule.
Quadric Mesh Simplification reduces the complexity of the generated manifold file as a preprocessing step before spherization. This code is included as a submodule.
The code in the ./spheretree
directory has been copied from the linked directory and modified to build on modern systems with CMake
rather than autotools
. SphereTree has a variety of algorithms to construct sphere-tree representations of polygonal models, but foam currently uses the MedialTree algorithm for SphereTree generation. The output is formatted and dumped into an output file.