This library specializes in interfacing with a Substrate node; querying storage, composing extrinsics, SCALE encoding/decoding and providing additional convenience methods to deal with the features and metadata of the Substrate runtime.
pip install substrate-interface
substrate = SubstrateInterface(url="ws://")
After connecting certain properties like ss58_format
will be determined automatically by querying the RPC node. At
the moment this will work for most MetadataV14
and above runtimes like Polkadot, Kusama, Acala, Moonbeam. For
older or runtimes under development the ss58_format
(default 42) and other properties should be set manually.
result = substrate.query('System', 'Account', ['F4xQKRUagnSGjFqafyhajLs94e7Vvzvr8ebwYJceKpr8R7T'])
print(result.value['data']['free']) # 635278638077956496
call = substrate.compose_call(
'dest': '5E9oDs9PjpsBbxXxRE9uMaZZhnBAV38n2ouLB28oecBDdeQo',
'value': 1 * 10**12
keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri('//Alice')
extrinsic = substrate.create_signed_extrinsic(call=call, keypair=keypair)
receipt = substrate.submit_extrinsic(extrinsic, wait_for_inclusion=True)
print(f"Extrinsic '{receipt.extrinsic_hash}' sent and included in block '{receipt.block_hash}'")
For questions, please see the Substrate StackExchange, Github Discussions or reach out to us on our matrix chat group: Polkascan Technical.