Acuity model zoo contains a set of popular neural-network models created or converted (from Caffe, Tensorflow, TFLite, DarkNet or ONNX) by Acuity toolset.
Acuity uses JSON format to describe a neural-network model, and we provide an online model viewer to help visualized data flow graphs. The model viewer is inspired by netscope.
- Alexnet
- Inception-v1
- Inception-v2
- Inception-v3
- Inception-v4
- Mobilenet-v1
- Mobilenet-v2
- Nasnet-Large
- Nasnet-Mobile
- Resnet-50
- Resnext-50
- Senet-50
- Squeezenet
- VGG-16
- Xception
- Faster-RCNN-ZF
- Mobilenet-SSD
- Mobilenet-SSD-FPN
- MTCNN PNet RNet ONet LNet
- Tiny-YOLO
- YOLO-v1
- YOLO-v2
- YOLO-v3
Acuity is a python based neural-network framework built on top of Tensorflow, it provides a set of easy to use high level layer API as well as infrastructure for optimizing neural networks for deployment on Vivante Vision IP powered hardware platforms. Going from a pre-trained model to hardware inferencing can be as simple as 3 automated steps.
Importing from popular frameworks such as Caffe and Tensorflow
AcuityNet natively supports Caffe, Tensorflow, TFLite, DarkNet and ONNX imports, it can also be expanded to support other NN frameworks.
Fixed Point Quantization
AcuityNet provides accurate Fixed Point Quantization from floating point 32 with a calibration dataset and produces accuracy numbers before and after quantization for comparison
Graph Optimization
Neural-network graph optimization is performed to reduce graph complexity for inference, such as Layer Merging, Layer Removal and Layer Swapping
- Merge consective layers into dense layers, such as ConvolutionReluPool, FullyConnectedRelu, etc.
- Fold BatchNrom layers into Convolution
- Swap layer ordering when suitable to reduce output size
- Remove Concatenation and Split layers
- Horizontal layer fusion
- Intelligent layer optimization when mathamatically equivalent
Tensor Pruning
Pruning neural networks tensors to remove ineffective synapses and neurons to create sparse matrix
Training and Validation
Acuitynet provides capability to train and validate Neural Networks
Inference Code Generator
Generates OpenVX Neural Network inference code which can run on any OpenVX enabled platforms