The Simple PHP is lightweight web application micro framework.
- Uses Model, View, Controller Pattern
- Simple Routing engine
- Using namespace in classes with autoloading
- Controllers with method filters
- Applying PSR-12 Extended Coding Standard
- Uses Twig Template Engine (optional)
- Models with resource-friendly connectivity
- Evironment Configuration
- Error Handling and Reporting
- Easily manage dependency using composer
You must follow this standard: HAPPY CODING :)
Via Composer: (recommended)
composer create-project reyjhon/simple-php
cd simple-php
This micro framework uses twig for the template engine. But it is OPTIONAL. Yes, you can use the plain html only without using twig.
- views must be located at app/Views directory.
- all views must be name with suffix view before the file extension. eg: welcome.view.html, product.view.html
- view cache can be enable or disable in the application config
return view('welcome');
when a view is inside a folder, include the folder then view name separated by period
return view('your_folder.welcome');
Please read the twig documentation for more information:
- You views must be a valid html file. eg: welcome.view.html
- layout files can be be a twig file. eg: layout.twig, master.twig
Pass a third parameter normal to recognize it that you want to render without template engine.
return view('welcome', [], 'normal');
- You views must be a valid php file. eg: welcome.view.php
- normal rendering doesn't support inheretance
- Second parameter is the variables you want to passed. If empty, it must be initialize when rendering normal view.
add the Action suffix into your method name.
example: if you have a method index in your controller:
public function index()
Make it:
public function indexAction()
Then add this to 'App/Controllers/Controller.php':
use App\Helper\Auth\AuthHelper as auth;
use Simple\Request;
And create a new method before in Controller.php like this:
public function before()
if(!auth::user()) {
The un-authenticated user tries to access your restricted controller will be redirected to login page.
If the user is authenticated the user variable is not null.:
{% if user is null %}
<p> Please login </p>
{% else %}
<p> Hello {{ }} </p>
{% endif %}
- {{ }} display name of current logged in user.
- {{ }} display email of current logged in user.
- {{ }} display ID of current logged in user.
Read documentation at
Using the file upload object in controller
Example in your store action:
public function store(Request $request)
$file = $request->file('profile_photo'); // profile_photo is the field name of the input type="file" element
$file->upload('folder_name'); // specify the folder where the file is going to store, if upload success it wil return true otherwise false.
Available Methods:
- getFileName() returns the original filename of the uploaded file
- getUploadedFileName() returns the filename of the file when uploaded.
- getFileSize() returns the size of the uploaded file
- getFileExtension() returns the extension of the uploaded file
- getFileType() returns the file type of the uploaded file
- upload($path) upload to specified path
Simply Framework offers encryption library using a KEY. This uses defuse/php-encryption you can read more at
Before using encryption please run this command ONCE:
php cli key:generate
To encryp a text or string:
use Simple\Security\SimplyEncrypt;
Then you can use is as:
$encrypted = SimplyEncrypt::encrypt('secret text');
To decrypt a text or string:
use Simple\Security\SimplyDecrypt;
Then you can use is as:
$decrypted = SimplyDecrypt::decrypt($ciphertext);
in replace of var_dump, use dump instead.