Welcome to Yorkie's landscape, here you would see the following:
- My contributions to Open Source Projects
- My business working time line
- My notes/blogs here: Notes
- My diaries here: Diary
Property name | value |
Birth | XXth, April, 1XXX |
Languages | Node.js, C |
Platforms | Linux/Mac/Windows |
[email protected] | |
Github | @yorkie |
@yorkienell | |
NPM | yorkie |
Project | description |
ShadowNode | Use Node.js in your embeddable devices |
tensorflow-nodejs | The Node.js binding for Tensorflow C APIs. |
react-native-wechat | React-native functionalities includes WeChat login, share, favorite and payment |
rust.js | NPM and Node.js compatible backend JavaScript platform in Rust |
watjs | Write WebAssembly Text Format Files(.wat) in JavaScript |
Visit here to get the complete repositories list.
Organization | description |
nodejs | Node.js collaborator |
clibs | clibs member |
bpkg | bpkg member |
Repository | Description | Commits |
nodejs/node | The Node.js repository | commits |
libuv/libuv | The event-based framework | commits |
npm/npm | The NPM package | commits |
Agent Library
- andris9/inbox an IAMP client in pure JavaScript
- dmcquay/node-apac The APAC client for Node.js
- segmentio/analytics-node The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any node application.
- michael/github A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
- agnat/node_mdns mdns/zeroconf/bonjour service discovery add-on for node.js
- marcello3d/node-mongolian MongoDB client for Node.js
- marcello3d/node-buffalo BSON parser for Node.js
- LearnBoost/mongoose A Mongo ORM for Node.js
- node-inspector/v8-profiler v8 profiling tool for Node.js
- dominicatarr/level-sublevel
- cjihrig/will-it-optimize Suite of tests for determining what v8 will optimize
- stream-utils/hash-stream a simple hash stream for Node.js
- component/type a type utilities for Node.js
- component/mutate
- jonathanong/fs-read-cache
- fiveisprime/nodemavens
- expressjs/statuses
- jwerle/is-localhost
- razorjack/quicksand
- isaacs/natives Do stuff with Node.js's native JavaScript modules
- visionmedia/n(bash) nodejs version management
- clowwindy/shadowsocks-nodejs shadownsocks client for Node.js, deprecated by @clowwindy
- shakyShane/browser-sync
- feross/hostile
- ewnd9/progress-control node-progress wrapper to control bar from keyboard
Web Framework
- koajs/koa a web framework based on co
- visionmedia/jade a html template writtern by @tj
- mschema/mschema
- paulomcnally/json-api-response response JSON API in a neat way
- strongloop/loopback-component-passport LoopBack passport integration to support third party logins and account linking
- strongloop/strong-remoting Communicate between objects in servers, mobile apps, and other servers.
- strongloop/loopback-boot Convention-based bootstrapper for LoopBack applications.
- evilstreak/markdown-js markdown tool in JavaScript
- weflex/markdown-editor-flavored a markdown editor just like github flavored editor based on markdown-it
- museui/muse-ui Material Design UI library for Vuejs 2.0
- BensonDu/vue-directive-touch Vue touch directive
- GoogleChrome/lighthouse Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
- facebook/docusaurus Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- rvagg/servertest
- lightsofapollo/superagent-promise Simple/dumb promise wrapper for superagent.
- reliablejs/reliable-master reliable master
React-Native && Electron
- brentvatne/react-native-modal A component for react-native
- fireball-x/editor-framework A framework gives you power to easily write professional multi-panel desktop software in HTML5 and io.js.
- swc-project/swc Rust-based platform for the Web
- openwrt/openwrt The buildsystem for the OpenWrt Linux distribution.
- Samsung/iotjs Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript.
- tc39/proposal-hashbang #! for JS https://tc39.github.io/proposal-hashbang/out.html
- WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth Bluetooth support for the Web.
- pytorch/pytorch Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- tensorflow/tensorflow Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
- onnx/onnx Open Neural Network Exchange
- onnx/keras2onnx Convert tf.keras/Keras models to ONNX
- TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
- rhdunn/espeak an open source speech synthesizer that supports 99 languages and accents.
- aszxqw/nodejieba
- clibs/clib(c) The C library mangement
- clibs/readline(c) (deprecated) The readline for C
- clibs/net(c) The C library supports tls with libuv
- clibs/clib-validate(c) clib(1) plugin for validating a package.json
- luna/luna(c) A language writtern by @tj
- jwerle/fs.c(c)
- dinhviethoa/libetpan(c) An IMAP client in Clang
- dinhviethoa/libetpan.node A Node.js IMAP client based on libetpan
- MailCore/mailcore.node The mailcore for Node.js
- alixinne/glsl-lang LALR parser for GLSL
- docker/docker(Golang) docker container
- bpkg/bpkg(bash) bash package
- bpkg/github(bash) bash-based github tool
- tarcieri/http(ruby) a http client at ruby
- django/django(python) The web framework Django
- pixbi/duplo A opinionated, framework-less build tool for web applications
- Hola, Israel (2014.7-2014.9)
- Pixbi, NYC, US (2014.9-2015.3)
- 51DegreesMobi, Reading, UK (2014.10-2016.5)
- WeFlex, Shanghai, China (2015.3-2016.7)
- Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China (2016.10-2017.8)
- Rokid, Hangzhou, China (2017.8-2020.1)
If you want to ask me anything, go to https://github.com/yorkie/ama, I will put my answers publicly. This is inspired by https://github.com/sindresorhus/ama.
BTW, you could also visit Notes to read what I have noted.