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Scripts to interact with Crabada's smart contracts 🦀

Donate ❤️

Building and maintaining the bot requires time and passion: please consider expressing your gratitude by donating a small part of your rewards :-)

To donate, set the DONATE_PERCENTAGE parameter to a small value, for example DONATE_PERCENTAGE=3%; for more details, feel free to have a look in .env.example.


  • Automatically send crabs mining.
  • Automatically reinforce mines & loots.
  • Automatically claim rewards for mines & loots.
  • Run the bot without human supervision.
  • Manage multiple teams at the same time.
  • Telegram notifications.

Reinforce-specific features:

  • Choose between several reinforcement strategies.
  • Self-reinforce from inventory.
  • Do not reinforce if gas is too expensive.

Quick start

  1. Make sure you have Python 3.9 or later installed.
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Copy .env.example in .env.
  4. Configure .env; the bot will only consider the teams you add there.
  5. cd in the root folder of the project (the same where this readme is)
  6. Run any of the scripts in the bin folder, or, to set an automatic job, see the "Run without human supervision" section of this README.

IMPORTANT: Do not run the bot on a webserver! If you must do it, keep your .env outside the public folder at all costs, otherwise your private key might be accessible via browser! For good measure, also restrict its permissions: chmod 700 .env.

It doesn't work!

  1. Please check if your issue is listed in the Common issues page.
  2. If not, please search in the Discussions section.
  3. If even that does not help, consider asking the community 🙂

Mining scripts

  • Run python -m bin.mining.sendTeamsMining <your address> to send available teams mining.
  • Run python -m bin.mining.closeMines <your address> to close and claim rewards on finished mines.
  • Run python -m bin.mining.reinforceDefense <your address> to reinforce all open mines with a crab from the tavern, using the reinforcement strategy specified in the .env file.

Looting scripts

  • Run python -m bin.looting.reinforceAttack <your address> to reinforce all attacking teams with a crab from the tavern, using the reinforcement strategy specified in the .env file.
  • Run python -m bin.looting.closeLoots <your address> to settle and claim rewards on loots that can be settled.
  • Run python -m bin.looting.notifyTeamsIdle <your address> to notify when the looting teams are sitting idle and they are waiting to be manually sent to loot

- What about attacking? 🤔

The bot can only help looters with automatic reinforcement & settling.

I have no plans to implement automatic looting/attacking for the reasons outlined here.

Run without human supervision

In order to run the bot without human supervision, you'll need to set a cron job.

I would recommend to do it on a remote server, for example on Vultr, AWS or Google Cloud; if you can't be bothered, you can also do it on your computer: just make sure you keep the computer turned on all the time.

- Linux & Mac instructions

Follow these instructions to send all available teams mining & to collect rewards for you:

  1. Find the path of Python 3 in your system by running which python3 or which python.
  2. Open crontab > env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
  3. Insert the following lines:
    0,30 * * * * cd $HOME/ && /path/to/python3 -m bin.mining.sendTeamsMining <your address>
    15,45 * * * * cd $HOME/ && /path/to/python3 -m bin.mining.closeMines <your address>
  4. Customize with the path to Python 3 (/path/to/python3), the path to the script folder ($HOME/ and your wallet address (<your address>).
  5. The cron job will run twice every 30 minutes. Feel free to change the frequency, if in doubt see Crontab Guru.
  6. If you want to reinforce defense too, just add another line to run bin.mining.reinforceDefense, for example:
    2,12,22,32,42,52 * * * * cd $HOME/ && python -m bin.mining.reinforceDefense <your address>

Reinforce Strategies

Crabada can be played in different ways, especially when it comes to reinforcing.

Choose the strategy to use with the USER_X_TEAM_Y_REINFORCE_STRATEGY parameter in .env:

Name Description Notes Credits
NoReinforce Do not reinforce Useful to spare gas
HighestBp Highest-BP low-cost crab Good for looting on a budget
HighestMp Highest-MP low-cost crab Good for mining on a budget
HighestBpHighCost Highest-BP crab Use with high max price @coinmasterlisting
HighestMpHighCost Highest-MP crab Use with high max price @coinmasterlisting
CheapestCrab Cheapest crab Get a chance at mining revenge
HighestBpFromInventory Highest-BP from the inventory Use with a fallback strat @yigitest
HighestMpFromInventory Highest-MP from the inventory Use with a fallback strat @yigitest
FirstFromInventory First available crab in the inventory Use with a fallback strat @yigitest

- Fallback strategies

Sometimes a strategy will not be able to find a suitable crab. For example, a high-cost strategy might return a crab that is too expensive for the user, or an inventory strategy might fail because there are no free crabs in the user's inventory.

To account for these cases, you can specify multiple strategies as comma-separated values. For example, if you specify:

USER_X_TEAM_Y_REINFORCE_STRATEGY="HighestBpFromInventory, HighestBpHighCost, HighestBp"

Then, the bot will:

  1. Attempt to self-reinforce with a high-BP crab from the user's inventory.
  2. If there are no free crabs in the inventory, attempt to borrow the highest-BP crab in the tavern.
  3. If the highest-BP crab is too expensive, attempt to borrow the highest-BP among the cheapest crabs in the tavern.

- Avoid the competition

The Highest non-inventory strategies support the optional parameter REINFORCEMENT_TO_PICK. Set it to 2, 3, 4 to pick the 2nd, 3rd, 4th-best crab, and so on. Since most bots will compete for the first crab, setting this parameter to a higher-than-1 value can reduce the risk of a reverted transaction. Use this strategy if you constantly fail to get the first crab.

Important: No matter which strategy you choose, the bot will never borrow a crab that is more expensive than REINFORCEMENT_MAX_PRICE.

- Create your own strategy

Creating a strategy is very simple:

  1. Duplicate a strategy you like and pick a class name.
  2. Customize the three methods in the class: query(), process() and pick().
  3. Make sure your strategy never borrows crabs more expensive than USER_X_REINFORCEMENT_MAX_PRICE.
  4. Add the strategy name to the list in the file
  5. Configure .env to use your new strategy via the USER_X_TEAM_Y_REINFORCE_STRATEGY parameter.

To test the strategy withouth sending transactions, use the script.

- Gas control

Use the following parameters to set the maximum you are willing to spend for gas, in gwei:

  • USER_X_MINE_MAX_GAS to send a team mining,
  • USER_X_CLOSE_MINE_MAX_GAS to close a mine, and
  • USER_X_CLOSE_LOOT_MAX_GAS to settle a loot.

If Avalanche's base fee is higher than that, the bot will not perform the action.

As a reference, when the base fee is 100 gwei, you will roughly spend 0.02 AVAX to reinforce or start a mine, and about half of that for the other actions.

Support for multiple teams

The bot can handle multiple teams, you just need to register their IDs and strategies in the .env file:

# Team 1

# Team 2

Then, you can run any of the scripts described above and they will apply to all of the registered teams.

- Team grouping

If you manage multiple teams and your .env is becoming a mess, consider grouping your teams in the following way:

# Mining group
USER_1_GROUP_1_TEAMS="1111, 3333, 5555"

# Looting group
USER_1_GROUP_2_TEAMS="2222, 4444, 6666"

The above example will register 3 mining teams with the HighestMp strategy and 3 looting teams with the HighestBp strategy.

- Team staggering

When reinforcing from the inventory, it is best to send teams at least 30 minutes apart, in order to make the most out of the reduced cooldown-time of inventory crabs.

You can achieve this by grouping teams in a stagger group:

USER_1_STAGGER_DELAY=35 # optional

Teams in a stagger group will not be sent mining unless 35 minutes have passed since the start of the last mining expedition of the group.

Multiple stagger-groups are possible by incrementing the group number:


System requirements

The bot requires Python 3.9; I have personally tested it on:

  • Mac Os 11 (Big Sur) > Install python3 and pip3 with Homebrew > brew install python3
  • Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) > Install python3 and pip with apt-get > apt-get install python3 pip git (more details here)

Users told me that they managed to run the bot on Ubuntu, too. Attempts have been made to run the bot on a Raspberry PI, too, but without success.

Telegram Notifications

The bot can send notifications to your phone on successful and unsuccessful commands (e.g. sendTeamsMining, reinforceDefense, reinforceAttack, etc). Follow these instructions for setup:

  1. Open Telegram.
  2. Enter @Botfather in the search tab and choose this bot.
  3. Choose or type the /start command and send it.
  4. Choose or type the /newbot command and send it. And follow Botfather's instructions.
  5. Take a note of your token value e.g. 11112222:AAASBBBSDASD. This is your TELEGRAM_API_KEY. And keep this private!
  6. Enter @your-newly-created-bot-name in the search tab and choose this bot.
  7. Choose or type the /start command and send it.
  8. Enter @username_to_id_bot in the search tab and choose this bot.
  9. Choose or type the /start command and send it.
  10. Take a note of your ID e.g. P.S. Your ID: 1122334455. This is your TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID.

Then, set your .env file:

  3. run python3 -m src.tests.testSendIM

If everything worked fine, you should receive a Telegram message on your newly created bot.

To do

  • Web3Client: Make a separate project
  • Web3Client: Allow override of nonce, gas, etc, at the contract function level
  • Merge and helpers in Mine class
  • Use a virtual environment to manage dependencies
  • Simplify notification mess (src/bot/mining/
  • Multi-user support: send teams from multiple wallets

Might do


Snib snib







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  • Python 98.8%
  • Shell 1.2%