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The DOME Access-Node

License Test

The DOME Access-Node is a set of microservices, that provides access to the DOME Marketplace. A registered participant can use it to act as a federated marketplace in DOME.

πŸ’‘ For detailed information on how to integrate with the DOME Marketplace, check the Integration Guide


The DOME Access-Node consists of multiple open-source components. The components are not required to be used, as long as alternatives providing the same interfaces are used.

The Access-Nodes consists of 3 logical building blocks:

Building Blocks

TM Forum API

An implementation of the TMForum APIs. The TMForum serves as the main API for Marketplace implementations to interact with. Its recommended to use the FIWARE TMForum API Implementation, at the moment no working alternatives are known.

NGSI-LD Context Broker

The Context Broker serves as the (Off-Chain) Storage Backend for the TMForum-APIs and as a connection mechanism between different Access-Nodes to retrieve the actual data. Its recommended to use the Scorpio Context Broker. Known alternatives are Orion-LD and Stellio. Depending on the individual scaling requirements and available exierence with the components, the best fitting solution can be used.

The provided Access-Node Chart supports the usage of Scorpio in an resource-friendly installation(therefor without Kafka). For most installations, this should be powerful enough. In case of additional needs, please check the official Scorpio Documentation.

πŸ’‘ The Scorpio installation uses PostgreSQL with the Postgis as storage backend. Its can be replaced with any compatible alternative.


The Blockchain-Connector is responsible for publishing and retrieving all change-events for the DOME Marketplace from the Blockchain. Its consists of 3 microservices:


  • Blockchain-Connector:
    • listens for changes events from the local broker and the DLT-Adapter (subscription)
    • receives events from the local broker and the DLT-Adapter
    • generates the blockchain events and writes them to the DLT-Adapter
    • resolves blockchain events and retrieves the actual entities from their source, writes them to the Context Broker
    • writes entities from the Blockchain-Connector to the local broker
    • audit any transaction processed by the Blockchain-Connector and writes them to the local database.
  • DLT-Adapter:
    • listens for DOME Events and notifies the Blockchain-Connector
    • writes transactions with events received from the Blockchain-Connector to the blockchain
    • retrieves transactions from the blockchain using a range of time parameter, and notifies the Blockchain-Connector

There are no known alternatives to the components at the moment.

πŸ’‘ The Blockchain-Connector uses PostgreSQL as a storage backend. Its can be replaced with any compatible alternative. While its possible to reuse the same instance as the broker, its recommended to seperate concerns and use 2 different instances.


Its recommended to install the Access-Node on Kuberentes(> 1.26.7), using Helm. For alternative installations, see the individual components documentation.

πŸ’‘ An example of a federated marketplace, deployed on top of amanaged Kubernetes by IONOS can be found in DOME-Gitops


The Access-Node is provided as an Umbrella Chart, containing dependencies to all mentioned components, allowing to install them all at once:

helm repo add dome-access-node
helm install <RELEASE_NAME> dome-access-node/access-node

πŸ’‘ All releases of the Access-Node reside in the helm-repository In additon to that, all Pre-Release versions(build from the Pull Requests) are provided in the pre-repo The pre-repo will be cleaned-up from time to time, in order to keep the index manageable.

It provides a sane set of default-values. To actually use the Access-Node the following values have to be replaced:

  • blockchain-connector.deployment.blockchain.userEthereumAddress: Address of the access-node operator on the blockchain.
  • Externally accessible address of the context broker. Will be used by the other Access-Nodes
  • blockchain-connector.deployment.operator.organizationId: DID of the marketplace operator
  • dlt-adapter.deployment.privateKey: Private Key of the access-node operator, has to match the blockchain-connector.deployment.blockchain.userEthereumAddress and will be used to sign the transactions


The Helm-Chart is integration-tested with a local k3s-instance.

The test uses the following tools:

The test-setup looks as following:

Test Setup

The TMForum-APIs are mapped to local ports:

  • provider: localhost:8080
  • consumer: localhost:8081

Run the tests

To execute all tests, run:

    mvn clean integration-test

Extend the tests

The definition of features is available under the test-resources. Steps can be added to the StepDefinitions or through a new class. Rest-Clients to all TMForum-APIs are generated and can be used inside the tests:

var serviceCatalogApiProvider = new ServiceCatalogApi();
// base address of the local provider tmforum-api
serviceCatalogApiProvider = setCustomBaseUrl("http://localhost:8080/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4");

var serviceCatalogApiConsumer = new ServiceCatalogApi();
// base address of the local consumer tmforum-api
serviceCatalogApiConsumer = setCustomBaseUrl("http://localhost:8081/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4");


The Access-Node repository uses a CI-Pipeline to deliver the Helm-Chart as a tested and versioned component.

The CI is setup as following:

  • integration-tests are executed on every push
  • on every PR to main, the CI checks if anything inside the /charts/access-node folder was changed
    • if false: skip release and allow merging to main
    • if true:
  • on push-to-main(e.g. merged PR), the CI checks if anything inside the /charts/access-node folder was changed
    • if false: skip release and allow merging to main
    • if true:
      • generate the new version, based on the tag assigned to the PR(patch,minor,major)
      • set the version to the Chart.yaml
      • generate the updated documentation
      • add the chart to the helm-repo(
      • create a tag and a github release


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  • Java 62.5%
  • Mustache 30.0%
  • Gherkin 7.5%