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A utility for converting pdf to image, base64 or buffer format.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please support this library by donating via PayPal, your help is much appreciated. Contributors are also welcome!


  • node >= 14.x
  • graphicsmagick
  • ghostscript

Don't have graphicsmagick and ghostscript yet?

Follow this guide to install the required dependencies.


npm install --save pdf2pic


Converting specific page of PDF from path, then saving as image file

import { fromPath } from "pdf2pic";

const options = {
  density: 100,
  saveFilename: "untitled",
  savePath: "./images",
  format: "png",
  width: 600,
  height: 600
const convert = fromPath("/path/to/pdf/sample.pdf", options);
const pageToConvertAsImage = 1;

convert(pageToConvertAsImage, { responseType: "image" })
  .then((resolve) => {
    console.log("Page 1 is now converted as image");

    return resolve;

Nuff talk, show me how:

More usage example can be found here.

pdf2pic API

fromPath(filePath, options)

Initialize PDF to image conversion by supplying a file path


Convert a specific page of the PDF to Image/Base64/Buffer by supplying a file path

fromPath(filePath, options)(page, convertOptions)
  • filePath - pdf file's path
  • options - see options.
  • page - page number to convert to an image
  • convertOptions - see convertOptions.

Converts PDF to Image/Base64/Buffer by supplying a file path

fromPath(filePath, options).bulk(pages, convertOptions)
  • filePath - pdf file's path
  • options - see options.
  • pages - page numbers to convert to image
    • set pages to -1 to convert all pages
    • pages also accepts an array indicating the page number e.g. [1,2,3]
    • also accepts number e.g. 1
  • convertOptions - see convertOptions

Set GraphicsMagick's subclass or path

fromPath(filePath, options).setGMClass(subClass)

NOTE: should be called before calling convert() or bulk().

  • filePath - pdf file's path
  • options - see options.
  • subClass - path to gm binary or set to true to use imagemagick
    • set subClass to true to use imagemagick
    • supply a valid path as subClass to locate gm path specified

fromBuffer(buffer, options)

Initialize PDF to image conversion by supplying a PDF buffer


Convert a specific page of the PDF to Image/Base64/Buffer by supplying a buffer

fromBuffer(buffer, options)(page, convertOptions)

Functions same as fromPath(filePath, options)(page, convertOptions) only input is changed

Converts PDF to Image/Base64/Buffer by supplying a buffer:

fromBuffer(buffer, options).bulk(pages, convertOptions)

Functions same as fromPath(filePath, options).bulk(pages, convertOptions) only input is changed

Set GraphicsMagick's subclass or path:

fromBuffer(buffer, options).setGMClass(subClass)

Functions same as fromPath(filePath, options).setGMClass(subClass) only input is changed

fromBase64(b64string, options)

Initialize PDF to image conversion by supplying a PDF base64 string.


Convert a specific page of the PDF to Image/Base64/Buffer by supplying a base64 string:

fromBase64(b64string, options)(page, convertOptions)

Functions same as fromPath(filePath, options)(page, convertOptions) only input is changed.

Converts PDF to Image/Base64/Buffer by supplying a base64 string:

fromBase64(b64string, options).bulk(pages, convertOptions)

Functions same as fromPath(filePath, options).bulk(pages, convertOptions) only input is changed.

Set GraphicsMagick's subclass or path:

fromBase64(b64string, options).setGMClass(subClass)

Functions same as fromPath(filePath, options).setGMClass(subClass) only input is changed.


Following are the options that can be passed on the pdf2pic api:

option default value description
quality 0 Image compression level. Value depends on format, usually from 0 to 100 (more info)
format 'png' Formatted image characteristics / image format (image characteristics, image format)
width 768 Output width
height 512 Output height
preserveAspectRatio false Maintains the aspect ratio of the image. When set to true and both width and height are specified, they are interpreted as the minimum width and minimum height, respectively. If set to true with only the width specified, the height will be automatically determined while preserving the aspect ratio, and vice versa.
density 72 Output DPI (dots per inch) (more info)
savePath './' Path where to save the output
saveFilename 'untitled' Output filename
compression 'jpeg' Compression method (more info)


option default value description
responseType image Response type of the output. Accepts: image, base64 or buffer

The parameter can also be a boolean, if true then the response type will be base64 and if false then the response type will be image. This is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.


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  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'feature: make maintainer cry by running git rm -rf')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/make-maintainer-cry)
  • Create a new PR


pdf2pic is MIT licensed.