A port of https://github.com/davidmerfield/randomColor (8f970a) to C++.
Tested on VC++ 2013.
Color blind test using tools from http://colororacle.org/
see sample.cpp
#include "randomcolor.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <time.h> /* time */
#include <functional>
auto ColorGeneratorDeuteranopia = [=]() -> std::function<std::tuple<int, int, int>()> {
srand((int) time(NULL));
RandomColor::Options o;
o.hue = 0;
o.hue_name = RandomColor::UNSET;
o.seed = rand() % 1000;
auto RG = RandomColor::RandomColorGenerator(o);
int j = 3;
int i = 1;
return [i, j, RG]() mutable {
bool flag_done = false;
while (!flag_done) {
if (i > 8) {
i = 2;
if (j > 3) {
j = 1;
flag_done = true;
auto color_name = static_cast<RandomColor::HUENAMES>(i);
if (color_name == RandomColor::HUENAMES::RED || color_name == RandomColor::HUENAMES::ORANGE || color_name == RandomColor::HUENAMES::GREEN || color_name == RandomColor::HUENAMES::PURPLE || color_name == RandomColor::HUENAMES::PINK) {
flag_done = false;
RG.options.luminosity = static_cast<RandomColor::LUMINOSITY>(j);
RG.options.hue_name = static_cast<RandomColor::HUENAMES>(i);
return RG.randomColorRGB();
auto ColorGeneratorNormal = [=]() -> std::function<std::tuple<int, int, int>()> {
RandomColor::Options o;
o.hue = 0;
o.hue_name = RandomColor::UNSET;
o.seed = rand() % 1000;
auto RG = RandomColor::RandomColorGenerator(o);
int j = 3;
int i = 1;
return [i, j, RG]() mutable {
bool flag_done = false;
while (!flag_done) {
if (i > 8) {
i = 2;
if (j > 3) {
j = 1;
flag_done = true;
auto color_name = static_cast<RandomColor::HUENAMES>(i);
RG.options.luminosity = static_cast<RandomColor::LUMINOSITY>(j);
RG.options.hue_name = static_cast<RandomColor::HUENAMES>(i);
return RG.randomColorRGB();
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
std::ofstream myfile;
auto G = ColorGeneratorNormal();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
std::tuple<int, int, int> r = G();
<< std::get<0>(r) << "," << std::get<1>(r) << "," << std::get<2>(r) << std::endl;
myfile << R"(
<h2 style = 'color:rgba(0,0,0,0);background-color:rgb()"
<< std::get<0>(r) << "," << std::get<1>(r) << "," << std::get<2>(r) << R"()'>
wxColor RandomColor() {
auto r = ColorGeneratorNormal();
return wxColor(std::get<0>(r), std::get<1>(r), std::get<2>(r));
Only generates RGB format color