Web Developer. Full Time Freelancer at https://upwork.com
Kill Bill
Kill Bill has been the leading open-source platform for billing and payment since 2010.
San Francisco, CA / London, England
Vlad Mihalcea
Java Champion, developing Hypersistence Optimizer, and author of High-Performance Java Persistence.
Hypersistence Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Lincoln Baxter, III
CEO of www.topdecked.com. Former Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. Founder of www.ocpsoft.org, and open-source author / community advocate / speaker.
TopDecked Limited USA
Christian Kaltepoth
Senior Developer @ ingenit in Germany, open source guy, speaker, Jakarta MVC specification lead, Jakarta RESTful Web Services committer and more...
ingenit GmbH & Co. KG Duisburg, Germany
Dan Allen
Open Source Developer, @asciidoctor Project Lead, @antora Project Co-Lead, JVM Polyglot Champion, Community Catalyst, Author
OpenDevise Inc. Lone Tree, CO