A medium inspired Jekyll blog theme. The basic idea came from the Ghost theme Readium 2.0. I use mediator on my own blog The Base.
- Fully Responsive layout
- Use header images in articles, if you want to (add tag "image" and url to the image in the front matter section of a post)
- Minimal design
- Featured article support
- FontAwesome implemented for easy use of icons fonts
- Free & Open Source Font usage
- Fork this repository
- Clone it:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USER/mediator
- Install the GitHub Pages gem (includes Jekyll):
bundle install
- Run the jekyll server:
jekyll serve
You should have a server up and running locally at http://localhost:4000.
The main settings happen in side of the _config.yml file:
Main settings for the site
title: name of your site
description: description of your site
logo: small logo for the site (300x * 300x)
cover: large background image on the index page
name: name site owner
email: mail address of the site owner
author: author name
author_image: small image of author (300x * 300px)
The template allows to add all major social plattforms to your site. Fill the the form for each plattform. If you leave the share_* entries empty, the sharing buttons below a post are not shown.
- icon: name of social plattform (must match a name of font-awsome icon set )
- url: url of your account
- desc: slogan of the plattform
- share_url: share url
- share_title: first part of url for the title
- share_link: second part of the share url for the link to the post
The Liquid template engine will magical combine the different parts to a share url.
See _config.yml for more examples.
MIT with no added caveats, so feel free to use this on your site without linking back to me or using a disclaimer or anything silly like that.
I'd love to hear from you at @dirkfabisch. Feel free to open issues if you run into trouble or have suggestions. Pull Requests always welcome.