This is an update set in service now that will allow for quick and easy set up of custom integrations with any table in service now.

- Service Now
- xMatters account - If you don't have one, get one!
- xm_Linc_update_set.xml - This is the xml update set that needs to be imported into your service now instance.
This integration uses:
- 2 tables
- 2 script includes
- 2 (or more) business rules depending.
This table is where you will build conditions out and point to a table you want to create xMatters notifications off of. That table will also need a business rule (see example business rule in the application and copy that business rule onto whatever table you want to be watching)
This table is where the paylaod is sent when it is ready to be sent to xMatters. an ASYNC business rule will pick it up on insert and send the payload (flat record off the table we are watching) to the specified xMatters endpoint.
Code for processing the record and building the payload to be send to the outbound queue table.
buildes a ServiceNow Rest Message v2 object and sends the payload to xMatters.
ASYNC business rule running on the outbound queue table that triggers the Send Paylaod script include.
The business rule that goes on whatever table you want to be watching. See example business rule included in the update set and copy exactly onto whatever table you want.
Import xml on any list view in service now. Select the update set file from this repository (download it first). Once imported, verify by going to remote update sets and making sure the application is there. Please see the service now documentation for previewing and committing an update set:
Go to the table you want to integrate with and add a business rule and create a business rule with the following script: 1a.
new x_273338_xm_linc.Data_Handler_Util().processRecord(current);
Make sure you have an inbound integration set up in xmMatters and your endpoint URL handy for setting up the service now side of things. (use URL auth)
Go to the condition table and create a new record with the following values:
2a. The table in you just created the BR on as the value for the table field
2b. The endpoint URL from xMatters that you will be sending the payload to.
2c. Build out the condition to your own specification (what does the record need to have on it to trigger an xMatters event)
That's it! Fire a test! Create or update a record on the table you are integrating with and watch the activity stream on the xMatters side. From this point customize the form / properties / logic from the xMatters side.
If the integration isn't behaving as intended (or expected) please add log statements to any / all the scripts to check the values that are being sent / passed on. Start with:
- The data handler script include to verify if the record from the table is passing the condition rules and being properly bundled up and sent to the outbound queue table.
Then go to the outbound queue table and verify that the record is being generated. If it is being generated but you aren't seeing the event trigger in xMatters or the activity stream add log statements in the 2nd script include: xM REST Util.
To test the integration, once all configuration is complete create a record on the table you are integrating with and see if an event is fired.