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xMatters + EasyVista Two Way Integration

  • This closed loop integration with EasyVista will allow a xMatters event to be triggered once a EasyVista incident is opened up. Once the EasyVista incident has been created, xMatters will notify appropriate person on call. The response option "Acknowledge" allows you to assign yourself to the current work order in EasyVista. "Resolve" will allow you to close out the entire incident.


In order to produce a fully working integration you must have a instance of xMatters, EasyVista and basic familiarity with SQL + JavaScript + JSON. You must also create a user profile with the same first name, last name and e-mail address in xMatters and EasyVista.

Configuring xMatters

Importing the Workflow

To get started with the integration with EasyVista, you must first import the Workflow attached into your instance of xMatters.

Creating an Endpoint

Once the Workflow is imported, we'll need to create an Endpoint so xMatters can talk to EasyVista. We'll do that by navigating to the integration builder.

Click on Edit Endpoints and add your endpoint to the list in your instance.

Note the user must have the REST API use profile in EasyVista in this case, I created a user in EasyVista named RESTAPI with the REST API role. If you're not sure how to do this, you can go here and click on Best Practice

Create a Group in xMatters

Once the Workflow is imported, you need to create a group in xMatters (I.E "EasyVistaDemo") and add yourself to that group.

Configuring EasyVista

  • To produce a fully working two-way integration with xMatters, configuring EasyVista correctly is key. The configuration with EasyVista is a bit more complex compared to xMatters. Rest assured, we will go through each configuration step by step in this lab.

Create a Category

  • You'll want to select/create a Category to use in EasyVista if you want the integration to work for specific workflows. You can see how to do that here

  • Once that catagory is created, you'll want to assign it to the corresponding workflow that you'll use to create an incident. In this lab, we'll use Incidents/Infrastructure/Database as as or Catagory and Incident:Database as our workflow

Creating a Service

  1. The fist thing we'll need to do is create a service in xMatters. We'll do this by going to Administration < REST < Service.
  • Click the + button next to Services and configure the service like so:
  • Call the Service Name xMatters, set the Authentication Method the Basic and the Service Url should be the URL to your xMatters instance name. Click Save

Creating a REST Connection

  1. Next you must first create an API REST Connection with EasyVista. You can do that by clicking Administration < REST < Connections
  • Click the + button next to Connections and add a new connection
  • You can call the connection xM Connection, the Authentication Method can be Basic and in the Service Url field, include the name of your instance. User Name Authentication can be any user in xMatters that has the REST Web Services User roles. In this example, I have created a user specifically for this demo with the username "easyvista".
  • Once this configuration is set up, you can click Save

Creating a Resource

  1. Next, we'll need to create a Resource in EasyVista. We will do this by going to Administration < Rest < Resources.
  • Click the + button next to Resources. You can call the label whatever you want; I have called it xM Resource, the service name will be whatever you called your service above, in my case it's xMatters and the Connection Name will be whatever you named your REST connection above (in my case, it's xM Connection). The uri is how EasyVista will trigger the xMatters integration. This can be found by heading to your xMatters instance, clicking on Workflows then, next to your EasyVista workflow, click Edit and then Integration Builder.
  • Click on Inbound integration and then click on New Incident and the bottom you'll find the URL to trigger the integration which you will put in the uri field. Note: do not enter the entire URL, only the URL that is followed by .com starting with /api/.../etc
  • In the content field, you'll want to add the following xMatters JSON payload. *Note the recipients value is going to be the group you have created in xMatters that you are trying to target. In my case, the group name is EasyVistaDemo
  {"Incident_Number": "{Incident_Number}",
    "Urgency_ID": "{Urgency_ID}",
    "Impact": "{Impact}",
    "Description": "{myDescription} ",
    "Category": "{Category}",
    "Requesting_Person": "{Requesting_Person}",
    "Department": "{Department}",
    "Incident_Status": "{Incident_Status}",
    "Recipient": "{Recipient}",
    "Recipient_Phone": "{Recipient_Phone}",
  "recipients": [

  1. The next thing we'll need to do is edit your current workflow so EasyVista knows how and when to trigger an event in xMatters. In this example, I am editing the workflow Incident:Database.
  • To add REST xM Connection we just created, click into REST ACTIONS and drag the xM Connection box into the workflow. If you don't know how to create a workflow in EasyVista, you can look here You can name the workflow whatever you want. Here, I have named it SendtoXM. The entry status should be In Progress The REST CONNECTION should be xM Connection and the resource should be xM Resource. The parameters that we are sending to xMatters should be populated under "parameters" (the JSON we defined earlier). Once you make sure the values match the parameters, you can click "Confirm Changes".

Creating a Business Rule

  1. In order for a proper two way integration to successfully work, we'll need to create a business rule in EasyVista. We'll do that by clicking Administration < Business Rules < Definition. Click the + button to create a new business rule. Select the table SD_Request
  • You can name the business rule anything you'd like. Here, I named it "xMatters Action Assignment". In the "Field" drop down, select AVAILABLE_FIELD_1. Click edit conditon and paste the following SQL:
  • Click edit condition and paste the following SQL:

Creating a Related Process

  1. Next, we'll need to create a related process in EasyVista. We'll do this by going to Administration < Business Rules < Related Process . Click the + button to add a new Related Process. We can call this xMatters Action Assignment as well. Once the Process is created, click the drop down Automatic Actions and select Internal Step Update. We will need two of these steps. Name one Delete Assignee and the other Update Action Assignee. Paste the following SQL code into Update Action Assignee

  • Click Save

  • Be sure that the Step Name, Exit Value and Separator match the screen shot below

  • Paste the following code into Delete Assignee

Update sd_request
set AVAILABLE_FIELD_1 = null
where request_id in (@ID@)

Two Way Integration in Action

  • From the EasyVista home page, click on New < Incident. Fill out the incident form below like so. Note make sure the Category matches category you created. In our case it is: Incidents/Infrastructure/Database. Make sure the rest of the mandatory fields are filled out like the screen shot below and click Assign
  • Once Assign is clicked, it will automatically generate a group. Do not modfiy the group; just click Finish
  • Once the incident is opened, you should receive a notification from xMatters
  • If you click Acknowledge EasyVista will assign you the work order like so:


  • View xMatters Activity Stream to determine issues with EasyVista connectivity.


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