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Hi! Thanks for applying to Xendit. Here we list some important notes for you to work on the test.


  • Go 1.11 (Hackerrank Server currently support only for Go 1.11)
  • For this test, you need to write your application using SQLite as the database.

Important Notes

  • Do not edit the e2e code, instead you have to pass all the tests written there.
  • Please run the test locally first before submitting
    $ make test  # for unit test
    $ make e2e-test #for end to end test (API testing)
  • We use Echo Labstack for the HTTP Router as the default router, but you can switch to whatever routing framework you're comfortable with.Don't change the port number as it's Hackerrank's default port.
  • You may add custom command in the Makefile to help you in developing, but do not edit the existing ones, as it will be used by Hackerrank. Missing config in the Makefile will cause your work won't be graded by Hackerrank.