A lightweight SDK for integrating card payments into Android and iOS applications. This SDK provides secure card data collection functionality with built-in validation and 3DS support.
- Secure card data collection
- CVN/CVV collection
- 3DS support
- Automatic card validation
- Support for both one-time payments and saved cards
Add the following to your app's build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
Add the following to your app's Podfile
pod 'CardSessionMobileSDK', '~> 1.0.1'
Important: Import SDK in your project with CocoaPods integration, you can do as following
import cardsSdk
In XCode go to File
-> Add Packages...
and provide URL to this repository in the search bar. Choose Dependency Role
and select apropriate project.
Important: Import SDK in your project with Swift Package Manager integration, you can do as following
import cardsSdk
Use the Flutter Package.
Use xendit's card-sessions-js.
val cardSessions = CardSessions.create(
context = context,
apiKey = "xnd_public_development_YOUR_KEY_HERE"
let cardSessions = CardSessionsFactory().create(
apiKey: "xnd_public_development_YOUR_KEY_HERE"
// Collect complete card information
val response = cardSessions.collectCardData(
cardNumber = "4000000000001091",
expiryMonth = "12",
expiryYear = "2025",
cvn = "123", // Optional
cardholderFirstName = "John",
cardholderLastName = "Doe",
cardholderEmail = "[email protected]",
cardholderPhoneNumber = "+1234567890",
paymentSessionId = "ps-1234567890", // Session ID from your backend
confirmSave = true // Optional, default to false
// Using async/await
let response = try await cardSessions.collectCardData(
cardNumber: "4000000000001091",
expiryMonth: "12",
expiryYear: "2025",
cvn: "123", // Optional
cardholderFirstName: "John",
cardholderLastName: "Doe",
cardholderEmail: "[email protected]",
cardholderPhoneNumber: "+1234567890",
paymentSessionId: "ps-1234567890",
confirmSave = true // Optional, default to false
For saved cards where you only need to collect the CVN:
val response = cardSessions.collectCvn(
cvn = "123",
paymentSessionId = "ps-1234567890"
let response = try await cardSessions.collectCvn(
cvn: "123",
paymentSessionId: "ps-1234567890"
cardSessions.state.collect { state ->
when {
state.isLoading -> // Show loading state
state.exception != null -> // Handle exception
state.cardResponse != null -> // Handle success
// Using Combine
.sink { state in
if state.isLoading {
// Show loading state
} else if let exception = state.exception {
// Handle exception
} else if let response = state.cardResponse {
// Handle success
"message": "Status updated. Wait for callback",
"payment_token_id": "pt-1234567890",
"action_url": "https://redirect-gateway..."
"error_code": "ERROR_CODE",
"message": "Error message"
The SDK automatically handles:
- Secure data transmission
- Card data validation
- 3DS authentication flow
- Fingerprint generation
- Android API level 21 or higher
- iOS 13.0 or higher
- Swift 5.5 or higher