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itamae 0.1.2: 802.11 parser

License: GPLv3 PyPI Version Supported Python Versions Software status


Itamae is a raw (packed binary data) 802.11 parser. Consider the OSI model:

 | Application |
 | Presentation|
 | Session     |
 | Transport   |  
 | Network     | /+-----------+   
 +-------------+/ | MSDU (LLC)|   
 | Data-Link   |  +-----------+
 +-------------+\ | MPDU (MAC)|
 | Physical    | \+-----------+

Layer 2, the Data-Link layer can be subdivided into the MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) or IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control and the MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU). Itamae is concerned with parsing the MPDU or 802.11 frame and parsing meta-data about the Layer 1, Physical layer as found in Radiotap. ATT, itamae does not support Prism or AVS at Layer 1 and it does not parse anything at the LLC sublayer or above. In the future, I plan on extending it into the Network layer and include 802.1X parsing.

Itamae is not intended to be a substitute for Scapy. Use Scapy if you

  • need to parse TCP/IP,
  • need to craft packets, or
  • need to inject packets.

Itamae is intended to meet a niche set of goals and is ideal if

  • speed and efficiency is a requirement,
  • you only need 802.11 support, and
  • you are only parsing, not building packets.

When parsing raw data, Itamae is six times faster than Scapy and has a reduced overhead in terms of object size because it uses minimal classes. However, unlike Scapy, Itamae does not offer socket support (you'll have to bind and sniff your own sockets) and it is not layered. See Section 3: Using for an explanation.

a. Why the name?

I chose itamae and other sushi related names because there are only so many ways to write dot11. With this naming convention, itamae can coexist with other python network frame parsers (if you don't import *). I chose sushi because it is the art of 'raw' cheffing.


a. Requirements

Itamae requires Python 2.7. I have no plans on supported Python 3.x as doing so makes the code ugly. If at such a time as Python 3 becomes the defacto standard, I will move it to Python 3. Itamae has been tested on Linux but, as of yet, has not been tested on Windows or MAC OS.

b. Install from Package Manager

Install itamae through PyPI:

sudo pip install itamae

c. Install from Source

Itamae can also be installed from source. Download from or Once downloaded, extract the files and from the itamae directory run:

sudo python install


Before using Itamae, you'll need a wireless card in monitor mode and a raw socket. You can use iw (or, shameless plug follows PyRIC) to create a virtual interface and use the Python socket module to bind the raw socket. Before showing Itamae examples, let's set up our card and socket. You'll need to be root to do so.

>>> import pyric.pyw as pyw
>>> import socket

>>> card = pyw.getcard('wlan0')
>>> pyw.phyadd(card,'mon0','monitor')
>>> sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET,
...                      socket.SOCK_RAW,
...                      socket.htons(0x0003))
>>> sock.bind((,0x0003))

With the raw socket ready, we can read the raw frames and parse them with Itamae.

>>> from itamae.mpdu import MAX_MPDU
>>> raw = sock.recv(MAX_MPDU)

Before describing how to parse with Itamae, it is best to describe how the RTAP object and MPDU object are handled. Each is a wrapper around a dict that exposes certain fields using the '.' operator. And for each, the respective parse function takes a byte stream and returns the appropriate layer dict. Unlike Scapy and other protocol parsers, Itamae does not parse and/or treat RTAP and MPDU as a layered hierarchy. That is, the parsed MPDU is not an object contained within the radiotap object.

For the following examples we will be parsing three frames as shown below:

>>> len(raw1), raw1
(171, "\x00\x00\x12\x00.H\x00\x00\x00$l\t\xc0\x00\xb5\x01\x00\x00\x88A0\x00
\x00 \n\x00\x00\x00\xa9\xe6\xfc\x98  T\xe4\xed\xf5\x01w`\xe76\x18@D.'\xaf:;\xa3
>>> len(raw2), raw2
(153, "\x00\x00\x15\x00*H\x08\x00\x00\x00\x9e\t\x80\x04\xc3\x01\x00\x00\x07
\xff\x90\x1a\x00\x00\xc0\xff\x00\xc0RM\x00 \x0b\x00\x00\x00!\xd0M$6\x15\x8f5;
\xaf\xc1\xee_\xae\x84 >\xc72\xdaJ-\xb6\xb61\x85+\xa1\xe4\xd1ys\xe9B\xe4\x8b%
>>> len(raw3), raw3
(38, '\x00\x00\x12\x00.H\x00\x00\x100l\t\xc0\x00\xbe\x03\x00\x00\xb4\x00\x80

As can be seen from above the sizes of the frames are 171 bytes, 153 bytes and 38 bytes respectively.

Itamae now implements a single function to parse both Radiotap and MPDU:

>>> import itamae.sushi as sushi
>>> dR1,DM1,l3,err = sushi.bento(raw1)
>>> dR1
{'vers': 0, 'antenna': 1, 'rx-flags': 0, 'antsignal': -75, 'rate': 36, 'flags': 0, 
'present': ['flags', 'rate', 'channel', 'antsignal', 'antenna', 'rx-flags'], 
'channel': [2412, 192], 'size': 18}
>>> dM1
{'qos': {'tid': 0, 'a-msdu': 0, 'ack-policy': 0, 'eosp': 0, 'txop': 0}, 
'err': [], 'stripped': 8, 'addr1': '04:a1:51:d0:dc:0f', 
'seqctrl': {'seqno': 960, 'fragno': 0}, 'addr2': 'b0:34:95:6e:30:02', 
'addr3': '04:a1:51:d0:dc:0f', 'offset': 34, 'duration': {'dur': 48, 'type': 'vcs'}, 
'l3-crypt': {'mic': '\xcb\xd6\x97O.\xde\x07\x11', 'rsrv': '\x00', 'pn5': '\x07', 
'pn1': '\x08', 'pn0': '\x07', 'pn3': '\x00', 'pn2': '\n', 'type': 'ccmp', 
'pn4': '\x00', 'key-id': {'ext-iv': 1, 'rsrv': 0, 'key-id': 0}}, 
'framectrl': {'subtype': 8, 'vers': 0, 'type': 2, 
'flags': {'md': 0, 'mf': 0, 'o': 0, 'r': 0, 'fd': 0, 'pf': 1, 'td': 1, 'pm': 0}}, 
'present': ['framectrl', 'duration', 'addr1', 'addr2', 'addr3', 'seqctrl', 'qos', 'l3-crypt']}
>>> l3
"\xa9\xe6\xfc\x98  T\xe4\xed\xf5\x01w`\xe76\x18@D.'\xaf:;\xa3\xff\xf2\xb8\x88J

But to better understand how it works, let us begin parsing the Radiotap with rdiotap.parse() which returns a RTAP object. RTAP always exposes three fields: the version, the size and the present list. RTAP will also expose certain other commonly found fields via the '.' operator and for all others, the bracket(s) operator will work. Parsing raw1 we get:

>>> import itamae.radiotap as rtap
>>> dR1 = rtap.parse(raw1)
>>> dR1
{'size': 18, 'vers': 0, 'antenna': 1, 'rx-flags': 0, 'antsignal': -75, 'rate': 36, 
'flags': 0, 'channel': [2412, 192], 'present': ['flags', 'rate', 'channel', 
'antsignal', 'antenna', 'rx-flags']}
>>> dR1.vers,dR1.size,dR1.present
(0, 18, ['flags', 'rate', 'channel', 'antsignal', 'antenna', 'rx-flags'])

So far, we have read a raw frame of 171 bytes (which as we will see later is a data frame) off our monitor interface and parsed the radiotap "layer". We can print the version (0), size, in bytes, (18) and the list of present fields (flags, rate, channel, antsignal, antenna and rx-flags). Let us continue with the present fields (see for a listing of all defined fields):

We could get the field values using the bracket operator on the returned RTAP object or as mentioned above use the '.' operator. Below, we show both methods.

>>> print "Antenna: via '[]' = {0} & '.' = {1}".format(dR1['antenna'],dR1.antenna)
Antenna: via '[]' = 1 & '.' = 1
>>> print "Signal Strength: via '[]' = {0} & '.' = {1}".format(dR1['antsignal'],dR1.rss)
Signal Strength: via '[]' = -75 & '.' = -75
>>> print "Flags: via '[]' = {0} & '.' = {1}".format(radiotap.flags(dR1['flags']),dR1.flags)
Flags: via '[]' = [] & '.' = []
>>> print "Data rate: via '[]' = {0} & '.' = {1}".format(dR1['rate'],dR1.rate)
Data rate: via '[]' = 36 & '.' = 18.0

Antenna (the index 0-based of the antenna that read the signal) and Signal strength (strength of the received signal in dBm) are straightforward. Regardless of which method you use, you will get the same result. Looking at flags, notice that by using the brackets, additional manipulation was required to get the same result as using the '.' operator. This is because dR['flags'] returns the value of the flags field whereas dR.flags returns a list of flags present in the flags field. Finally, looking at the data rate, we get two different results. Once again this is because the '.' will execute additional parsing for you. Using the brackets, dR['rate'] returns the rate in 500kbps IAW the radiotap definition but the '.' operator, dR.rate returns the rate in Mbps. As we will see in a later example, dR.rate also handles cases where the data rate is not defined in the rate field but is calculated via the mcs field.

>>> dR1['channel']
[2412, 192]
>>> dR1['channel'][0], radiotap.chflags(dR1['channel'][1])
(2462, ['ism', 'ofdm'])
>>>, dR1.chflags

Some radiotap fields like channel are multipart. RTAP treats these as a list. In the case of the channel (see the first 'subfield' is the frequency in MHz and the second subfield is bitmap. You can manually parse this as above or use the '.' operator and let RTAP do the hard work for you. In this example, the frame is transmitted on 2 GHz ('ism') and it's a CCK channel (see for a full listing of all channel flags).

Parsing the frame raw 2, the first thing to note is that there is no rate field defined. That is because we have an 'HT', 802.11n frame as can be seen by the presence of an mcs field. Secondly, instead of a CCK channel, we have a Dyanamic CCK-OFDM channel.

>>> import itamae.mcs as mcs
>>> dR2 = rtap.parse(raw2)
>>> dR2
{'size': 21, 'vers': 0, 'antenna': 1, 'rx-flags': 0, 'antsignal': -61, 'flags': 0, 
'present': ['flags', 'channel', 'antsignal', 'antenna', 'rx-flags', 'mcs'], 
'mcs': [7, 0, 5], 'channel': [2462, 1152]}
>>> dR2.chflags
['ism', 'dcck']

To get the rate, we could do some additional parsing. The mcs field is a triple (known, flags, index) see Using the mcsflags_param function with known and flags, returns 'bw' (bandwidth) with a value of 0 and 'gi' (guard interval) with a value of 0. The bandwidth of this signal is 20MHz (0 = 20, 1 = 40, 2 = 20L and 3 = 20U), and the guard interval is long (800ns). Passing these along with our mcs index to the mcs_rate we get a rate of 57.8Mbps. Or we could simply just use the rate property of the RTAP object which does the work for us.

>>> mcsflags = rtap.mcsflags_params(dR2['mcs'][0],dR2['mcs'][1])
>>> mcsflags
{'bw': 0, 'gi': 0}
>>> if mcsflags['bw'] == rtap.MCS_BW_20: bw = '20'
... elif mcsflags['bw'] == rtap.MCS_BW_40: bw = '40'
... elif mcsflags['bw'] == rtap.MCS_BW_20L: bw = '20L'
... else: bw = '20U'
>>> gi = 1 if 'gi' in mcsflags and mcsflags['gi'] > 0 else 0
>>> index = dR2['mcs'][2]
>>> gi, ht, index
(0, 0, 5)
>>> width = int(bw[:2])
>>> rate = mcs.mcs_rate(index,width,gi)
>>> rate
>> dR2.rate
>>> 57.8

So far we have covered the fields you will most likely encounter and shown how RTAP does the heavy lifting. There are cases where you may come across additional fields which will require 'manual' parsing. Radiotap provides the functions to do so and can review or the radiotap source code for help along the way.

To parse the MPDU layer, we need to pass the raw frame at the beginning of layer two. For that, we need to refer back to the size of the radiotap frame. Additionally, depending on your interface's firmware the raw frame may include the MPDU's FCS. If it is included, it will be set in the radiotap's flags field. The MPDU dict exposes the toplevel MPDU fields via the '.' operator. They are framectrl, duration, addr1 ... addr4 (as present), seqctrl, qosctrl, crypt and fcs. For convience it also exposes some sublevel fields: vers, type (framectrl->type), subtype (framectrl->subtype) and flags (framectrl->flags) as well as non-MPDU fields, offset, stripped, size, present and error.

>>> import itamae.mpdu as mpdu
>>> hasFCS = 'fcs' in dR1.flags
>>> hasFCS 
>>> dM = mpdu.parse(raw1[dR1.size:],hasFCS)
>>> dM.error
>>> dM.size, dM.offset, dM.stripped
(42, 34, 8)
>>> for field in dM.present: print "{0}: {1}".format(field, dM[field])
framectrl: {'subtype': 8, 'vers': 0, 'type': 2, 
            'flags': {'md': 0, 'mf': 0, 'o': 0, 'r': 0, 'fd': 0, 'pf': 1, 
            'td': 1, 'pm': 0}}
duration: {'dur': 48, 'type': 'vcs'}
addr1: 04:a1:51:d0:dc:0f
addr2: b0:34:95:6e:30:02
addr3: 04:a1:51:d0:dc:0f
seqctrl: {'seqno': 960, 'fragno': 0}
qos: {'tid': 0, 'a-msdu': 0, 'ack-policy': 0, 'eosp': 0, 'txop': 0}
l3-crypt: {'mic': '\xcb\xd6\x97O.\xde\x07\x11', 'rsrv': '\x00', 'pn5': '\x07', 
           'pn1': '\x08', 'pn0': '\x07', 'pn3': '\x00', 'pn2': '\n', 
           'type': 'ccmp', 'pn4': '\x00', 'key-id': {'ext-iv': 1, 'rsrv': 0, 
                                                     'key-id': 0}}

The fields size, offset, stripped and error are not included in the present list as they are not official components of a MPDU. They define, in order, the total size in bytes of the MPDU frame, the bytes read from the front, the bytes read from the end (in this case the 8 bytes of the MIC of the CCMP encryption but it would also include FCS if present) and any errors encountered during parsing. mpdu parse will attempt to continue parsing in the event of errors, appending errors to the error list.

Keeping in mind that mpdu.parse begins at the first byte of the MPDU, the total bytes parsed (including the radiotap) would be 60 (18 + 34 + 8). If you wanted to look at the unparsed bytes i.e. the LLC sub layer, Layer 3 etc you would slice as follows:

python [dR.size+dM.offset:-dM.stripped]

Examining the frame control field we see that the type is 2 (Data) and the subtype is 8 (QoS) and that the protected frame flag and to ds flag are set. Remember these are also exposed via the '.' operator. If you need to get a "human-readable" version try:

>>> mpdu.type_desc
>>> mpdu.subtype_desc

Moving on, we see that the duration field is another dict duration: {'dur': 48, 'type': 'vcs'}. Defining the duration field is outside the scope of this document. For further information see the 802.11-2012 or CWAP Certified Analysis or search on google. This frame has three address which are self explanatory. Next is the sequence control field which is also another dict containing the fragment number and sequence number. However, l3-crypt does relay the type of encryption used in the 'type' field. In this case, it is CCMP.

The last two fields are the QoS control field and the layer 3 encryption field. Again, it is outside the scope of this document to define each of these.

Finally, let us parse a frame where the FCS was not stripped by the firmware. We'll also show using the '.' operator vice bracket(s) operator.

>>> dR3 = radiotap.parse(dR3)
>>> dR3.flags
>>> dM3 = mpdu.parse(raw3[dR3.size:],'fcs' in dR3.flags)
>>> dM3.size, dM3.offset, dM3.stripped
(20, 16, 4)
>>> dM3.fcs
>>> dM3.type_desc, dM3.subtype_desc
('ctrl', 'rts')
>>> dM3.flags
{'md': 0, 'mf': 0, 'o': 0, 'r': 0, 'fd': 0, 'pf': 0, 'td': 0, 'pm': 0}
>>> dM3.addr1, dM3.addr2
('ac:b5:7d:8d:3b:30', '3c:46:d8:7e:0e:dd')
>>> dR3.size + dM3.size == len(raw3)

The raw frame dM3 is an RTS frame with FCS present. Because control frames have no layer 3 content (in reality, no MSDU - LLC either) Itamae has parsed the entire frame: this is verified by comparing the total bytes parsed with the length of the raw frame.

Moving Foward

ATT, there are still some further steps to take. Radiotap needs to be tested against Atheros card to ensure that the data padding is handled correctly. For MPDU, control wrappers and a-msdu are not parsed. I have not found any test frames to use with a HT control field to test against.

To improve, I also want to parse more info-elements including RSN, TIM and vendor-related as well as provide for 802.1X parsing and possibly parsing of layer 3 if not encrypted.

Finally, I would also like to look into using a buffer instead of a string to minimize the number of string copies.


Brief Overview of the project file structure. Directories and/or files annotated with (-) are not included in pip installs or PyPI downloads

  • itamae root Distribution directory
    • initialize distrubution module
    • logo (-) logo directory
      • itamae.png (-) image for README
    • install file
    • setup.cfg used by
    • used by
    • this file
    • LICENSE GPLv3 License
    • CHANGES revision file
    • TODO todos for itamae
    • itamae package directory
      • initialize itamae module
      • parse radiotap
      • parse the MPDU of layer 2
      • private helper fcts for mpdu
      • ieee80211 definitions as found in the Standard
      • constants for 802.11u
      • mcs index, modulation and coding
      • bitmask related functions


802.11 radiotap and MPDU parser







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