cpp-pinyin is a lightweight Chinese/Cantonese to Pinyin library.
Chinese dialects can be used to create their own dictionaries using makedict.
Initial version algorithm reference zh_CN, and undergo significant optimization.
pinyin-makedict is the tool for creating custom dialect dictionaries.
Interface reference pypinyin
Only Unicode within the range of [ 0x4E00 - 0x9FFF ] is supported.
Segmentation for heteronym words.
Support Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
Speed is very fast, about 1,000,000 words/s on Intel i3-8100.
Achieved an accuracy rate of 99.95% on a 200000 word Lyrics-Pinyin test set Without-Tone.
The With-Tone test on CPP_Dataset(about 79k sentences) achieved an accuracy of 90.3%, while the accuracy of pypinyin was approximately 87%.
vcpkg install cpp-pinyin
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE cpp-pinyin::cpp-pinyin)
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_directory
#include <filesystem>
const auto applicationDirPath = std::filesystem::current_path() / "dict";
const auto g2p_man = std::make_unique<Pinyin::Pinyin>(); // or Pinyin::Jyutping
const std::string hans = "明月@1几32时有##一";
PinyinResVector pinyinRes = g2p_zh->hanziToPinyin(hans, Pinyin::ManTone::Style::TONE3, Pinyin::Error::Default, true, false, true);
std::vector<std::string> pinyin = g2p_man->getDefaultPinyin("了", Pinyin::ManTone::Style::TONE3, false, false)
// include/PinyinRes.h
struct PinyinRes
std::string hanzi; // utf-8 std::string
std::string pinyin; // utf-8 std::string
std::vector<std::string> candidates; // Candidate pinyin of Polyphonic Characters.
bool error = true; // Whether the conversion failed.
class PinyinResVector : public std::vector<PinyinRes>
// Convert to utf-8 std::string vector.
inline std::vector<std::string> toStdVector() const;
// Convert to utf-8 std::string with delimiter(default: " ").
inline std::string toStdStr(const std::string& delimiter = " ");
// include/ChineseG2p.h
enum class Error {
// Keep original characters
Default = 0,
// Ignore this character (do not export)
Ignore = 1
@param hans : raw utf-8 std::string.
@param ManTone::Style : Preserve the pinyin tone.
@param errorType : Ignore words that have failed conversion. Default: Keep original.
@param candidates : Whether to return all candidate pinyin. Default: true.
@param v_to_u : Convert v to ü. Default: false.
@param neutral_tone_with_five : Use 5 as neutral tone. Default: false.
@return PinyinResVector.
PinyinResVector hanziToPinyin(const std::string &hans,
ManTone::Style style = ManTone::Style::TONE,
Error error = Error::Default, bool candidates = true, bool v_to_u = false,
bool neutral_tone_with_five = false) const;
@param hans : raw utf-8 std::string vector, each element of the vector is a character.
@return PinyinResVector.
PinyinResVector hanziToPinyin(const std::vector<std::string> &hans,
ManTone::Style style = ManTone::Style::TONE,
Error error = Error::Default, bool candidates = true, bool v_to_u = false,
bool neutral_tone_with_five = false) const;
// Convert to Simplified Chinese. utf-8 std::string
std::string tradToSim(const std::string& oneHanzi) const;
// Determine if it is a polyphonic character.
bool isPolyphonic(const std::string& oneHanzi) const;
// Get a pronunciation list.
std::vector<std::string> getDefaultPinyin(const std::string &oneHanzi,
ManTone::Style style = ManTone::Style::TONE,
bool v_to_u = false, bool neutral_tone_with_five = false) const;
zh_CN The core algorithm source has been further tailored to the dictionary in this project.
opencpop The test data source.
M4Singer The test data source.
cc-edict The dictionary source.
pinyin The fan-jian dictionary source.
cpp_dataset The cpp_dataset source.
- pinyin: A tool for converting Chinese characters to pinyin, Node.js/JavaScript version.
- python-pinyin: A tool for converting Chinese characters to pinyin, Python version.
- go-pinyin: A tool for converting Chinese characters to pinyin, Go version.
- rust-pinyin: A tool for converting Chinese characters to pinyin, Rust version.
- csharp-pinyin: A tool for converting Chinese characters to pinyin, C# version.