A curated list of awesome things related to Winter CMS.
Winter is a free, open-source, self-hosted Content Management System (CMS) platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
- Latest News
- Official Resources
- External Resources
- Community
- Plugins
- Themes
- Tools
- Projects Using Winter CMS (Showcase)
- Tutorials
- View the blog for the latest updates.
- Winter Tricks - User submitted tips & tricks
- Chinese Documentation - Community managed translation of the Winter CMS documentation in Chinese
Winter CMS is also compatible with most OctoberCMS plugins available at https://octobercms.com/plugins
- Winter.Battlesnake - WIP plugin for building Battlesnakes in Winter CMS.
- Winter.Blocks - Provides a "block based" content management experience.
- Winter.Blog - Robust blogging platform.
- Winter.Builder - GUI for building Winter CMS plugins.
- Winter.CKEditor - Adds the CKEditor v4 WYSIWYG HTML editor as a FormWidget in the Winter CMS backend.
- Winter.Cloudflare - Ensures expected behavior when Cloudflare is used with Winter CMS.
- Winter.DebugBar - DebugBar integration.
- Winter.Docs - Manage & view documentation directly within your Winter CMS instances.
- Winter.DriverAWS - Driver that adds support for AWS (S3 storage driver & streamed uploads, SQS queues, DynamoDB, SES mail driver).
- Winter.DriverGoogleDrive - Driver that adds support for Google Drive as a filesystem to Winter CMS.
- Winter.DriverMailgun - Driver that adds support for the Mailgun mailer.
- Winter.DriverMandrill - Driver that adds support for the Mandrill mailer.
- Winter.DriverPostmark - Driver that adds support for the Postmark mailer.
- Winter.DriverSendGrid - Driver that adds support for the SendGrid mailer.
- Winter.DriverSparkPost - Driver that adds support for the SparkPost mailer.
- Winter.Dusk - Laravel Dusk integration (headless browser based integration testing suites).
- Winter.Excel - Provides tools for working with Excel files in Winter CMS.
- Winter.Forum - Robust forum platform.
- Winter.GoogleAnalytics - Google Analytics integration.
- Winter.Ignition - Ignition error page integration.
- Winter.Location - Provides location data (Countries & States) for use by other plugins.
- Winter.Mailchimp - Mailchimp integration.
- Winter.Matomo - Matomo Analytics integration.
- Winter.Notes - Mac OS like experience for managing "notes" for any record.
- Winter.Notify - Notification management engine.
- Winter.Pages - Client friendly static page management.
- Winter.Passport - Laravel Passport integration.
- Winter.PwnedPasswords - Integrates HaveIBeenPwned's leaked password checking API as a password policy.
- Winter.Ray - Ray developer tool integration.
- Winter.Redirect - Powerful Redirect management.
- Winter.Search - Full-text search integration based on Laravel Scout.
- Winter.Sentry - Sentry.io integration.
- Winter.SEO - Easily manage SEO metadata.
- Winter.Sitemap - Manages sitemap.xml definitions.
- Winter.SSO - Adds support for OAuth-based Single Sign On (SSO) to the backend module through the use of Laravel Socialiate.
- Winter.TailwindUI - Provides a modern backend skin based on Tailwind UI.
- Winter.Test - Playground for features available in Winter CMS.
- Winter.TinyPNG - TinyPNG integration with the built-in ImageResizer.
- Winter.Translate - Frontend localization for all records.
- Winter.Twitter - Twitter integration.
- Winter.User - Frontend user management.
- Winter.UserPlus - Demonstration of how to dynamically extend other plugins.
- Winter.Vapor - Simplifies running Winter CMS projects on Laravel Vapor
- LukeTowers.AzureADSSO - Adds support for logging into the backend with Azure Active Directory Single Sign On (SSO) OAuth.
- LukeTowers.EasyAudit - $30 - Paid plugin that allows you to easily view and manage audit logs for models within your WinterCMS projects.
- LukeTowers.EasyFacebookFeed - $20 - Paid plugin that adds the ability to display and interact with a Facebook Page feed. Posts are pulled from Facebook and stored locally in the database before being rendered by the Feed component allowing you to precisely control what appears on your website.
- LukeTowers.EasyFiles - $50 - Paid file manager plugin that allows you to share your files with frontend users.
- LukeTowers.EasyForms - $100 - Paid plugin available on request that provides a GravityForms like experience for frontend forms.
- LukeTowers.EasySPA - $30 - Paid plugin that enables frontend page navigation over AJAX bringing SPA-like performance to navigating between pages.
- LukeTowers.EEImport - Provides tools to import data directly from an ExpressionEngine database.
- LukeTowers.EFPDF - Generate PDFs from form submissions for the LukeTowers.EasyForms plugin.
- LukeTowers.EssentialVars - Adds the
variables to Mail & CMS templates. - LukeTowers.FileLocker - $50 - Private, easy to use, file manager that provides access to authenticated users only.
- LukeTowers.FlashAlertNet - Pulls data from FlashAlert.net.
- LukeTowers.GNUTerryPratchett - Keep Sir Terry Pratchett alive forever, in the Winter CMS clacks.
- LukeTowers.GoogleDomainVerification - Handles Google Domain Verification requests.
- LukeTowers.SnappyPDF - Integrates SnappyPDF PDF generation into Winter CMS.
- LukeTowers.TwigPCRE - Adds Twig PCRE Filters / Functions.
- BennoThommo.UrlNormaliser - Normalise URLs for your Winter CMS website and ensure that search engines only index your canonical paths to prevent duplicate content.
- BennoThommo.Meta - Provides an easy interface to insert HTML meta and link tags into a Winter CMS layout or page.
- JaxWilko.Migrator - A plugin that converts your database data to flat files.
- JaxWilko.MediaStream - Adds streaming support for html5 videos.
- JaxWilko.OpcachePreload - Winter CMS support for opcache preloading.
- Marc Jauvin - StudioAzura.BackendUserPlus - Improve Backend User Management.
- Marc Jauvin - StudioAzura.FAQ - Manage Q&As.
- Aic.Faq - Create (multilingual) FAQs and assign them to categories.
- Aic.GoogleCalendar - Wrapper plugin for spatie/laravel-google-calendar
- Asped.BlogProtect - Adds permissions to the blog posts.
- Brutalhost.Passwordless - Fork of Mercator.Passwordless with some improvements.
- Brutalhost.YandexSmartCaptcha - Yandex SmartCapcha integration.
- ByteMethod.Blizzard - A collection of extensions and helpers for Winter CMS.
- Dimsog.Blog - A simple blog plugin for WinterCMS.
- Dimsog.Comments - Add comments to any page on your site.
- Dimsog.Slider - Swiper slider for WinterCMS.
- DynaMedia.Posts - Posts publishing plugin
- Flynsarmy.IDEHelper - Generates an
file to improve the IDE experience. - Flynsarmy.SocialLogin - Allows Winter CMS site visitors to register/sign in with their social media accounts
- Flynsarmy.ContentBlocks - Allow clients to update content blocks directly from the layouts/pages/partials that use them.
- Flynsarmy.ImageOptimizer - Automatically optimizes images on upload/resize.
- Flynsarmy.Menu - This plugin adds customisable and flexible menu generation to Winter CMS with a convenient drag and drop UI.
- GinoPane.BlogTaxonomy - A robust Winter CMS plugin which extends Winter Blog Plugin with useful taxonomies.
- Hounddd.Data - Spatie laravel-data package wrapper for WinterCMS.
- Hounddd.GdprPlus - Additional features for OFFLINE.Gdpr plugin.
- Hounddd.lightGallery - Galleries plugin for Winter CMS with lightbox support.
- Hounddd.MallForWinter - Improve Offline.mall compatibility with WinterCMS.
- Hounddd.MallImportExport - Import or export data to OFFLINE.mall.
- Hounddd.Tawkto - TawkTo chat plugin for WinterCMS.
- Hounddd.ThemeSwitcher - Theme switcher plugin for Winter CMS.
- Imateo.Dump - Winter CMS twig dump.
- JosephCrowell.LeafletMap - Leaflet Maps plugin for Winter CMS.
- JosephCrowell.MagicForms - Create easy (and almost magic) AJAX forms for Winter CMS. Fork of Martin.Forms.
- JosephCrowell.SitemapPretty - Pretty up the sitemap.xml provided by Winter.Sitemap
- JosephCrowell.Passage - Fast, Efficient permission system for controlling access to your website resources.
- LucaCalcaterra.LdapAuth - LDAP Active Directory Authentication for Winter CMS.
- Mahony0.Floc - Provides middleware to disable FLoC.
- Mahony0.Updater - Update WinterCMS via remote command.
- MarcoMessa.Vite - Plugin required for Vite TailwindCss Theme.
- Mercator.Media - Various enhancements for image resizing and processing using Intervention Image.
- Mercator.PageBuilderSkeleton - Page Builder Demo Plugin.
- Mercator.Passwordless - Passwordless frontend login for Winter.User users.
- Mercator.SecretPage - Password-protection of individual CMS or Winter Static Pages.
- Mercator.ThemeUpdater - Winter CMS Theme Updater Plugin.
- Mercator.TwigExt - Various Twig extensions, based on OctoberCMS'Twig Extensions by Vojta Svoboda.
- MikP.Auth0Login - Auth0 login extension to Social Login plugin.
- MikP.OpenIDConnect - OpenID Connect extension to Social Login plugin.
- MikP.SanctumTokens - Integrates Laravel Sanctum.
- Norotoro.BackendMaps - Easily and quickly integrate a Google Maps field into your Backend Forms.
- Norotoro.BlogAPI - Simple JSON Rest API for consuming data from Winter.Blog.
- Norotoro.Cors - Manages CORS headers in Winter CMS.
- Norotoro.Firebase - Integrates Firebase for Laravel.
- Norotoro.FirebaseUsers - Syncs Winter.User frontend users with Firebase.
- Norotoro.Guardian - Easily restrict access to routes declared by plugins in
. - Norotoro.Rest - Utilities for creating Rest endpoints in WinterCMs.
- PlanetaDeleste.LocationTowns - Adds cities / towns to Winter.Location.
- Skripteria.Snowflake - Dynamic content manager.
- Skripteria.SiteSearch - Provides global search for the frontend.
- Sommer.MultiDB - Manage multiple database connections.
- StudioBosco.BackendNotifications - API & UI for managing backend notifications.
- StudioBosco.BackendComments - Provides commenting in the backend.
- StudioBosco.Helpers - Collection of various helpers, twig extensions and form widgets.
- StudioBosco.KlaroCookieConsent - Klaro Cookie Consent plugin.
- StudioBosco.PagePreview - Adds realtime preview button to StaticPage pages.
- SutidoBosco.PageRevisions - Adds "versions" tab to static pages.
- StudioBosco.SEO - SEO plugin.
- StudioBosco.TranslateExtended - Extends behavior of the default Translate Plugin.
- SunLab.UpDown - Allows your users to up/down-vote any models.
- SunLab.SSOProvider - SSOProvider plugin.
- SunLab.SSOClient - SSOClient plugin.
- SunLab.Permissions - Provides permission management for frontend users (provided by Winter.User).
- SunLab.Measures - Allows you to create/increment and display any measures you want on any model.
- SunLab.LevelUp - Game-levels system.
- SunLab.Gamification - Gamification plugin.
- SunLab.GamificationPermissions - Assign permissions to gamification plugin.
- SunLab.EmojiPicker - Provides an Emoji Picker form widget.
- SunLab.EmojiForBlog - Integrates the EmojiPicker formwidget with Winter.Blog.
- SunLab.ForumUpload - Adds files upload feature to Winter.Forum.
- Teranode.ApplicationCore - Laravel class loader plugin for Winter CMS.
- WebVPF.Christmas - Christmas plugin for Winter CMS.
- WebVPF.DarkBackend - Dark theme backend skin.
- WebVPF.DashboardWidgets - A collection of report widgets for the Winter CMS dashboard.
- WebVPF.FullScreen - Adds a Full Screen button to the backend toolbar.
- WebVPF.Robots - Adds robots.txt for your site.
- WebVPF.ShareButtons - Displays share buttons.
- WebVPF.SimpleDocs - Simple documentation presented in frontend themes.
- WebVPF.TrafficAdvice - Plugin for managing the amount of preload traffic.
- Wrve.AjaxPopup - Show dynamic popups in frontend themes.
- Zaxbux.GmailDriver - Provides a Gmail mail driver.
- Zimudec.Wizard - Manage "Wizards" (step based interactions).
Winter CMS is also compatible with most OctoberCMS themes available at https://octobercms.com/themes
- Bonjour - A sample multi-lingual theme for translated content.
- Workshop - Tailwind CSS based theme that integrates with every first party plugin as a testing platform.
- Nabu - An elegant TailwindCSS based theme designed for documentation sites using the Winter.Docs plugin.
- ViteTailwind - A starter blank theme powered by Vite and TailwindCSS.
- Blocks - Theme that demonstrates the use of repeater groups to assemble static pages with customizable building sections and blocks.
- PostsDemo - Demo theme for Dynamedia Posts plugin.
- BlogDemo - A simple blog theme for Dimsog.Blog.
- LukeTowers.Blank - Blank starter theme
- Official Winter CMS VSCode Extension (Github)
- Winter CMS VSCode Theme (Github)
- Winter CLI
- Web installer
- https://34aircadets.ca
- https://acte.ltd/
- https://africase.org/
- https://alphalab.audio/
- https://bali.apjii.or.id/
- https://barrymarries.com/
- https://bbkeng.ca/
- https://cadets.site/
- https://cbg-bilan-competences.fr/
- https://cityofroseburg.org/
- https://communityanalytics.io/
- https://computerlink.com.au/
- https://coeursdechiens.ch/
- https://cushionhouseaustralia.com.au/
- https://daretodominate.com/
- https://dth-herzzentrum.ch/en
- https://godotengine.org/
- https://gregorybrown.com.br/
- https://iacea.com
- https://isoi.tech/es
- https://maatkastenonline.be/en
- https://manageit.com.au
- https://michaeltowers.ca/
- https://www.moiransenmontagne.fr/
- https://myscape.co.zm/
- https://nas.org
- https://newcriterion.com
- https://oldparr.co/
- https://opendays2022.polito.it/
- https://pantryportal.com - https://github.com/LukeTowers/wn-pantryportal.com-site
- https://reportneedles.ca
- https://salvomag.com/
- https://spatialmedia.io/
- https://spotandserve.ca/
- https://wintercms.com/
- https://www.bienalkaczwa.cz/
- https://www.faselunare.com/
- https://www.murprotec.fr/
- https://www.nationalaffairs.com/
- https://www.popandsmart.fr/
- https://www.shrmsk.com/
- https://www.soundmit.com/en
- https://www.westridge.ca/
Tutorials published in:
- Basic Components with Winter CMS Part 1
- Basic Components with Winter CMS Part 2
- Start with WinterCMS in VS Code on Docker
- Winter CMS (Russian Tutorial Series)
- Introduction on how to create a blog or news website with Winter CMS
- How to create a personal blog or website with Winter CMS
- Basic Frontend with Winter/October CMS
- Perkenalan Wintercms, laravel php framework cms
- Setting up mail server preferences in Winter CMS
- How to work with partials in Winter CMS
- Basic theming in Winter CMS with Tailwind 3
- Setup: Winter theme and Css with Tailwindcss 3.0
- Snowflake Plugin for Winter CMS
- Build a website from scratch using Winter CMS - 16 video series
- Winter CMS - Introduction and Installation
- Winter CMS: The FREE October CMS Alternative
- Getting started with October CMS and Static Pages - v.2
- Running October on AWS - Part 2
- Running October on AWS - Part 1
- Watch and Learn - Vue, Vuex and October CMS App
- Collection of third party resources
- Beyond Behaviors - Part 3: Implementing a nested relationship
- Beyond Behaviors - Part 2: Rendering Lists and Forms by hand
- Beyond Behaviors - Part 1: How MVC works in October CMS