Repository for the Wechaty Organization Website, a resource for the Wechaty Organization. It is the official Wechaty website for publishing latest news, blog posts, and documentation from our open source community.
In order to make sure your changes have not broken anything, you can run the following commands before pushing your changes to gitHub.
npm install
npm test
As an open source product, Wechaty thrives from contributions of community members. Whatever your skill set is, there is a lot you can do to help us make Wechaty better! So start forking!
At the same time, we also meet up offline all over the world. Here are some activities you are invited to join if you are interested:
- Wechaty Contributor Dinner
- The memorabilia of The First Chatie WWDC Party
- Shanghai WWDC - Wechaty Worldwide Developers Conference
- Wechaty Contributor Dinner with Data Girls
- Wechaty Country Wide Developer Conference
- .....
- Clone this repository:
git clone "https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty.js.org"
- On the terminal navigate to the root directory
cd wechaty.js.org
- Run the commands :
npm install
npm run docusaurus:build
npm run docusaurus:serve
- The site will be running locally on
- Fork this repository
- Create your documentation branch:
git checkout -b branch-name
- Make changes to the documentation in markdown
- Add changes to the staging area
git add .
- Commit your changes using the command
git commit -m 'commit message'
- Push your changes to gitHub
git push origin branch-name
- Create new Pull Request
- Migrating from gitbook to docsify.js
- Integrating GitBook with JSDoc to Document Your Open Source Project
- Markdown Linting Rules Documents
To get to know all our writers, see https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty.js.org/graphs/contributors
Split docusaurus repo from the mixed repo with Jekyll (Issue wechaty/wechaty.js.org#1)
- Add OpenAPI Specification docs at https://wechaty.js.org/docs/openapi/ (#1218)
- Using docusaurus for docs
- Rename chatie to wechaty
Rename wechaty to chatie
Init version
- @lijiarui, Rui LI, Microsoft AI MVP, Founder & CEO of Juzi.BOT (YC W19 Alumni)
- @huan, Huan LI, Tencent TVP of Chatbot, <[email protected]>
- Code & Docs © 2016-now Wechaty Contributors https://github.com/wechaty
- Code released under the Apache-2.0 License
- Docs released under Creative Commons