The customizable Commitizen plugin (or standalone utility) to help achieve consistent commit messages like the AngularJS team.
Suitable for large teams working with multiple projects with their own commit scopes. It allows you to select the pre-defined scopes or commit types. It works perfectly with
You have two ways to use cz-customizable
. Originally, this project started as a commitizen plugin (Option 1). We introduced the second option to run this cz-customizable
in standalone mode (Option 2), just like any NodeJS script. It's recommended to use Option 2
for simplicity. The way you configure is shared between both options.
- Copy contents of the example config file and paste into a new file
- move file
to your home directory.
npm i cz-customizable -g
Then run cz-customizable
from your root repo. You can also use the alias cz-cust
If everything is correct, you should see commit questions like the image above.
npx cz-customizable
Use cz-customizable
without commitzen
- npm install
npm install cz-customizable --save-dev
- add a new script to your
"scripts" : {
"commit": "./node_modules/cz-customizable/standalone.js"
- See options below how to create and where you could put your
file. - now run:
npm run commit
This is how this project started.
install commitizen in case you don't have it:
npm install -g commitizen
. Make sure you have the latest version of commitizen installed globally. -
to usecz-customizable
as plugin. Add those lines to yourpackage.json
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "node_modules/cz-customizable"
- Copy contents of the example config file and paste into a new file
will first look for a file
in the project root, near yourpackage.json
- If no config found, it will look for
or or.config/cz-config.js
in your home directory - alternatively add the config location in your
"config": {
"commitizen": { // not needed for standlone usage
"path": "node_modules/cz-customizable"
"cz-customizable": {
"config": "config/path/to/my/config.js"
Note: option one allows you to have your config away from root directory. It also gives you a change to define any name to your .cz-config.js
This is suitable when your team is not ready to roll cz-customizable
across all teams but you still would like to use it for your own commits, no matter the project.
- create config file:
- create a file called
in your git repository root (*Assumptions: you git ignore global on~/.gitignore_global
). Or; - create a file called
your home directory.
- create a file called
- npm install -g commitizen
- npm install -g cz-customizable. Make sure you have version
- create global commitizen config file
:echo '{ "path": "cz-customizable" }' > ~/.czrc
- now run:
npx git-cz
orgit cz
- you should commit your
file to your git when applicable.
Hopefully this will help you to have consistent commit messages and have a fully automated deployment without any human intervention.
Here are the options you can set in your .cz-config.js
subjectLimit: {number, default 100}: This is the subject limit. Example:
this is a new feature
orfix a bug
subjectSeparator: {string, default ': '}: This is the subject separator. Example:
feat: this is a new feature
typePrefix: {string, default ''}: This is the commit type prefix. Example: config:
{ typePrefix: '[' }
, result:[feat: this is a new feature
typeSuffix: {string, default ''}: This is the commit type suffix. Example: config:
{ typePrefix: '[', typeSuffix: ']', subjectSeparator: ' ' }
, result:[feat] this is a new feature
scopes: {Array of Strings}: Specify the scopes for your particular project. Eg.: for some banking system: ["acccounts", "payments"]. For another travelling application: ["bookings", "search", "profile"]
scopeOverrides: {Object where key contains a Array of String}: Use this when you want to override scopes for a specific commit type. Example below specify scopes when type is
:scopeOverrides: { fix: [ {name: 'merge'}, {name: 'style'}, {name: 'e2eTest'}, {name: 'unitTest'} ] }
allowCustomScopes: {boolean, default false}: adds the option
to scope selection so you can still type a scope if you need. -
allowBreakingChanges: {Array of Strings: default none}. List of commit types you would like to the question
breaking change
prompted. Eg.: ['feat', 'fix']. -
skipQuestions: {Array of Strings: default none}. List of questions you want to skip. Eg.: ['body', 'footer'].
skipEmptyScopes: {boolean, default false}: If a chosen type has no scopes declared, skip the scope question
appendBranchNameToCommitMessage: If you use
, you can get the branch name automatically appended to the commit message. This is done by a commit hook oncz-customizable-ghooks
. This option has been added oncz-customizable-ghooks
, v1.3.0. Default value istrue
. -
ticketNumberPrefix: {string, default 'ISSUES CLOSED:'}: Set custom prefix for footer ticker number.
breakingPrefix: {string, default 'BREAKING CHANGE:'}: Set a custom prefix for the breaking change block in commit messages.
footerPrefix: {string, default 'ISSUES CLOSED:'}: Set a custom prefix for the footer block in commit messages. Set to empty string to remove prefix.
breaklineChar: {string, default '|'}: It gets replaced with \n to create the breakline in your commit message. This is supported for fields
at the moment. -
upperCaseSubject: { boolean, default false }: Capitalizes first subject letter if set to
askForBreakingChangeFirst: { boolean, default false }: It asks for breaking change as first question when set to
- (
- (
- (
- (
backticks If you wish to have backticks in your content, for example "feat: `string`", the commit preview will be "feat: \`string\`". Don't worry because on your
git log
will be "feat: `string`" as desired. -
multiline contents on the body of the message Body is the only place where you can use a
to break lines. E.g.: you type this:my items are:| - item01| - item 02
, which will become:
my items are:
- item01
- item 02
- if you add a new config property, please remember to update files
. - add or update relevant tests
- Favor non-breaking changes when possible
- Send preliminary PR if you would like to start a discussion
- Be polite, respectful and understanding that we are all here after working hours spending time to build something useful to all.
- We promise to extend courtesy and respect to everyone involved in this project regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or level of experience
Leonardo Correa