BDEM is a massively-parallel discrete-element method (DEM) solver capable of simulating a wide array of granular flow problems. It has been extensively used for biomass material, hence the B in the name. BDEM is implemented using the AMReX framework and can support parallel particle data structures on hybrid CPU/GPU HPC architectures. Our solver can represent highly-variable granular material using models that capture complex particle shapes, moisture content, and particle force interactions. Level-set and STL boundary formulations allow for the inclusion of complex moving geometries.
- Linear spring-dashpot (LSD) and Hertz-Mindlin models for particle contact forces
- Bonded sphere model for representing complex particle shapes
- Liquid bridge representation for moisture-laden particles
- Level-set and STL descriptions of irregular moving geometry
- Reactive particle chemistry and temporally evolving particle sizes
- Parallelization via OpenMPI/MPICH and GPU Acceleration with CUDA (NVidia) and HIP (AMD)
- Parallel I/O
- Plotfile format supported by Amrvis, VisIt, ParaView and yt
- gcc and an MPI library (openMPI/MPICH) for CPU builds. cuda-11.0 is also required for GPU builds
- This tool depends on the AMReX library (
- Go to the build folder and make sure the AMREX_HOME variable is set to your AMReX repository
- Build executable using the GNUMakefile (set USE_MPI and USE_CUDA=TRUE/FALSE depending on architecture and desired parallel execution) and run "make"
- Several test cases can be found in the test directory for getting started using the code
- The outputs for a case are in the form of AMReX plotfiles
- These plot files can be open using AMReX grid reader in ParaView (see
- Alternatively visit can be used after converting to vtp format. see
- We also provide python scripts to access particle data as numpy arrays. see