A cross platform hot compilation tool
By monitoring the modification of the project directory file, the recompilation and running are automatically triggered. Running directory and monitoring change directory can be different. Monitor the file modification in all recursive subdirectories under the project path.
go get -u github.com/wandercn/hotbuild@latest
wander$ cd $your_project_dir/
wander$ hotbuild initconf
2021/07/28 11:10:03 create config file: .hotbuild.toml
wander$ cd $your_project_dir/
wander$ hotbuild run
_ _ ___ _____ ____ _ _ ___ _ ____
| | | |/ _ \_ _| | __ )| | | |_ _| | | _ \
| |_| | | | || | | _ \| | | || || | | | | |
| _ | |_| || | | |_) | |_| || || |___| |_| |
|_| |_|\___/ |_| |____/ \___/|___|_____|____/ v1.0.5, built with Go 1.16.5
.............................. ( Start rebuilding ) .................................
.............................. [ Build successfully ] ...............................
.............................. { Start running } ....................................
2021/07/06 09:56:26.913 [I] [asm_amd64.s:1371] http server Running on
2021/07/06 09:56:26.913 [I] [asm_amd64.s:1371] Admin server Running on :8088
Auto create default configuration file in $your_project_dir/.hotbuild.toml,you can modify the configuration yourself.
wander$ cd $your_project_dir/
wander$ cat .hotbuild.toml
buildcmd = "go build -o ./tmp_bin"
excludedir = [".git", "tmp", "docs", "vendor"]
projectdir = "/Users/apple/workspace/src/example.com/"
runcmd = "./tmp_bin"
en | zh-cn | |
buildcmd | Compile command | 编译命令 |
excludedir | Exclude tracked folders | 排除跟踪的文件夹 |
projectdir | Project directory to track | 需要跟踪的项目目录 |
runcmd | Run command | 运行命令 |
- the "Too many open files" error of MacOSX
# maxfiles is 256 too small.
wander$ launchctl limit
cpu unlimited unlimited
filesize unlimited unlimited
data unlimited unlimited
stack 8388608 67104768
core 0 unlimited
rss unlimited unlimited
memlock unlimited unlimited
maxproc 2784 4176
maxfiles 256 10240
# change maxfiles to 4096.
wander$ sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 unlimited
wander$ launchctl limit
cpu unlimited unlimited
filesize unlimited unlimited
data unlimited unlimited
stack 8388608 67104768
core 0 unlimited
rss unlimited unlimited
memlock unlimited unlimited
maxproc 2784 4176
maxfiles 4096 10240
Some terminal modifications cannot take effect immediately and need to be restarted, such as iterm2.