Dropwizard based veraPDF REST Services
This represents a development prototype, there's little in the way of exception handling and unit testing. The services are capable of serving up XML or JSON dependent upon the content type requested.
The project's a Maven managed Java application, the application is based on Dropwizard, this brings together a set of reliable libraries, the following are most used and may prove informative if you are reading the code:
- Jetty as a lean HTTP server,
- Jersey for REST services and associated, and
- Jackson for JSON and XML serialisation.
A good place to get going is the Dropwizard getting started guide. The Dropwizard core documentation covers the features used in the code base.
To run the veraPDF rest image from DockerHub:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 verapdf/rest:latest
Port 8080 serves both the veraPDF web interface and the veraPDF Rest API. Port 8081 serves the DropWizard diagnostics.
This uses a Docker multi-stage build so the final container image which may be deployed does not require more than the base OpenJDK JRE without the entire build tool-chain.
Tested lightly:
docker build -t verapdf-rest:latest . && docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 verapdf-rest:latest
If you encounter an error during docker run about "Can't set cookie dm_task_set_cookie failed", try:
sudo dmsetup udevcomplete_all
The built verapdf-rest image is notable smaller than just the base Maven image even before you consider the downloaded dependencies so the multi-stage build is definitely worthwhile:
cadams@ganymede:~ $ docker images
verapdf-rest latest c3c2a52a7bc0 5 minutes ago 297MB
maven latest 88714384d642 11 days ago 749MB
Using the Alpine-based OpenJRE images provides a further hefty size reduction and we don't seem to be using anything which would be easier on Ubuntu:
verapdf-rest latest c69af6445b35 31 seconds ago 103MB
There's an "official" docker image that can be grabbed by docker pull verapdf/rest:latest
To use veraPDF-rest in as k8s deployment with load balancing and dynamic number of replicas (2 to 4) run the command:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml
Currently it's delivered as a single Maven module, veraPDF-rest.
Swagger documentation is available at localhost:8080/swagger.
First clone this project, go to the project directory, checkout to master
branch for release version or integration
branch for dev version, and then build the Maven project:
git clone https://github.com/veraPDF/veraPDF-rest.git
cd veraPDF-rest
git checkout master
mvn clean package
To start up the server:
java -jar target/verapdf-rest-1.26.1.jar server server.yml
Go to localhost:8080/api/info to see if the server is running, you should see something like:
<vendor>Oracle Corporation</vendor>
You can also list the available validation profiles at localhost:8080/api/profiles:
<creator>veraPDF Consortium</creator>
<name>PDF/A-1A validation profile</name>
<description>Validation rules against ISO 19005-1:2005, Cor.1:2007 and Cor.2:2011</description>
<creator>veraPDF Consortium</creator>
<name>PDF/A-2B validation profile</name>
<description>Validation rules against ISO 19005-2:2011</description>
<creator>veraPDF Consortium</creator>
<name>PDF/A-3B validation profile</name>
<description>Validation rules against ISO 19005-3:2012</description>
<creator>veraPDF Consortium</creator>
<name>PDF/A-1B validation profile</name>
<description>Validation rules against ISO 19005-1:2005, Cor.1:2007 and Cor.2:2011</description>
There are a few services that you can test with curl.
Shows some simple information about the server environment on localhost:8080/api
curl localhost:8080/api/info
Validation Profiles contain the PDF/A and PDF/UA validation tests and their description. A list of profile details is available at localhost:8080/api/profiles/. To test with curl:
curl localhost:8080/api/profiles
Each profile is identified by a letter code made up the PDF/A or PDF/UA version and level. These are listed at localhost:8080/api/profiles/ids/:
curl localhost:8080/api/profiles/ids
An individual profile can be obtained by ID at http://localhost:8080/api/profiles/*id*
, e.g.
curl localhost:8080/api/profiles/1b
The curl call defaults to a JSON representation, to obtain the XML profile:
curl localhost:8080/api/profiles/1b -H "Accept:application/xml"
Validation is also available as a POST request at http://localhost:8080/api/validate/*id*
. To test with curl:
curl -F "file=@veraPDF-corpus/PDF_A-1b/6.1 File structure/6.1.12 Implementation limits/veraPDF test suite 6-1-12-t01-fail-a.pdf" localhost:8080/api/validate/1b
or to obtain the result in XML:
curl -F "file=@veraPDF-corpus/PDF_A-1b/6.1 File structure/6.1.12 Implementation limits/veraPDF test suite 6-1-12-t01-fail-a.pdf" localhost:8080/api/validate/1b -H "Accept:application/xml"
Validation of PDF given by URL is available as a POST request http://localhost:8080/api/validate/url/*id*
. To test with curl:
curl -F "url=http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf" localhost:8080/api/validate/url/1b
To validate your local files you need to add folder with files to the docker container. To run the veraPDF rest image
with your local files run docker image with bind mount -v /local/path/of/the/folder:/home/folder
For example, to run the veraPDF rest image from DockerHub with your local files:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -v /local/path/of/the/folder:/home/folder verapdf/rest:latest
and use curl:
curl -F "url=file:///home/folder/pdf.pdf" localhost:8080/api/validate/url/1b
To add file size in validation POST requests you need to send request with header (key X-File-Size
and value in bytes).
For example to use request http://localhost:8080/api/validate/url/*id*
with file which size is 300 KB run:
curl -H "X-File-Size: 307200" -F "url=http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf" localhost:8080/api/validate/url/auto
Configuration parameters are located in /opt/verapdf-rest/config
folder of the container file system. The details on the veraPDF parameters are available at https://docs.verapdf.org/cli/config/.
Additionally, this folder includes server.yml
which contains HTTP server configuration parameters and additional parameters described below.
To set the maximum file size of PDF, change maxFileSize
in server.yml
file or run docker image as:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -e VERAPDF_MAX_FILE_SIZE=1 verapdf/rest:latest
where VERAPDF_MAX_FILE_SIZE is 1MB. The default maximum PDF file size is 100MB.
To change maximum Java heap size in docker image run:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx128M" verapdf/rest:latest
See Dropwizard Configuration Reference for overview of available configuration parameters such as controlling the number of threads, queue size and others.