π Official website: Website
π VeWorld website: Website
π VeChain Documentation
β Have questions? Reach out to one of our community channels below!
VeWorld is an open-source crypto wallet for interacting with the Vechain blockchain. It supports viewing token balances and NFTs, executing transactions, connecting Ledger hardware wallets, and interacting with the VeBetterDAO ecosystem and other VeChain dApps
This project is using soe external services that are not neccesary during development, but in this moment some configuration files are needed in order to make it run. In order to generate these files do the following.
From the project root open your terminal and type the following:
cd ios
echo -e "defaults.url=https://sentry.io/\ndefaults.org=vechain-foundation\ndefaults.project=veworld-mobile" > sentry.properties
Then in Xcode add your account and a new Bundle Id
for the project
Then on the Signing and capabilities
tab scroll down on the iCloud capability and a new container using the same Bundle Id
that you used earlier.
Note: You will see the following error on the logs when running the app:
Error: Couldn't get container configuration from the server for container
This error is related to the cloudKit container, if you need to use cloudkit you will have to setup the reccords manually through the developer portal clicking at the "Cloudkit Console" button.
Then type the following on your terminal:
yarn install:all
yarn start
Then open a new instance of the terminal on the project root and type:
yarn ios
This project is using soe external services that are not neccesary during development, but in this moment some configuration files are needed in order to make it run. In order to generate these files do the following.
From the project root open your terminal and type the following:
cd android
echo -e "storePassword=mockvalue\nkeyPassword=mockvalue\nkeyAlias=mockvalue\nstoreFile=./release.keystore" > keystore.properties
keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore release.keystore -alias mockvalue -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -storepass mockvalue -keypass mockvalue -dname "CN=Mock, OU=Mock, O=Mock, L=Mock, ST=Mock, C=US"
Then type the following on your terminal:
yarn install:all
yarn start
Then open a new instance of the terminal on the project root and type:
yarn android:emus
to select an android emulator to run the app (you need to have at least once active emulator on your android studio).
In order to submitng a merge request please do the following:
the repo,- create a branch from
using the following convention for naming it. - Before opening a merge request create an issue if there isn't one already opened.
Name your branch using the following convention:
feat-<branch name here>
bug-<branch name here>
Then open a merge request pointing to this repo's main
branch. Please follow the merge request template when submitting.
This project uses conventional commits format for commit messages. Please use this when you submit a merge request.
Read more here
You are not required to write any tests, although new tests are always welocome :) but please make sure that current tests are passing on the CI phase and are not failing.
Please add a video screen recording of the UI/UX flow or a screenshot of your device/simulator if the merge request contains changes in the UI/UX flow.
To generate the i18n files for every language,
create a .env.local
file with the open ai key:
and then run yarn i18n:generate
to only generate the i18n types run:
yarn i18n:types
to run unit tests:
yarn test
to check unit test coverage:
yarn test:coverage
This project uses Maestro for E2E tests. Read more here(https://maestro.mobile.dev/cli/cloud) Simple setup. Maestro is a single binary that works anywhere.
Step 1: Install Maestro To get started with Maestro, install it using the following command: curl -Ls "https://get.maestro.mobile.dev" | bash
To upgrade the Maestro CLI: curl -Ls "https://get.maestro.mobile.dev" | bash
Step 2: Prepare the Environment
On the .env.local
file, paste this two lines and replace <e2e_mnemonic>
with your mnemonic
# maestro test
Step 1: Prepare the Environment
Navigate to your platform tools directory: cd
Install adb
Open Android Studio
Start an emulator ./adb devices You should see an emulator listed.
Step 2: Generate and Install the APK
Generate the APK Locally: yarn purge yarn install:all yarn e2e.android.build.d
Start the Metro builder: yarn start:test
Install the APK on the emulator: ./adb -s emulator-5554 install ../veworld-mobile/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Step 3: Execute Tests Run the flow.yaml file to start the test: maestro test .maestro (This command looks for the config file in the .maestro folder and picks the flows for execution.)
Uninstall the App (if needed): ./adb -s <emulator_id> uninstall org.vechain.veworld.app
Step 1: Prepare the Environment
List iOS devices: xcrun simctl list (List of ios devices with device ids)
Boot an iOS device: xcrun simctl boot <device_id>
Step 2: Generate and Install the App
Generate the iOS App Locally: yarn purge yarn install:all yarn e2e.ios.build.d
Start the Metro builder: yarn start:test
Install the App: xcrun simctl install <device_id> <ios_app_location>
Step 3: Execute Tests
Run tests: maestro test .maestro
Uninstall the App (if needed): xcrun simctl uninstall <device_id> org.vechain.veworld.app
For any issues or further assistance, please refer to the Maestro documentation(https://maestro.mobile.dev/)
The deployment process is automated for both Andorid and iOS. Every evening release-overnight.yaml is ran to check if there was any new PRs merged into main in the past day if so then the release process is kicked off for both operating systems. The release artifacts are then uploaded to the relevant app stores ready for testing and further release to end users.