If you want to list for check if domain is present you can get JSON format with the API (Ex: @daily curl https://junkmail.valentin-deville.eu/domains/list > mylocallist.json)
Get list on https://junkmail.valentin-deville.eu/domains/list (JSON Format)
API is free, please do not abuse!
To add Domain, make pull request ! Just add empty file on domains/ folder with name of domain include extension.
Fork this repo in your github account and create pull request:
touch domains/yopmail.com
git add domains/yopmail.com
git commit -m "Add yopmail.com"
git push origin master
Make pull request here
Thank to all contributors !
MyTheValentinus API -> https://github.com/MyTheValentinus/junkMailAPI