English | 中文
Varlet Release
is a tool used for publishing all packages, generating change logs, and checking commit messages
, relying on pnpm
pnpm add @varlet/release -D
# Release all packages and generate changelogs
npx vr release
# Specify remote name
npx vr release -r https://github.com/varletjs/varlet-release
# or
npx vr release --remote https://github.com/varletjs/varlet-release
# Just generate changelogs
npx vr changelog
# Specify changelog filename
npx vr changelog -f changelog.md
# or
npx vr changelog --file changelog.md
# Lint commit message
npx vr lint-commit -p .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
# Publish to npm, which can be called in the ci environment
npx vr publish
Params | Instructions |
-r --remote <remote> | Specify remote name |
-s --skip-npm-publish | Skip npm publish |
-c --check-remote-version | Check if the remote version of the npm package is the same as the one you want to publish locally, if so, stop execution. |
-sc --skip-changelog | Skip generate changelog |
-sgt --skip-git-tag | Skip git tag |
-nt --npm-tag <npmTag> | npm tag |
Params | Instructions |
-f --file <filename> | Specify changelog filename |
-rc --releaseCount <releaseCount> | Release count |
-p --preset <preset> | Specify changelog preset |
Params | Instructions |
-p --commitMessagePath <path> | The path of the temporary file to which the git message is submitted. The git hook commit-msg will pass this parameter |
-r --commitMessageRe <reg> | Validate the regular of whether the commit message passes |
-e --errorMessage <message> | Validation failed to display error messages |
-w --warningMessage <message> | Validation failed to display warning messages |
Params | Instructions |
-c --check-remote-version | Detects whether the remote version of the npm package is the same as the package version to be published locally, and if it is, skip the release |
-nt --npm-tag <npmTag> | npm tag |
import { changelog, release } from '@varlet/release'
// Do what you want to do...
You can pass in a task that will be called before the publish after the package version is changed.
import { changelog, release } from '@varlet/release'
async function task() {
await doSomething1()
await doSomething2()
release({ task })
interface PublishCommandOptions {
preRelease?: boolean
checkRemoteVersion?: boolean
npmTag?: string
function publish({ preRelease, checkRemoteVersion, npmTag }: PublishCommandOptions): Promise<void>
function updateVersion(version: string): void
interface ReleaseCommandOptions {
remote?: string
skipNpmPublish?: boolean
skipChangelog?: boolean
skipGitTag?: boolean
npmTag?: string
task?(newVersion: string, oldVersion: string): Promise<void>
function release(options: ReleaseCommandOptions): Promise<void>
interface ChangelogCommandOptions {
file?: string
releaseCount?: number
| 'angular'
| 'atom'
| 'codemirror'
| 'conventionalcommits'
| 'ember'
| 'eslint'
| 'express'
| 'jquery'
| 'jshint'
function changelog({ releaseCount, file, preset }?: ChangelogCommandOptions): Promise<void>
function isVersionCommitMessage(message: string): string | false | null
function getCommitMessage(commitMessagePath: string): string
interface CommitLintCommandOptions {
commitMessagePath: string
commitMessageRe?: string | RegExp
errorMessage?: string
warningMessage?: string
function commitLint(options: CommitLintCommandOptions): void