URBIT Token - UIP-0132
Currently deployed Sepolia contract addresses:
Contract Name | Address |
Azimuth | 0xF07cD672D61453c29138c8db5b44fC9FA84811B5 |
TokenTreasury | 0x9B4FBc6872227F1DC38b63C9bD68EF090acAA602 |
PlanetToken | 0xF3F55D64D57e7A812C3e5e4B6d36A851Df85787D |
Ecliptic | 0x2E35a61198C383212CeF06C22f1E81B6b097135C |
Polls | 0x3A3a06199Dc537FB56A6975A8B12A8eD7fCbf897 |
Claims | 0xdB164DBEF321e7DE938809fE35A5A8A928c4F4df |
This project uses Node.js v22.13.0. If you're using nvm
, run: nvm use
This will spin up a local hardhat chain and let you interact without needing Metamask or an Infura API key.
In the project directory:
npm install
Start the Hardhat development blockchain:
npx hardhat node
In a new terminal window, deploy the contracts to the local Hardhat network:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
Now navigate to the ui
folder. Install the UI dependencies and start the development server:
cd ui
npm install
npm run dev
Your local frontend should now be accessible at http://localhost:5173 (or another port if configured).