Better TLS and Tor App Integration
NetCipher is a library for Android that provides multiple means to improve
network security in mobile applications. It provides best practices TLS
settings using the standard Android HTTP methods, HttpURLConnection and
Apache HTTP Client, provides simple Tor integration, makes it easy to
configure proxies for HTTP connections and WebView
More specifically this library provides:
- Hardening of TLS protocol support and cipher suites, especially on older versions of Android (e.g. 4.4 and older)
- Proxied Connection Support: HTTP and SOCKS proxy connection support for HTTP and HTTPS traffic through specific configuration
- OrbotHelper: a utility class to support application integration with Orbot (Tor for Android). Check if its installed, automatically start it, etc.
- Optional, custom certificate store based on the open Debian root CA trust store, which is built with Mozilla's CA collection.
IT MUST BE NOTED, that you can use this library without using Orbot/Tor, but obviously we think using strong TLS/SSL connections over Tor is just about the best thing in the world.
Developers can create their own CACert store using the information provided by our CACertMan project:
It can be used in combination with the MemorizingTrustManager, to support user prompted override for non-validating certificates.
Once Orbot connects successfully to the Tor network, it offers two proxy servers running on localhost that applications can route their traffic through.
HTTP Proxy: localhost:8118 SOCKS 4/5 Proxy: localhost:9050
The sample project shows the basics of how to use this library to open sockets
and make HTTP requests via the SOCKS and HTTP proxies available from
Orbot. The standard HttpURLConnection
and Apache HTTP Client libraries
provide calls to setup proxying. This sample code demonstrates that. All
applications using the SOCKS proxy should not resolve their DNS locally, and
instead should pass the hostnames through the SOCKS proxy.
Provides simple helper to check if Orbot is installed, and whether it is currently running or not. Allows your app to request Orbot to start (user is optionally prompted whether to start or not). Finally, it can show a user prompt to install Orbot, either from Google Play, F-Droid, or via direct APK download as a last resort.
For apps with on-device servers, it can also assists in requesting a Tor
Hidden Service from Orbot, and discovering the assigned .onion
The binary jar, source jar, and javadoc jar are all available on jcenter()
and they all include GPG signatures. To include this library using gradle,
add this line to your build.gradle:
compile 'info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher:1.2'
Otherwise, the files can also be downloaded directly from
The simplest way to use NetCipher to integrate with Tor via Orbot is
to use the StrongBuilder
implementations. There is one of these for
each of the four most popular HTTP client APIs for Android:
HTTP Client API | StrongBuilder Implementation |
HttpUrlConnection |
StrongConnectionBuilder |
OkHttp3 | StrongOkHttpClientBuilder |
Volley | StrongVolleyQueueBuilder |
Apache HttpClient | StrongHttpClientBuilder |
(HttpClient is supported by means of the
not the discontinued HttpClient implementation in the Android SDK)
You will need up to three dependencies to pull in the right bits for your project.
At minimum, you will need the netcipher
base artifact. The StrongBuilder
classes are in 2.0.0 and higher:
compile 'info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher:2.0.0-alpha1'
If you are planning on using HttpURLConnection
and StrongConnectionBuilder
that is all you need.
If you plan on using one of the other supported HTTP client APIs and its
associated builder, you need to also request the appropriate artifact
in addition to requesting the netcipher
HTTP Client API | NetCipher Artifact |
OkHttp3 | info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher-okhttp3 |
HttpClient | info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher-httpclient |
Volley | info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher-volley |
Plus, you will need whatever artifact contains your HTTP client API:
HTTP Client API | Library Module |
OkHttp3 | com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.2 |
HttpClient | |
Volley | |
So, for example, a project wishing to use OkHttp3 and NetCipher together would have these dependencies, in addition to any others that the project needs:
compile 'info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher:2.0.0-alpha1'
compile 'info.guardianproject.netcipher:netcipher-okhttp3:2.0.0-alpha1'
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.2'
is a singleton that manages a lot of the asynchronous
communication between your app and Orbot. It is designed to be initialized
fairly early on in your app's lifecycle. One likely candidate is to have
a custom Application
subclass, where you override onCreate()
set up OrbotHelper
So, you might have something like this:
public class SampleApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
would need to be registered in your manifest via
the <application>
Each of the four builder classes has a public
constructor, taking a Context
as a parameter, that you could use.
A better choice is to call the static forMaxSecurity()
method, which also
takes a Context
as a parameter:
StrongOkHttpClientBuilder builder=StrongOkHttpClientBuilder.forMaxSecurity(this)
(assuming that this
is a Context
, such as an Activity
Note that the StrongBuilder
classes will hold onto the Application
context to avoid memory leaks, so you do not have to worry about that
The forMaxSecurity()
method will ensure that your builder is configured
with defaults that maximize security. In particular, it pre-configures
the builder with withBestProxy()
, described below.
If you want, you can call a series of methods on the builder to further configure its behavior. As the name suggests, methods on these builder classes return the builder object itself, implementing a builder-style API.
The key methods are:
, which chooses either the HTTP or the SOCKS proxy offered by Orbot, based on which is available for use by the HTTP client API you are trying to use (e.g., OkHttp3 does not support SOCKS) -
, if you are really sure that you want to not usewithBestProxy()
, if you have aTrustManager[]
that you wish to use to tailor the behavior of any SSL connections made through the HTTP client API -
, if you are running into compatibility issues with the stock selection of supported ciphers -
, if you want to confirm that not only we use Orbot, but that the communications via Orbot appear to be happening over Tor itself
Of these, withTrustManagers()
is the most likely one to be used,
and then only if you are implementing special SSL handling (e.g.,
certificate pinning).
In addition, if you are using HttpURLConnection
, you need to call
, passing in the URL that you wish to connect to
(either as a String
or a URL
). This pre-configuration of the URL
is not required for the other three builders, making them much more
flexible and reusable.
To get a connection, call build()
on the builder. This takes a
parameter, where C
depends on which
of the four HTTP client APIs you are using:
HTTP Client API | StrongBuilder Implementation |
Callback Type |
HttpUrlConnection |
StrongConnectionBuilder |
StrongBuilder.Callback<HttpURLConnection> |
OkHttp3 | StrongOkHttpClientBuilder |
StrongBuilder.Callback<OkHttpClient> |
Volley | StrongVolleyQueueBuilder |
StrongBuilder.Callback<RequestQueue> |
Apache HttpClient | StrongHttpClientBuilder |
StrongBuilder.Callback<HttpClient> |
Your Callback
needs to implement four methods.
The big one is void onConnected(C client)
, where you are handed an instance
of your designated HTTP API connection (e.g., an OkHttpClient
for OkHttp3).
At this point, the client object is set up to communicate through Tor
by means of Orbot, and you are free to start using it for your HTTP requests.
However, do not make any assumptions about the thread on which onConnected()
is called; please do your HTTP I/O on your own background thread.
You also need to implement:
void onConnectionException(Exception e)
, which is called if we ran into some problem, so you can report it to the user, log it to your crash reporting server, etc. -
void onTimeout()
, which is called if we were unable to talk to Orbot within 30 seconds -
void onInvalid()
, which is called if you requested that we validate the Tor connection and that test failed
Note that build()
itself may throw an Exception
as well, which you will
need to address. Otherwise, build()
is asynchronous; you will find out
the results via your Callback
. Note that the Callback
methods may be
invoked on any thread — do not assume that the methods will be
called on any particular thread.
For example, assuming that this
, you could have code like:
private void doThatHttpThing() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// do something useful
public void onConnected(final OkHttpClient client) {
// use the OkHttpClient on a background thread
public void onConnectionException(Exception e) {
// do something useful
public void onTimeout() {
// do something useful
This project contains a sample app for each of the four HTTP client APIs:
HTTP Client API | Sample App |
HttpUrlConnection |
sample-hurl |
OkHttp3 | sample-okhttp3 |
Volley | sample-volley |
Apache HttpClient | sample-httpclient |
Each of the four apps does the same thing: request the latest Stack Overflow
questions and show them in a list. What differs between the
samples is which dependency and HTTP client API that they use.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. The best place to start is our community forums and To send a direct message, email [email protected]
We want your feedback! Please report any problems, bugs or feature requests to our issue tracker: