Serious Runner а small program that loads and runs content created by users for the game Serious Sam Classic.
As you know, over the years since the game's release, users have created mods, additional maps, and map packs for Serious Sam. The game interface allows you to launch additional maps and modifications, but this is not implemented very conveniently. Maps and mods may contain Cyrillic names, which leads to incorrect display of characters, unless support for the corresponding language is installed in the game. In addition, users do not know where to get additional content for the game. I decided to write a program to simplify this process. More than 600 maps created by enthusiasts for single play were reviewed. About half of them were selected and posted on the Web Archive, and all information about them was entered into the SQL database. The goal was to select the best cards with beautiful design and interesting gameplay.
Serious Runner allows you to download and run additional maps and mods created by enthusiasts. You can also add your own or other maps using the release form on github. After verification, the cards will be added to the SQL database.
When launched for the first time, the program checks for the presence of the database along the path:
If the database is not installed, it will be searched in the home directory (or /usr/share/seriousrunner/DB depending on the installation type). Once the SQL database is found, it will be placed in the above path.
Next, the program will notify you about the need to install the program and install the game data, and the main program window will open.
The first thing to do is install the game. After clicking the Install Games button, the program will first download the latest release of the game from GitHub, unpack it into the /tmp directory and copy the contents along the path:
Then, the program will download the settings and configuration files and place them there. As a result, we will have a local copy of the games located at the following paths:
The second stage of installation is installing the game data to the above local paths. To do this, the game data must be unpacked in your home directory. If you purchased the game on Steam, then there is no need to place game data. After clicking the button Search and install game data, the program will find it and copy it to its local copy of the game, according to the paths indicated above. This completes the installation procedure.
With using Qt5:
libQt5Gui, libQt5Core, libQt5Widgets, libQt5Sql, libQt5Network
With using Qt6:
libQt6Gui, libQt6Core, libQt6Widgets, libQt6Sql, libQt6Network
Basic Dependencies:
cmake >=3.14, glibc >=2.24, zlib, bzip2, libarchive, liblzma
For example, to build from Ubuntu/Debian, run the commands:
With using Qt5
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential cmake qtbase5-dev libarchive-dev liblzma-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev
With using Qt6
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential cmake qtbase6-dev libarchive-dev liblzma-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev
For build and run from ALT Linux:
With using Qt5
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qt5-base-devel libarchive-devel liblzma-devel bzip2-devel zlib-devel
sudo apt-get install qt5-base-common libarchive liblzma bzip2 zlib
With using Qt6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qt6-base-devel libarchive-devel liblzma-devel bzip2-devel zlib-devel
sudo apt-get install qt6-base-common libarchive liblzma bzip2 zlib
Type this in your terminal:
git clone
cd Serious-Runner
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .
make -j4
git clone
cd Serious-Runner
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
make install
It is assumed that you have a deployed development environment that includes Qt5 or Qt6, MinGW-w64, CMake, OpenSSL 64-bit. You can find documentation on the deployment of this environment on the Internet. Using this environment you need to build the following libraries from source code:
- zlib
- bzip2
- xz-utils (You can download a ready-made dev-build from the project page)
- libarchive
You need to place the resulting libraries and header files in:
"C:/Program Files/GnuWin64/lib"
"C:/Program Files/GnuWin64/include"
To statically link the library with the program, edit the CMakeLists.txt file, setting the ON option for:
and place statically the libraries and header files in
"C:/Program Files/GnuWin64-static/lib"
"C:/Program Files/GnuWin64-static/include"
f you have a compiled static version of Qt5, you can build a static version of the application containing just one file, next to which you only need to place two openssl libraries.
You can take ready-made libraries and header files from the GnuWin project directory. Once everything is ready, open the powershell and run the commands:
git clone
cd Serious-Runner
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
After receiving the original executable file, add the necessary libraries and plugins to the program directory. See file TREE.
To create a program installer, use the commands:
cd Serious-Runner
cd Install
binarycreator.exe -f -v -c "config/config.xml" -p "packages" "Serious-Runner-1.1.1-win64-Installer.exe"
- You must have it installed Qt Installer Framework
You can download the finished release for Linux, Alpine Linux(musl), FreeBSD and Windows on the releases page:
Just unpack the archive in any location convenient for you in your home directory. The only condition is the presence of game data for the games Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter and Serious Sam Classic The Second in the home directory, the program will do the rest itself.
For those using Ubuntu, you can use the installation from the PPA by adding ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam to your system's Software Sources.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam
sudo apt update
sudo apt install seriousrunner
This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.
deb version main
deb-src version main
Where version: jammy, lunar, mantic.
To build a Serious Runner under Arch Linux you can use the package from AUR: You can download the zst package file for installation on the system on the release page.
To build a Serious Runner for gentoo, use a overlay containing ready-made ebuilds for building the Serious Runner. Type this in your terminal:
eselect repository enable serioussam
emaint sync --repo serioussam
emerge -av seriousrunner --autounmask=y
From the release page you can download ready-made builds of the portable version and the installer with both dynamic and static linking. With support for OpenSSL v1.1 and OpenSSL v3.
CI | Platform | Compiler | Configurations | Platforms | Status |
GitHub Actions | Ubuntu, Alpine, FreeBSD, Windows | GCC, Clang, MinGW-w64 | Release | x64 |
You can download a the automatically build based on the latest commit.
To do this, go to the Actions tab, select the top workflows, and then Artifacts.
To start the game, you'll need the original resurces of a licensed copy of Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.
If you have a digital copy of the game on Steam then the resources can be found in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Serious Sam Classic The Second Encounter/ (the default Steam game installation directory on Linux). The program will find these resources itself
If you bought a digital on GOG, you can unpack the resources with the innoextract CLI tool. To install innoextract via your package manager, run:
sudo apt-get install innoextract
Copy files "setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe" and "setup_serious_sam_the_second_encounter_2.1.0.8.exe" to a home directory and run the following commands:
cd ~/.
innoextract --gog setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe
mv app samtfe
innoextract --gog setup_serious_sam_the_second_encounter_2.1.0.8.exe
mv app samtse
After launching the program and installing the game data, you can delete it.
rm setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe
rm setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe
rm -rf samtfe
rm -rf samtse
If you bought a physical copy of the game and you have an ISO of your disk, you can unpack the resources with the any archive manager. Game resources are located in the Install directory of the disk. Just copy all content from there to home directories.
When you first start the game, it is possible that the monsters will be frozen (will not move). This is not due to the Serious Runner, but to the fact that the level is launched from the command line. The solution is very simple. You need to stop the game, launch any game level from the menu for 1-2 seconds and exit the game. The game will overwrite the configuration file and the next game starts will be fine.
If you have a lot of files in your home directory, then searching for game data after clicking the "Search and install game data" button may take some time. Just be patient. In the usual case, it takes 2-3 seconds.
Linux (glibc)
Alpine Linux (musl)
There are no plans
Themes are based on under the
MIT license.
Serious Runner licensed under the GNU GPL v2 (see LICENSE file).