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A tool to map and match CityGML datasets, as well as interpret their changes, all by using graphs.


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What it is

A tool to map and match CityGML datasets, as well as interpret their changes, all by using graphs.

  • MAPPING: CityGML datasets are represented as graphs and stored in the graph database Neo4j. The mapping process is very flexible and can support both versions 2.0 and 3.0 of CityGML (as it uses citygml4j).

  • MATCHING: The graph representations of the mapped CityGML datasets are matched based on both their semantic and geometric properties. Spatial indexing (such as R-Tree) is used to accelerate matching time in massive datasets.

  • INTERPRETING: The change detection process often results in a high number of low-semantic-level changes. This interpretation process reduces this number, while simultaneously increasing the semantic contents of changes.

The ultimate goal of this tool is to provide a precise, expressive, and human-centered interpretation of changes in CityGML.


How to run it

This tool can be used in two ways: either via Gradle or via Docker. For testing purposes, Docker is recommended.

What is needed:

  1. Make sure Docker is up and running.

  2. Pull the following image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull sonnguyentum/citymodel-compare:1.0.0

    To use latest (experimental) functionalities, pull the following image instead:

     docker pull sonnguyentum/citymodel-compare:1.0.0-dev
  3. Run the image:

    # Linux 
    docker run \
       -it --rm \
       -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
    # Windows
     docker run ^
        -it --rm ^
        -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 ^

    This will start a Neo4j instance with all necessary dependencies installed. The parameters are as follows:

    • -it: Interactive mode.
    • --rm: Remove the container after it exits.
    • -p 7474:7474: Expose port 7474 of the container to port 7474 of the host machine. This is the port used by the Neo4j browser (such as visualization and inspecting Cypher queries).
    • -p 7687:7687: Expose port 7687 of the container to port 7687 of the host machine. This is the port used by the Neo4j Bolt connector (such as for RESTful services).

    Notes: To simplify the process for testing purposes, the Docker container has already been loaded with a test dataset. This dataset includes an older and a newer tiled CityGML dataset of Hamburg, from 2016 and 2022, respectively, which are publicly available here.

    Notes: Once started, the datasets will be automatically mapped and matched, and their changes will be interpreted and stored in the graph database. All from scratch, no existing Neo4j database instance is contained in the Docker container beforehand. Please refer to this section for more details on how to use your own datasets.

That's it! The old and new CityGML datasets have been mapped, matched, and interpreted. You are now ready to use the tool.

How to test it

Now that the tool is up and running, we can test it with a few simple examples. In this section, we will use the datasets already prepared and available for use in the Docker container.

  1. Open Neo4j Desktop, click create new Remote Datase and add the following connection details:


If requested, the default username and password are both neo4j. The following window should appear:

Neo4j Browser

  1. In Neo4j Browser, run the following query to count the number of nodes created for the old datasets:

    RETURN count(n)
    Result: 35095

    Similarly, run the following query to count the number of nodes created for the new datasets:

    RETURN count(n)
    Result: 35324
  2. To see how many buildings the old dataset has:

    MATCH (n:`__PARTITION_INDEX__0`:`org.citygml4j.model.citygml.building.Building`) 
    RETURN count(n)
    Result: 46

    And the new dataset:

    MATCH (n:`__PARTITION_INDEX__1`:`org.citygml4j.model.citygml.building.Building`)
    RETURN count(n)
    Result: 47
  3. Now, let's see how many literal changes (i.e. on the lowest semantic level) have been detected:

    MATCH (c:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`)
    WHERE NOT exists((:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`)-[:AGGREGATED_TO]->(c))
    RETURN count(c)
    Result: 2540

    All changes are labelled with jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change. The second line with WHERE is used to filter out changes on the lowest level, meaning they do not have any incoming interpretation edges from other changes.

  4. To count the number of interpretation nodes created from these literal changes:

    MATCH (c:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`)
    WHERE exists((:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`)-[:AGGREGATED_TO]->(c))
    RETURN count(c)
    Result: 1512
  5. To see how many literal changes have been interpreted:

    MATCH (c:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`)
    WHERE NOT exists((:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`)-[:AGGREGATED_TO]->(c))
    AND exists((c)-[:AGGREGATED_TO]->(:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change`))
    RETURN count(c)
    Result: 723

    This means that, of the 2540 literal changes, 723, or 28%, have been interpreted.

  6. To visualize a building and its changes:

    MATCH paths=(:`__PARTITION_INDEX__0`:`org.citygml4j.model.citygml.building.Building` 
    { id:'DEHH_0681b536-7e9c-478f-b131-0f96d1bc7717' })
    RETURN paths

    The building and its directly connected changes are shown as follows:

    An example building and its connected changes

As shown in the figure, this roofs of this building have been raised by some amount. The pattern includes:

  • The building's measuredHeight has been changed by dh_m > 0

  • The building's roof surfaces have been translated by dh_r > 0

  • The building's ground surfaces have been translated by a small dh_g (signed, + is upwards, - is downwards)

  • The building's walls have grown in height by dh_w > 0, such that dh_w = dh_m = dh_r + dh_g

  1. To find out how many such buildings with raised roofs have been detected:

    MATCH (c:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change` {change_type: 'RaisedBuildingRoofs'})
    RETURN b, c

    This query returns 6 buildings:

    Buildings with raised roofs

    The raise margins dh_m can be queried as follows:

    MATCH (c:`jgraf.neo4j.diff.Change` {change_type: 'RaisedBuildingRoofs'})
    RETURN round(toFloat(c.RIGHT_PROPERTY_VALUE) - toFloat(c.LEFT_PROPERTY_VALUE), 3) AS dh_m
    ORDER BY dh_m ASC

    The sorted results are as follows:

Order dh_m (m)
1 0.008
2 0.05
3 0.12
4 0.188
5 0.251
6 1.025
  1. To list all rule nodes used for all interpretations:

    MATCH (r:RULE)
    RETURN r

    The results are as follows:

    Visualization of all rules
  2. To inspect the rules specifically for raised roofs:

    MATCH (p)-[]->(r:RULE {change_type:'RaisedBuildingRoofs'})
    RETURN p, r

    In the figure below, the node in the center represents the rule RaisedBuildingRoofs, while the others represent:

    • UpdatedBuildingMeasuredHeight
    • TranslatedBuildingRoofs
    • SizeChangedBuildingWalls
    • TranslatedBuildingGrounds
    Visualization of rules for raised roofs
  3. These rules are defined in Cypher. Please refer to this Cypher file for more details.

Buildings with raised roofs

How to use my own datasets

The following steps are required to use your own datasets:

  1. Clone this project:

    git clone
    cd citymodel-compare
  2. Copy your datasets into the input directory, such as:

    # Copy old.gml and new.gml into the input directory
    cp /path/to/your/datasets/old.gml input/
    cp /path/to/your/datasets/new.gml input/
  3. Edit file citygmlv2.conf in the config directory to include these datasets:

    # Input dataset to map onto graphs, can have multiple files/directories
    # If a path is a directory, ALL files in that folder shall be imported as one
    mapper.dataset.paths = [


    • The value mapper.dataset.paths can point to either files or directories. If the path is a directory, all files in that folder shall be imported as one.
    • The first file in the list is considered the old dataset, while the second is the new dataset.
    • The file citygmlv2.conf is used for CityGML v2.0 datasets. For CityGML v3.0 datasets, edit file citygmlv3.conf instead.
  4. Make sure Docker is up and running.

  5. Pull the following image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull sonnguyentum/citymodel-compare:1.0.0
  6. Run the Docker container with bind mounts (make sure you are in the cloned citymodel-compare directory):

    # Linux
    docker run \
        -it --rm \
        -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
        -v "/path/to/config:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/config" \
        -v "/path/to/input:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/input" \
        -v "/path/to/output:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/output" \
        -v "/path/to/scripts:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/scripts" \
    # Windows
    docker run ^
        -it --rm ^
        -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 ^
        -v "/path/to/config:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/config" ^
        -v "/path/to/input:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/input" ^
        -v "/path/to/output:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/output" ^
        -v "/path/to/scripts:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/scripts" ^

    The parameters are as follows:

    • -v "/path/to/config:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/config": Bind mount the config directory of the host machine to the config directory of the container. This is where the configuration files are stored. Please replace /path/to/config with the absolute path to the config directory of the host machine.
    • -v "/path/to/input:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/input": Bind mount the input directory of the host machine to the input directory of the container. This is where the datasets are stored. Please replace /path/to/input with the absolute path to the input directory of the host machine.
    • -v "/path/to/output:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/output": Bind mount the output directory of the host machine to the output directory of the container. This is where the results are stored, including the Neo4j database. Please replace /path/to/output with the absolute path to the output directory of the host machine.
    • -v "/path/to/scripts:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/scripts": Bind mount the scripts directory of the host machine to the scripts directory of the container. This is where the rule files and other functions are stored. Please replace /path/to/scripts with the absolute path to the scripts directory of the host machine.

How to define my own pattern rules

The following steps are required to define your own pattern rules:

  1. Clone this project:

    git clone
    cd citymodel-compare
  2. Edit file scripts/rules_v2.cql in the scripts directory to include your own rules. An example of the file can be found here. The rules are defined using Neo4j's Cypher Query Language.

    The rules contain nodes and edges. The nodes are labelled with RULE and the edges are labelled with AGGREGATED_TO. Each node and edge can have properties (see tables below).

  3. Make sure Docker is up and running.

  4. Pull the following image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull sonnguyentum/citymodel-compare:1.0.0
  5. Run the Docker container with bind mounts (make sure you are in the cloned citymodel-compare directory):

    # Linux
    docker run \
        -it --rm \
        -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
        -v "/path/to/config:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/config" \
        -v "/path/to/input:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/input" \
        -v "/path/to/output:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/output" \
        -v "/path/to/scripts:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/scripts" \
    # Windows
    docker run ^
        -it --rm ^
        -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 ^
        -v "/path/to/config:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/config" ^
        -v "/path/to/input:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/input" ^
        -v "/path/to/output:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/output" ^
        -v "/path/to/scripts:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/scripts" ^

    The parameters are as follows:

    • -v "/path/to/config:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/config": Bind mount the config directory of the host machine to the config directory of the container. This is where the configuration files are stored. Please replace /path/to/config with the absolute path to the config directory of the host machine.
    • -v "/path/to/input:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/input": Bind mount the input directory of the host machine to the input directory of the container. This is where the datasets are stored. Please replace /path/to/input with the absolute path to the input directory of the host machine.
    • -v "/path/to/output:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/output": Bind mount the output directory of the host machine to the output directory of the container. This is where the results are stored, including the Neo4j database. Please replace /path/to/output with the absolute path to the output directory of the host machine.
    • -v "/path/to/scripts:/home/gradle/src/citymodel-compare/scripts": Bind mount the scripts directory of the host machine to the scripts directory of the container. This is where the rule files and other functions are stored. Please replace /path/to/scripts with the absolute path to the scripts directory of the host machine.

Node properties

Property Description Mandatory
change_type The type of current change Yes
calc_scope Directive to calculate scope over this type of changes. For example, calc_scope="p1;p2;p3" will calculate scope based on all changes with the same change_type and have the same values of p1, p2, p3. The current implementation allows for fuzzy comparison of numeric and date-time values. For instance, 1.0001 and 1.000 may be considered equal for error tolerance of 0.001. No
tags Tags for the current change. For example, tags="update;thematic;toplevel" will add indications to categorize this change as an update of thematic properties that belong to a top-level feature. No

Edge properties

Property Description Mandatory
next_content_type The type of the target content node. This is used by the interpreter while navigating within the content network. Yes
search_length Specify the maximum length the interpreter should traverse to reach target nodes of next_content_type. No
not_contains Specify the content type that should not be included while travering to the target content node. If a content node of this not_contains is encountered, the interpreter shall exit. For example, not_contains can be used to distinguish changes that belong to a building part or a building. No
name Give a name to the current change. This is needed for joining multiple converging rule edges that are required to create the next interpreted change. The join conditions require ALL converging rule edges to have a unique name. No
join Conditions for joining converging rule edges. Conditions are given in JavaScript syntax. For example, the join conditions fuzzyEquals(parseFloat(rule_measured_height.RIGHT_PROPERTY_VALUE) - parseFloat(rule_measured_height.LEFT_PROPERTY_VALUE), rule_size_changed_walls.z) && fuzzyEquals(rule_translated_roofs.z, parseFloat(rule_size_changed_walls.z) + parseFloat(rule_translated_grounds.z)) takes the properties LEFT_PROPERTY_VALUE and RIGHT_PROPERTY_VALUE of change named rule_measured_height, as well as property z of rule_translated_roofs and rule_size_changed_walls and rule_translated_grounds. The function fuzzyEquals(a, b) is pre-defined and can be freely used to test whether two strings a and b are numerically equal, with error tolerance taking into account. The function parseFloat(a) is available in JavaScript to convert a string to a number. No
scope Test whether the current change belong to a scoped change. There are two values: clustered, and global. If scope is used, weight can be omitted. Note: scopes are only calculated for changes that belong to top-level features. No
conditions Conditions for the creation of the next (interpreted) change. The conditions are given in JavaScript syntax and must be evaluated to true or false. Properties of the current change node can also be used. For instance, PROPERTY_NAME === "measuredHeight" && fuzzyEquals(RIGHT_PROPERTY_VALUE - LEFT_PROPERTY_VALUE, 1.0) can be used to determine whether the current change is an updated measuredHeight, and whether the new value is greater than the old value by 1.0. The function fuzzyEquals(a, b) is pre-defined and can be freely used to test whether two strings a and b are numerically equal, with error tolerance taking into account. No
propagate Directive to propagate the properties of the current change to the next (interpreted) change. For instance, propagate="p1;p2;p3" will propagate the properties p1, p2, and p3. No
weight Determine the number of occurrences of the current changes required for the creation of the next interpreted change. For example, weight=5. If the weight value is not known beforehand, the placeholder * can be used, such as weight=*. This placeholder shall be updated with a concrete value the interpreter during runtime. No

Pre-defined functions

Since conditions and join can be given in JavaScript syntax, pre-defined functions, JavaScript functions, and other JavaScript syntax can be used. The following pre-defined functions are available:

Function Description
fuzzyEquals(a, b) Test whether two strings a and b are numerically equal, with error tolerance taking into account.
spatialEquals(a, b) Test whether two geometries a and b are spatially equivalent, with error tolerances taking into account.

Other JavaScript functions can be used as well. For example, Math.abs(a) can be used to get the absolute value of a, or parseFloat(a) can be used to convert a string a to a number.

The pre-defined functions are defined in JavaScript in the file functions.js. This file is read by the interpreter during runtime, thus you can define your own functions here and use them in conditions or join.

What's next

The following features will be added soon:

  • The ability to run the mapping, matching, and interpretation processes separately.

Buildings with raised roofs

How to cite it

This tool is part of the following publications:

Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.: Identification and Interpretation of Change Patterns in Semantic 3D City Models. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography - Recent Advances in 3D Geoinformation Science - Proceedings of the 18th 3D GeoInfo Conference, Springer, 2023.

Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.: Path-tracing Semantic Networks to Interpret Changes in Semantic 3D City Models. Proceedings of the 17th International 3D GeoInfo Conference 2022 (ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences), ISPRS, 2022.

Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.: Modelling Changes, Stakeholders and their Relations in Semantic 3D City Models. Proceedings of the 16th International 3D GeoInfo Conference 2021 (ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences), ISPRS, 2021, 137-144.

Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.: A Multi-Perspective Approach to Interpreting Spatio-Semantic Changes of Large 3D City Models in CityGML using a Graph Database. Proceedings of the 15th International 3D GeoInfo Conference 2020 (ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences), ISPRS, 2020, 143–150.

Nguyen, Son H.; Yao, Zhihang; Kolbe, Thomas H.: Spatio-Semantic Comparison of Large 3D City Models in CityGML Using a Graph Database. gis.Science (3/2018), 2018, 85-100.

Nguyen, Son H.; Yao, Zhihang; Kolbe, Thomas H.: Spatio-Semantic Comparison of Large 3D City Models in CityGML Using a Graph Database. Proceedings of the 12th International 3D GeoInfo Conference 2017 (ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences), ISPRS, 2017, 99-106.

Nguyen, Son H.: Spatio-semantic Comparison of 3D City Models in CityGML using a Graph Database. Master thesis, 2017.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


The development of these methods and implementations were supported and partially funded by the company CADFEM within a dedicated collaboration project in the context of the Leonhard Obermeyer Center (LOC) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).


If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact:

Son H. Nguyen, M.Sc.

PhD Candidate, Research Associate

Chair of Geoinformatics | Department of Aerospace and Geodesy

TUM School of Engineering and Design | Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany

Email: [email protected]

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