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Piezo board for 3D printer

This is the firmware for my AVR based piezo bedleveling interface for my 3D printer (Schematics and board layouts can be found on GitHub). As described on the above blogpost this board simply interfaces 4 piezo disks directly to the ATMega328P analog digital converter. The disks are biased to allow detecting both positive and negative edges. An additional external port for a capacitive (or inductive, mechanical, optical, etc.) probe is available and the board supports different modes of operation:

  • Piezo only asserts the trigger output whenever the signal of the piezo disks deviated more than the configured threshold from their calibrated centerline.
  • External only passes through the external sensor.
  • Piezo with veto is the default mode of operation. In this mode the trigger signal is generated by the Piezos but only passed to the control logic in case the external sensor also has triggered. This allows the external sensor to act as some kind of gate.
  • Piezo or external triggers whenever any of the sources triggers. This is the mode configured after flashing the board.

The host directory contains a library to interface with the board through I2C and a small command line client that allows one to set and get parameters from the board. The debug commands to get data values are currently not implemented. The host utility is currently designed to run on FreeBSD on the RaspberryPi - but should be easily portable to other operating systems by adding platform specific code to i2c.c (currently planned for Linux to be able to run on OctoPrint images). The I2C interface can also be used directly from Marlin by using GCodes M260 and M261 to issue commands such as recalibration or switching trigger modes in the GCode header.

State of the project

Note that this is work in progress - it currently works well enough for me to be the bed tramming method that I'm using on a daily basis but:

  • Noise is really problematic. Especially noisy fans on the hotend. I have to drive to a location around 3 cm away from the bed before performing calibration
  • I had to do much tuning on the sensitivity (threshold) and running average.
    • Currently I'm personally not using running average at all (alpha = 1)
    • Maybe I'll try implementing a running median filter or moving on to differentials soon

I2C Commands

All I2C commands start with the pattern 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55 that is immediatly followed by an OpCode as well as an length byte. The length includes only data following the Length byte - so a simple request can have a length of 0. It does not include the checksum byte. One can add an arbitrary number of 0xAA, 0x55 sequences to perform resynchronization. The whole packet is followed by the checksum byte - a XOR over all bytes should return 0. The checksum does not include the synchronization pattern but does include opcode and length.

All packets are protected by a simple XOR based checksum and have fixed length. Invalid packets will be silently dropped.

OpCode Data length Content Response data
0x01 0 Query device UUID 16 byte UUID, Checksum
0x02 0 Query current threshold 1 Byte current threshold, 1 Byte checksum
0x03 1 Set current threshold None
0x04 0 Query current sensor readings (raw data) 8 byte sensor readings (2 bytes per channel), 1 byte checksum
0x05 0 Query current running averages 8 byte sensor readings (2 bytes per channel), 1 byte checksum
0x06 1 Set trigger mode (0: Piezos with veto, 1: Only Piezo, 2: Use capacitive probe) None
0x07 0 Get trigger mode 1 Byte data, 1 Byte checksum
0x08 0 Reset board (also erases EEPROM & reverts to default settings) None
0x09 0 Calibrate centerline for piezos None
0x0A 0 Store settings to EEPROM None
0x0B 0 Get alpha value (moving average) 0-100 1 Byte data, 1 byte checksum
0x0C 1 Set alpha value (moving average), 0-100 None