pe-parse is a principled, lightweight parser for Windows portable executable files. It was created to assist in compiled program analysis, potentially of programs of unknown origins. This means that it should be resistant to malformed or maliciously crafted PE files, and it should support questions that analysis software would ask of an executable program container. For example, listing relocations, describing imports and exports, and supporting byte reads from virtual addresses as well as file offsets.
pe-parse supports these use cases via a minimal API that provides methods for
- Opening and closing a PE file
- Iterating over the imported functions
- Iterating over the relocations
- Iterating over the exported functions
- Iterating over sections
- Iterating over resources
- Reading bytes from specified virtual addresses
- Retrieving the program entry point
The interface is defined in parser-library/parse.h
The program in dump-pe/main.cpp
is an example of using the parser-library API to dump
information about a PE file.
Internally, the parser-library uses a bounded buffer abstraction to access information stored in the PE file. This should help in constructing a sane parser that allows for detection of the use of bogus values in the PE that would result in out of bounds accesses of the input buffer. Once data is read from the file it is sanitized and placed in C++ STL containers of internal types.
pe-parse's error handling is not thread safe. If you want to perform PE writes/parses in multiple threads, you must independently synchronize your operations.
pe-parse can be installed via vcpkg:
$ vcpkg install pe-parse
pe-parse includes Python bindings via pepy
, which can be installed via pip
$ pip3 install pepy
More information about pepy
can be found in its README.
- Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install cmake
- RedHat/Fedora:
sudo yum install cmake
- OSX:
brew install cmake
- Windows: Download the installer from the CMake page
git clone
cd pe-parse
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
# optional
cmake --build . --target install
VS 2017 and VS 2019 are supported.
# Compile 64-bit binaries with Visual Studio 2017
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
# Or, with VS 2019, use the -A flag for architecture
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win64 ..
# Pass the build type at build time
cmake --build . --config Release
You can build the (catch2-based) tests by adding -DPEPARSE_ENABLE_TESTING=ON
during CMake configuration. Build, and then run with ctest
or cmake --build . --target test
To run the full test suite with the Corkami test suite, you must clone the submodule with git submodule update --init
You can build the included examples by adding -DPEPARSE_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=ON
during CMake configuration.
If you are familiar with C++ sanitizers and any specific development environment requirements for them (compiler, instrumented standard library, etc.), you can choose to compile with any of the following sanitizers: Address
, HWAddress
, Undefined
, Memory
, MemoryWithOrigins
, Leak
, Address,Undefined
For example, to compile with both Address
and Undefined
sanitizers, use the following (recommended for development and testing, and tested in CI):
mkdir build-san
cd build-san
cmake --build .
Once the library is installed, linking to it is easy! Add the following lines in your CMake project:
find_package(pe-parse REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your_target_name PRIVATE pe-parse::pe-parse)
You can see a full example in the examples/peaddrconv folder.
pe-parse was designed and implemented by Andrew Ruef, with significant contributions from Wesley Shields.
pe-parse is currently maintained by Eric Kilmer and William Woodruff.