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Array slices for Common Lisp

This library provides the following:

  1. A user interface for taking slices (elements selected by the Cartesian product of vectors of subscripts for each axis) of array-like objects. The most important function is slice. Unless you want to define a method for this (besides what is already implemented), this is pretty much all you need from this library. See the next section for a tutorial.
  2. An extensible DSL for selecting a subset of valid subscripts. This is useful if, for example, you want to resolve column names in a data frame in your implementation of slice.
  3. A set of utility functions for traversing slices in array-like objects.

User interface

The most frequently used form is

(slice object slice1 slice2 ...)

Each slice selects a subset of subscripts along the corresponding axis. The library supports the following slice specifications:

  • a nonnegative integer selects the corresponding index, while a negative integer selects an index counting backwards from the last index:
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) 1)                  ; => 1  
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) -2)                 ; => 2    

    These are called singleton slices. Each singleton slice drops the dimension: vectors become atoms, matrices become vectors, etc.

  • (cons start end) selects integers i : start i < end . When end is nil, the last index is included (cf. subseq). Each boundary is resolved according to the other rules if applicable, so you can use negative integers:
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) (cons 1 3))         ; => #(1 2)
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) (cons 1 -1))        ; => #(1 2)

    However, (cons start end) is invalid unless start < end , so you can’t use

    (slice #(0 1 2 3) (cons 2 2))         ; ERROR
  • t selects all subscripts:
    (slice #2A((0 1 2)
               (3 4 5))
           t 1)                           ; => #(1 4)
  • vectors concatenate selections (except for bit vectors):
    (slice #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
            (vector (cons 1 3) 6 (cons -2 -1)))
                                          ; => #(1 2 3 6 8 9)
    (slice #(0 1 2) #(2 2 1 0 0))         ; => #(2 2 1 0 0)
  • bit vectors can be used as a mask:
    (slice #(0 1 2 3 4) #*00110)          ; => #(2 3)

This is pretty much the core functionality — the semantics can be extended, see the next section. The following extensions are provided by the library.

  • including is convenient if you want the slice to include the end of the range:
(slice #(0 1 2 3) (including 1 2))     ; => #(1 2), cf (slice ... (cons 1 3))
  • nodrop is useful if you don’t want to drop dimensions:
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) (nodrop 2))          ; => #(2), cf (slice ... (cons 2 3))
  • head and tail do the obvious:
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) (head 2))            ; => #(0 1)
    (slice #(0 1 2 3) (tail 2))            ; => #(2 3)

All of these are trivial to implement — if there is something you are missing, you can easily extend slice. You may also want to submit a patch!

ref is a version of slice that always returns a single element, so it can only be used with singleton slices.

Slice semantics

Arguments of slice (apart from the first one) are meant to be resolved using canonical-representation, in the cl-slice-dev package. If you want to extend slice, you should define methods for canonical-representation. See the documentation for details, here I provide a simple example that extends the semantics with ordinal numbers.

(defmacro define-ordinal-slice (number)
  (check-type number (integer 0))
  `(defmethod cl-slice-dev:canonical-representation
       ((axis integer) (slice (eql ',(intern (format nil "~:@(~:r~)" number)))))
     (assert (< ,number axis))
     (cl-slice-dev:canonical-singleton ,number)))

(define-ordinal-slice 1)
(define-ordinal-slice 2)
(define-ordinal-slice 3)

(slice #(0 1 2 3 4 5) (cons 'first 'third)) ; => #(1 2)

Note the following:

  1. The value returned by canonical-representation needs to be constructed using canonical-singleton, canonical-range, or canonical-sequence. You should not use the internal representation directly as it is subject to change.
  2. You can assume that axis is an integer: this is the default. An object may define a more complex mapping (such as, for example, named rows & columns), but unless a method specialized to that is found, canonical-representation will just query its dimension (with axis-dimension) and try to find a method that works on integers.
  3. You need to make sure that the subscript is valid, hence the assertion.

Traversing slices

write this

Reporting bugs

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Array slices for Common Lisp







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