Scientist and Sysadmin thriving at the intersection of mathematical models, high-performance computing, and data storage. Specializing in Linux clusters and solid-state microstructure evolution in metals. Passionate about building a better tomorrow.
- 🏳️⚧️ My pronouns are they/them/theirs.
- 🔭 I’m looking for remote-friendly opportunities in research software engineering and Linux systems administration.
- 🌱 I'm learning about PETSc and spectral methods for PDEs.
- 🪨 I'm easily distracted by cool rocks. Every rock is a cool rock.
- 💬 Ask me about
, high-performance computing (HPC), grain growth in metals, really anything of a technical nature! - 📫 Drop me a line! [email protected]
Looking for my contributions on GitHub? Here are a few!
- HPC Carpentry: training materials for novice cluster users.
- HiPerC: apples-to-apples CUDA and OpenACC comparison for diffusion problems.
- floating-point: exploration of how IEEE-754 represents numbers and why it matters.
- Kim-Kim-Suzuki for phase-field binary solidification: save iterations using a lookup table to solve a routine solidification problem.
- Phase-field Precipitate Aging: incomplete model with explicit finite differencing, which can't reconcile the different timescales required.
- MMSP: explicit finite differencing framework for highly parallel execution.